Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Loudest Voice of Comedy Silenced! RIP Gilbert Gottfried.

Today we say goodbye to arguably the most loudest voice in all of comedy, Gilbert Gottfried, who died on April 12, 2022. He was 67 years old. Gottfried, as we know, is known for one thing, having the biggest, loudest voice known to man. Initially a stand up comic, he eventually migrated to other media. In live action movies, he appeared in the first two Problem Child movies as Mr. Peabody and as Sidney Berstein in Beverly Hills Cop II alongside Eddie Murphy. In the world of animation, of all the characters he voiced, my most three favorites are as followed. He was the voice of Kraang Subprime from the 2012 TMNT cartoon, as the mischievous 5th Dimension Imp, Mr. Mxyzptlk from Superman: The Animated Series and my most favorite out of those three, Iago from Aladdin, the loudmouth parrot who was initially a lacky to the series main villain, Jafar, before turning over a whole new leaf in The Return of Jafar. Then, he later did the voice of the Aflac duck, but was replaced due to a tasteless joke he made after the Earthquake/Tsunami disaster in Japan on March 11th, 2011. That story is for another time.

Gottfried died of ventricular tachycardia, which was complicated by type II myotonic dystrophy. Look up Wikipedia for more information about these two heart and muscle disorders. He was survived by his wife and 2 children.

You may be crude, you may be loud, you may be obnoxious. But that is who you are. There may have been people who imitate you, me included, but there can never be another one like you. Godspeed, Gilbert Gottfried. May you be loud as you are funny.

(TAPS plays)

Gilbert Jeremy Gottfried
(February 28th, 1955 - April 12th, 2022)

This has been a Retro Rebellion Special Report

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