Monday, January 28, 2019

RGW - Mega Man 1,2,and 3

Welcome Retroheadz to Retro Gamer Weekdayz. Today,we're gonna be looking at Mega Man's 1-3.As always each review is Short,But To The Point. And,most importantly,Spoiler Free. Let's get to it.

Mega Man
Company: Capcom
Year: 1987
Genre: Action-Platformer
System: NES
# Of Players: 1

Story: The original story has 2 variations: A Japanese version and an American one. First the Japanese version:

In the year 20XX,Nobel Prize winner and brilliant Roboticist,Dr. Thomas Right creates 2 household robots,twins,called Rock and Roll. Both robots were not just robots to him,they were his chikdren. Anyway,Right created 6 Super Robots to help mankind in industrial affairs. Everything was peaceful until Dr.Albert Wily,an old rival and former friend of Dr.Right's,reprograms the 6 Super Robots and sends them on a rampage. Wily,sick of having his genius passed over,announces his plans for Global Conquest. Rock,having a strong sence of justice,volunteers to be converted into a fighter to take down this threat. Right reluctantly does so.... and thus Rockman was born.

Now for the American Story:

In 20XX,Dr.Thomas Light,brilliant roboticist,creates 2 household Robots called Rock and Roll. Light then creates 6 industrial robots called Robot Masters. However,Light's assistant Dr.Albert Wily,sick of having his ideas shunned,decides to take over the world. The first thing he does is establish a Super Lab. Then he returns to Light's Lab to reprogram the 6 Robot Masters. He tries to reprogram Rock too,but it fails. Wily escapes with the Robot Masters back to his Super Lab. The following week,Wily sends the now evil Robot Masters on a terrorising spree. Rock having a strong sence of justice,volunteers to be transformed into a warrior. And thus,Mega Man is Born.

Which version of the story do you like best?

Anyway,Mega Man must now stop Dr.Wily,but before he can,he must destroy the 6 Robot Masters. Once that's done Mega Man can finally go to Wily's Lab and defeat him.

Game Features:
- Run and Gun Action
- Robot Master Stage Selection
- Points System (pick up points balls for more points)
- Variable Weapon System: Get a Robot Masters Weapon after Beating Them.
- The Magnet Beam (hidden in elecman's stage. you can't get past Wily level 1 without it.)
- Each Boss is weak to a certain type of Weapon.
- Restore Health with Yellow Capsules and Weapon Energy with Blue Ones
- Clear the 6 Robot Master stages to head to Wily's Lab.

Graphics and Sound: Graphics-wise this game was somewhat revolutionary for it's time. Not only were the graphics pretty detailed,but Mega Man himself was expressive. Now what I mean by that is that when,Mega was hit there was a look of pain on his face. And when jumping he looked like he was shouting. Animations were also solid. The Music is good too,though not as memorable as other Mega Man Soundtracks

Play Control: Mostly Solid.

Difficulty: Moderate - High.

Fun Factor: Decent.

- Revisit Beaten Robot Master Stages
- The Pause Glitch Trick. Made many bossess less of a pain.

- Ice Man's Stage (for the disappearing blocks and foot holders)
- Not-So-Fun To Use Weapons.
- Pixel Perfect Jumps

Replay Value: Moderate - Low

Thoughts: The beginning of Mega Man's journey to Stardom. Too bad it was with a wimper. I don't have many fond memories with this title. Thankfully things start tl get better with Mega Man 2.

Score: 6/10
Mega Man 2
Company: Capcom
Year: 1988/1989
Genre: Action-Platformer
System: NES
# Of Players: 1

Story: In the year 20XX,Mega Man has defeated Dr. Albert Wily and is enjoying peace. Elsewhere,Dr.Wily decides to retry his World Domination plan. He creates 8 evil Robot Masters as generals for his new army. Each Robot Master is deadly and are programmed to kill Mega Man on sight.

Rock,reluctantly,becomes Mega Man again and gets back into action. His mission: Defeat the 8 Robot Masters,Raid Wily's fortress and bring the evil scientist to Justice.

Game Features:
- Run and Gun Action
- Robot Master Stage Selection
- Variable Weapon System. Beat a Boss,get his Weapon.
- Boss Weaknessess to Certain Weapons
- Get Special Items after beating Heat Man,Air Man,and Flash Man. Item 1 is a Platform,Item 2 is a Jet Sled,and Item 3 is a Wall Walker.
- Password System.
- Restore Health with Yellow Capsules and Weapon Energy with Blue Ones.
- Energy Cans. They can refill your Health whenever. Can carry up to 4.
- Beat the initial 8 stages to access Wily's Skull Fortress.

Graphics and Sound: Same as Mega Man 1. This game Was built using Mega Man 1 as a base after all.

Play Control: Same as Mega Man 1.

Difficulty: Moderate (gets a difficulty raise during the fortress levels)

Fun Factor: Moderate - High

- Fun To Use Weapons (especially tbe metal blade)
- Item's 1 and 2
- Very Iconic Soundtrack
- The E-Cans

- Wily Stage 4
- The Boo Beam Boss of Wily Stage 4
- The Mecha Dragon Chase of Wily Stage 1
- The Force Beams in Quick Man's Level

Replay Value: Moderate - High

Thoughts: Mega Man 2 was the 1st game in the franchise that I owned.

Score: 7.5/10
Mega Man 3
Company: Capcom
Year: 1989/1990
Genre: Action Platformer
System: NES
# Of Players: 1

Story: Dr.Light makes plans to create a Giant Peace Keeping Robot,called Gamma. Dr.Wily appears before Dr.Light one day and claims to be "reformed". Dr.Light decides to forgive and forget and gets Dr.Wily to help him construct Gamma.

After the near completion of the Body,it's time to get the energy resources to power the Robot. So,Dr.Wily sends his Robot Masters to mine for said energy sources on various mining areas throught the world.

However,when the Robot Masters start going crazy,Rock becomes Mega Man again to stop tbe crazed Robot Masters and retrieve the energy sources. Mega Man isn't alone this time,he has Rush,his helpful robotic dog to help him.

Game Features:
- Run and Gun Action
- The Slide Ability (available from the start)
- Robot Master (and doc robot) Stage Selection
- Variable Weapon System. Beat a Boss,get his Weapon.
- Boss Weaknessess to Certain Weapons.
- Get Extra Rush Adapters Items after beating Shadow Man and Needle Man. Rush Marine and Rush Jet. The Rush Coil is available from the start.
- Password System.
- Restore Health with Yellow Capsules and Weapon Energy with Blue Ones.
- Energy Cans. They can refill your Health whenever. Can carry up to 9 this time.
- Beat the selectable stages to access Wily's Skull Fortress.

Graphics and Sound: Slightly better than 2.

Play Control: As good as it was in 2. You have a slide this time.

Difficulty: Easy - Moderate.

Fun Factor: Moderate - High.

- The Slide
- Fully Controllable Rush Jet.
- Cool Weapons.
- A Great Soundtrack.
- Doc Robot
- Proto Man's debut.

- The Incomplete feel of the Fortress Levels.

Replay Value: High

Thoughts: This game is the greatest NES Mega Man title. And my personal fave.

Score: 8/10
Well that's about it for this edition of Retro Gaming Weekdays. Check back for more content later.

See Ya,Space Cowboys!

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