Monday, November 16, 2020

The Hand Of Destruction Has Struck! Countdown To WWE's Demise!

Since October 4th of last year The WWE has had a giant devine (and unseen by most) Hand stalking them and hovering over WWE HQ. This is the Hand of Destruction,it's purpose is to judge various institutions who have fallen. When it feels that said institution has fell far enough,it strikes with it's Fingerpoke Of Doom.

And now,after almost a whole year of waiting,The Hand has finally struck WWE. This past weekend Vince McMahon Unjustly fired Zelina Vega. And,after so many major league screw-ups by The famed Wrestling Company,THAT was the Golden Moment for the Hand to strike...and so it did.

This past Sunday,the Fingerpoke of Doom struck and now WWE,the once greatest name in Professional Wrestling,is dying. And Nothing can save it. Well,there is One thing that could. Should Triple H and Stephanie McMahon buy the company from Vince and force him out of the company,WWE will be saved. This is the only way.

Now,we countdown to the bitter end. WWE is dying and it's All Vince McMahon's fault. Hope you're damn proud of yourself,McMahon?!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Games For A Nintendo 64 Classic Edition/Mini

Nintendo Japan explicitly told fans that they were Never making an N64 Classic Edition/Mini and that tbe SNES Classic Edition/Mini was likely their final Mini-Console.

However,never say never in the world of gaming. Let's just say,Nintendo decided to surprise us with an N64 Classic/Mini,what games would it have? Here are 36 games for the hypethetical Nintendo 64 Classic Edition/Mini: 

Please note that this list is for the North American version of the system. With that out of the way,let's get started.

1. 1080 Snowboarding

2. Bomberman 64 

3. Castlevania 64

4. Cruis'n USA

5. Diddy Kong Racing

6. Donkey Kong 64

7. Doom 64

8. Dt. Mario 64

9. Super Smash Bros.

10. F-Zero X

11. Killer Instinct Gold

12. Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards

13. Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time

14. Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask

15. Mario Kart 64

17. Mario Tennis

18. Mario Party

19. Mario Party 2

20. Mario Party 3

21. Mega Man 64

22. Banjo-Kazooie

23. Blast Corps

24. Jet Force Gemini

25. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

26. Perfect Dark

27. Pilotwings 64

28. Pokemon Stadium 

29. Pokemon Stadium 2

30. Pokemon Snap

31. Super Mario 64

32. Star Fox 64

33. Paper Mario

34. Yoshi's Story

35. Wave Race 64

36. Excitebike 64

So wattaya think? Should Nintendo take a leap and create the N64 Classic Edition? Sound off below.

See Ya,Space Cowboys.