Monday, November 16, 2020

The Hand Of Destruction Has Struck! Countdown To WWE's Demise!

Since October 4th of last year The WWE has had a giant devine (and unseen by most) Hand stalking them and hovering over WWE HQ. This is the Hand of Destruction,it's purpose is to judge various institutions who have fallen. When it feels that said institution has fell far enough,it strikes with it's Fingerpoke Of Doom.

And now,after almost a whole year of waiting,The Hand has finally struck WWE. This past weekend Vince McMahon Unjustly fired Zelina Vega. And,after so many major league screw-ups by The famed Wrestling Company,THAT was the Golden Moment for the Hand to strike...and so it did.

This past Sunday,the Fingerpoke of Doom struck and now WWE,the once greatest name in Professional Wrestling,is dying. And Nothing can save it. Well,there is One thing that could. Should Triple H and Stephanie McMahon buy the company from Vince and force him out of the company,WWE will be saved. This is the only way.

Now,we countdown to the bitter end. WWE is dying and it's All Vince McMahon's fault. Hope you're damn proud of yourself,McMahon?!

1 comment:

Stefan said...

Now with Sting in the Land of Elites,The WWE's "Death Countdown" has been greatly shortened. They have no hope,unless Triple H and Steph buy the company by the end of next year.