Monday, January 28, 2019

RGW - Mega Man 1,2,and 3

Welcome Retroheadz to Retro Gamer Weekdayz. Today,we're gonna be looking at Mega Man's 1-3.As always each review is Short,But To The Point. And,most importantly,Spoiler Free. Let's get to it.

Mega Man
Company: Capcom
Year: 1987
Genre: Action-Platformer
System: NES
# Of Players: 1

Story: The original story has 2 variations: A Japanese version and an American one. First the Japanese version:

In the year 20XX,Nobel Prize winner and brilliant Roboticist,Dr. Thomas Right creates 2 household robots,twins,called Rock and Roll. Both robots were not just robots to him,they were his chikdren. Anyway,Right created 6 Super Robots to help mankind in industrial affairs. Everything was peaceful until Dr.Albert Wily,an old rival and former friend of Dr.Right's,reprograms the 6 Super Robots and sends them on a rampage. Wily,sick of having his genius passed over,announces his plans for Global Conquest. Rock,having a strong sence of justice,volunteers to be converted into a fighter to take down this threat. Right reluctantly does so.... and thus Rockman was born.

Now for the American Story:

In 20XX,Dr.Thomas Light,brilliant roboticist,creates 2 household Robots called Rock and Roll. Light then creates 6 industrial robots called Robot Masters. However,Light's assistant Dr.Albert Wily,sick of having his ideas shunned,decides to take over the world. The first thing he does is establish a Super Lab. Then he returns to Light's Lab to reprogram the 6 Robot Masters. He tries to reprogram Rock too,but it fails. Wily escapes with the Robot Masters back to his Super Lab. The following week,Wily sends the now evil Robot Masters on a terrorising spree. Rock having a strong sence of justice,volunteers to be transformed into a warrior. And thus,Mega Man is Born.

Which version of the story do you like best?

Anyway,Mega Man must now stop Dr.Wily,but before he can,he must destroy the 6 Robot Masters. Once that's done Mega Man can finally go to Wily's Lab and defeat him.

Game Features:
- Run and Gun Action
- Robot Master Stage Selection
- Points System (pick up points balls for more points)
- Variable Weapon System: Get a Robot Masters Weapon after Beating Them.
- The Magnet Beam (hidden in elecman's stage. you can't get past Wily level 1 without it.)
- Each Boss is weak to a certain type of Weapon.
- Restore Health with Yellow Capsules and Weapon Energy with Blue Ones
- Clear the 6 Robot Master stages to head to Wily's Lab.

Graphics and Sound: Graphics-wise this game was somewhat revolutionary for it's time. Not only were the graphics pretty detailed,but Mega Man himself was expressive. Now what I mean by that is that when,Mega was hit there was a look of pain on his face. And when jumping he looked like he was shouting. Animations were also solid. The Music is good too,though not as memorable as other Mega Man Soundtracks

Play Control: Mostly Solid.

Difficulty: Moderate - High.

Fun Factor: Decent.

- Revisit Beaten Robot Master Stages
- The Pause Glitch Trick. Made many bossess less of a pain.

- Ice Man's Stage (for the disappearing blocks and foot holders)
- Not-So-Fun To Use Weapons.
- Pixel Perfect Jumps

Replay Value: Moderate - Low

Thoughts: The beginning of Mega Man's journey to Stardom. Too bad it was with a wimper. I don't have many fond memories with this title. Thankfully things start tl get better with Mega Man 2.

Score: 6/10
Mega Man 2
Company: Capcom
Year: 1988/1989
Genre: Action-Platformer
System: NES
# Of Players: 1

Story: In the year 20XX,Mega Man has defeated Dr. Albert Wily and is enjoying peace. Elsewhere,Dr.Wily decides to retry his World Domination plan. He creates 8 evil Robot Masters as generals for his new army. Each Robot Master is deadly and are programmed to kill Mega Man on sight.

Rock,reluctantly,becomes Mega Man again and gets back into action. His mission: Defeat the 8 Robot Masters,Raid Wily's fortress and bring the evil scientist to Justice.

Game Features:
- Run and Gun Action
- Robot Master Stage Selection
- Variable Weapon System. Beat a Boss,get his Weapon.
- Boss Weaknessess to Certain Weapons
- Get Special Items after beating Heat Man,Air Man,and Flash Man. Item 1 is a Platform,Item 2 is a Jet Sled,and Item 3 is a Wall Walker.
- Password System.
- Restore Health with Yellow Capsules and Weapon Energy with Blue Ones.
- Energy Cans. They can refill your Health whenever. Can carry up to 4.
- Beat the initial 8 stages to access Wily's Skull Fortress.

Graphics and Sound: Same as Mega Man 1. This game Was built using Mega Man 1 as a base after all.

Play Control: Same as Mega Man 1.

Difficulty: Moderate (gets a difficulty raise during the fortress levels)

Fun Factor: Moderate - High

- Fun To Use Weapons (especially tbe metal blade)
- Item's 1 and 2
- Very Iconic Soundtrack
- The E-Cans

- Wily Stage 4
- The Boo Beam Boss of Wily Stage 4
- The Mecha Dragon Chase of Wily Stage 1
- The Force Beams in Quick Man's Level

Replay Value: Moderate - High

Thoughts: Mega Man 2 was the 1st game in the franchise that I owned.

Score: 7.5/10
Mega Man 3
Company: Capcom
Year: 1989/1990
Genre: Action Platformer
System: NES
# Of Players: 1

Story: Dr.Light makes plans to create a Giant Peace Keeping Robot,called Gamma. Dr.Wily appears before Dr.Light one day and claims to be "reformed". Dr.Light decides to forgive and forget and gets Dr.Wily to help him construct Gamma.

After the near completion of the Body,it's time to get the energy resources to power the Robot. So,Dr.Wily sends his Robot Masters to mine for said energy sources on various mining areas throught the world.

However,when the Robot Masters start going crazy,Rock becomes Mega Man again to stop tbe crazed Robot Masters and retrieve the energy sources. Mega Man isn't alone this time,he has Rush,his helpful robotic dog to help him.

Game Features:
- Run and Gun Action
- The Slide Ability (available from the start)
- Robot Master (and doc robot) Stage Selection
- Variable Weapon System. Beat a Boss,get his Weapon.
- Boss Weaknessess to Certain Weapons.
- Get Extra Rush Adapters Items after beating Shadow Man and Needle Man. Rush Marine and Rush Jet. The Rush Coil is available from the start.
- Password System.
- Restore Health with Yellow Capsules and Weapon Energy with Blue Ones.
- Energy Cans. They can refill your Health whenever. Can carry up to 9 this time.
- Beat the selectable stages to access Wily's Skull Fortress.

Graphics and Sound: Slightly better than 2.

Play Control: As good as it was in 2. You have a slide this time.

Difficulty: Easy - Moderate.

Fun Factor: Moderate - High.

- The Slide
- Fully Controllable Rush Jet.
- Cool Weapons.
- A Great Soundtrack.
- Doc Robot
- Proto Man's debut.

- The Incomplete feel of the Fortress Levels.

Replay Value: High

Thoughts: This game is the greatest NES Mega Man title. And my personal fave.

Score: 8/10
Well that's about it for this edition of Retro Gaming Weekdays. Check back for more content later.

See Ya,Space Cowboys!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Greatest Retro Game Soundtracks

Video Games aren't just about gameplay,they are also about the music. In reacent times,Video Game music has gained a huge following in the U.S. In Japan,though,VG tunes were already mega popular.

In fact,In Japan,Anime and Video Game Soundtracks are sold in stores and are a Very common sight. They even sell them online now,so if you wanted to and had the means to,you could buy what was previously unavailable to many outside of Japan.

Awesome huh?

Anyway,Retro Talk proudly presents, The Greatest Soundtracks in Retro Gaming.

Warning: This List Is Very Long!

Honorable Mentions -

Super Adventure Island (Super NES) - A fun soundtrack that's so Early 90's. I recommend it.

Super Mario All-Stars (Super NES) - The 16-bit renditions of the Music are a vast improvement over their 8-bit originals. Plus,they added some more music to Mario 1 and The Lost Levels.

Super Mario World (Super NES) - The 1st 16-bit Mario title had some memorable tunes.

Dr.Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Sega Genesis) - A Sega/Compile collaberation that has a nice little soundtrack.

Super Mario RPG (Super NES) - The first and Only Nintendo/Square collaberation has a fun soundtrack as well.

The 90's Ys Games(Various Platforms): The Ys games are all unplayed by me,but I have watched playthroughs and the music just blew me away. I never played these games,so that's why they're in Honorable Mentions.

The Darkstalkers Trilogy (Various Platforms) - This is yet another game series I've never played. But the music Rocks,anyway.

The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers SNES Trilogy (Super NES) - For licensed games,the music is really good. Seriously,give'em a listen sometime.

The Golden Axe Trilogy (Sega Genesis) - 3 really good soundtracks,that deserve to be mentioned. Plus,the music work well with the medieval theme of the series.

The Sega CD Bios (Sega CD) - Technically not part of a game soundtrack,but still great tunes nonetheless. There were 2 different songs used,one for each version of the Sega CD.

Super Mario Land (Gameboy) - Mario's 1st Gameboy outing. The soundtrack is nice to listen to - Especially the Muda Kingdom theme.

Mega Man Soccer (Super NES) - One of the lesser Mega Man soundtracks. It's still a good listen,though. It's was also Classic Mega Man's 1st 16-bit title.

Yoshi's Island (Super NES) - A fun soundtrack.

Killer Instinct (Arcade/Super NES) - A Killer Soundtrack - especially the Title Theme.
Main List -

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out/Punch-Out (NES) - The soundtrack is one of the best on the NES. However,the soundtrack is pretty short,so enjoyment can be limited. I recommend listening to the 'In-Ring Fight' and 'Little Mac Training' themes. In fact,both have been remixed in Super Smash Bros. WiiU/3DS.

Super Metroid (Super NES) - Have only played this game on emulation,but I gotta tell ya,the soundtrack is great. The music really fits in with the dark atmosphere of Zebes. You truely do get a Mertoid vibe listening to the soundtrack. Just another reason to own this game.

Streets of Rage (Sega Genesis) - This game has some of the best music on the Genesis. It's so 90's,it's Awesome. Yuzo Koshiro is a musical genius.

Streets of Rage 2 (Sega Genesis) - Yuzo Koshiro has done it again. 'Nuff Said.

Streets of Rage 3 (Sega Genesis) - Let's face it,The Streets of Rage trilogy had some of the best music on the Genesis.

Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Genesis) - The very first Sega Genesis soundtrack that I was exposed too. The retro Sonic The Hedgehog titles never disappoint when it comes to music. The top 8 songs on this soundtrack are: Green Hill Zone,Marble Zone,Robotnik's theme,The Special Zone,The Final Zone,Starlight Zone,Spring Yard Zone,and Scrap Brain Zone.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis): The greatness of the Genesis Sonic soundtracks continue with Sonic 2. So,which songs classify as the greatest hits? These: Emerald Hill Zone,Casino Night Zone,Robotnik's Theme,The Special Stage,Mystic Caves Zone,Death Egg Zone,Oil Ocean Zone,The Final Boss,Super Sonic,and The Hidden Palace Zone (which went unused).

Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles: I'm putting both of these titles together,as they're basically a single game split into 2. Sonic 3 and Knuckles (the name of the complete sonic 3) has one of the biggest soundtracks on the Sega Genesis,with over 30 songs. The Best on the Soundtrack are: Knuckles Theme,Ice Cap Zone 1,Lava Reef Zone 1,The Final Battle Theme,The Mid-Boss Theme,The Robotnik Theme,Flying Battery Zone 1,Sandopolos Zone 1,and The Sonic 3 Credits Theme. Michael Jackson was once planned to do the music for the game. But due to Jackson finding it tough to work with The Genesis' audio hardware,the plan was scrapped. Though vestiges of this can still be heard in the Sonic 3 Mid-Boss Theme. Cool huh?

Sonic CD (US,Sega CD): With CD tech,came greater music. Sonic CD was the 1st Sonic Game with CD quality music. The American Soundtrack for this game was great,but it wasn't that Sonic-esque. The reason why the music was replaced,is because Sega America thought it sounded too similar to popular techno music. That's what I've read anyway. The replacement tracks are still good. 'Sonic Boom' remains a favorite to this day. The Special Stage Theme was also great.

Sonic CD (JP,Sega CD): The Japanese version of this game had music that was much more Sonic-esque,and was much more fun to listen to. The music for this game was sweet. Favorites include: Robotnik's Theme,The Special Stage,The Final Boss,Little Planet,Toot-Toot Sonic Warriors,Cosmic Eternity,Stardust Speedway Present,and Metallic Madness Present.

Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Genesis): Another top notch Sonic soundtrack. The Credits Theme is a personal fave.

Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Saturn): For the Saturn version,Sega replaced the already good Genesis soundtrack with an even better one. Sega was batting a thousand with these Sonic Soundtracks. Seriously,every Sonic Soundtrack from Sonic 1 to Sonic Heroes rocked.

Knuckles' Chaotix (Sega 32X): This game was one of the few gems of the 32X. The soundtrack is a must listen. Marina Madness is a personal fave.

Afterburner II (Sega Genesis): The perfect music for a great 16-Bit Genesis dog-fighting game.

Afterburner III (Sega CD): The Afterburner 2 Soundtrack + CD Quality Music + Rock = Epicness!

Castlevania (NES): CV's soundtrack was a great one. So Listen To It Now! I recommend the track 'Wicked Child'.

Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (NES): The 2nd game's soundtrack is almost as great as it's predesessor's. The greatest theme on this track is the Mansion theme.

Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (NES): Konami took everything that made the first and second soundtracks great,and made them even better for this game. Every track is recomendable. CV3's soundtrack fails to disappoint.

Super Castlevania IV (Super NES): A well orchestrated soundtrack that has such a Castlevania feel. Each peice of music goes really well with it's respective atmosphere.

Castlevania - Dracula X (Super NES): Another well ochestrated soundtrack by Konami's Sound Team.

Castlevania - Bloodlines (Sega Genesis) - Castlevania music done using that good 'ol Genesis sound system.

Castlevania 2 - Belmont's Revenge (Gameboy): The best Gameboy CV soundtrack.

Legend of Zelda (NES): The original LoZ game may have been few on tunes,but in this case,it's quality that trumps quantity. Ditto for the sequel.

Zelda II - The Adventures of Link (NES): This sountrack may feel like a step down compared to it's predecessor,but it's still great nonetheless. The Palace and Great Palace themes are the best.

Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past (Super NES): Likely the greatest Zelda Soundtrack,Period. The power of SNES soundchip allowed Nintendo to create a much more realistic-sounding soundtrack. Almost everything about this soundtrack is both memorable and beautiful.

Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening DX (Gameboy Color): Another nicely made soundtrack by Nintendo.

Ninja Guiden (NES): A really good soundtrack.

Ninja Guiden II (NES): An even better soundtrack.

Ninja Guiden III (NES): Another good one. Face it the original NG trilogy had some really cool music.

Double Dragon (NES): The 1st true beat 'em up for the NES has a really good soundtrack.

Double Dragon II - The Revenge (NES): Not as good as it's predecessor,still this soundtrack has some very good tunes. Give them a listen as well.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (NES): A very good soundtrack lifted straight from the Arcade version. It may be in 8-Bit,but it still sounds great.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles In Time (SNES): Best.Ninja Turtle Game Soundtrack. Evah!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Hyperstone Heist (Sega Genesis): It's the Turtles in Time soundtrack done using the Genesis soundcard. However,this game contains an exclusive track....Shredder's Compound. Shredder's Compound is my absolute favorite tune on this soundtrack.

Mega Man 2 (NES) - The soundtrack that started it all for Mega Man Music. Flash Man's theme,Wood Man's Theme,The theme of Wily Fortress 1. So Damn Legendary.

Mega Man 3 (NES) - Mega Man 3 had a fresh soundtrack as well. The 2nd Wily Level theme,Protoman's Whistle,The Ending Theme,The Stage Select Theme,Snake Man's Them,Spark Man's Theme. Every song on this soundtrack is the Ultimate Anti-Suck.

Mega Man: The Wily Wars (Sega Genesis) - Genesis-ized versions of the Mega Man 1,2,and 3 soundtracks. The Wily Tower tunes are the ones You wanna listen to the most.

Mega Man V (Game Boy) - A unique soundtrack,for a unique Mega Man title.

Mega Man 7 (Super NES) - A 16-bit jem that's overlooked by the X Series. The soundtrack is very good,despite it not being as memorable as other Mega Man sountracks. Shade Man's Theme,Wily Fortress Theme 1,The End Credits Theme,The Intro Level,and Bass' Theme are considered the best.

Mega Man X (Super NES) - The most Memorable Mega Man soundtrack on the SNES. Rock music and the Mega Man X series go great together. I love this entire soundtrack. I recommend listening to Boomer Kuwanger,Sigma Stage 1,Sigma Stage 2,The Intro Stage,and Storm Eagle.

Mega Man X2 (Super NES) - Not as great as the 1st one,but still a solid soundtrack. Music Recommendations: Wire Sponge,The Intro Stage,Crystal Snail,and Magne Centepede.

Mega Man 8 (Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn) - Mega Man + the 32-Bit systems = Awesome Music. No joke. The music is beautifully done and is a real joy to listen to. Note,that even though both Soundtracks are the same,the Saturn version has a different theme for Tengu Man. My Recommendations: Tengu Man (saturn),Frost Man,Grenade Man,Bass' Theme,Sword Man,Search Man,The Intro Level,and the American Credits Theme.

Mega Man X4 (Sony Playstation) - The trend of good Mega Man music continued with Mega Man X4. Recommended themes: Both Intro Stage Themes,Slash Beast,Magma Dragoon,Double's Theme,Iris' Theme,and The Intro Theme.

Mega Man X5 (Sony Playstation) - If you thought X4's soundtrack was good,this one's even better. I can't recommend a song here,because the whole damn Soundtrack is just so awesome.

Mega Man: Battle and Chase (Sony Playstation) - A game that we Americans never got as a stand alone game. The music in this game is really awesome and fits the Original Series extremely well. This whole soundtrack is great.

Mega Man Legends (Sony Playstation) - A nice little soundtrack for a fun action-adventure game. Face it,when it comes to soundtracks,the Mega Man franchise rules!

Final Fight (Super NES and The Arcade) - Another gem from Capcom. While the SNES soundtrack is more accessible,the Arcade soundtrack is the definitive version.

Donkey Kong Country (Super NES) - This soundtrack is so awesome. In fact,as part of Nintendo of America's 'Play It Loud Campaign',it was made into a Game Music CD....the very first one realesed in the U.S. Kudos to Rare. Favorite tunes include: The Underwater Theme,The Factory Theme,The Intro Theme,abd The Final Battle.

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (Super NES) - Just as great as it's predecessor. Shame an official Music CD wasn't created. Faves include: The Bramble Levels,The Mine Levels,The Swamp Levels,The Hive Levels,and The Lava Levels.

Chrono Trigger (Super NES) - Nothing I can say can do this Soundtrack justice. I can't recommend this Soundtrack enough.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (Super NES) - The Fake Final Fantasy has a Real Soundtrack. Faves include: The Boss Theme,The Final Dungeon,and The Final Battle.

Final Fantasy VI aka Final Fantasy III US (Super NES) - A Soundtrack that is both beautifully made and memorable. Favorites include: Terra's Theme,The Overworld (balance),The Various Battle Themes,Celes' Theme,The Overworld (ruin),and The Final Dungeon.

Final Fantasy VII (Sony Playstation) - My very very first exposure to the Final Fantasy series,was this game. I immediately loved the soundtrack. Very Epic. Favorites include: Midgar Mission,The Boss Theme,The Midgar Slums,Sephiroth's Theme,The Turks Theme,Both Overworld Themes,The Highway Chase,The Ancient City/Forgotten Capitol,The Underwater Theme,The Jenova Battles,Bizarro Sephiroth,and Safer Sephiroth.

Final Fantasy VIII (Sony Playstation) - Not as epic as VII's,but still a great soundtrack. Beautifully done. I really loved Ultimacia's Castle and The Final Battle,among others.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Arcade/Sony Playstation) - Part of the Street Fighter Collection (along side Alpha 2 Gold). This is the greatest Street Fighter II soundtrack. Every stage theme rocks. Plus theres that epic opening theme.

Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold (Arcade/Sony Playstation) - The definitive version of Street Fighter Alpha 2. Cammy is a hidden character in Alpha 2 Gold,and her theme song rocks. Other faves include: Adon's Stage,Rose's Stage,Charlie's Stage,Sakura's Stage,Rolento's Stage,Akuma's Stage,and All 3 Credits themes.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Arcade/Sony Playstation) - The definitive version of Alpha 3. 'Nuff said. The Credits Theme,Ken's Stage,Cammy's Stage,Rose's Stage,and Vega's Stage are among the best.

Street Fighter: The Movie (Sony Playstation) - A mediocre game with an evil CPU. The music is great,though.

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike (Arcade) - The definitive SF3 soundtrack. The music is truely 90's and I love it. Favorites include: Elena's Stage,Oro's Stage,Q's Stage,Makoto's Level,Ibuki's Level,and The Bonus Stage Themes.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Sony Playstation) - The best music of the first 4 games (mk1,mk2,mk3,and umk3) all in one soundtrack. Best tunes include: The Bridge,The Bank,The Temple,and The Graveyard.

X-Men v Street Fighter (Arcade/Sony Playstation) - One of the first titles in the Capcom Vs. Series. A very sold soundtrack for a mediocre game. Cammy's Theme is a personal favorite.

Marvel Super Heroes (Arcade/Sony Playstation) - A very awesome soundtrack,for a great game. Greatest include: Psylocke's Stage,Dr.Doom's Stage,Wolverine's Stage,and Iron Man's Stage.

Marvel Super Heroes v Street Fighter (Aracade/Sony Playstation) - Soundtrack-wise,This game was a vast improvement over X-Men v Street Fighter. Faves include: M.Bison's Theme,Dan's Theme,Sakura's Theme,Spider-Man's Theme,and Apocolypse' Theme.

Marvel v Capcom (Arcade/Sony Playstation) - A really cool soundtrack featuring the themes of Marvel and Capcom's Finest. Faves include: Morrigan's Theme,Mega Man's Theme,Ryu's Theme,Roll's Theme,and Spider-Man's Theme.

WCW v The World (Sony Playstation) - A really good soundtrack from a decent Wrestling title.

WCW Nitro (Sony Playstation) - Despite being one of the absolute Worst wrestling games ever,WCW Nitro had good music.

WWF Rage In The Cage (Sega CD) - The Only WWF game for the Sega CD. The music was great.

WWF RAW (Sega 32X) - This game had great music as well. And Lex Luger gets a proper theme.

WWF Warzone (Sony Playstation) - A very cool soundtrack.

Super Smash Bros (Nintendo 64) - Lots of fun music and remixes in this soundtrack.

Quite a long list,eh? As you can tell I have a great love for Video Game Music. This list would mame Tommy Tallarico proud. Anyhoo When I do this type thing again,It'll be Mega Man related.

Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Retro Gamer Weekdayz - Super Mario Bros.

Welcome Retroheadz to Retro Gamer Weekdayz. Today,we're gonna be looking at the legendary Super Mario Bros. As always each review is Short,But To The Point. And,most importantly,Spoiler Free. Let's get to it.

Super Mario Bros.
Company: Nintendo
Year: 1985
Genre: Action Platformer
System: NES
# Of Players: 1-2 (Turn Based Play)

Story: The story takes place in the Mushroom Kingdom,a peaceful place where the Mushroom People(called Toads) lived. One day,a warmongering tribe of Turtles invaded and started causing trouble. Lead by the evil King Bowser Koopa,they beat all who got in their way. Bowser decided to finish off buisness by turning all of the Toads into blocks. He then kidnaps Princess Peach,the only one who can undo the spell.

Toad,a Toad who got away, seeks out the Mario Bros for help. The Bros. waste no time and rush off to rescue the Princess and stop King Bowser.

As Mario (or Luigi) you must traverse 8 Worlds to defeat Bowser and save Princess Peach. Along the way Bowser's minions will try to hinder your progress,but you'll have items to help you along the way.

Game Features:
- 2 Player Turn Based Play
- Run,Jump,Stomp Action
- 8 Worlds,Each With 4 Stages
- 4 Power Ups: The Super Mushroom (that makes mario bigger and able to break blocks),The Fire Flower (which gives mario fire powers),The Starman (which makes mario invincible),and The 1Up Mushroom (which grants an extra life).
- Hidden Warp Zones In Levels 1-2 and 4-2
- Coin Heaven and Coin Bonus Sub-Levels
- Collect 100 Coins To Get An Extra Life
- Maze-Esque Castle Levels
- Timed Levels

Graphics and Sound: The Graphics are a bit primitave,but then again,this game came out in 85. Both The Sound and Music are legendary.

Game Control: Good.

Difficulty: Average,though there are a few annoying areas (such as 7-4 and 8-4) and the Hammer Bros (and hammer bowser).

Fun Factor: Good.

- Fun and Addicting GamePlay
- Shooting Fireballs (once you get the fire flower)
- Memorable Music

- World 7-4 and 8-4 (the difficult mqze-esque levels)
- You Can't Stomp In The Underwater Levels

Replay Value: High.

Thoughts: The original Super Mario Bros is considered one of the beloved games of all time. It may be old,but it's still great,

Score: 8/10

That about wraps it up for RGW. Starting Next Time,I'll be doing multiple reviews per post. Cool huh? Until Next Time...

See Ya Space Cowboy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Retro Gamer Weekdayz - Donkey Kong (NES)

Welcome Retroheadz to Retro Gamer Weekdayz. Today,we're gonna be looking at Donkey Kong for the NES.

Donkey Kong
Company: Nintendo
Year: 1986
Genre: Action Platformer
System: NES
# Of Players: 1-2 (turn based)

Story and Concept: The story takes place in New York City,where Donkey Kong,neglected pet Gorilla of Mario the Carpenter,goes on a miscievious rampage and then kidnaps the Carpenters girlfriend,Pauline. Mario chases after Donkey Kong to get his woman back,but the Gorilla isn't about to make things easy for him.

Mario must make his way up various stages to reach Donkey Kong and Pauline,however Mario must avoid many enemies and objects.

Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Fun Factor: Medium

Game Features:
- 2 Player Alternative Play
- Use the Hammers to Destroy Obsticals and Enemies...and Get Points For It.
- Get Points By Jumping Over Enemies and Obsticals.

- Arcade Accurate Gameplay and Graphics (though not sound)

- If Mario Falls,He Dies.
- To Save Cart Space,Nintendo Had to Cut a Level for the NES port - 50m aka The Pie/Cement Factory.
- Too Short

Replay Value: Good.

Score: 6/10

These reviews may have few words,but they're to the point. That's gonna do it for this edition of RGW,next time I'll be reviewing Super Mario Bros.

Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Retro Gamer Weekdayz

It's about time I started posting stuff from my,soon to be defunct,Retro Talk blog. So,let's start with my Weekday Retro Game Review series,Retro Gamer Weekdayz. However,I"ve decided to change the format of the reviews,to make things simpler. Plus I kinda suck at reviews,but I'm gonna give it another shot.

Also note that each of my reviews will be spoiler free.

Anyway,I'm gonna be kicking things off with the NES version of the Arcade Classic that kickstarted the worldwide popularity of Video Games - Pac-Man!

Company: Tengen and Namco
Year: 1988 (tengen version) and 1993 (namco version)
Genre: Maze Chase
System: NES
# Of Players: 1-2 (turn based)

Story: Due to the game being a port of an early [very early] Arcade title,the original Pac-Man has no story. It's just Pac-Man being chased by Ghost Monsters (inky,blinky,pinky,and clyde) in a maze,while eating pellets.

Game Features:
- 2 Player Alternative Play
- Eat All of The Pellets to Complete The Level
- Power Pellets (the big ones) allow Pac-Man to temporarily defeat the Ghost Monsters.
- Eat Fruit for Extra Points
- Fun Cutscenes
- Game Gets Progressively Harder As You Go Through It.

Difficulty: Moderate to Hard

Fun Factor: High

- Great Controls (almost arcade perfect)
- Amusing Cutscenes
- Near Arcade Perfect Graphics
- Fun and Addictive Gameplay

- Lack of an Ending (due to pac-man being an early arcade game).

Replay Value: Good.

Score: 8/10

Well that about does it for tbe 1st addition of Retro Gamer Weekdayz. Hope you guys enjoyed. Next review will be on the NES port of Donkey Kong. Until Then....

Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Movies I Like - Master List

You may recall some time ago (last year),I created a Master List of My Favorite TV Shows (view it here: )

Today,I'm gonna be creating another Master List,this time for Movies. Instead of listing them just by Decade,I'll be listing them by Form as well (ie. animated and live action)

Live Action (20's - 70's):

The Wizard of Oz (the oldest movie on this list)
Most Godzilla Movies (mainly the original japanese versions)
Batman: The Movie (the one that's a continuation of the adam west batman show)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Rocky II
A Christmas Carol (70's)
The Muppet Movie
Star Wars Episode 4 - A New Hope (aka Star Wars)
Star Wars Episode 5 - Empire Strikes Back
Superman the Movie
Live Action (80's and 90's):

Star Wars Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi
Superman II
Superman III
Superman IV - The Quest For Peace
Most Godzilla Movies (japanese only)
The Kevin Sorbo Hercules Movies
Body Slam (an old wrestling movie starring roddy piper and that dude from the a-team.)
Rocky III
Rocky IV
Rocky V (most of it)
The Back to the Future Trilogy
The Karate Kid Trilogy
Ghostbusters 2
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey (most of it)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trilogy (with 3 being my least favorite)
The Wizard (it's a good movie,despite what critics say)
UHF (the movie that starred weird al yankovic)
Street Fighter (it's a fun ride,despite having little to nothing to do with the game series itself - aside from characters,that is.)
Double Dragon (weirdness aside,this was an entertaining movie.)
Mortal Kombat (1995 film)
Mortal Kombat Annihilation (yes,the movie isn't that good,but I still like it)
Home Alone
Home Alone 2: Lost In New York
The Various Muppet Movies
Short Circuit
Short Circuit 2
Super Mario Bros. The Movie (this ones a guilty pleasure,sure it's bad,but still...)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Dick Tracy (a movie that I haven't seen in ages)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch
Batman Returns
Batman Forever (the weakest of the 90's batman movies,but still enjoyable...despite some irritating aspects)
The Beverly Hillbillies
The Various Ernest Movies
The Flinstones
Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Look Who's Talking
Look Who's Talking 2
Look Who's Talking Now
The Santa Clause
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Snow Dogs
Cool Runnings
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie (a guilty pleasure)
Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style
Saved by the Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas
Hocus Pocus
Beetlejuice (a least liked movie,but most of it was good)
Edward Scissorhands (another least liked movie,but,like with beetlejuce,it was a mostly decent film)
The Mask (least liked movie #3. like with the other 2,it had it's bad parts,but it also had it's good parts too)
The Ace Ventura Movies (final 2 of my "least liked" movies. both ace ventura: pet detective and it's sequel,when nature calls,had a few bad moments,but they mostly had good ones)
Mrs. Doubtfire (most of it)
Jumanji (original)
Halloweentown (this movie and it's 3 sequals are disney films)
Johnny Tsunami
The Addams Family
Addams Family Values
The 3 Ninjas Movies (most of the time)
Jacksons: An American Dream
Live Action (2000's and 2010's):

Mega Man (eddie lebron fan film)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (not as great as the original,but still good)
The Santa Clause 2
The Santa Clause 3
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Star Wars Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith (the only movie in the prequel trilogy that i like)
Color of Friendship (disney channel movie)
Halloweentown II
Halloweentown High
Return to Halloweentown
T*Witches (disney movie starring the mowry twins)
T*Witches II  (see previous)
Girl vs. Monster
Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior
Sky High
Disney's Descendants
Descendants 2
Various Muppet Movies
Sky High
Animated (30's - 70's):

Mickey's Christmas Carol
Most Of Those Rankin-Bass XMas Specials
The Various Looney Tunes Movies. (especially dafft duck's quackbusters)
Disney's Snow White and the 7 Dwarves (the oldest animated movie on this list)
Disney's Sleeping Beauty (most of it,anyway)
Disney's Cinderella (a true classic)
Disney's Pinocchio
Disney's Peter Pan
Animated (80's and 90's):

All 3 Dragon Ball Movies (both dubbed and subbed)
The 90's Dragon Ball Z Movies (both dubbed and subbed)
Batman/Superman: The Worlds Finest
Batman - Mask of the Phantasm
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Beavis and Butthead Do America (out of all of the animated films on this list,this one's my least favorite. some bad scenes mixed in with the decent ones)
Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back (both dubbed and subbed)
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie (PG-13 version only)
The Sailor Moon Movie Trilogy (Subbed Only)
Kiki's Delivery Service
Transformers: The Movie
G.I. Joe: The Movie
Brave Little Toaster
Toy Story
Toy Story 2
A Bugs Life
All Movies From The Disney Renaissance (well,except for 'the rescuers - down under')
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Animaniacs: Wakko's Wish
The Jetsons Meet the Flinstones
Ducktales - Treasureof the Lost Lamp
A Goofy Movie
Lion King II: Simba's Pride
Animated (2000's and 2010's):

The Recent Dragon Ball Z Movies (subbed only)
The Various Pokemon Movies (both Dubbed and Subbed)
The Various Digimon Movies (both Dubbed and Subbed)
Disney's Christmas Carol
Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders
Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase
Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon
Teen Titans - Trouble in Tokyo
The Powerpuff Girls Movie
Lilo and Stitch
Stitch - The Movie
Lilo and Stitch 2 - Stitch has a Glitch
Leroy and Stitch
Disney's Meet The Robinsons
Disney's The Princess and the Frog
The Emperor's New Groove
Mulan II
Cinderella III (a better story than the original)
Little Mermaid II (don't judge!)
Little Mermaid III (see previous)
Lion King 1 1/2
Peter Pan II - Return To Neverland
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Cars 2
Monsters Inc.
Monsters University
The Incredibles
All Movies From The Disney Revival (especially 'wreck-it ralph')
Kim Possible - A Sitch In Time
Kim Possible - So The Drama
The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie

And that's the Master List of what Movies I like. This took me Weeks,but I promised it,so I had to deliver. What do you think? Any faves listed here?

The next batch of posts Will be stuff from 'Retro Talk',so be sure to check that out.

Until then,Stay Gold Space Cowboys!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Voice of 80's WWE Is Gone! The Passing of Mean Gene Okerlund

The Retro Rebellion begins in one of the worst ways possible - With the passing of an Old Icon!

Wrestlings most Legendary Interviewer,Mean Gene Okerlund,has passed away today. His Cause of death is unknown at this time. He was 76.

Mean Gene Okerlund was unrivaled at what he did. He was often immitated,but never duplicated. Mean Gene's interviewing skills and charm made the man one of the moat beloved personalities in Wrestling.

God Speed,Mean Gene - We'll miss you buddy.

*moment of silence with a bell ringing 10x*

Eugene Arthur Okerlund
December 19, 1942 – January 2, 2019

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Retro Rebellion!

Welcome To The Retro Rebellion!

We are dedicated to promoting Old School and rebelling against the ways and attitudes of the New School.

Disney,Nintendo and (for the most part) WWE will be granted some leniency,due to the fact they are Old School minded.

With that said,Here are the other changes that will be made to this blog.

- All posts from (the soon to be defunct) Retro Talk will be posted here.

- The List will now be renamed to the more fitting "Public Enemies"

- The Hall of Heroes will be getting a lot of new additions (including michael jackson)

- New Series coming.

Let's make 2019 the begining of a Retro Revival! Remember,the element that makes something Retro is the Attitude,so let's show everyone that the Retro Attitude is superior!

This Is The Retro King,Signing Off!