Saturday, September 26, 2020

A Legendary Tag Team Are Finally Reunited...In Heaven.

 Just this past week,The Wrestling world has lost yet another legend,Road Warrior Animal. Animal (real name joe laurinaitis) was one half of one of the greatest Tag Teams in Wrestling History,the Road Warriors aka The Legion of Doom. Alongside his (long since departed) partner Hawk,the Road Warriors captured the Tag Team Gold wherever they wrestled and were beloved by millions.

Sometimes they would be accompanied by their good friend and long-time manager,Paul Ellering,who helped them become the Legendary Team that they are today. But Now,The Road Warriors have bern reunited in that great big ring in the sky. Animal was 60.

Joe "Road Warrior Animal" Laurinaitis 
Sept. 12th,1960 - Sept. 22nd,2020

To learn more about this Legend of the Squared Circle,check out his Wikipedia page: 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Jason's Gallery - In Memoriam: Norm Spencer

No sooner after Chadwick Boseman's passing, another hero passes on, especially one who we grew up with in the 90s, especially with the 90s X-Men cartoon and no voice actor defined a generation around that time than Norm Spencer. Spencer did many voices like Drax the Destroyer, Hades, Billy Blazes from Rescue Heroes, but the one voice he did is what made him a household name, the voice of Cyclops from the 90s X-Men cartoon, along with the Capcom fighting games like X-Men: Children of the Atom and X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Wolverine may have been the face of the X-Men, but Scott Summers himself is, and always will be, the heart of the team. And through Norm Spencer's voice (through comics, cartoons and in our thoughts), I believe it wholeheartedly. Cyclops is a born leader, just like Captain America. And his determination and inspiration is why he is my favorite of all the X-Men. Godspeed, good sir. And as you always say:


Norman "Norm" Spencer
(February 23, 1958 – August 31, 2020)
