Friday, December 1, 2023

Jason's Gallery - Michiru: Siren of Zack Island

Here is some more digital artwork I have made. Only this time, here are two featuring our lovely siren of the Stradivarius, Michiru Kaiou. Enjoy!

As the rose petals flow around her, as the sun sets on the shores of Zack Island, Michiru Kaiou, our lovely siren of the Stradivarius, collected a few things after her sunset swim. As she has her violin next to her, right now, the only music she is hearing is when she puts a seashell next to her ear. 

Michiru: "The sea, my second home, so calm and so gentle, just like me. (giggles)"

Here is the same one. But the only difference is her swimsuit. In the last one, she was wearing a full black one-piece with a see-through front. In this one, straight from wardrobe of Kokoro from DOA, Our lovely siren, Michiru, is sporting the Starfruit bikini. Now she is truly one with the sea.

Our elegant siren, even more sexiful with Kokoro's Starfruit bikini. Michiru is a charming mermaid to the last!

Requested by: trumi (

Programs used: MSPaint, PhotoImpression4, GIMP

Logo by: ShadowNinjaMaster (

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Jason's Gallery - Ami on Zack Island

In the meantime, at least I will post up my artwork here once more until I post my first blog in a long while. Enjoy this latest masterpiece featuring our lovely brainy beauty, Ami Mizuno. 

"Douse Yourself with Water, and Repent!"

On the shores of Zack Island, Ami Mizuno, our lovely brainy beauty, Aquarius bikini and all, enjoying her time on the sandy beaches, with her books at tow, in case she has to either study or learn how to adapt in the jungle or communicate with the dolphins as she swims. Aside from her books, from her aforementioned time swimming, she found a blue clam with a shiny pearl inside. I wonder who she would give the clam to.

Ami: "Aside from my studies, being on the island is sure fun. I hope Cye likes my clam I picked up on my swim. I know that pearl will make our wishes come true, if you know what I mean? (giggles)"

Note: I took one of the images of Ami in a bikini and traced it over to make a line art, and on top of that, I alter her bikini to resemble Hitomi's Aquarius bikini, since this bikini suits her more than Hitomi herself. Brainy and beautiful to the last.

Programs used: MSPaint, Photoimpression4 and GIMP

Logo by: ShadowNinjaMaster (

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

I Am Back! (Sort of). A Small Update

Hey Toonsters,

Jason here. I thought I give a small quick update. Remember I said I won't blog again until I get a new computer. Well, let's just say the computer I bought wasn't brand new at all. Something about replacing a driver in the computer before rebooting it. Bummer. Long story short, looks like I will be sticking with my current hard drive until I get an actual new computer hard drive that actually works. So that means, I will get back blogging. So expect the next one I will post in the immediate future. Don't worry, I didn't forget about the Discovery Family Retrospective/Rant blogs. I am still on the part of the Hub itself, especially with its original content. Right now, the one I am working one right now is another What If? blog. And I'll give you a hint, this one involves a certain "Angel of the Night", who peeked my interest. So stay tuned for that. 

And on a sad note, my condolences to the families of the following people who passed on within the month already, Suzanne Somers, Mathew Perry and especially Richard Moll, who was Bull, Norman, Mac Gargan/Scorpion and most importantly Harvey Dent/Two-Face. At least he won't be alone. He will be back together with Arleen Sorkin and especially Kevin Conroy. Take care good sir, and to those who passed, as well.

Two-Face: "Bruce, good ol' Bruce. You have never given up on me."

Until next time...

Saraba da (Farewell), for now.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Reaper Does It Again!!! R.I.P. Richard Moll!

I'm getting tired of doing these. But,apparently,the Reaper isn't tired of doing His job. I just fund out a few moments ago that Richard Moll,legendary Actor and Voice Actor,had passed away a few short days ago. He was 80.

Richard Moll was a tall dude and best known for playing such rolls as Bull Shannon on Night Court, Harvey Dent/Two-Face on Batman: The Animated Series and Norman the Bodyguard on Mighty Max.

This dude was such an iconic actor and was easily recognizable in every roll he played (both Live-Action and Animated).

To learn more about this man's career and life,check out his Wikipedia page:

Charles Richard Moll
1/13/43 - 10/26/23

Monday, October 16, 2023

The Reaper Reaps Another Icon!! R.I.P. Susanne Somers!!!

The Reaper never quits. Yesterday,I heard the terrible news that Legendary Actress Suzanne Somers died of Breast Cancer at the age of 76.

As you know,She was Crissy Snow on Threes Company and Carol Lambert on Step-by-Step,her 2 biggest and best roles. She was also the Presenter of the Famous Thigh Master.

the announcement of Susanne Summers death took me,by complete surprise,as I had no Idea she had Breast Cancer. She left us a bit too soon.

For info on this Icon,check out her Wikipedia Page:

Thank you for the fun memories,Ms. Summers,you will be missed.   
Suzanne Marie Somers
October 16, 1946 – October 15, 2023

Note: Sorry if this post seems lacking,but I'm no good at Eulogies.   

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Power Ranger Facts

In Honor of the Grand Finale of Power Rangers. Here are a bunch of Power Ranger Facts. To prevent this list from getting too long,I've decided to just list the various facts that I personally know. So not Every bit of Trivia is gonna be featured.

But first,some Miscellaneous Facts.  

Power Rangers beat Super Sentai to the punch at a Kamen Rider crossover, thanks to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers' Poorly-Disguised Pilot story arc for Masked Rider by a long gap. To elaborate: Said MMPR episodes aired in 1995. The Samurai Sentai Shinkenger crossover arc of Kamen Rider Decade aired in 2009, or 14 years later.
Power Rangers also had a female Red Ranger before Super Sentai: S.P.D.'s A-Squad leader Charlie, to Shiba Kaoru, the female ShinkenRed, a 4-year difference.
Ninja and Dino-based seasons have an interesting relationship. Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger and Ninja Sentai Kakuranger - which had dinosaur and ninja motifs respectively - were both adapted into Mighty Morphin.

Ninja Storm was immediately succeeded by and had a crossover with Dino Thunder the latter of which saw the return of Tommy Oliver, who was part of MMPR in both its ninja and dino incarnations, as a series regular.

Dino Charge was immediately followed by Ninja Steel, a reversal of the Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder situation. Ninja Steel's White Ranger also shares her first name with the Mission Control and tech support character from Dino Thunder.


Saban Entertainment's first attempt at adapting the Super Sentai franchise, way back in 1986, was based on Choudenshi Bioman, variously titled either Bio-Men or Galaxy Rangers. Haim Saban had made a pilot with the Bioman footage and original footage, but it was rejected by television networks. When he went to pitch the idea again in the 90's as Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, he made a pilot with Zyuranger footage but kept the actor footage from the Bio-Men pilot.

The names of the five main heroes and Alpha 5 (who was originally supposed to be Peebo rather than an American-original character) were left mostly the same seven years later.


The original promo that was used to pitch the series (featured in the big box set Shout! and Time-Life offered) showed an odd transition. The Rangers (going by the collective name of "Galaxy Rangers") were known as "Biorhythm Users" (So, instead of "Red Ranger", it was "Biorhythm Red").

Jason was known as "Victor Lee", but was still a martial arts expert; Zack was "Zack Taylor", who was a detective, not a "hip-hop Kito expert"; Kimberly was "Kimberly Harte" (with an "E") and was an aerobics instructor; Billy was still "Billy Cranston"... In Name Only, because this version was an athletic heartthrob, a far cry from the nerd style he would later end up with; and Trini was "Trini Crystal", intellectual and struggling novelist.

Combine the "Biorhythm" designations, the note that Zack is "Biorhythm Green", and the aged looking American footage, this suggests they cannibalized the failed Bioman pilot for this pitch reel.
Saban (as well as Marvel beforehand) was trying to sell the Super Sentai series for years before it finally got picked up — when it was, Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger was used because it was the most recent series. If it had been picked up earlier, another show would have ended up as the first Power Rangers series. Other Sentai seasons, such as Kousoku Sentai Turboranger and Choujin Sentai Jetman are rumored to have been considered as well.


In the development stage, the series was called Phantoms and Dino Rangers. Though Phantoms appeared to be a working title that was never meant to be anything but a working title. Dino Rangers was ditched during the shooting of the first pilot, because Haim Saban knew other seasons to follow wouldn't have dinosaurs. The MMPR name was cooked up in the dining area of the bowling alley in the said pilot.


The MMPR Pilot Episode,was very different. Trini was played by Audri DuBois. The Youth Center was originally a Bowling Alley. Bulk was a Mook in a Gang lead by Skull. Speaking of Skull was played by a different actor. 

The Command Center,Alpha,and Zordon looked different. Zordon was named Zoltar. Squat,Baboo,and Goldar were named Grock,Mongo,and Dreadwing. And King Sphinx was called Fly Guy. Plus, The Zords were called Zoids.


The Green Ranger was originally gonna be a Biker named Rocky. But they decided to go with the gifted young Martial Artist named Tommy Oliver instead.


Tommy was originally supposed to die in Jason's arms,like with his Zyuranger Counterpart,but Fox Kids execs vetoed it. So,instead of Tommy loosing his life,he lost his Powers instead.  


It was intended for Ernie to be a secret identity of Zordon,which he used to keep an eye on the Rangers. That would explain why he gives the Rangers free use of the Youth Center and why they get discounts on Snacks and Drinks there.  

However,in the Final build of the Show,Ernie and Zordon are 2 separate characters,with Ernie never knowing the Ranger's true identity.


The "Doomsday" 2-parter was intended to be the Grand Finale of Power Rangers,but the show got so extremely popular,that Fox Kids and Saban decided to keep things going.


The original finale included 3 elements not seen in the Final Product. Rita had a Nephew named Bubba and he would've been a Power Ranger adaption of Bandora's son,Kai. The Rangers would've trapped Rita in a new Space Dumpster and she would've been sent back into space.

During the Ranger's High School Graduations,Rita would've returned and confronted the Rangers personally. Saban even thought about bringing Machiko Soga,(the actress who played bandora,rita's zyuranger counterpart),over to America to appear with the Ranger Teens. 


Since they were almost out of Zyuranger footage,Saban ordered 26 more monster suits and additional footage from Japan. The footage with these monsters would be known as Zyu2,despite not being part of Zyuranger itself.


Speaking of Zyu2. Before Power Rangers was even put into full production,Saban ordered some extra Zyuranger villain footage from Japan. Like with the later Zyu2 footage,these scenes are exclusive to Power Rangers. 


Pythor the rumored Lost Zyu2 Monster,was in reality just an extra Monster figure for the Toyline.


Originally,Jason David Frank's character,Tommy Oliver,wasn't planed to return to the Main Cast. That's because JDF was gonna star in his own show,called Cybertron,an adaption of Metalder (a metal hero show from japan).

However,Tommy Oliver turned out to be extremely popular and 3.1 Million young fans across the English-Speaking World begged Saban and Fox Kids to bring him back - so they did.

JDF was brought back to Power Rangers and the Cybertron show was put on hold for a few months to be reworked into V.R. Troopers.


Initially,Goldar was gonna overthrow Rita and become the Big Bad of Season 2,but Saban decided to create Lord Zedd,Power Ranger's Very First Exclusive Villain,instead.


There were plans on introducing redesigned Dinozords for Season 2 and a Redesigned Tigerzord to go along with them. These Zords would take on the Giant Dairanger monsters in new footage. However,these plans were scrapped due to costs and the Dairanger Mecha (the mystical chi beasts) were used instead.


There is unused Zord Footage with the Season 2 Zyu2 Monsters battling the Original Megazord and Dragonzord. The reason why this footage went unused is because Saban insisted on using the Thunderzords (the dairanger mecha) at the very beginning of the Season.


The 3-part Season 2 premiere "The Mutiny" was the ONLY time Power Rangers would air in Prime Time. 


Brad Hawkins was intended to be the White Ranger,but due to Tommy Oliver's popularity,he was brought back and made the White Ranger instead. Meanwhile,Brad would receive JDF's abandoned roll in Cybertron,which would soon become V.R.Troopers.


The Advanced Form of the Main Monster from the Dairanger Movie was planned to be in Power Rangers,but was rejected.  This was because Monster footage from the Movies would've cost extra. And Haim Saban is known to be cheap.


Before Brad Hawkins,the Creative pitched the idea of the White Ranger being a mischievous 12-Year-Old Boy,like his Dairanger counterpart. This idea was shot down quickly.


Due to a contract dispute with Saban,Walter E. Jones (black ranger,zack), Thuy Trang (yellow ranger,trini),and Austin St.John (red ranger,jason),left the show abruptly sometime after the filming of the "White Light" (the white ranger's debut episode).

So when the White Light episode was being prepped to air on TV,a new line was added in to give off the illusion that nothing was going on behind the scenes. It's also the main reason why Tommy,the White Ranger was made the new Leader,since ASJ's Jason was no longer gonna appear in the show (though the Red Ranger still does).

The Line in question was Zordon's "Are you pleased with the new Leader of the Power Team?".  


When Johns,Trang,and St. John left the show,Saban scrambled to find replacements. While that was going on,they hired Stunt Actors to play the Rangers in some scenes. These actors bared little resemblance to the originals,so they weren't used much and when they were used,they were always shot from behind.

Saban would also use pre-recorded voices of the 3 Actors for these Doubles. Another thing,Saban did as a cover-up, was use unaired footage of the OG actors.


Saban scrambled to find permanent replacement Actors for the Red,Yellow,and Black Rangers - And they did. Replacing Walter Jones (Zack Taylor) was Johnny Yong Bosch (Adam Park). Steve Cardenas (Rocky DeSantos) replaced Austin St. John (Jason Scott). And Karan Ashley (Aisha Campbell) replaced Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan). 

To get around the fact that New Actors would soon be playing The Red,Black,and Yellow Rangers,Saban set up a story where Jason,Trini,and Zack were chosen to represent the United States in a Global Peace Conference and needed to leave the Team..

On an amusing note,Haim Saban would threaten anyone who didn't behave by "Sending Them to a Peace Conference!",like he did with Trang,St.John,and Jones. In other words - Fire Them (though in reality,they quit).


Fox Kids and Saban Entertainment got hundreds of letters from Parents complaining about how scary Lord Zedd was. So Saban decided to soften him up by having him marry a returning Rita Repulsa.


Speaking of Rita,when she returned,she was finally portrayed by an American Actress (carla perez,I think her name was). Ditto for Scorpina (portrayed by sabrina lu).


Speaking of Scorpina,She was originally supposed get more appearances in Season 2,instead of just one (goldar's vice-versa). However,Saban couldn't keep in touch with the American Actress who played her,Sabrina Lu,so her return was cut short.

That's why she was absent from All of Mighty Morphin' Season 3 and was completely absent for the Power Rangers In Space Finale,"Countdown to Destruction".


2 Scrapped episodes were planned for Season 2 - "The Party Crasher" and the 2-Part "Zordon,I Shrunk the Rangers".


Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - The Movie was something Saban wanted to do since the very beginning. So in 1994,Saban got together with Fox and they began planning the Movie.


To decrease the budget,Saban and Fox filmed the Movie in Sidney,Austrailia.


Initially,Austin St. John,Walter Jones,and Thuy Trang were going to be in the film as the Red,Black,and Yellow Rangers. But due to that little contract dispute,they were replaced by their replacements.


MMPR: TM went though many different script revisions.


Gabrielle Fitzpatrick was originally Dulcea,but when she got sick,she was replaced by her understudy,Mariska Hargentay (i think that's how her last name is spelled). But when,Fitzpatrick got better,she ended up returning to the role,replacing her replacement.

on a related note,Catherine Sutherland,who played Kat Hillard in the show,auditioned for the roll of Dulcea,but was rejected.


The backstory for Zordon and Ducea was gonna be slightly more detailed. Both were part of an secret organization called "The Order of Maridian" and were responsible for the Power Rangers existence in that Universe.


Because of all of the script revising,the Movie ran Behind Schedule,so the Actors had to stay in Australia for a little longer. As a result 6 Episodes of the show were filmed there - The 3 Part "The Wedding" and the 3-Part "Return of the Green Ranger"  


At one point,The Ranger's helmets were gonna lack the visors and mouth parts,this was so that the audience could see more emotion from the Rangers when morphed. But,since those helmets looked stupid,the regular helmets were used instead. 


Mordant was intended to be a small furry monkey-like creature,who was Goldar's 2nd cousin, but in the final film,he was turn into a Pig - A Pig who was an amalgamation of Squatt and Baboo,who were absent in this Movie.


Ernie was originally gonna be part of the Movie,but was cut during the "Script Revision" Process. Along with Ernie,his Waterside Cafe was also cut.


Originally,Ivan Ooze's first set of grunts were gonna be Giant Rats. But the Rat suits looked too low budget for the Movie,so the Oozemen were created instead. Not wanting the Rat suits to go to waste,Saban would use them in the show. 


Ivan Ooze's "Brady Bunch Reunion" line was ad-libbed by his Actor,Paul Freeman.


Dulcea was originally gonna have an annoying sidekick named Snoggle,but was scrapped early on. 


After destroying his Tengu Warriors for failing,Ivan Ooze was originally supposed to create Super Tengu Warriors,as well as an even stronger,Queen Tengu.


Adam's "I'm a Frog" line was ad-libbed by Johnny Yong Bosch.


Ivan was originally gonna brainwash the populace by polluting the Water System with his Ooze. This was deemed too dark.


The scene where the Rangers battle a Giant Dino Skeleton on Phaetos was never part of the plan,but a last minute addition to the final script.


A planned scene would've had a training montage of the Rangers using their new Ninja Powers. And the scene after that,would've had the Rangers form a spiritual bond with their Spirit Animals.

These scenes were replaced by that Dino Skeleton battle.


Instead of fighting the Gargoyles,the Rangers would've fought the Queen Tengu and her Super Tengu Warriors instead.


In the first draft of the script,Zordon was supposed to die and Dulcea was gonna take his place as the Ranger's new Mentor. This was changed for obvious reasons. 


When the Rangers returned to Earth,they were supposed to visit the Command Center and revive Zordon first,then deal with Ivan Ooze. In the final,these scenes were reversed.


Ivan was supposed to possess Scorpitron. But in the final,he possesses Hornitor instead.


Season 3 kicked off with the 3-Part Masked Rider Crossover "A Friend in Need",which was a pilot for the Masked Rider show.

However,due to the acclaimed flop of that show,Saban,Disney,and Hasbro ignore this 3-parter and instead consider the 4-part "Ninja Quest" to be the True Season 3 Premiere.   


The Tengu Warriors from the Movie were reused in the Show and renamed to the Tenga Warriors.


Kathrine (played by Catherine Sutherland) was initially added Just as Romantic Rival to Kimberly for Tommy's affections. But,once Amy Jo Johnson (kimberly's actress) wanted to leave the show for bigger things,it was decided to extend Kat's role and make her the 2nd Pink Ranger.

And unlike Austin St.John,Walter Jones,and Thuy Trang,Amy Jo Johnson got a proper send off.


The Mecha introduction is reversed. In Kakuranger (the source of season 3's footage),the Shogun Zords were introduced first,while the Ninja Zords came later. This was changed for obvious reasons.


The reason why the Rangers were turned into Children in late-Season 3 was so that the Adult Actors could work on Power Rangers Zeo,the next Season,which was being shot at the same time as S3's "Alien Rangers/Zeo Quest" saga.   


Karan Ashley (Aisha) left the show before Zeo,and was replaced with Nakia Burrise (Tanya). In later years,Ashley expressed annoyance that she didn't get a better send-off.  


Zeo marked the 1st time the Ranger Team got a Costume Change. This would happen from now on with each season.


The Gold Ranger was originally supposed to be Ryan Steele from VR Troopers, hence Brad Hawkins doing the voice. This was scrapped for the triplet Triforians (Trey), and then the returning Jason.


The Gold Ranger was voiced by Brad Hawkins, from VR Troopers, for his first few appearances before the DiFilippo triplets were cast as a result of a casting scheme that Shuki Levy wanted to go with. Hawkins still did the voiceover due to the triplets' strong accents making it difficult to understand them.
Theories about Billy's unexplained absences during the times he was suspected to be the Gold Ranger were him working on the creation of the Turbo Powers.
Billy was also supposed to be the Gold Ranger at one point, but it too was scrapped due to growing tension behind the scenes (later discovered to be David Yost being gay-bashed by the crewmen). 


For Billy's sendoff, since David Yost had already walked away from the series, they had an older actor, William Frederick Knight, play him despite said actor not getting down the mannerisms of the character.

Also, stock footage of Yost was used while using a dubber that only bore a passing vocal similarity to the original actor, similar to the soundalikes dubbing Jason, Zack, and Trini in the middle of MMPR Season Two. Said dubber was the ADR director Scott Page-Pagter.

So when Billy was saying his good-byes to the team via video feed,it was stock footage of David Yost,but scrambled,using a sound-alike.


Rocky was originally planned to be the Blue Turbo Ranger but due to failed salary renegotiation, Steve Cardenas decided to leave, hence Justin was created in his place.


A revision of the Turbo Movie script gave Justin a lot more motivation, explained the Turbo powers,explained why the Zeo Powers were replaced, and afterwards explained why they didn't pass the powers off to someone else. There are still some plot holes,but it most of them got patched up.

Adam would've also rescued a mermaid,named Mandika. This scene might have made it as far as filming before they cut her entirely.

In an podcast interview with a fansite in 2014, Hilary Shepard Turner revealed that Divatox was originally written with Grace Jones in mind. And in earlier drafts, her name was "Darivia".


Early ideas were for the movie to feature all of the original five Rangers returning. David Yost walking off the set near the end of Power Rangers Zeo trashed that concept early on and only Amy Jo Johnson and Austin St. John returned.


Johnny Yong Bosch revealed that the film was originally about 3 hours long before being cut down in editing with a lot more developments on things that went unexplained in the final product.


12-Year-Old Blake Foster (Justin) was chosen to be a Ranger to capitalize on the success of Big Bad Beetleborgs.


There was a dispute between Jonathan Tzachor and story editor Doug Sloan about the tone of the Turbo Season - the former wanted to embrace the comedic elements of the source material, and the latter wanted to make a serious story. Judd Lynn's thoughts were similar to those of Tzachor's,so that's why Turbo would have serious story arcs,but ever other episode would be goofy.


Jason David Frank wanted to leave the show after Zeo, but the producers asked him to stay on for the first half of Turbo with a reduced role until they found a replacement. Catherine Sutherland then announced she wanted to leave as well, so the producers decided to just completely reboot the entire cast (save for Blake Foster as Justin).

The problem is they didn't tell Johnny Yong Bosch or Nakia Burrise about this. Both of them found out from gossiping hair and make-up people on set.

The Replacement actors were Sewlyn Ward as T.J. the Red Ranger,Patricia Ja Lee as Cassie the Pink Ranger,Tracy Lynn Cruz as Ashley the Yellow Ranger,and Roger Valasco as Carlos the Green Ranger.


During the passing of the torch ceremony in "Passing the Torch",Trini,Jason,and Zack were to appear along side the retiring Rangers.


Divatox and Dimitria were originally supposed to be Twin Sisters.


Speaking of Divatox. She was portrayed by Hilary Shepard Turner in The Movie, but while she was on maternity leave, she was subsequently replaced by Carol Hoyt in the television series for the first half of the series.

During the second half of the season, Turner reprised her role, continuing well enough into Power Rangers in Space. The change in actresses between the film and the show also brought about a change in costume and personality.

Divatox's costume in the film was much more revealing and exposed a lot of cleavage, while her costume in the show was a little more covered up. Hoyt's Divatox was more calculating and evil while Turner portrayed Divatox as more of a hysterical diva.


Blake Foster was a huge fan of the show and was absolutely thrilled when he was offered the part of the Blue Ranger. Even at Power Morphicon in 2010, he said that being a Power Ranger was every kid's dream and that he kept his helmet and costume.


Bulk and Skull were gonna get their own TV Show,there was even a pilot script made. But,due to budget cuts,the show was scrapped.  


In Space's entire premise was due to Saban believing that Megaranger would be space-themed, but after realizing it was video game and device themed, they decided to stick with their original plans. It's possible we would've gotten a hugely different show had Saban either known about the real theme beforehand or had decided to keep the theme in the adaptation.


The original intent was to keep Justin (no Andros) and the suit for Carranger's Emperor Exhaus would've been used for Dark Specter,instead recycling the Maligore costume from the Turbo movie.

The Megaranger mooks would've been kept instead of replacing them with the Quantrons, and the Phantom Ranger's identity would've been revealed in the finale.

Darkonda was gonna be named Spike, and Bulk and Skull were going to start a Civil Defense Force with the Rangers away.

Gaskett and Archerina were gonna have some role in the series,but their suits fell apart before shooting the first episode.   


In Space was the Very Series/Season to introduce the Battlizer.


Rita, Zedd and Divatox were supposed to die in the finale because of the Z-Wave. However, the Fox Kids censors did not like this, so they were spared.

Also, originally all the villains were going to be turned human. This was eventually simplified to just Zedd, Rita, Divatox and Astronema with the rest turned into sand for two reasons (time constraints and wanting to end the Zordon arc). 

Rito Revolto was going to appear and become human alongside his sister and Zedd. Unfortunately, his suit had almost completely deteriorated by the end of Zeo, and thus he didn’t return.
 "Countdown to Destruction" was supposed to be a three-parter. It was shortened to two parts, and as a result, many scenes got cut, including Andros and Ashley's kiss, as well as the reveal of Phantom Ranger's identity. Also,Goldar and the Tengas were gonna battle Ninjor for control of the Ninja Temple.

It's also been rumored that Silver Titanus, a space-themed retool of the MMPR Titanus toy would've made an appearance in said third part. Master Vile was also gonna appear.


In Space was supposed to be the Grand Finale of Power Rangers,but the since the ratings were still good,another Season was made.
Cassie Chan (Patricia Ja Lee) was supposed to take over Kendrix's spot as the Pink Galaxy Ranger at the end of "The Power of Pink", due to Valerie Vernon's fight with leukemia, with the handoff already filmed. 

Unfortunately, due to the uncertainty of Vernon's cancer fight at the time (she later won, hence her sudden resurrection in the finale), the crew was unable to drop Vernon from her spot in the opening in order to pay Lee the same rate and benefits (since PR was SAG union at the time) instead of sticking her in the back end for much less.

Lee quit, necessitating a re-shoot of the ending using stuntmen for stand-ins and Melody Perkins was brought back as Karone,who would become the Pink Ranger after conquering her dark past as Astronema. 
There was supposed to be a set of Ancient Rangers who would have played a part in the series. Interestingly, they would have donned the Ranger costumes from Dairanger. However, Valerie Vernon's leukemia fight caused it to be scrapped.

The only thing that's left from these plans is the Magna Defender's morpher, which was the one used in Dairanger (his Sentai counterpart transformed using his sword,ala He-Man). 


Lightspeed Rescue was supposed to be a continuation of Lost Galaxy.


The Titanium Ranger was the very first American created Ranger.


Haim Saban believed that Timeranger had the Heroes chase the Villains though various periods of Time,but when he was informed that they didn't do that,Saban decided to stick with Americanizing Timeranger's plot.


Eric,the Quantum Ranger,was gonna die,like his Sentai Counterpart,but that was vetoed by Fox Kids.


Time Force was gonna get a Movie,but thanks to the fear of a rumored writer's strike,it never happened. 


Wild Force was gonna have more Power Animals than it's Sentai Counterpart,Gaorangers,Saban commissioned them from Japan and Toei were gonna shoot new scenes with these Animals,However this was dropped as a cost cutting measure by Disney,who just bought Power Rangers.


The epic Red Ranger XOver,"Forever Red" was gonna be a 2-Parter,but Disney cut it to one to save costs. There was also gonna be an Epic Serpentera vs' Megazords battle. But Disney didn't want to promote old toys or waste more money on the Episode.

Also,Rocky was gonna join the Rangers in his Red Ninja Ranger form,but Saban lost touch with Steve Cardenas,Rocky's actor.


Wild Force was supposed to be the Grand Finale of Power Rangers,as Disney saw it as nothing but a Toy Commercial and not worth keeping around. However,they were convinced to move the show to New Zealand to help cut costs. So they did.


Before the decision to move filming locations from Los Angeles to New Zealand, then-story editor Amit Bhaumik put together a pitch for what has been dubbed "Hexagon," effectively scrapping the Sentai's structure and turning the Wind and Thunder Ranger rivalry into two sets of Ranger teams, one led by Tommy in a Zordon-like mentorship role (alluded to during Wild Force in his echoing of some of Zordon's lines), the other as a rebellious, anti-authority group led by Jason.

The idea was to feature several veteran Rangers in guest roles as well, and even feature several villains whose fates had been left up in the air, such as Gasket, Archerina, Scorpina, Master Vile, and Lokar. Whether or not the budget would have existed for this version of events is a mystery for the ages, but the moment production changed continents and the production staff changed, the entire idea was scrapped.

There was Also gonna be a Female Gold Thunder Ranger created for the show,had this happened, then we would've had 3 Rangers on each team. 

Also,the Green Ranger was gonna work both sides of the spectrum,with his normal mode working with Jason's Thunder Rangers and his Alt-Mode working for the Tommy's Wind Rangers.

I'll talk more about This interesting subject another day and time. 


Speaking of Bhaumik,he once created a short fan film taking place at the end of Zeo,explaining the loss of the Zeo powers. The film was called Scorpion Rain,though some sources call it Scorpion Raid.

Anyway,the film used toys and stock footage, and the plot revolved around Lord Zedd returning to reclaim Serpentera.

Amit Bhaumik considers Scorpion Rain/Scorpion Raid to be an unofficial prequel to Forever Red. I'll talk more about this at another time.


A Wild Force team-up would've happened,but due to the cost of flying in the WF Actors from LA to NZ,this idea was scrapped.


The Wind/Thunder Ranger rivalry would've lasted longer,but Disney vetoed it.


The Original plan for the Black Dino Thunder Ranger was a paleontology professor named Edward Payne. But then they got Jason David Frank to return. The Dino Thunder writers got lazy and never changed the profession once JDF came onboard. This led to the canon issue of Tommy becoming a Scientist in a short time.


Rumors have swirled for quite some time that Zeltrax was going to be revealed to be one of the Zordon-era Rangers,and Not Smithy. Jason and Billy are the two names that commonly pop up, though some also claim Kat would have become Zeltrax had she been on the show and the character given a female voice.

One has to wonder how much of an impact that would have had with Tommy, now a mentor to a team, fighting a brainwashed friend that the audience knew instead of some guy we only meet in flashbacks.


The Triassic Ranger,was gonna be a 6th Ranger,but as Abaranger continued, it became apparent that rather than a separate hero it was just another Super Mode for Red, meaning these plans had to be discarded entirely.
There were plans for Kira and Trent to become an Official Couple, and the relationship was teased throughout the first half of the season. However, according to Trent's actor, the higher-ups at Disney worried that young boys wouldn't be interested in a Romance Arc, and so the relationship was quietly dropped.  
The 500th episode was "Legacy of Power". Also, "Fighting Spirit" aired on the 11th anniversary of the show's premiere.


The Reason why Disney made the decision to make an evil Clone of Trent was so that they could keep using the Evil White Ranger footage. Since they had Trent turn good way earlier than his Sentai Counterpart,Abrekiller,they needed to do this. 


According to Catherine Sutherland, who played MMPR/PRZ Pink Ranger Kat Hillard,they were going to bring her back, but couldn't because of cost. Presumably, she would have been Tommy's wife and likely filled Hayley's role.

Producer Greg Aronowitz planned for SPD to have the first full-fledged female Red Ranger in the franchise's (including Sentai's) history, but since this is a series designed to sell toys to boys, he was quickly shot down by higher ups from both sides of the Pacific. He made the A-Squad Red Ranger a woman instead.


Bruce Kalish had plans for an SPD movie in which Jack rejoined the team, but was vetoed by Disney. Ironically Toei would start a series of Super Sentai films for the 10th Anniversary of an series with Dekaranger being the second with basically the same plot concept.


Jack and Z were originally going to be brother and sister, sharing the last name of Manners before being cast apart.


According to Greg Aronowitz during RangerStop 2015, his original plans for "History" were for Broodwing to use the Dino Gems to create clones of the Dino Thunder Rangers. However, Disney told him to use the time travel dynamic since they were concerned about the audience being confused on whether or not those were the actual team members.


SPD is the only Disney-made season of the franchise where all the main Ranger Actors were North American.


Disney wanted to save money and didn't want to hire a seventh starring actor, so it was written in that Sam the Omega Ranger, as a side effect of time traveling, was either stuck in his suit or transformed into a ball of light. 

This meant he was played on set by a stuntman in a suit and had his dialogue recorded later in ADR, making interaction between him and the other characters a bit awkward. The crew was frustrated by this.

Due to being too lazy to work around this issue,the writers decided to just give Sam as little screen time as possible.


SPD also has the pleasure of having the 1st Female Red Ranger (Charlie). She's the Leader of the SPD A-Squad and she's evil.

Like the other Disney series since the transition to New Zealand, Mystic Force was planned to have 38 episodes instead of 32. Disney, who at this point were beginning to grow tired of the franchise,which was nothing but a Toy Commercial to them,cut the budget for this show.

One of the planned episodes was confirmed to be a crossover with S.P.D. The closest we got with a crossover to the previous season was a cameo by Piggy.


A crossover with S.P.D. was considered, but due to Disney trimming the episode order from 38 to 32, it was scrapped. The closest thing was a cameo from Piggy from the previous series.


Ron Wasserman originally submitted two potential theme songs for the Mystic Force, a rock theme and a rap theme, both of which were rejected in favor of what we got.


Operation Overdrive had a far more ambitious pitch that was retooled after getting a reduced budget, as the original premise of the show would have been similar to Boukenger.


Around the time of Operation Overdrive, Disney tried to cancel the live-action Power Ranger series and replace it with an animated one, with one incarnation having Doggie Kruger as mentor to a new team. But Toei vetoed that.


Producer Jackie Marchand was not fond of the finished version of "Once A Ranger", which cut out scenes that would have made the Overdrive team's decision to leave explained better and made more sympathetic. She says the aired version "didn't reflect well on the Overdrive team and made them seem like assholes". Though there were deleted scenes which explained the Rangers' jealousy towards their predecessors.

Also,Thrax was supposed to be a bigger threat in the Crossover,but Disney didn't care much for him,so he was killed off quickly and easily by the Sentinel Knight. True story. 


Jungle Fury has the honor of having 3 Power Ranger exclusive Rangers, the Spirit Rangers.

After Jungle Fury,Disney was Ready to pull the Plug on the Franchise,but were contracted to do 1 more Series/Season. And they did - Power Rangers RPM. 
RPM was gonna air on Disney XD,but Disney didn't feel like doing that for some dumb reason.
The executive producer, Eddie Guzelian, was fired midway through the season due to Executive Meddling. When Judd Lynn took the helm the plot shifted from Guzelian's original plan. One example being that Tenaya was not supposed to be Dillon's sister. This twist was very similar to In Space's Andros and Andromeda reveal.

Guzelian has been on the record as still in possession of the notes and has promised the actors that he'd reveal his ideas over a drink if they wanted to.

The ending revealed that Venjix didn't die and had transferred its consciousness into the Red Ranger morpher. This plot line was setting up for a future RPM crossover that would have seen the next season of Rangers team up with the RPM team to defeat Venjix for good.

Sadly Disney sold the rights to Power Rangers back to Saban and Judd Lynn wasn't brought back on for Samurai. Instead the RPM/Samurai crossover involved fighting a newly introduced villain, Professor Cog, without resolving the Venjix storyline.


With the reveals that Dr. K and Colonel Truman were returning in Power Rangers: Beast Morphers, speculation began with the loose threads finally being tied up, including theories that Evox was an evolved version of Venjix, and that Scrozzle was in fact a Venjix-built robot — which would explain why he looks almost nothing like the Go-Busters monsters in Beast Morphers, rather resembling the Go-Onger monsters from RPM.

It was ultimately confirmed that series Big Bad Evox was indeed Venjix, who'd escaped from Scott's morpher and into Grid Battleforce's computers as a result of Nate experimenting with the morpher in an attempt to create a new way of morphing.
The series originally had a MUCH darker ending (at least allegedly -- no one is sure whether or not this is real). After Venjix was destroyed in Danger & Destiny, the series' true finale Ranger Black would begin; Dillon would be revealed as a cyborg sleeper agent created to infiltrate the Rangers, gain their trust/access to the morphing grid, and ultimately serve as Venjix's final host.

Everything about his human existence, up to and including Tenaya being his sister, was fiction created by Venjix in order to lure the Rangers into trusting him. The series would then end with the rest of the team being forced to kill Dillon in order to save humanity and destroy Venjix once and for all.
Johnny Yong Bosch apparently turned down the chance to reprise his role as Adam. What kind of role he would have played is unknown though common speculation is that he'd have filled a role similar to Tommy in Dino Thunder.
Tenaya was going to get a morpher at the end of the season had Eddie Guzelian stayed on, presumably becoming a Ranger.

There are rumors that she would have become the Orange Ranger, and helped control the unpiloted Croc Carrier, and in turn the ValveMax Megazord with Dillon and Ziggy (there was no Orange Ranger in Go-Onger, or even in the RPM toyline, which did give the PaleoMax Zords counterpart Rangers; same thing goes for the Whale Jumbo Jet.)
After RPM,Disney decided to cancel the series and instead revise the Original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. The less said about this one the better. 


In 2011,Disney sold the Power Rangers franchise back to Saban,who immediately started the nest Season/Series, Power Rangers Samurai.


Because of executive meddling by Nickelodeon (the network that saban chose to air power rangers),All Neo-Saban Era Series were forced to split up into 2 20-Episode Seasons. 


"Clash of the Red Rangers" was once intended to be a Full RPM/Samurai Crossover 


Samurai is the Only Power Ranger Season where the Battlizer can be shared between Rangers,instead of being a Red Ranger exclusive.


Saban wanted to skip Goseiger and go right into Gokaiger,but Toei vetoed it.


Megaforce (and Super Megaforce) was the series that commemorated the Franchises 20th Anniversary


In Super Mega Force,Many Past Rangers were originally planed to return,but plans changed due to various reasons (such as budget constraints and actors refusing to return for either low pay or personal reasons).


Dino Charge was a result of Saban fully skipping over Go-Busters to adapt Kyoryuger. Go-Busters would eventually be adapted as the 1st Hasbro Season,Power Rangers Beast Morphers.


For Ninja Steel,Saban adapted Ninninjer and bypassed the Sentai's previous Series/Season,ToQger. Though some elements from ToQer would still be featured in Ninja Steel.


The reason why ToQer went unadapted was because Trains were not that exciting for American Kids (that and the megazord gaining a penis when it the rangers mistransformed it.)


 "Dimensions in Danger" almost became a longer episode. Notable scenes were cut before production started, as revealed in the script under Wes' actor Jason Faunt's possession such as:

Gemma originally had more lines, with some of them ultimately given to Wes in the final version.

While it had the third-largest number of Rangers teaming up with 16 ("Legendary Battle" and Shattered Grid had more), it was originally going to be 21 with the inclusion of Ninjor, Phantom Ranger, Ryan, Eric and Doggie. 


Soon after the completion of Super Ninja Steel,Saban sold the rights to the Franchise to Hasbro.


Beast Morphers was the 1st Power Rangers Series/Season in the Hasbro Era.


For the 2nd Season of Beast Morphers,Hasbro moved the Series to Netflix.


Beast Morphers was gonna have a Much Stronger connection with RPM. 


Dino Fury was initially called Dino Knights,but Hasbro thought the name was too obvious.


No crossover for Dino Fury ended up being filmed owing to the pandemic (Covid-CCP).


Zyuohger was skipped because the Ranger Costumes looked a bit too basic and the Mecha didn't look cool enough. Plus,the Sentai Series after it,Ryusoulger had Dinosaurs and just looked better,so it was adapted instead (into Power Rangers Dino Fury).

Kyuranger was skipped for having too many Rangers. Let's face it,it would be nearly impossible to thoroughly develop and tell the stories of that many rangers within a season of Power Rangers. 

Also,LupinRanger VS PatoRanger was skipped because Rangers can't be criminals (the LupinRangers) and that Rangers as cops could be problematic for some in today's climate (the PatoRangers).


Power Rangers Cosmic Fury is the shortest Power Ranger Series (with only 10 Episodes) and The Franchise Finale. And it was the Only Power Ranger franchise that used Original Non-Sentai suits for the Main Rangers.


And that's all she wrote for this. Hope you were all enlightened by these factoids.

Power Rangers may be gone,but it will be fondly remembered as a Franchise that entertained 3 Generations.

Until Next Time,

Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.

And Resist Modern Attitudes!!!!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

History of WCW - The Timeline

I did one for WWE,so,now it's time I do one for the WCW. As you know,WCW was one of my favorite Wrestling promotions and I've been eager to talk about it some more. Now. The following list will be an incomplete Timeline,but will cover most of the more important moments in the Company's history.

Well,let's get to it.

1944 - Georgia Championship Wrestling,the WCW's predecessor is formed. 


19XX - GCW joins the National Wrestling Alliance aka The NWA. 


1971 - In December GCW begins it's first TV Show on the network that would eventually be known as Turner Broadcasting System aka TBS aka The Superstation.  


1973 - GCW's secondary TV Show,World Wide Wrestling,debuts.


1982 - GCW renames it's Main TV Program,to World Championship Wrestling,in an effort to compete with the WWWF. It helped.


1983 - GCW is bought by Jerry and Jack Brisco. Starrcade,makes it's debut as a TV Special in November,under Jim Crockett Productions and the NWA. 


1984 - The Brisco Bros sell their shares in GCW to Vince McMahon...and along with it,the Show's Timeslot. Soon,the infamous "Black Saturday" incident happens. Many GCW fans hated McMahon's style of Wrestling. Ole Anderson and 2 other guys refused to sell their shares to Vince McMahon and started their own promotion,Championship Wrestling from Georgia. 

TBS would acquire the rights to this Promotion,as well as Bill Watts' Mid-South Wrestling. 


1985 - After failing to gather strong ratings,Vince McMahon sells his shares of WCW and it's name to Jim Crockett Productions,owned and operated by Jim Crockett Jr. Jim Crockett Jr. later fuses GCW,Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling,and Championship Wrestling from Georgia into the New WCW. The Promotion's 3rd TV show,WCW Pro Wrestling,debuts in January. And The Great American Bash debuts as a TV Special. 


1986 - Jim Crockett Promotions held the first Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup, which showcased talent from various NWA territories. Bob Geigel would later become the NWA President once again,and would purchase Geigel's Heart of America Sports Attractions,promoters of the Central States territory, which owned the rights to promote wrestling shows through the states of Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa. 


1987 - JCP would enter into an agreement to control Championship Wrestling from Florida and Universal Wrestling Federation (which covered Oklahoma, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana. The Florida and Mid-South territories (including titles and wrestlers)were absorbed into WCW. 

Jim Crockett Promotions now owned NWA St. Louis, the Universal Wrestling Federation, Mid-Atlantic, Central States Wrestling, Championship Wrestling from Georgia and Championship Wrestling from Florida as well.

Later in the year,JCP became the last NWA member with a Nationwide TV Show. And though JCP and the NWA were still two separate legal entities,Jimmy Crockett was NWA President,so Jim Crockett Promotions was allowed to use the NWA brand for promoting.

The War Games Match is created by Dusty Rhodes. And In November,Starrcade debuts as a PPV. WWF would answer that with the Survivor Series.   


1988 - The next TV Show,NWA/WCW Main Event made it's debut in January. The Clash of the Champions Yearly TV Special would debut in March (and against WrestleMania 4). The Great American Bash debuts as a PPV. Jim Crockett Promotions was purchased outright by Ted Turner in October. Originally incorporated by TBS as the Universal Wrestling Corporation, Turner promised fans that WCW would maintain the athlete-oriented style of the NWA.

The sale was completed in November,and the Flagship Show (nwa wcw) aired the very same evening in WCW's hometown of Atlanta. Starrcade airs for the first time under the NWA/WCW and moves back to December. 


1989 - WCW PPV,WrestleWar debuts. And The PPV,Halloween Havoc debuts in October. 


1990 - Starrcade '90 is the Final WCW PPV under the NWA.


1991 - Both WCW and the NWA recognized Ric Flair as their World Heavyweight Champion throughout most of the first half of 1991.However,the recently installed WCW president Jim Herd,turned against Flair for various reasons. Flair would be fired before The Great American Bash in July,after failed contract negotiations.

In the process, they officially stripped him of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The NWA/WCW refused to return the $25,000 deposit,The Nature Boy had put down on the physical belt, so he kept it and brought it with him when he was hired by the WWF at the request of Vince McMahon. 

WCW later renegotiated the use of the NWA name as a co-promotional gimmick with New Japan Pro-Wrestling and sued the WWF to stop showing Flair with the old NWA World Title belt on its programs, claiming a trademark on the physical design of the belt.

The belt was returned to WCW by Flair when Jim Herd was let go. Flair eventually received his deposit which with interest was over $38,000. It was brought back as the revived NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

The Superbrawl PPV debuts. And WrestleWar '91 became the first PPV solely under WCW alone.  


1992 - Herd was fired in January 1992 and was succeeded by Kip Allen Frey. Frey's tenure running WCW was brief, and he would be replaced later in the year by "Cowboy" Bill Watts, who had formerly been the promoter for Mid-South Wrestling (later known as the Universal Wrestling Federation) and was the first head executive of WCW to have prior experience in the wrestling business since Jim Crockett left. Watts would controversially make top rope moves llegal during wrestling matches among other changes.

After clashes with management over a number of issues (both major and minor),He was subsequently replaced by Eric Bischoff.  WCW's TV show is renamed to WCW Saturday Night in April. Beach Blast,the next WCW PPV,debuts in July.

And NWA/WCW WorldWide Wrestling is renamed to WCW WorldWide.


1993 - After many failed Presidents,Commentator Eric Bischoff was promoted to the Vice-Presidency of WCW. The Slamberee,Fall Brawl War Games,and BattleBowl PPV's would debut in May,September,and November respectively.

Due to a dispute,the WCW and NWA would part ways in September. WCW still legally owned and used the actual belt which represented the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, however,they could no longer use the NWA name.

The title thus became known as the WCW International World Heavyweight Championship,sanctioned by fictitious subsidiary WCW International.  WCW claimed that WCW International still recognized the belt as a legitimate World Championship.

For a short while, there were essentially two world titles up for competition in the organization, with Sting winning the WCW International title, while Flair captured the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from Big Van Vader.

Later in the year,Paul E. Dangerously would leave WCW to form ECW (extreme championship wrestling).


1994 - The Spring Stampede PPV debuts. 

In June,The WCW World Heavyweight Championship and the WCW International World Championship would be Unified,after Ric Flair (the wcw world champion) defeated Sting (the wcw international champion) in a Title Unification Match. 

In the Early Summer,WCW would acquire the Biggest Name in Wrestling - Hulk Hogan.

Beach Blast is renamed to Bash at the Beach. WCW/NWA Pro Wrestling becomes WCW Pro later in the year.

In December,WCW would acquire the 2nd Biggest Name in Wrestling - "Macho Man" Randy Savage. 


1995 - WCW Prime debuts in January.

The Next WCW PPV,Uncensored,would debut in February. 

To combat the WWF's Monday Night Raw,WCW unleashed WCW Monday Nitro in September on TNT (turner network television). The Opening Salvo has been fired! The Monday Night War would officially begin. 

Not too long after the debut of Nitro,WCW would introduce the Cruiserweight Division. This division would properly introduce American Wrestling Fans to Lucha Libre (mexican wrestling) and Puroresu (japanese wrestling).

The Next New PPV,World War 3,would make it's debut November,replacing BattleBowl. 

On a Nitro in December,Medusa Macelli aka Alundra Blayze,would make her return to WCW and infamously dump the WWF Women's Championship in a trash pail.

WCW would soon launch it's Women's division.


1996 - WCW Prime ends in January.  

In Late May,things would begin to change forever. Scott Hall,who worked as Razor Ramon in the WWF just a week prior,appeared on Nitro to declare War on WCW and Ted Turner. Weeks later,he would bring in Kevin "Diesel" Nash,and the The 2 would issue a challenge to WCW. 

The Outsider invasion begins and it would help the WCW gain momentum against the WWF.

Weeks later,Lex Luger,Sting,and the "Macho Man" Randy Savage were chosen to battle the 2 Outsiders and their surprise partner at Bash at the Beach.  

WWF and Vince McMahon would Sue Turner and WCW for Copyright infringement,due to Scott Hall sometimes using his Razor Ramon gimmick,which was owned by the WWF. The 2 sides came to an out of court settlement and Scott Hall never used his Razor Ramon persona again. As part of the settlement,WWF would be allowed to buy WCW,should the promotion be up for sale.

At Bash at the Beach,Hulk Hogan shocked the World by revealing himself to be the Outsiders Mystery Partner. The nWo was formed that night. Thanks to Bash at the Beach '96 and it's build,for the first time,WCW would Beat the WWF in the Pay-Per-View War. This trend would continue,until January of '98.

Thanks to the nWo Saga,the WCW would dominate in ratings and became the #1 Wrestling Promotion in the World....until 1998,that is. 

In August,WCW would create a Pay-Per-View themed around a Motorcycle Rally. This show would be called Hog Wild.

The nWo gains more members,Including WCW VP Eric Bischoff. Sting would begin to undergo a transformation..from a Colorful Superhero to a Dark Avenger. 

Plus,later in the year,Time Warner buys out Turner Broadcasting.


1997 - In January,the nWo would introduce their own Pay-Per-View,nWo Souled Out.

The nWo adds even more new members. By Early 1998,it gets bloated. 

Later in the year,Bill Goldberg debuts and would go undefeated until Starrcade '98

Sting would make his presence noted and begins antagonizing the nWo. He would eventually gets his Title shot against WCW World Heavyweight Champion,Hollywood Hulk Hogan,at Starrcade. 

The August Pay-Per-View,Hog Wild,is renamed to Road Wild. All thanks to a dispute with the Harley Davidson company,who owned the term "Hog".

Also in August,the WCW would air the Final Clash of the Champions TV Special.

After the Montreal Screwjob,Bret "Hit Man" Hart,Wrestling's #3 Guy would join WCW in December. 

Due to RAW being taped a week in advance and Nitro remaining Live,Ravishing Rick Rude was able to appear on Both RAW and Nitro on the same night. Rude departed the WWF,due to a Contract dispute,and signed with WCW a few days later.


1998 - Thunder debuts in January on TBS and becomes the new B-Show. Also in January,WCW Main Event would end its run.

nWo Souled Out becomes WCW/nWo Souled Out and would be the first in the (stupidly) duel-branded Pay-Per-View's. This theme is extended to the TV Shows too.

So from January of '98 to Early '99,every WCW Show and Event would be titled WCW/nWo (show/event name).

For the first time since '96,the WCW would be crushed in the Pay-Per-View War by WWF's Royal Rumble '98. Souled Out was Played Out and the Royal Rumble was really good..especially the Royal Rumble Match itself.

And,per the norm,the nWo would continue to add members to its ranks. Something people got sick of. 

Due to an internal conflict between Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hogan,the nWo would break off into 2 Factions - nWo Hollywood (lead by Hogan) and nWo Wolfpac (lead by Nash). This did Not help WCW against the WWF,as many were sick of the nWo and wanted the company to move on.

The 3-way war between the WCW,nWo Hollywood,and the nWo Wolfpac would begin. But would be all in vain thanks to the Austin v. McMahon Saga that was going on in the WWF.

Sometime in the year,WCW would end it's Womens Division.

WCW Pro ended in September.

Goldberg's winning streak would come to a (questionable) end at the hands of Kevin Nash at Sttarcade '98 in December.


1999 - In January,the infamous Nitro where things started going south for the company. Tony Schiavone's WWF Raw spoiler backfires and over half the fans watching at home tuned into Raw to see Mick Foley win the WWF Championship from the Rock. And to make matters worse for WCW,when the fans tuned back to Nitro,they were greeted by Nash v. Hogan and the Infamous 'Fingerpoke of Doom' The nWo reunited after the match and were whole again and the Fans Hated it. 

Thanks to that episode of Nitro,most Wrestling fans have lost faith in WCW's product and migrated to the WWF full time. Soon,the Monday Night War would become completely one-sided in WWF's favor.

Souled Out '99 would be the Final PPV with the WCW/nWo branding. 

The nWo would dissolve in the spring. 

Sometime in the Year,WCW would create a Hardcore Division,in an attempt to lure ECW fans to WCW.

In the fall,WCW would hire former WWF Creative Head,Vince Russo,in an attempt to save themselves. Unfortunately for them,the Opposite effect happened and Russo ended up making things worse.

Fall Brawl '99 would be the penultimate edition of the Event. And it was without the traditional War Games Match,which had been a staple for the event since 1993.

Novembers Event,World War 3,is replaced by Mayhem. 

In late December,nWo 2000 would form under Kevin Nash. Thankfully,it was short lived.


2000 - WCW would experience it's Absolute Worst Year Ever! Mostly thanks to Vince Russo's garbage booking and creative decisions.

In Feburary,AOL announced that it would be purchasing Time Warner and the sale would be complete the following year. Later,Time Warner decided that WCW was a liability and wanted to get rid of it.

Eric Bischoff stepped in and offered to by WCW,if he could find a group of good investors. After some back and forth,Time Warner decided to let Bischoff buy WCW,provided he got some good investors. It took months,but Easy E found his investors - Fusient Media Ventures. 

To gather more support and win back the fans,WCW began a new Saga - The New Blood Saga. In this Saga,the hungry Young Talent,known as the New Blood,would face off against the Evil Millionaires Club,made up of a group of Wrestling Veterans.

It backfired. The New Blood acted like the Heels and were booed,while the Millionaires Club,who were supposed to be the Heels,were cheered. The Saga ended as quickly as it began.

August's Road Wild Event was replaced by New Blood Rising. Also in August,WCW Saturday Night ended its run. 

Later in the year,Vince Russo would depart from WCW,but the damage had already been done.


2001 - In January,Souled Out is replaced by Sin. 

Also in January,Eric Bishoff and his new partners,Fusient Media Ventures, placed a conference call announcing their purchase of WCW. A few days later,AOL and Time Warner merged. The Higher-Ups were still unimpressed by WCW.

In February,Superbrawl is replaced by Revenge. And in March,Unsensored is replaced by Greed.

In Early March,WCW magazine announced a New WCW event that would relaunch the Company under Eric Bischoff and Fusient Media Ventures. It was called WCW Big Bang and it would've been the birth of a New WCW. The event would've been held in May.

After some convincing from outside sources,AOL/Time Warner decided to can all WCW Shows. With no Network to air WCW,Fusient decided to pull out of the deal and Vince McMahon swooped in and bought the company.

In Late March,WCW was bought by Vince McMahon and held it's final Nitro in Panama City Beach,FL. The Monday Night War was over, The World Wrestling Federation had won. 

In Early April,WCW WorldWide would air for the final time and would be the last of the WCW programs.   


And soon after,WWF would showcase WCW Wrestling on RAW and Smackdown. But,thanks to a few factors,WCWWF was a flop.

I'll talk more about That another day and time.

Until Next Time,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!

Always Resist Modern Attitudes!!

Friday, September 29, 2023

Every Single Nintendo 64 Game I Ever Played!

Get 'N' Or Get Out!!!!!

It is now time for The List of N64 Games That I've Played. This List will be the same as the previous ones in this series,except with Nintendo 64 Games. Also,like with the Playstation,since I've never played the N64 on Emulation,that part of the list will be omitted.  

Ok. Now let's gen 'N' to it!  

Nintendo 64 (N64) - My Final Retro System. I received my N64 for X-Mas......of 2001! Yup,got the system at the very end of it's life cycle. The N64 I own is used. This wouldn't be the 1st time I received a used console,my Playstation 2 was also used. Most of my N64 Library consists of games I got for X-Mas of 2001,the year I got the system itself. Also,due to getting this system near the end of it's life,my N64 Library is kinda small.

Super Mario 64 - Got this game,among many other games on X-Mas of 2001. As everyone knows,Super Mario 64 was The "Killer App" of the N64 and Nintendo's first foray into true 3D Gaming. Super Mario 64 is a great game,hard,but very fun.

Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - The 2nd Game I got on X-Mas of 2001. My first experience with a 3D Zelda title. Still haven't beaten this game,due to it's high difficulty (and my ineptness with 3D platforming). Still,Ocarina of Time is a great game,but nowhere near as great as A Link to the Past.  

Mario Kart 64 - The 3rd N64 Game of Christmas 2001. I played the Original Mario Kart and had fun,so when I got this game,I knew I'd have fun playing it as well. And I was right. In fact,I can confidently say that Mario Kart 64 is Superior to Super Mario Kart in all aspects. 

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2 - X-Mas 2001 N64 Game #4. I wanted the original,but got the sequel instead. Regardless,I had fun playing this one.   

Pokemon Stadium 2 - The 5th N64 game I got on X-Mas of 2001. I was a big fan of Pokemon back then and I wanted to experience Pokemon Battles in 3D. I still dig this game. Fun fact,if you have the Transfer Pack,you can play Pokemon Red,Blue,Yellow,Gold,and Silver on your TV though this game. Not only that,but you could also transfer your Pokemon into this game. Cool,huh? 

Pokemon Snap - Like with the others,I got this game on X-Mas of 2001. As I stated moments ago,I was a big Pokemon fan and wanted to try this game out. I had fun and it's kinda challenging to get perfect shots of the various Pokemon.

Donkey Kong 64 - Yet another 2001 X-Mas gift. I loved Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong Country 2 on the SNES,so I needed to check this game out. While I did enjoy playing DK64,I still prefer the DKC Trilogy. One thing to note is that this game came with the N64 Expansion Pack,which was needed to beat the game. This Pack added more power to the N64.

Bomberman Hero - Another 2001 X-Mas gift. I originally wanted Bomberman 64,but got this instead. I had fun playing this and enjoyed the music too.  

Super Smash Bros. - The next-to-last Game I would get for X-Mas of 2001. This is first game of a Legendary Franchise. I love the Super Smash Bros series a lot and still play the games to this day. The 1st game in the series isn't perfect and quite limited compared to it's sequels. It's still fun,though,and will have you coming back for more.  

Mega Man 64 The Final game I would get for X-Mas of 2001. This is a port of Mega Man Legends for the PS1. It's just as good as it's PS1 original,despite it's limitations.   

Pokemon Stadium - Bought this at Gamestop in early 2002. I had the 2nd game in the series,so I wanted to get this. It's just as fun as it's sequel And is also compatible with the N64 Transfer Pack. 

Bomberman 64 - Another game I'd pick up at Gamestop in 2002. I wanted this game from the get-go,but ended up getting Bomberman Hero instead. Well,in the spring of 2002,I finally got my hands on it. Hard as all hell,but still enjoyable and has a great soundtrack to boot.

WCW vs nWo - World Tour - My final Gamestop buy of 2002. This game is basically the N64's answer to the PS1's WCW vs. The World. But, that's why I like it.  It was kinda dumb that Randy "Macho Man" Savage and Diamond Dallas Page needed to be unlocked to be playable.  

Mario Party, Mario Party 2, and Mario Party 3 - The N64 Mario Party Trilogy were the Final 3 games I would get for my N64. Bought these at Gamestop in 2003. Fun games overall.

Honorable Mention - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - I played this via the Zelda Collection on Gamecube. I got lost really easily and I highly recommend you guys Never play this game without a Guide.

And that concludes the journey. Hope you enjoyed this and look forward to future installments of Gaming in the 80's and 90's".

Until next time,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys And Always Resist Modern Attitudes.   

Friday, September 1, 2023

Re-Constructing/Salvaging Disney-Lucasfilm's Star Wars

I love Star Wars,but let's face it,the Live Action Star Wars stuff has been Mediocre to Crap. Well,I wanna fix this.Kathleen Kennedy is one Creatively Bankrupt fool,isn't she? Well,I'm not,as everyone is about to find out. 

First the General Changes

For the Good Guys,I'd make Rey the brash,hot blooded,fun-loving,undisciplined Apprentice of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Despite her flaws,though,Rey is a Good Lass at heart.

Rey is Awesome with the Lightsabre and is an Expert Battler,but lacks any Force fact She struggles with them,despite being Force Sensitive.Though,she does learn to fix her personal flaws and eventually learns the Force Moves bit by bit.  

Her new origin story is that she was born in a Sand Tribe (of a planet to be named later),who was noticed by Luke as someone with great potential. So years later,Luke takes Rey under his wing to be a Jedi.

She loves Underground Lightsabre Fighting Tournaments,believing them to be a good way to sharpen her skills. Plus she thinks they're fun. Luke hates them and forbids her to go,but she sneaks out anyway. She gets blasted by Luke when he finds out. I'd give her the Last Name of Starunner,as a homage to her Master Luke.  

And unlike Kennedy's vision,Rey is NOT related to Palpentine At All!!! Instead,she is Later revealed to be the Reincarnation of Obi-Wan Kenobi. 

I'd make Finn a Sniper with a strong sense of justice,but can be naive at times. Finn believed everything his bosses in the Resistance did was in the name of good. However,after learning the truth about who the real bad guys were,he abandons them.

Finn is an expert marksmen,there is no blaster that he can't handle expertly. Finn's backstory is that he grew up in a big city (on a planet to be named later) and was bullied as a child. Finn learned to fight back and even learned how to be an expert marksmen. Finn got noticed by the Bad Guys,who were masquerading as the Good Guys,and was recruited by them to be their Sniper,sniping the Enemies of Democracy and Balance. Finn agrees,but years later,finds out that the people he killed were actually Good Guys. Wanting to correct his wrongs,He abandons the Bad Guys and goes on a mission to find Luke Skywalker and warn him about the their plans and new weapon. On his mission,he meets an Ace Pilot,Poe Dameron,who takes him to Luke...for a price.    

I'd give Finn the Surname of Boygan,after his Actor John Boyega.

I'd make Poe Dameron a freelance Ace Pilot for hire,who just wants to be left alone to do his job,but soon gets tangled into the battle of Good vs. Evil,when his new friends make him realize that there is more to life than making money and that the safety of the Universe is important too...that and friendship.

He's basically the 2nd coming of Han Solo,except he is a freelance Pilot,who isn't indebted to a Crime Boss. He carries none of Han's Personal Issues. 

I'd make Luke Skywalker the leader of a new Jedi Order and Rey's Mentor. The New Jedi Order exists to preserve the Balance in the Force and to keep the Dark Side in check,making sure it doesn't get too powerful. Luke tries his best to tolerate Rey's follies,but knows that deep down,She is not only the best Hope that the Universe has,but is also a Good Lass at heart. So he never stops training her and the 2 even bond. Currently resides on Tatooine with his family. And has established a Jedi Academy on Coruscant. Luke personally trained Jacen Solo and was distraught when his Nephew turned to the Dark Side. After failing,he was ready to give up taking on apprentices,until he met Rey,who he saw great potential in. 

I'd make Leia Organa-Solo the Grand President of the New Republic,which consists of an alliance of various Planets,each ruled by a President. It's a tough job,and Leia sometimes gets stressed by it,but despite this,she always sees things through and is a strong leader for the Republic. On a Personal note,she is saddened by her Son Jacen's turn to the Dark Side and hopes that one day he'll see the light and come back to her and his family. She has a Vice-President named Mon Mothma. Her Presidential Palace is located on Coruscant,after it was liberated from the Empire. Like the rest of her family (sans husband han) Leia can also use the force and has taken up Jedi training as part of a work-out routine (both mental and physical).

I'd keep Han Solo as is. But have him,like Leia,hope Jacen's return to the Light Side. He does his best to provide for his family as a Delivery Man. He runs a Delivery Business on Coruscant,along side his old friend and sidekick,Chewbacca The Wookiee. Han still pilots the Millennium Falcon,officially given to him by Lando Calrissian as a Wedding Present. Takes up combat against the Resistance when needed.

Chewbacca The Wookiee is Han's best friend,Long-Time Side Kick,and now a Business Partner in Han's Delivery Business.

R2-D2 and C-3PO are Luke's assistants. They help whenever they can. 

Lando Calrissian President of Planet Bespin,running things on high from Cloud City,which is now one city among 20 other sky cities. The Bespin Media and Elites hate him,mainly because he helped end the Empire...though they won't admit that.

BB-8 is Rey's Droid Sidekick. He's a droid she rescued from the Scrap when she was young.

Mara Jade Skywalker an ex-Palpentine loyalist who turned good after falling in love with Luke. A Good Wife and Mother,who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if need be.

Ben Skywalker is The Eldest Son of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. He's a Jedi-in-Training.

Anaka Skywalker is The 2nd Child of Luke and Mara Jade. Aspires to be a Force Scholar.

Jaina Hana Solo twin sister of Jacen. A super disciplined Jedi,who does things by the book. A no nonsense gal who has heavy doubts about Rey. She follows things by the book to avoid falling into any "Dark Side" traps,like her brother Jacen,did. She feels that Rey is also vulnerable to the Dark Side,thanks to her free-spirited personality and hot bloodedness. Though she does change her mind about Rey after she helps save the Universe from The Resistance and finds out that she is the Reincarnation of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Anakin Jayden Solo is the baby of the Solo Family.


Now for the Bad Guys.

Jacen Leonard Solo aka Kylo Ren aka Darth Anarcus was B.S.ed by Palpentine from the beginning,with the New Big Bad convincing the hot-headed and gullible Jacen Solo that the Jedi were the Real Villains and that History is written by the winners and that the winners are not always good. 

As Kylo Ren,he is the Resistance's #3 and Leader of the Knights of Ren. As a Sith,he is foul tempered and angry,but is still very smart - And he's almost unbeatable as a Sith because of this. He later becomes the Sith Lord,Darth Anarcus. 

Capt. Phasma, Commander of the Resistance's Thunder Troopers,is a no nonsense kinda gal who would kill her enemies with extreme prejudice. She is an expert marksmen an a great fighter. She is tough to defeat. 

Lord Snoke is the leader of the Resistance,a group of People and Rogue Planets opposing the New Republic. Snoke is a cunning mastermind and was the founder of the Resistance. He is skilled at using Dark Side powers and was once the #1 Student of Palpentine's Underground Sith University way back during the Clone Wars. Now a graduate,Lord Snoke is the Dean of that University.He Hates the Jedi and the Light Side of the Force for destroying the Empire. Hopes to rebuild it someday once the Jedi have been all wiped out.

The Evil Mastermind is Shon Palpentine,Son of Emperor Palpentine. He wants to see the Dark Side regain power,after losing a significant amount of it,the past 30-Years. And believes that The Light Side has far too much power..Power that must be taken away and must be prevented from gaining even more ground...all in the name of Restoring Balance to the Force and Preserving least that's what he wants his followers in the Resistance to believe.

In Reality,he's as Evil as his Father and wants the Dark Side to rule and the Light Side to go away forever. He manages to turn most of the Universe against the Jedi and the New Republic. He is the biggest financial backer of The Resistance,as well as it's mastermind.

Knights of Ren are Ex-Jedi Academy Students turned anarchist group who believe in Palpentine's goals. They are proud to be part of the Resistance and love to see the Jedi in pain.

Thunder Troopers are successors to the Storm Troopers. They serve the Resistance and,like the Storm Troopers,they serve as nameless grunts for the bad guys.

The 3 Vile Masters - 3 Vile Interplanetary Billionaires who see great potential and profit in the Dark Side of the Force. Van Gardius,Roc Brak,and Slate Rhodes all work in the shadows and manipulate things. Good friends with the Palpentine's,who are also billionaires.

Kait Palpentine is Shiv Palpentine's first born. She has hard disagreements with her Younger Brother Shon,as She wants the Empire to live on in Spirit,while Shon wants a Physical resurrection.


Summaries aka General Plots

Ep VII - 30 Years after the Fall of the Empire,a New Republic and New Jedi Academy are formed. Luke Skywalker trains his Son Ben,.Niece,Jaina and Nephew Jacen in the ways of the Jedi first hand. In the shadows,a new evil was forming out in Space,remnants of the Empire and Loyalists of the Emperor are out in full force,The Resistance,lead by Lord Snoke and over seen by Shon Palpentine,son of Emperor Palpentine. 

Jacen proves to be Luke's #1 student,but has anger issues. This gains the attention of Palpentine,who convinces Jacen to join the Dark Side  Jacen refuses at first,but after convincing and thinking it over,he joins The Resistance, as Kylo Ren.

Years Later,as the Resistance grows in the shadows,Luke finds Ray Starunner,who he takes on as an apprentice. Rey is great with the light sabre,but struggles with the Force. She wants to compete in the Underground Light Sabre Battle Tournaments,but is forbidden by Luke,so she sneaks out to compete. Luke finds her out and punishes her. Over time,via training,Rey manages to gain more disciple,but is still having a hard time with the force. (We then spend a while giving Rey some character growth)

Meanwhile,the Resistance is creating the Star Killer,a Warmachine with a weapon that can penetrate the cosmic barrier between Reality and The Pocket Dimension that houses the Force and then weaken the Light Side.

This doesn't sit well with Finn Boygan,a member of the Resistance,who soon realizes that he's been fighting on the wrong side,after questioning his superiors,he is caprured and imprisoned for insubordination...pending execution. Finn breaks out of prison and flees,with the Resistance's Thunder Troopers giving chase.

After a space battle,Finn's needs to go find Luke Skywalker and inform him of the Resistance's plot. However,his ship was damaged in the battle,so he needs to find someone who can take him to the Jedi Master,he meets Poe Dameron,who agrees to take him..for a price. Finn agrees and they leave to find Luke. They have issues,but eventually run into Han Solo,who's now head of a delivery service,who tells them where Luke likely is and takes them to him on Tatooine .

Solo,in the Millennium Falcon leads our heroes to Tatooine ,but not without trouble from the Resistance. After winning the Dog Fight,they head to Tatooine to find Luke,but are being followed by Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren.

The Heroes talk to Luke and Co. about what the Resistance is doing. They are attacked by Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren. A battle begins. During the battle,Luke and Han try to convince Kylo Ren that he's fighting on the wrong side,Kylo Ren claps back. After losing,the Bad Guys retreat to warn Snoke about the Jedi's discovery.

Finn,Poe,Han,and Chewie stay with Luke for the night. Poe and Fin tell Luke their backstories. They will head to New Republic Presidential Palace on Coruscant to warn Grand President Leia Organa-Solo.

Meanwhile,the Resistance moves the incomplete,Star Killer Base to a secure location. Rey has a dream about being in the spirit Realm and meets Obi-Wan Kenobi,who warns her that if the Resistance's new Weapon isn't stopped,the Force will be in grave danger and the Universe will be destroyed if that happens. Rey feels a connection to Kenobi,then awakens.

The next day,they meet with Great President Leia on Coruscant,where they talk about the Resistances plan. They also are reunited with Bespin President Lando Calrissian. They find out via their allies that the Evil ones have been seen traveling in a suspicious looking Mobile Star Base heading for (galaxy to be named later).  

The heroes spring into action and head for (galaxy to be named later). Snoke senses that the Jedi are coming and launches a counter. The Resistance and the Republic battle it out. Rey infiltrates the Base and meets Kylo Ren after dispatching the Knights of Ren.Rey tries to convince Kylo Ren that the Star Killer Base's Weapon is gonna eliminate the Light Side and eventually destroy the Universe,but Kylo counters that the Weapon is gonna be used to Force Balance to the Force by shrinking the Light Side and making it equal in volume and size to the Dark Side.

Jaina and Ben also infiltrate the Star Killer Base and run into Capt. Phasma and her Thunder Troopers. Luke,who has also infiltrated the base,confronts Lord Snoke and battles him.

During her battle with Kylo Ren,Rey awakens one of her Forces Powers - Telekinesis. As the battles are going on,Han and Finn search for the Bases' core to destroy it. They find it and after some resistance from the enemy,they destroy the core and the Star Killer begins to self destruct. Both Hero and Villain escape. 

After the battle,Ray continues her training. Luke knows that the Jedi will have to battle the Resistance again one day. Meanwhile,Shon Palpentine tells his followers across the Universe and the uneducated public of the "Jedi Terrorist Attack" on the Resistance.  


Ep. VIII - Rey is slowly coming into her own as a Jedi and has leaned 2 new Force Powers - Force Jumping and Force Barrier. Rey,Poe,and Finn become a circle of friends. (Poe and Finn are developed more as characters).

Meanwhile,The Resistance is regouping on Palpentine's World,plotting their next strike. Shon Palpentine has a meeting with the 3 Vile Investors,who are not pleased with the failure of the Resistance. Palpentine assures them that his next plan will succeed and,on top of that,his followers are already working on plans for The Star Killer II. 

Grand Pres. Leia Organa-Solo has a meeting with the Leaders of the Planets of the New Republic talking about the Resistance and growing hatred of the Jedi by the Universes Populace. And,true enough,the Media,and various Politicians are championing these Anti-Jedi activities. Shon Palpentine is pleased and tells Snoke and Kylo Ren that this is all part of his plan to reboot the Empire and eliminate the Jedi and the Light Side of the Force. Kylo Ren questions eliminating the Light Side,when there should be balance. Palpentine tells Kylo that it was just a slip of the tongue.

Kylo Ren understands and asks what to do next? Palpentine will let his Followers destroy the Jedi by destroying their reputation via Word of Mouth,then when the time is right,they will Take Tatooine to convert the Jedi Academy into a 2nd Sith Academy and,then they will Take Coruscant and Finally Relaunch the Empire.

And Finally,use the rebuilt Star Killer Base's Weapon to rip open the dimensional fabric between Our Universe and The Force Dimension and "Modify" The Force. Meanwhile,on a trip to (planet to be named later) Rey,Finn,and Poe experience the public's Anti-Jedi attitudes first hand.

Palpentine visits Mao,a Rogue Planet which is un-associated,to talk with the Planet's ruler,Emperor Ji-Ping,in joining the New Galactic Empire once he establishes it. Ji-Ping tells Palpentine that Mao will not joining,as they are forming their own alliance with The Planets Kremski,Persion,and Noko to for something grander than the Empire. But,out of respect for Palpentine's late father,Ji-Ping will allow the New Empire to take shape..and then Fall to the New Jedi and her Friends,just as Darth Sidious' Original Empire Fell to Luke Skywalker and his Friends.

Ji-Ping also proclaims that,one the Empire has fallen,Mao will lead the Universe,as the Master World of a New and Powerful Planetary Alliance. However,since he likes the Palpentine Family,he is willing to allow them to serve as one of the "Financial Figures" of His New Power. After an argument,Palpentine promises that Ji-Ping will eat his words soon. Ji-Ping just laughs the treat off it off. 

On Cloud City on Bespin,the Bespin Presidential debates are going on between Pres. Lando Calrissian and Challenger,a Joe Biden-esque character,named Joh Febus. The Elites and Media of Bespin love Febus and Hate Lando. Little does most know,Febus is a puppet of the Resistance and his job is to become President of Bespin and hand the planet over Back to the Empire.

Ray continues her training under Luke and is getting better and better. She even unlocks a New Force Ability - Telepathy. Jaina and Ben have a sparring match. And Finn and Poe wonder what the Resistance is up to. 

Meanwhile,bounties have been placed on Luke,Ray,Poe,Finn,Jaina,and Ben by Snoke as revenge for interfering with him. Kylo Ren objects,saying that He can do the job better than any Bounty Hunter. Snoke tells Kylo Ren that he and the Knights of Ren failed to defeat the Jedi. Kylo counters that Snoke had lost to Luke Skywalker,who's an Old Man. The 2 start a fight,until it is broken up by Palpentine. 

Palpentine calms the situation and promises Kylo Ren will get his chance,should the Bounty Hunters fail. Palpentine takes Kylo Ren to his private, training room,to train the hot-headed Sith In-Training. Snoke begins to believe that Kylo Ren's temper could be a liability in their War with the Jedi.

During their daily lives,The heroes run into the Bounty Hunters,who they defeat. One Bounty Hunter stood out above the rest,a crazy and violent Mandolorian named,Bubba Zann,who promises revenge. 

Meanwhile,Palpentine is rallying his Trillions upon Trillions of Supporters telling them that the time to Crush the Light Side's dominance is now. And it's time to "Protest Harshly" for Justice and Democracy against the "Hyper-Oppressive" New Republic,who Champion Light Side Supremacy. 

Soon,Riots break out Everywhere in the Universe,protesting against The New Republic. Luke summons his Top Jedi from the Academy to help him and his allies with this problem. Rey and friends head to Coruscant to help stop the violence there.

They run into Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren,who they fight. After defeating the Knights or Ren,Finn and Poe head to the Presidential Palace to help Leia.

On the other worlds,the Jedi are unwelcome and are even attacked verbally by Reporters,the Elites,and Politicians. Because of the Jedi Code,they can't kill or brutally harm Innocent People or Non-Force Users,so the Rioters apply to the latter. Back on Coruscant,as Rey battles Kylo Ren,Finn and Poe help Grand President Leia with the Violent Riots.  

Kylo Ren manages to defeat Rey,as the Rioters overtake the Presidential Palace. Palpentine inform Kylo Ren that they have secured the Presidential Palace and will be celebrating the Ressurection of the Empire shortly. He tells him to spare Rey for now and to join the Celebration. Kylo does as asked and warns Rey that She and the rest of her friends will be eliminated soon enough. Battered,Rey faints from injury,thankfully,Han and Chewie find her and stash her safely away in the Millennium Falcon with Mara Jade Skywalker. 

Outnumbered,The Jedi are forced to retreat. The Rioters and their Allies have won. Palpentine invades the Presidential Palace and takes over. He has Leia,Poe,and Finn imprisoned. Han and Chewie arrive to save everyone,but are also captured. Palpentine takes control.

The remaining heroes Heroes are forced to retreat back to Tatooine. Palpentine announces to the Universe that the Empire has returned. As days pass,The Jedi academy is taken over by the Nights of Ren (who kill most of the jedi students),the Presidential Palace is converted into a Sith Palace,and Lando Calrissian loses his re-election bid on Bespin,making Joh Febus the New President. This brings joy to the Media and Elites.    

When Lando questions the Election Results,he gets arrested,to the Media's delight. Shon Palpentine becomes Emperor Palpentine II and promotes Kylo Ren to Sith Apprentice. Kylo Ren is now Darth Anarcus and Snoke is put in charge of the Nights of Ren.  

And that's not ALL,the Star Killer Base is being reconstructed,stronger than ever. The 3 Vile Investors are extremely pleased with how things are turning out. Emperor Ji-Ping is amused and will continue to watch events closely. Meanwhile,Luke and his family,tend to Rey and try to come up with a plan to save their friends.


Ep. IX - The New Empire has been established,the Star Killer Base is complete,and many of the Planets who were once part of the Republic have been forced to surrender. The Jedi Academy becomes a Sith Academy.

Plus,the Empire's Super Weapon (the one that can rip open the fabric of the Universe and get access to the Force Realm and destroy the Light Side) is nearly complete. Rey has another dream in the Spirit Realm and talks with Obi-Wan Kenobi again,who eventually reveals to her that they are one in the same. That She is his Force Reincarnation. Rey is taken aback by this and wonders why he chose to tell her this now,instead of sooner?

The New Emperor is in a meeting with the 3 Vile Investors,who are pleased with the uprising's results. After the meeting,Palpentine calls up Emperor Ji-Ping of Mao,Prime Master Pukinski of Kremski,President Jong-Jong of Noko,and Sultan Kakameni of Persion. 

Palpentine talks to them about a joining the Empire,or at the very least,form an alliance. They refuse,telling Palpentine that they have their own alliance going and they don't want it ruined by partnering or merging with the Empire. An annoyed,Palpentine tells them that they'll change their minds soon,after his Master Plan is complete. The Quartet of leaders laugh and sign off the conference call.

Meanwhile,The New Star Killer Base is Complete and the Super Weapon (called the Star Ripper in it's final stages) is near completion. Snoke is thrilled. So is Darth Anarcus,who is overseeing the project with Snoke. Snoke guarantees that the Jedi will Never be able to destroy this base,thanks to it's outer hull being made of Beskar Zero,the evolved form of Beskar,the most Powerful Metal in the Universe.

Mara Jade is flying the Jedi to Laikarz,the Prison Planet,in the Millennium Falcon. Luke has sensed Leia being taken to the Planet after she was captured. They Arrive,Ray and Luke lead a stealth break in to the Prison and use Jedi Mind Tricks to trick the guards.

They find Finn and Poe and free them. Finn tells them that Phasma and her Thunder Troopers took Grand President Leia,President Lando,Han,and Chewie to the Execution Chambers. The heroes rush toward the chambers fighting off guards along the way. 

They get to the Execution Chamber,but are too late as Leia,Han,and Lando are being executed via firing squad,lead by Capt. Phasma. Leia make a final heroic speech before being killed. Luke,Ben,and Jaina are horrified and saddened. Rey jumps into action and kills the Thunder Troopers and Capt. Phasma in a Tranquil Fury. Chewie breaks free of his shackles and attacks the remaining guards.

The Heroes escape with the bodies of their dead loved ones. When Emperor Palpentine II hears about this,he is unfazed and says that nothing matters right now except his Iron Grip on the Universe. On a private Island on Tatooine,Luke holds a Funeral Service for Leia,Lando,and Han. They need to have the services Here,because it's too dangerous to hold them on Bespin and Coruscant.

The grieving is suddenly interrupted by Bubba Zann,who has come to collect the corpses of the Jedi and collect an "Extra Large Sum" from Snoke. Finn steps up and challenges Bubba Zann. The 2 fight and,thanks to his expert shooting skills,Finn wins.

Bubba Zann escapes,promising to kill Finn one day. Meanwhile,Darth Anarkus is training the Knights of Ren at the New Sith Academy (formerly known as the jedi academy). He get's a message from Snoke telling him that the Star Ripper is complete and that they will be firing it as soon as the Emperor gives the orders. 

Darth Anarkus is concerned that Snoke might go overboard and eliminate the light side of the force,instead of just giving it a size decrease,like He and Emperor Palpentine promised him. Snoke tells Anarkus,not to worry and that Everything will be alright (he says lying through his teeth).

As Mara Jade is traveling across the Galaxy,she spots the Star Killer Base,equipped with the Star Ripper Weapon.She is spotted by the Empire and is attacked. After winning a Dog-Fight,Mara Jade returns to Tatooine to warn Luke and Rey.     

At the Presidential Palace on Coruscant,Emperor Palpentine II is conversing with Snoke via Holo-Communicator. He tells Snoke to ready the Star Ripper and fire it the moment it is charged up. He then gets a call from his Older Sister,Kait Palpentine,who hates her Baby Brother's plan,telling him that it would've been much better if the Empire was revived Spiritually instead of Physically,that way the Jedi would have a tougher time destroying it. The 2 have an argument,like All Brothers and Sisters do.

Back on Tatooine,Mara Jade warns the Heroes about The Star Killer Base and the Big Gun (the star ripper) that she saw on it. The Time to act is Now. The Heroes decide to start with 4 missions. Poe and Chewie will attack the ships guarding the Star Killer Base,while Luke sneaks into Star Killer Base to destroy it's core and shut down the Star Ripper. Jaina and Ben will liberate Jedi Academy and Rey and Finn will head into Coruscant to defeat Palpentine and save the Republic.

Before the Mission,Luke reveals to Rey that he's always known that she was Obi-Wan Kenobi reborn,by their force signatures,and is happy to have him back through her. After some character developing scenes,the Heroes leave for their Missions in the Millennium Falcon. Meanwhile,the Star Ripper Weapon activates and fires a laser beam which slowly (very slowly) attempts to rip the dimensional fabric.

The Heroes arrive. As the Dog Fighting commences,Luke teleports inside the Star Killer Base,using a Masters Technique called Force Warping,which ONLY Works when the User is near the destination they wanna warp to.  While, Rey,Finn,Jaina,and Ben head to Coruscant.The Emperor senses the Heroes and makes preparations to deal with them.

Rey and Finn head to the Presidential Palace,while Jaina and Ben head for the Jedi Academy. The Heroes fight their way to their destinations. Luke arrives at the Master Control Center for the Star Ripper. He is confronted by Snoke. They battle after some dialogue. Meanwhile,Jaina and Ben arrive at Jedi Academy and battle the Knights of Ren. While that is going on,Finn and Rey confront Emperor Palpentine II and Darth Anarcus.

After some banter,Palpentine summons some Thunder Troopers to take care of the intruders. Finn decides to fight them in another Area,while Rey deals with the Sith. After more banter,Darth Anarkus and Rey battle. 

Poe and Chewie clear out the Ships. Luke kills Snoke and shuts down the Star Ripper. Unfortunately,it starts up again,thanks to Palpentine,via Advanced Force Telekenisis,who sensed Luke's actions. Luke rushes to the Engine Room to destroy the Core,and the Base.

Jaina and Ben kill all members of the Knights of Ren and take back the Jedi Academy. Rey manages to defeat Darth Anarcus,much to Palpentine's chagrin. After some dialogue and Rey rejecting Palpentine's request to join him,the 2 fight. Palpentine battles using 2 Light Sabres. Finn defeats the Thunder Troopers.

Luke destroys the Core of the Base and a countdown to self destruction begins. Luckily,Palpentine is too busy with Rey to stop it. Luke escapes to Coruscant via escape shuttle. The Star Killer Base explodes,taking the Star Ripper with it. 

Palpentine defeats Rey and destroys her Light Sabre. A weakened Darth Anarcus tells His Emperor that He would like to finish Rey off. Luke arrives and has a talk with Anarcus (calling him by his real name "Jacen").  He tries to tell him the truth about the Empire and even mentions his Parents assassination in prison. Anarkus calls Luke a liar.   

Suddenly,Luke grabs Anarcus' head and uses a Force Power that only Masters can use - The Memory Share. He uses it on Anarkus and the Sith sees what Luke has witnessed...including Leia and Han's death.  

Palpentine has seen enough and attacks Luke. Anarkus is in a state of confusion. Palpentine tells Skywalker that his plans MAY have been foiled,but he Will start them up again..once the Jedi are Dead! Luke and Palpentine Battle. 

Rey gets up and joins the fight using her force abilities,she gets knocked back by Palpentine. Anarkus is still struggling with his thoughts and emotions. Thinking about how much suffering Palpentine has done - including having lando,han,and leia killed - Rey,in a fit of tranquil fury toward Palpentine taps into a New Force ability - Arm Sabres,which Force Energy surrounds her hands and forearms and acts like a blade.

Rey battles along side her Master Luke. Palpentine has trouble beating them both. Suddenly he gets a Light Sabre thrown in his back - and Darth Anarkus was the one who through it. As Palpentine turns his attention to Anarkus,Luke and Rey strike the Emperor down,killing him.

After the battle,Rey and Luke talk to Anarkus,who tells them the reason he betrayed his ex-Emperor. He tells them that Even though history is writen by the winners,and that sometimes the winners are liars and spinners..sometimes those who say that are liars themselves. Luke has shown him the truth and he regrets not listening to him earlier. He decides to ditch the Darth Anarkus name and just go by Jacen Solo.

Finn comes in and asks what he missed? He sees Jacen and is about to attack,but Rey assures her buddy that Jacen has seen the least,she hopes.The Heroes and Jacen go home to rest and make plans to restore the Universe.

News of the Empire's fall reaches across the Universe,some are happy,others are pissed,while some are indifferent. Without Shon Palpentine's influence,the remaining Jedi are able to quell any and all vilolent Pro-Empire riots across the universe. Leia's Vice-President Mon Mothma,who survived the War,becomes The New Grand President of the New Republic. Her first order is to order new elections on all allied planets to help purge the Empire Worshiping Leadership.

The remaining Empire Loyalists and most of the Rogue Planets that sided with Palpentine,all pledge allegiance to Mao and it's Evil Emperor,Ji-Ping,who they deem the next logical Master of the Universe. The only exceptions are the remaining Thunder Troopers,who become Mercs for hire. Some of the Worlds that were part of the New Empire still function,though now independently. (such as Bespin). And the Anti-Jedi sentiment continues. 

Meanwhile,on Deep Space Voyager,a Space Station owned by Kait Palpentine,Kait herself mocks her Brother's death and says that he had it coming. She then goes on about how the Physical can easily be destroyed,but the Spiritual can't be exterminated so easily. She plans on reviving the Empire in spirit,by manipulating all Rogue Planets...including the ones that rejected her Brother such as Mao,Kremski,Persion,and Noko.

She gets a visit from the 3 Vile Investors,who tell Kait Palpentine that it's up to her to drive up interest in the Dark Side now. Profits Await. Meanwhile,the Jedi Academy has been fully restored and Jaina has become a teacher there. Ben begins the next step in his Jedi Training.

Chewbacca decides to retire and return home to Kashyyyk. Poe is given the Millennium Falcon by Chewie. In honor of Han,Poe decides to take over the former's Delivery Business. Finn joins Poe,who sees the venture as worthwhile. Rey is now another step closer to becoming a Jedi Master  

Luke continues Training Ben and Rey AND continues running the Jedi Academy. As for Jacen...

After thinking it over,Jacen decides that,after everything that's happened to him,he'd be better off as a Disciple of the Gray Side of the Force,which rejects Both Jedi and Sith teachings for something more balanced.

He talks to Luke about this and Luke doesn't like it one bit,warning that the Gray Side of the Force can be dangerous.But Jacen promises to be careful. Trying to have trust in his Nephew,Luke reluctantly allows Jacen to take the Journey. And So,Jacen leaves to study the Grey Side of the Force.

Days later,Rey finishes her training. Poe and Finn arrive and inform her that they are taken a Week Off from work to relax and have some fun. Rey loves the idea and goes to ask Luke if she can join them? Luke allows Rey and friends to have fun..but Only because they did such a great job saving the Universe. 

The 3 Friends take the Millennium Falcon on a joyride looking for Adventure and Fun.



And that is my Plan for the Replacement Sequel Trilogy. Hope this don't become dated!

Until next time,Stay Gold Space Cowboys and Resist Modern Attitudes!!