Monday, November 16, 2020

The Hand Of Destruction Has Struck! Countdown To WWE's Demise!

Since October 4th of last year The WWE has had a giant devine (and unseen by most) Hand stalking them and hovering over WWE HQ. This is the Hand of Destruction,it's purpose is to judge various institutions who have fallen. When it feels that said institution has fell far enough,it strikes with it's Fingerpoke Of Doom.

And now,after almost a whole year of waiting,The Hand has finally struck WWE. This past weekend Vince McMahon Unjustly fired Zelina Vega. And,after so many major league screw-ups by The famed Wrestling Company,THAT was the Golden Moment for the Hand to strike...and so it did.

This past Sunday,the Fingerpoke of Doom struck and now WWE,the once greatest name in Professional Wrestling,is dying. And Nothing can save it. Well,there is One thing that could. Should Triple H and Stephanie McMahon buy the company from Vince and force him out of the company,WWE will be saved. This is the only way.

Now,we countdown to the bitter end. WWE is dying and it's All Vince McMahon's fault. Hope you're damn proud of yourself,McMahon?!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Games For A Nintendo 64 Classic Edition/Mini

Nintendo Japan explicitly told fans that they were Never making an N64 Classic Edition/Mini and that tbe SNES Classic Edition/Mini was likely their final Mini-Console.

However,never say never in the world of gaming. Let's just say,Nintendo decided to surprise us with an N64 Classic/Mini,what games would it have? Here are 36 games for the hypethetical Nintendo 64 Classic Edition/Mini: 

Please note that this list is for the North American version of the system. With that out of the way,let's get started.

1. 1080 Snowboarding

2. Bomberman 64 

3. Castlevania 64

4. Cruis'n USA

5. Diddy Kong Racing

6. Donkey Kong 64

7. Doom 64

8. Dt. Mario 64

9. Super Smash Bros.

10. F-Zero X

11. Killer Instinct Gold

12. Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards

13. Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time

14. Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask

15. Mario Kart 64

17. Mario Tennis

18. Mario Party

19. Mario Party 2

20. Mario Party 3

21. Mega Man 64

22. Banjo-Kazooie

23. Blast Corps

24. Jet Force Gemini

25. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

26. Perfect Dark

27. Pilotwings 64

28. Pokemon Stadium 

29. Pokemon Stadium 2

30. Pokemon Snap

31. Super Mario 64

32. Star Fox 64

33. Paper Mario

34. Yoshi's Story

35. Wave Race 64

36. Excitebike 64

So wattaya think? Should Nintendo take a leap and create the N64 Classic Edition? Sound off below.

See Ya,Space Cowboys.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

A Legendary Tag Team Are Finally Reunited...In Heaven.

 Just this past week,The Wrestling world has lost yet another legend,Road Warrior Animal. Animal (real name joe laurinaitis) was one half of one of the greatest Tag Teams in Wrestling History,the Road Warriors aka The Legion of Doom. Alongside his (long since departed) partner Hawk,the Road Warriors captured the Tag Team Gold wherever they wrestled and were beloved by millions.

Sometimes they would be accompanied by their good friend and long-time manager,Paul Ellering,who helped them become the Legendary Team that they are today. But Now,The Road Warriors have bern reunited in that great big ring in the sky. Animal was 60.

Joe "Road Warrior Animal" Laurinaitis 
Sept. 12th,1960 - Sept. 22nd,2020

To learn more about this Legend of the Squared Circle,check out his Wikipedia page: 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Jason's Gallery - In Memoriam: Norm Spencer

No sooner after Chadwick Boseman's passing, another hero passes on, especially one who we grew up with in the 90s, especially with the 90s X-Men cartoon and no voice actor defined a generation around that time than Norm Spencer. Spencer did many voices like Drax the Destroyer, Hades, Billy Blazes from Rescue Heroes, but the one voice he did is what made him a household name, the voice of Cyclops from the 90s X-Men cartoon, along with the Capcom fighting games like X-Men: Children of the Atom and X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Wolverine may have been the face of the X-Men, but Scott Summers himself is, and always will be, the heart of the team. And through Norm Spencer's voice (through comics, cartoons and in our thoughts), I believe it wholeheartedly. Cyclops is a born leader, just like Captain America. And his determination and inspiration is why he is my favorite of all the X-Men. Godspeed, good sir. And as you always say:


Norman "Norm" Spencer
(February 23, 1958 – August 31, 2020)


Monday, August 31, 2020

Jason's Gallery - In Memoriam: Chadwick Boseman

My fanart tribute to the recently departed Chadwick Boseman, who has played such roles as Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall, James Brown, and the one role that defies a generation for years to come, as the king of Wakanda, T'Challa, the Black Panther himself, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His passing was so sudden, especially from colon cancer and at age 43 (which is not old age, either), but his essence and his legacy will live on forever, especially when fighting on for racial equality in this day in age. Thank you for your memories in this short time you had on this Earth. The essence of Black Panther will live on within all of us forever.

Be at peace, Lord T'Challa.

Chadwick Aaron Boseman
(November 29, 1976 – August 28, 2020)


Friday, August 28, 2020

Another Animation Legend Gone!

As if 2020 wasn't disgusting crap already. Joe Ruby,co-founder of Ruby-Spears Productions,has died. He was 87.

Joe Ruby,along with his friend and business partner,Ken Spears,gave us some of the greatest cartoons of the 80's and 90's. But before doing that,Joe and Ken helped Hannah-Barbera create the cult classic,Scooby-Doo,Where Are You?! in tbe late 60's.

Thank you Joe,for everything. You will be missed.

For a more complete biography,head on over to:

Joeseph Clemens Ruby
March 20th,1933 - August 26th,2020

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Jason's Gallery - Morrigan: Dark Mistress

Morrigan: "Are you ready to have your fantasies fulfilled, darling? Don't worry, I don't bite. Enjoy the show, gentlemen. This will be so...adorable!"

As we all enjoy our fun time at a local night club, we were greeted by our entertainment for the night. Entertainment in the form of this club's star performer, our dark mistress of burlesque (who, in reality, is our favorite elegant and exotic succubus of the Dark World), Morrigan Aensland! As she performs, we cannot resist her beauty and sensual nature, as she seduces us while dancing her heart out.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

An Idea For The Disney Parks During The Pandemic.

Here's what Disney should've done for their Parks during the Covid-CCP pandemic.

Turn Disneyland and Disney World into a combination Tourist Trap/Mall with limited guests per day. The Tourist Trap part comes from Disney having non-ride special attractions where Park-Goers can take pictures of. The Mall part is self explanitory....Shopin' and Eatin'. They can also install a Social Distance Arcade too.

As for the number of guests? I'd say about 30 per visit would be a good number. Oh and the Rides and Hotels would be Closed until after the pandemic.

This Idea is Perfect and it would satisfy almost everyone during this pandemic. And when the Pandemic passess,or dies down to the point that it's no longer a threat,The Parks can return to normal operating capacity.

I am So fit to be the CEO of Disney,it's crazy. I should have Iger and/or Chapek's Job(s).

Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Every Super Nintendo Game I've Ever Played

As part of my celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System,I'm gonna be listing All of the SNES games,I've Ever played and give you some thoughts on each of them. This list will be comprised of games that I Physically Own,Have Played Through Emulation,and Downloaded Via The Nintendo E-Shop.

Ok,let's get started.

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System: I remember seeing the first commercial for this system back in '91 and I was amazed. But,when I played this system over at a relatives house,I knew I had to get one. So in 1992,I recieved the SNES as a surprise birthday gift from my grandmother (god rest her soul) and with it,a copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time. The SNES is such an awesome system.

Super Mario World: This was the Pack-In Title,which I got in addition to Turtles in Time. I first played this game at a relatives house and loved it. The 2nd greatest 2D Mario game,behind Mario 3.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time: Got this gem with my Super NES. Me and my friends (and sister and cousin) would play this game for hours. Plus,the SNES port is Superior to the Arcade lie. This is the Greatest Ninja Turtles Game Ever!

Super Off Road: A 1992 X-Mas Gift. This game had a variation of the old Toyota theme. The play control needed improvements,but overall a decent racing game. Me and my sister would play this sometimes.

Super Adventure Island: Another 1992 X-Mas Gift. A tough game due to the fact that Higgins (the player character) can't take a hit. Still a decent game,though. The music was great,so very 90s. Still haven't beaten this game,and I doubt I ever will.

Joe and Mac: Another '92 X-Mas gift. Dunno why they were called Caveman Ninjas? They don't seem very ninja-like to me. Had a fun time playing this one though.

Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past: Got this Legendary Title on my B-Day in 1993. This Is the greatest 2D Zelda game of all time. The music for this game makes the music from the Mega Man series blow chunks,it's just That great. I first played this at a relatives house,before getting a copy for myself. Got the official stratagy guide a month later.

Super Mario All-Stars: When I first heard about this game,I Wanted it so much. And sure enough,In 1994,I received it as a surprise gift from my Grandma (god rest her soul). I loved the 16-bit renditions of the NES Mario Trilogy and had a fun time replaying these classics on the Super NES. Plus,this marked my first experience with the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2,renamed The Lost Levels in this Compilation.

Mega Man X: This title took me by surprise when I first heard about it in Nintendo Power magazine. So in 1994,I went to Toys 'R' Us and bought this game (along with Mega Man Soccer and Toejam and Earl:Panic on Funkatron) using some recently acquired Birthday Money. From the very moment I started playing this,I was hooked. Clearly,it was the greatest Mega Man game up to that point.

Mega Man Soccer: Got this with Mega Man X in '94. I wasn't that big on Soccer,but bought the game because it was a Mega Man game. And even though,I'm still not a fan of the sport,I still like this game.

Cool Spot: Got this as a 1994 X-Mas gift. A fun game. Years later,I'd buy the Sega Genesis version.

Shaq-Fu: Got this as an X-Mas gift from my late-Uncle Bob (god rest his soul) in 1994. I was kinda unimpressed with the gameplay,though the music was kinda cool. Got the slightly superior Genesis version years later. Good music,mediocre game.

The Super Gameboy: Another X-Mas 1994 gift. This was something I wanted ever since I saw the commercial. Playing Game Boy games on My TV And in Cllor was such a cool thing that I had to try for myself. I really enjoyed messing around with the colors.

Donkey Kong Country: And yet another 1994 X-Mas gift. TBH,I almost forgot that this game existed before I got it. But I'm glad I did,because this game ROCKS! Few peices of trivia for ya: 1 - This game's soundtrack was the very first Video Game soundtrack to be released on commercially in the Western Market. Video Game Music Albums were only a thing in Japan before then. And 2 - It helped Nintendo decimate Sega in the Console Wars.

Mario Paint: Got this one for X-Mas in 1995. I had much fun screwing around with this games various modes. Shame the SNES Mouse had no real function outside of this game. It's also shameful that Nintendo never gave this game a DS or 3DS sequel. Seriously,Big N,WTH!?

WWF Wrestlemania - The Arcade Game: Got this one for X-Mas in 1995 as well. A super fun take on WWF Wrestling. It's like Mortal Kombat and The WWF had a lovechild and This Game was it. The only issue I had with this port was tbe lack of Yokozuna and Bam Bam Bigelow. Lazy Developers! Still,even without these 2 big men,Wrestlemania - The Arcade Game is a blast. It even got a PS1/Sega Saturn sequal,WWF In Your House.

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest: The hit sequel to the Super Hit,Donkey Kong Country. Had just as much fun playing this game,as I did the original. No CD tie-in,sadly. I got this as an X-Mas gift in either 1995 or 1996,I forget which.

WWF Super Wrestlemania: Believe it or not,I got this game as a B-day Gift,mint in box,in 1998. Crazy huh? It's an Okay title,but nothing special. The Genesis version,which was released later,had the Wrestlers Finishing moves.

Mortal Kombat II: Got this on my B-Day,along with Street Fighter II - Turbo,in 1998. This is the greatest home version of MKII. Too bad it lacks a Cheat mode,which the Genesis version did have.

Street Fighter II - Turbo: A '98 B-Day gift. Got this along with MKII. Love the game,though I really wish you could set the speed to great levels like you could in it's Genesis Counterpart,Street Fighter II - Special Champion Edition.

Ken Griffey Jr. - Winning Run: Got this one in 1999. The Only Baseball game I have for the SNES was given to me as a gift. A fun game with great visuals and sound.

Final Fantasy II aka Final Fantasy IV: My 3rd Final Fantasy game (behind 7 and 1). A cool game,though nothing outstanding. I had a ton of fun using the Game Genie on this game,though. Bought this one at Gamestop in 1999.

Super Bomberman: My buddy Phil got me into Bomberman,so I bought the Classic NES title and liked it. So I decided to give Super Bomberman a shot. It was a fun game. Loved both the music and the Battle Mode. Another '99 Gamestop purchase

Mega Man X2: This game was a surprise B-Day gift from my Late-Uncle Bob in 1999. It was also the 1st Mega Man X title that I beat without a Game Genie. I also used to rent this game quite a bit before I owned it.

Super Castlevania IV: Another Gamestop buy,this time in 2000. I enjoyed the NES CV trilogy and decided to give this one a go. Long story short,I wasn't disappointed. The graphics,sound,and gameplay were awesome. This clearly is the best Castlevania Game on the SNES.

F-Zero: Picked this up at Gamestop in 2000 because I wanted a racing title for my SNES. It's basic,yet cool looking. I'm proud of this buy to this very day.

Actraiser: Picked this one up at Gamestop in 2000. I Love the action stages,but hate the simulation parts. Love the music as well.

Sim City: I bought this at Gamestop in 2000 out of curiosity. Unlike Actraiser's simulation levels,Sim City was actually fun.

WWF Royal Rumble: Bought this at Gamestop in Late-2000,along with WWF RAW. I liked Super Wrestlemania for the SNES,so I decided to get this. Button-Mashing Fun,Ladies and Gentlemen.

WWF RAW: I already owned this game on tbe Sega Genesis,but I wanted to complete my SNES WWF collection,so I bought it.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest: I heard of the game and knew it was a beginner RPG,but I bought it and enjoyed it anyway. The soundtrack is awesome. My 1st Gamestop purchase of 2001.

Super Ghouls and Ghosts: Another Game I'd get at Gamestop in '01. It's Crazy Hard,yet Crazy Addicting.

Mortal Kombat: Sanitized Kombat!!!!!!!!!!! Got this just to see how edited it really was. Thankfully,I only payed 5 bucks for it at Gamestop in 2001.

Super Street Fighter II: Wanted the SNES port,despite already owning the Genesis version. Another Game I bought at Gamestop in 2001.

Spider-Man/Venom - Maximum Carnage: Bought at Gamestop in 2001. I wanted to get the Genesis version of this game,but Gamestop didn't have it,so I had to settle for the SNES version,which they Did have. Hard game,but fun.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3: Got this at Gamestop in 2001. I had the Genesis port of MK3,so I decided to try out the Ultimate version on the SNES. I wasn't disappointed.

Mega Man 7: Another 2001 Gamestop buy. Like with X2,I actually rented this one and bought it years later. One of my favorite SNES games.

Mega Man X3: In Mid-2001,I remember seeing this game at Gamestop,but it was pretty expensive and I was 20 bucks short,so I want home without it. But my Grandma (god rest her soul),knowing that I loved the Mega Man games,gave me the extra $20 for the game and I went back to Gamestop to buy it. To this day Mega Man X3 is the most expensive SNES game that I own. It's also the Final Super Nintendo game that I bought physically. I was,and still am,very grateful to my Late-Grandma for doing this for me.

And Now The Games that I've played via Emulation (though PC and Wii Virtual Console)

Rockman and Forte (aka mega man and bass): This Japanese-Only title was the very first game I played on emulation. Hard as hell,but Bass was very fun to play as.

Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden: I was a fan of the show,so I decided to try out the games. Now All DBZ games during the SNES-era were Japanese Only,so naturally these games were in Japanese. Anyway,didn't have as much fun with this game as I did with other Fighting titles,same goes for Butoden 2 and 3.

Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden 2: The 2nd game in the Butoden series. Story takes place during the Cell Games Saga of the Anime.

Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden 3: The 3rd game in the Butoden series. Story takes place during the Majin Buu Saga of the Anime.

Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension: A Spin-off game in the Butoden series. This game was an improvement over the last 3 games. I enjoyed playing this.

Sailor Moon: A fun Beat'em-Up from Japan. I became a fan of the franchise years prior,so I had to play this. Story takes place during the Dark Kingdom Saga of the Anime.

Sailor Moon S: A simple,yet fun Fighting Game.

Sailor Moon SuperS: Another fun Sailor Moon Fighting Game.

Sailor Moon: Another Story: This SM game is a JRPG. The story iteslf is unique,it involves an Evil Mystic from the Future who wants to alter Crystal Tokyo's history for her own purposes. Hard as hell and in Japanese,but I enjoyed it.

U.N. Squadron: A fun,but difficult,Shoot'em-Up with the ability to buy upgrades for your jet.

Final Fight: A somewhat watered-down part of Capcom's Arcade Classic,but it's still a blast to play. Got this on the Wii Virtual Console too.

Gradius III: Fun Shoot'em-up action.

Street Fighter II: Vanilla Street Figbter Ii. Wanted to check out tge not-so-obvious differences between it and Turbo,so I downloaded the game....for free on emulation,of course.

Super Mario Kart: The one that started it all! Got this fun game on the Wii Virtual Console too.

X-Men - Mutant Apocalypse:  A Beat'em-up platformer that I wanted to try,but couldn't get into. I partially blame the difficulty.

Spider-Man/X-Men - Arcade's Revenge: A mediocre Action-Platformer starring Spider-Man and tbe X-Men.

Super Metroid: An Amazing game that can get very very tough,very very fast. Still tbe greatest Metroid title,though.

Super Double Dragon: I was not much of a fan of the Difficulty or the Control Layout. And Double Dragon II NES is Still the Best in the Franchise.

The Incredible Hulk: A very mediocre Platformer-Beat'em-up starring everyones favorite Angry Green Giant. It had a coll soundtrack,though.

Super Bomberman 2: I played the first one,so I wanted to play the 2nd. Very challenging game but has it's fun moments. The battle mode is where it's at for the Bomberman series and this game does that slightly better than the original.

Saturday Night Slam Masters - Capcom's answer to the WWF. Very cool game to play.

Fatal Fury - Played the sequel in the Arcades,so I decided to try out the Original. It was a cool game and a good beginning of a great franchise. Kudos SNK.

Fatal Fury 2 - Played the Arcade version and liked it,so I decided to try out it's SNES counterpart. It's just as good. Sure the Graphics and Sound got a downgrade,but the game plays like the Arcade. 

Fatal Fury Special - An Improved version of Fatal Fury 2. 

World Heroes - Played this in tne Arcades and thought it was fun. The SNES version is just as good.

King of the Monsters - The game looked fun,so I decided to try it out. It's Pro-Wrestling meets Daikaiju,what's not to love?

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: I rented this game once and thought it wasn't that good..especially compared to the more fun Sega Genesis version. When I played it via Emulation,I still thought it was mediocre,but I learned to like it more. Best thing about this game (and it's sequel) was the soundtrack.

Super Punch-Out: A fun sequel to the NES Classic,Punch-Out. Have this one on the Wii Virtual Console,as well.

Super Adventure Island II: One of the Final games in the Adventure Island franchise. The gameplay has been changed up and you get hit points this time. It's a difficult,but fun experience.

Final Fantasy III (aka Final Fantasy 6): The Final Final Fantasy for the Nintendo Systems until 2002. This game is a true masterpiece. The story,the music,the visuals,the characters..All Excellent. Got this game on the Wii VC many years later.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters: A solid fighting game that can be hard as hell. Visuals and Soundtrack get an A- from me.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie:  I like the Sega Genesis version better. However,the Soundtrack for This version completely blows away it's Genesis counterpart's.

Super Mario: Yoshi's Island: A very fun game...though Baby Mario's crying gets really annoying,really fast.

Ninja Guiden Trilogy: Thought this was gonna be another Wily Wars/Mafio All-Stars-type situation..turns out there was not much graphical improvement. The only noticable upgrade was the soundtrack.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Fighting Edition: A pretty solid fighting game where you either play as a Megazord or a Giant Monster. Sadly,This was last Good Power Rangers game until Legacy Wars.

Chrono Trigger: Nothing I can say can do this Adventure of a Lifetime justice. An even Bigger Masterpiece than Final FaNtasy III [VI]. Have this on the Wii VC as well.

Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racers: A mediocre Racing Game that tries to be Mario Kart,but fails in a big way.

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble: I enjoyed this game. Though I still think that the first 2 were way better.

Marvel Super Heroes: War of Gems: A Spiritual Successor to X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse. Plays better too.

Super Mario RPG: The Final Square (now square-enix or squeenix) game for the Nintendo platforms until 2002. This was also the first and Only time Nintendo and Square worked together on a project. And the end result was something great. I recommend playing this jem.

And That,my friends is the List. The SNES has given me decades of good memories and great fun. Happy 30th Super NES,you are still loved.

'Till Next Time,
See Ya,Space Cowboys.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Go in Peace - RIP Regis Philbin

This just in.

Regis Philbin, the man known as the "Hardest Working Man in Show Business," has died on July 24th, 2020.

Regis Philbin was not just an actor, but he was best known for being one of the most recognizable names in daytime talk shows, mostly in the morning, for he was the original co-host of LIVE! with Regis and Kathie Lee, alongside Kathie Lee Gifford, which was later renamed LIVE! with Regis and Kelly, after Kathie Lee left and Kelly Ripa took her place. Known for his funny wit, Reeg, as most of his friends and fans call him, was quite a ham, not only in his own talk show, but also in late night, with the likes of David Letterman, Conan O'Brian and Jimmy Fallon, but appeared in many TV shows like Spin City, Mad About You, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and How I Met Your Mother, the various Disney Park Parades (mostly around Christmas time), and even on game shows, including the one show that became a household name, Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? Because of his hard work in show business, he earned the Guinness World Record of Most Hours on U.S. Television.

Originally died of natural causes, it was revealed that he died of Cardiovascular Disease. He was only 88 years old, one month shy of his 89th birthday.

For his wild sense of humor and a quick wit to boot, We will never forget the times that Regis Philbin put a smile on everybody's faces.

Go in peace, Reeg. Godspeed.

(TAPS plays)

Regis Francis Xavier Philbin
August 25th, 1931 - July 24th, 2020

This has been a Retro Rebellion Special Report

Monday, July 6, 2020

The King of Pop Is Now Part of The Retro Rebellion Hall of Heroes

Michael Jackson was one of the greatest music icons to ever exist. He helped break racial barriers in music thanks to his partnership with MTV (they were decent back then,i swear). With his cool attitude,look,and sound,Michael Jackson was a huge draw with fans worldwide and would continue to hold such drawing power until the late 90's.

Despite all of this success,though,Michael wasn't without his enemies. Back in the day,some in the Media didn't like him that much and labeled him a pedophile when he was falsely accused of sexually molesting young boys. These accusations almost ruined him and would have if they were true..but they weren't,so they didn't.

However in recent times,each and every one of these alligations were proven to be false and Michael was cleared of all wrong doing.

Michael had gentle soul and seemed like the type of guy you'd wanna be pals with. So with all this said,Retro Rebellion is Very Proud to induct "King of Pop" Michael Jackson into the Retro Rebellion Hall of Heroes.

You are missed like crazy,Michael. Thank you for entertaining us through the 80's and 90's. Rest In Peace,King of Pop. 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Back To Work After The 4th.


Following the 4th of July,I will be back on the job again. Just to let you all know. Also,I'm considering adding Super Smash Bros Director and Kirby creatr,Masahiro Sakurai, to the Hall of Heroes. This dude is doing so much for the Smash Community,he deserves every ounce of praise he gets.

So there we go. See ya on July 5th or 6th,Space Cowboys.

Stay Gold and Stay Safe.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Jason's Gallery: Usagi's Beach Bunny Birthday Blast! (featuring Kasumi)

On the shores of Bass Island, the main beach of Zack Island, Usagi Tsukino is celebrating her birthday by vacationing on the island alongside her new friend, the runaway ninja mermaid princess, Kasumi. Knowing that Usagi's one piece swimsuit wasn't so elegant enough, Kasumi gives her a swimsuit worthy of a mermaid princess, the Violet bikini, along with a matching sarong. Usagi became ecstatic when the kunoichi gave her the bikini, knowing that she would make her boyfriend, Mamoru Chiba, blush.

Kasumi: "Happy Birthday, Usagi! Hope you like your present. It is worthy of a princess, just like myself."

Usagi, looking in amazement of the Violet Bikini with matching sarong: "It's so beautiful! Thank you!  I know Mamo will swoon over this (that's is if he doesn't get a nosebleed first (giggles)).

Happy Birthday, Little Miss Bunhead!!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Small Status Update

2020 has been the Absolute WORST Year thus far and there's no sign of it getting any better. Hopefully Retro Rebellion will help give you guys a destraction from the Evils of the Modern World.

First off,my SNES Tribute is still ongoing and Should be posted in time for it's 30th Anniversary this fall. I think you'll be pleased. In the meantime,I have other cool things I'll be doing on this blog.

After thinking long and hard about it,I've decided to add Michael Jackson to the Hall of Heroes. He's been vindicated and ready to be Honored. We at the Retro Rebellion are extremely honored to place him with the other Heroes. Expect that to happen soon.

Next,I'll be posting an updated line-up of my fantasy TV Network,Modern Vintage TV.

And finally,I gotta complete my backlog of things I've been meaning to do,but didn't (it's gotta get done). I may also do something Power Rangers related.

Anyway,that's it for now. Hope Everyone is staying safe and healthy.

Until Next Time,
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys

Monday, May 11, 2020

Eulogy to the Flaymboyant Little Richard

Little Richard is by far the most important and flamboyant people in the world of music. One of the pioneers of Rock 'n Roll, he made the phrase,  "A Wop Bop a Loo Bop a Lop Bam Boom!", a part of pop culture history. I don't know much about his life and all, but I do have some memories of his influence in other media. For instance, one of his songs, Long Tall Sally, was played in a little movie called Predator. That's right. Long Tall Sally was played while Dutch Schaefer and his fellow soliders were heading to Central America for their mission. That song itself was indeed almost as memorable as the line, "Get to the Choppa!". Also, he not only did his version of the theme of Casper the Friendly Ghost (not only for the movie, but also the cartoon based on that movie), the last thing saw of him was in one of those Geico commercials, where he made the phrase "Mashed Potatoes, Gravy and Cranberry Sauce" more fun and flamboyant every Thanksgiving. Little Richard's influence didn't just effect movies and television, but also with wrestling. During his time in WCW, Marc Mero used Little Richard likeness for his wild persona of Johnny B. Badd. Why Mero didn't get sued over this, I'll never know. But, it was the 90s. What can you do.

In short, whether it's his flamboyancy, Long Tall Sally being immortalized in Predator, doing his take on the theme of Casper, making Thanksgiving a little more hip in the Geico commercials or inspiring Marc Mero to be like him (or lack therof), Little Richard had a "Wop Bop a Loo Bop a Lop Bam Boom" career and deserved his place in the pantheon of Rock 'n Roll. Tutti Fruti will never be the same without him. Godspeed, Little Richard. Thanks for all the memories. Be at peace, flamboyant one. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOO!!


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Little Richard Is The Reaper's Latest Hit

One of music's most legendary icons,Little Richard,has passed away due to Bone Cancer. He was 87.

Read all about this great man here:

Richard "Little Richard" Penniman
Dec. 5th 1932 - May 9th 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020

Program Block Ideas!

I haven't talked much about my "Fantasy" TV Network,Modern Vintage TV,lately So I thought it was about time I started talking about it again.

The Program Block was a very common thing back in the day,they were awesome and kept a Network organized too. Sadly,in todays Terrible World,The Program Block is nothing more than a memory.

So I think my Network should revive them. Here are a few ideas I have for Program Blocks.

Cartoon Express (Copyright Aquired) - A Weekday Afternoon block that's a total revival of The USA Network's Cartoon Express. Will have both new and old shows. Block starts at 3pm and ends at 5pm.

SatAM Superstars - A Saturday Morning Block. No details yet,but it will be mostly made up of new shows. Block starts at 8am and ends at 12pm.

The Saturday Arcade - A Block dedicaded to Video Game based game shows and eSports. Block starts at 1pm and ends at 5pm.

Action Xtreme Team (Copyright Aquired) - A Sunday Morning Action and Adventure Show Block. Block starts at 8am and ends at 11am.

NeoJetix (Copyright Aquired) - A Friday Night Action/Adventure Anime Block. Block starts at 7pm and ends at 11pm.

Geek Omniverse - A Saturday Evening Block dedicated to All Things Geek-Centric. Block starts at 6pm and ends at 11pm.

And that's all I can tbink of at the moment. I think I covered all of tbe bases nessesary so I'll end things here.

Also,I'm still working on my SNES Tribute,so I haven't forgotten about that.

Until Next Time,
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Da Fink is Defunct!

Ladies and Gentlemen,The WWE has lost yet another legend. Wrestling's most famous Ring Announcer,Howard Finkle passed away today due to health issues. He was 69.

The Fink was,to many,one of the most Iconic voices in WWE history. He will be missed.

- Howard Finkle made his debut in 1977 at a WWWF MSG show.
- He was also The WWE's longest employed ring announcer.
- He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009.

Howard Finkle
June 7th 1950 - April 16th 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Newest Members Of The Public Enemies

Today,thanks to COPPA and Youtube,I can't fave ANY Vid that's labled "For Kids". Just to be clear,the vids I fave are content from the 80's and 90's that could be considered for the 8-12 demo,but said content is basically for everyone. I'm not into Baby Garbage.

This Is Really Really Stupid! And because of this The FTC (the revivers of COPPA) and Youtube have Earned a Place In The Public Enemies List!

They've pushed me too far.

Updated: Also,because They are the POSs responcable for Purposely creating The Coronavirus to show their might and lying about their involvement in tbe virus' creation,I've decided to add Xi Jinping and His Government to the Public Enemies List. Communists Suck!! Period!!

In closing,I Really,Really hope everyone is doing alright during this crisis. Stay Smart,Stay Healthy Stay Safe,Space Cowboys.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wishlist for the New Disney CEO

Because I promised this,here is a wish list for the new Disney CEO Bob Chapek.

1 - End The SJW BS.

2 - Fix the Line-Ups (organize them) on The Disney Channel and Disney XD

3 - Improve the Quality of Disney+

4 - Stop With The Pointless Remakes. The Only Needed Remake is Hercules.

5 - Fix Freeform. We don't like the Femnazi BS.

6 - Treat Your Aquired Fox Properties Right.

7 - Improve The Quality of The Star Wars Franchise.

8 - Either Fire Kathleen Kennedy or Move Her To A Less Powerful Position.

9 - Utilize Hulu To It's Fullest Extent.

10 - Add Anime To Hulu.

11 - Improve The Disney Creative....and Keep It Great.

12 - Don't Buy-Out Anymore Major Media Organizations. For The Love of God,Please Don't! Instead,for strong relationships/partnerships with other companies. Much Better thqn Buying Them Out.

13 - Turn Disney Channel into a General Family Network and Disney XD into an All Animation Network.

14 - Make Ticket Prices For Tbe Parks And It's Attractions Cheaper!

15 - The Most Important Thing! Always Listen To The Fans! It's The Fans That Keep You Unbeatable! Lose The Fans,Lose Forever!

And there is the Wish List. Hope he grants at least some of these requests. Disney Needs to get better,because The Geeks are seeing it as Worse.

Until next time,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The New CEO

2 weeks ago,Disney got itself a brand new CEO,Bob Chapek. Now,the reason why I didn't report this weeks ago is because it wasn't that urgent. Plus,Iger is staying on as chairmen until 2021,so Chapek might be taking orders from Iger himself.

Let's all hope that this isn't the case and this new honcho actually Listens to the Fans. It may be wishful thinking,but we'll see. Chapak is currently settling into his roll as CEO of Disney.

Join me next time as I make a Wish List of things Bob Chapek Should do to improve Disney.

Until then,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Jason's Gallery - Ariel and Odette

The Princess of the Sea and the Princess of the Skies. Although different from one another, and from different worlds. But they one thing in common, their eternal beauty and their independence, which is the case for both Ariel, Mermaid Princess of Atlantica and Odette, the Swan Princess.

Another fanart of Ariel continuing her world tour. This time around, she is paired with the Swan Princess herself, Odette. Not only another Ariel drawing, but in the case of Odette, this one is also a tribute to her original voice, Michelle NiCastro, whose beautiful voice mirrors Jodi Benson's, was silenced when she passed away in 2010 by both breast and brain cancer. And my drawing is my tribute to her and one of many motivations of making my dreams come true.
Godspeed, Michelle NiCastro. Be at peace, Princess of the Swans.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Stefan's Most Memorable Animated Villains - A Villain-tine's Day Special

This February 14th we celebrate Valentines Day,a day of Romance and Chocolates. Well,That's not how We are gonna be celebrating that day. Nope,here at Retro Rebellion,Feb 14th is Villain-tines Day,a day for Bad Guy Love.

With that Said,Retro Rebellion presents tbe Ultimate List of Memorable Animated Villains...according to Me,that is. This list will not only contain Cartoon and Anime Villains,but also Video Game Baddies as well.
Let's get started with some Honorable Mentions.

Don Turtelli (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles '87) - Turtelli was a crime boss from the 80's Ninja Turtles show who had a fun way of getting info from his victims - tickling their feet. His most famous victim being April O'Neil. Overall,Turtelli was a fun idea for a Villain.

Tron Bonne (Mega Man Legends) - This Pirate Princess isn't a Villain,per se,but still a very memorable and fun Antagonist. Her family theme song is also fun and memorable.

Dr. Robotnik (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog) - This version of Dr.Eggman is one of the most memorable and entertaining Game to Toon characterzations ever. This is mostly thanks to his starring role in various Youtube Poop videos. He's biggest mission is to either capture or destroy,his ultimate nemesis,Sonic The Hedgehog,so that he can rule Mobius.

Darth Vader (Star Wars) - Not an Animated Baddie,but had to be put on this list due to how Iconic He is. His theme,the Imperial March,is also Iconic.
And now for the Main List.

The Joker (Batman) - The Joker has always been the antithesis of Batman and it's because of this,he's not only the most memorable member of Batman's Rogues Gallery,but also a Definitive one. You just can't have a proper Batman series without The Joker. There have been many many versions of the character,but the best and most iconic version is the Joker from the 90's Animated Series (voiced by Luke Skywalker himself,Mark Hamil). He was really fun to watch,Hamil's Joker is just Legendary. And how about that iconic laugh of his?

Shao Khan (Mortal Kombat) - "You Will Die,Mortal!" Those are the Immortal Words of The Mighty Emperor of Outworld. For most fans of Mortal Kombat,Shao Khan was their first taste of a Big Bad in the Series. Khan has a very cool and very iconic look,which is a mix between Skeletor and a Samurai. Khan was the most powerful boss in the 2D Mortal Kombat games,decimating everyone in just a few hits. If you were an arcade-goer,this lead to a lot of Quarters being spent...and I do mean A Lot.

Dr.Doom (Marvel) - He was the 1st Real Big Bad of the Marvel Multiverse and is still a big deal today. That metal mask and green hooded cape of his are simply unforgettable. And while there are more powerful Villains in the Marvel Multiverse,Dr.Doom remains the most iconic and memorable.

The Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) - There have been many versions of The Shredder,and each of them memorable in their own way. But the '87 Animated version of tbe Turtles' Chief Nemesis is special. See,The Shredder was only the main villain for a short while in the Original Mirage Comic,who soon became an afterthought after he was killed. The '87 version expanded the characters roll in the franchise and eventually made the character popular. He soon became the Turtles' #1 Villain thoughout the franchise. Despite their differences,all Shredders have the same goal: World Domination.

Skeletor (Masters of the Universe) - He-Man and Eternia's #1 Nemesis. Skeletor covets the secrets of Castle Greyskull so that he can rule the Galaxy. Like with Shredder and Joker,there are multiple versions of Skeletor,But none so iconic or memorable as the Filmation version. Yeah,that version of Skeletor was the most fun to watch...especially when he does that iconic evil laugh of his.

Megatron (Transformers) - The Definitive Leader of The Decepticons believes in Peace though Tyranny and will stop at nothing to rule the Universe and rob it of it's Energon. Like with other Baddies on tbis list,there are multiple versions of this guy,but the G1 Version will always be the most iconic and memorable.

Cobra Commander (G.I. Joe) - There are multiple versions of this dude too and they are all Megalomaniacs who lead Cobra,a ruthless organisation hellbent on dominating the world. The Real American Hero Cobra Commander is the one everyone best remembers...complete with raspy voice. Cooobraaaaa!!!

Mumm-Ra (Thundercats) - An ancient evil of Third Earth,who calls upon the powers of The Ancient Spirits of Evil to become Mumm-Ra,the Ever-Living. He was the biggest threat to the Thundercats and almost succeeded in destroying them a few times. 80's Mumm-Ra was the best version.

Giovanni (Pokemon) - The leader of Team Rocket,a ruthless mafia-like organisation who use Pokemon for their criminal activities. One of the most memorable things (if not the most memorable thing) about Giovanni is when he revealed himself to be the mysterious Veridian City Gym Leader way back in Generation 1. There were many other Evil Teams and Bossess after him,but Giovanni and Team Rocket remain the most memorable and most iconic.

Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog) - A man shaped like an egg and has an I.Q. over 300. Eggman's goal is to conquer the world with his Deadly Machines. He would've succeeded too if not for his arch-nemesis,Sonic the Hedgehog. Eggman battles Sonic in a veriaty of Vehicles and Mechs,some of which were iconic. Dr.Eggman is a classic Video Game Baddie and Tbe Sonic Series wouldn't be the same without him.

Bowser Koopa (Super Mario) - He's big,strong,has a fiery temper,and Loves to kidnap Princessess. He's King Bowser Koopa,the biggest threat to the Mushroom Kingdom and the very first boss most NES players have ever encountered. It's one of the reasons why Bowser is so memorable. Fun fact: Shigeru Miyamoto initially based Bowser on the Ox Demon King from Journey to the West,that's why he has ox-like features. Bowser was given some turtle-like features as well,to make him realated to the Koopa's,who were turtles.

Dr.Wily (Mega Man) - Ex-friend and Rival of Dr. Light. Dr.Wily wants to dominate the the world and force it to recognize him as the Ultimate Robitics Genius. For us Mega Man fans,Dr.Wily is fondly remembered as the OG Mega Man Villain and to this day remains one of the most iconic Baddies in All of Video Games.

Sigma (Mega Man X) - Sigma,aka the greatest Mega Man Villain,was originally a Maverick Hunter turned evil by a Virus. Ever since his 1st defeat at the hands of X,Sigma now lives on as a living digital entity that's part computer virus. There have been,and there will be,many more X-Series villains,but Sigma will Always remain Lord Of The Mavericks!

Ganon/Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda) - Ganondorf is a Gerudo who is the reincarnation of the Demon Lord Demise,and it's because of this,Ganondorf is the emodiment of evil. He aims to dominate Hyrule and rid it of it's Legendary Hero,Link and it's Princess,Zelda. In many continuities,Ganondorf controls the Triforce of Power.He also has a Demon Boar form simply called,Ganon. There were many Villains in the Zelda Franchise,but Ganondorf will always remain the most iconic.

M.Bison (Street Fighter) - The OG Street Fighter Baddie is Still the best. Energized with Psycho Power,M.Bison is one of the franchises most powerful villains. He is the leader of Shadaloo,an underground terrorist organization. Out of all the Street Fighter villains,M.Bison remains the most memorable.

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) - The King of All Final Fantasy Villains. With his cool look and Awesome Sword (the masamune),Sephiroth instantly became a fan favorite. Sephiroth's goal in the original game was to become one with the planet by striking it with Meteor (look up the FF7 story for yourselves guys,cuz I ain't gonna explain how sephy's plan is supposed to work). Sephiroth remains the face of all Final Fantasy Villains,he's just that iconic.

Queen Beryl (Sailor Moon) - Galaxia's the most powerful,Nehelenia is the sexiest,Pharaoh 90's the biggest,and Death/Doom Phantom is the scariest. But Beryl will alway be the most Iconic and memorable Villain in the Sailor Moon franchise. After all,she was the first major villain we Sailor Moon fans were exposed to. Beryl herself was the ruler of the Dark Kingdom,an ancient evil group who,along with their mistress Metalia,decimated the Silver Milenium. They were later reborn on Earth after their first total defeat by Queen Serenity. On Earth, they seek the Silver Crystal,the only thing that will restore Metalia to form.

Frieza (Dragon Ball) - Intergalactic Tyrant Frieza is the most recognizable villain in all of Dragon Ball. We first meet him in the Namek Saga of Z,where he was after the Namekian Dragon Balls to wish for immortality. The tyrant almost succeded,but was thwarted by his lack of understanding the Namekian Language. He later met his first true defeat at the hands of Super Saiyan Goku. Since then,Frieza has made many many more apperences throught the franchise,including having a major roll in Dragon Ball Super. He's a true Anime icon.

Devimon (Digimon) - Devimon was the very first villain the Digidestened crossed paths with. His voice and look make him one of the most memorable anime villains of all time. His Touch of Evil and Black Gears can corrupt any Digimon. Devimon is a great villian and one of the most memorable in the Digimon Franchise.

Myotismon (Digimon) - Myotismon was the second Major threat that the Digidestined has faced. He wanted total domination of both the Real and Digital Worlds,but first he had to find the 8th Digidestined and destroy her. Because he knows that once the 8 Digidestined Children are united,he'd be in serious trouble. Anyway,Myotismon had a very cool look,he was like a masked vampire-lord. Liked his voice too,very menacing. Myotismon will always be remembered fondly by Digimon fans and Anime fans alike.

Dr. Claw (Inspector Gadget) - Dr. Claw,leader of the criminal organization known as M.A.D. This dude is an 80's cartoon icon and it's due to his deep menacing voice and overall presentation (only his arms were shown to the viewer).

Mojo Jojo (The Powerpuff Girls) - There's just something memorable and entertaining about an evil,somewhat-goofy,fast-talking chimp with a super-brain. His laugh is fun too.

Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory) - Mandark is Dexter's greatest rival and evil scientist in-training. He was an entertaining villain. His laugh was the most memorable thing about him.

Maleficent (Disney Animated Canon) - The Mistress of All Evil. There have been various versions of the character,but the OG Maleficent will always be the best and most iconic. No words can describe the awesomeness that is the DAC Maleficent.

So what do you think? Should We celebrate Villain-tine's Day Every Feb 14th? And how about my personal picks? Lemmie know in the comment section.

Until Next Time,
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.

Black History Month 2020: Max's Kobe Tribute

This month's Black History Month fanart features our favorite tech gal and the only friend who knows Terry McGinnis' "Afterschool Job", Maxine Gibson from Batman Beyond, who, just like Penny from Inspector Gadget, is voiced by Cree Summer. When I originally wanted to draw Max, it was to praise her and her role of being the one friend who knows that Terry is Batman, helping him out any way she can and I wish they would've used her more if the show wasn't cancelled. But, something changed those plans. And that is the fact that, judging from Max wearing a Lakers jersey with the number 24 and a armband with the number 2, is that we lost a great player in the world of Basketball last month, Kobe Bryant. Kobe, along with his daughter, Gigi and a couple more people, died in a helicopter crash on January 26th of this year. Kobe was not just a great player, but a great husband, father and great man, who transcended beyond Basketball, including winning an Oscar for his animated short, Dear Basketball, alongside former Disney artist, Glen Keane (who created such characters as The Beast, Aladdin, Rapunzel and my most favorite, Ariel). I am may not be the biggest fan of Basketball, but what he has left behind is extraordinary.

This one's for Kobe and for Gigi, (number 2 and 24 respectively). Thanks for all the memories, inside and outside the court. Be at peace, Mamba. Godspeed.

Kobe Bryant
August 23, 1978 - January 26, 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Jason's Gallery - Jason and Jessie: Frienemies Start With First Names

Jessie: "Wait, Twerp. Maybe we should..."

Jason: "Go home, Jessie. There is nothing you can do now. Let me save your partners. And, by the way, my name is Jason! It's not "brat" or "clown" or "little boy" or even "twerp," it's Jason."

Jessie stands silent with a confused look on her face.

Jason: "Frienemies start with first names...Jessie."

This fanart was inspired by that scene from 1987 buddy cop comedy version of Dragnet, where Pep Streebek (Tom Hanks) reminds Joe Friday (Dan Aykroyd) that "Friendships start with First Names," especially overcoming the "Twerpology" of Team Rocket, among other things. Standing up to bullies, who use derogatory words, is the constant of being a true hero.

In short, Anime Jason is nobody's twerp, that's for sure.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Jason's Gallery - Misty Times Two!

I'm back again with more artwork to share. This time around, these two involve Pokemon's resident Tomboyish Mermaid from Cerulean City, Misty. Let's have a look.

Here we have the three faces of Misty: Her Default Self, as a Magician's Assistant in a Goldeen dress from the episode "March of the Exeggutor Squad" and as the Magical Mermaid from "The Misty Mermaid."

Misty, who has played a mermaid for underwater ballet, meets an actual mermaid, but no ordinary mermaid, for she is in the presence of Ariel herself, who is curious about what a Pokeball is. To her, she prefer it as a "Sphere-a-majigger".
And there you have it. Ash Ketchum may have many lady friend in his Pokemon journey. But of all the girls he travels with, Misty will always be my first and my most favorite (but don't get her on her bad side, though). Until next time, folks. Stay frosty.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Go in Peace, Soul Man - RIP Rocky Johnson

If anyone who is a fan of The Rock, I got some bad news. WWE Hall of Famer, Rocky Johnson, the son of the aforementioned Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, has died on January 15, 2020. He was 75 years old. Nicknamed the Soul Man, Johnson was one of the early greats. One of his greatest moments was being the first black champion in WWE history, when he won the tag titles on December 10th, 1983, alongside his partner, Tony Atlas. His other greatest moment, having a son, who has carried on his legacy and became the "Most Electrifying Man in All of Sports Entertainment," The Rock. Johnson retired from wrestling in 1991 and was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame on March 29, 2008, alongside his father-in-law and The Rock's grandfather, High Chief Peter Maivia.

He died of a heart attack, due to pulmonary embolism, which causes a blood clot in his leg, traveling to his lungs. He is survived by 3 children, including Dwayne Johnson himself. The Rock wouldn't be "The Jabroni Beatin', Pie Eatin', Trailblazin', Eyebrow raisin', All-around, Smackethdown, People's Champ," if it wasn't for the Soul Man. Our condolences to The Rock and his family for this lost.

Godspeed, Rocky Johnson. At least your legacy is in good hands. Be at peace.

(TAPS play)

Wayde Dougleas Bowles aka Rocky "Soul Man" Johnson
August 24, 1944 - January 15, 2020

This has been a Retro Rebellion Special Report

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Let's Fail: Anime Jason vs. Discovery Family - Chapter 1: Beginnings

The following blog is based on a video retrospective I was working on. But due to the politics and strict rules by the following parties (YouTube and The Federal Trade Commission) over COPPA, it will be in blog form until this matter is resolved. Although not as exciting as the video version, the blogs of this retrospective will be spot on like its counterpart and it will be well-informed. Enjoy.

Aw, The Hub Network, once a great network, where the past and future mingle together. And now, in its place, another example of a decent channel falling victim to executive meddling. What we see before us now is a result of the following factors: corrupt corporate executives, denouncing everything nostalgic and regretting it, and above everything else, money. There was once a time where many people rave about The Hub. Now, there is only a few. With Discovery Family spewing its "Edutainment" drivel and holding the Brony fanbase hostage, I attend to search for the answer for that universal question: WHY?!

As far back as I can remember, permanent decent channels are truly hard to come by. Every time a channel starts off good and awesome, it gets ruined in the long haul and The Hub Network is no different. But the question is: Would it happen again to another promising channel and milk it down to its core? It happened to the other channels that came and went and some are still on the air but barely. For the denizens of Equestria there was hope, but for the rest, there will be no tomorrow.

(Pinkie Pie crying)
And while parental groups, politicians and moral guardians are thrilled about it, I believe Discovery Family is nothing but a Edutainment cesspool that is more similar to those of Litton Entertainment. So much so, it caused so many mixed results, especially for a Brony fanbase is divided over this. Many people that I heard from have their own opinions on the whole matter.

Dotnot1999: "Discovery Family, like the "New" Boomerang, is lacking variety. Discovery Family, are trying to be the new Boomerang 2.0? You need some more variety to your channel. Get with it!"

Skalopulton301: "Now I know this might be a huge, big deal to you, guys, but this, this is a big deal to me! You guys might be okay with it, but I'm not! I'm not okay with this! I just wish they would never change The Hub Network!"

NickyVMLP: "Let's say Friendship is Magic were to stay on Discovery Family and Discovery Family never finds a show that able to carry the channel. This would mean that Friendship is Magic would be forced to be the flag bearer for Discovery Family for years and years and eventually the show will overstay its welcome and we be facing a Nickelodeon/Spongebob kind of scenario."

It was more than a simple rebranding, much more. And with so many viewers disappointed in The Hub's demise, I definitely feel for them. How could a decent channel with so much potential ended up suffering the same fate as the other channels before it? To understand our current predicament and why Discovery Family is a big mistake, all we have to do is one thing we do when we start a story. It's always best that we the beginning.

(Mortal Kombat 3 Vs. Screen Jingle)

"Once upon a time, many, many, many years ago" as The Rock puts it, before there were many channels, it started as only one. Founded in 1985, 2 years after my birth, Discovery, the company, use to be the premier hub to everything educational. Discovery Channel itself was born on July 17th in the same year the company was created. Discovery is stationed at Silver Spring, MD, which is closer to the center of dirty and corrupt politics, Washington, DC.

(Dramatic Fanfare)

Discovery was founded by John Samuel Hendricks, who ran the company for 32 years until his retirement on March 20th, 2014, 7 months before The Hub's demise and the rise of Discovery Family.

Johnny Cage: "Dun Dun DUNNNN!!"
Thank you, Johnny Cage! Anyway, Discovery today has a lot of executives running many divisions. But the ones who succeeded John Hendricks are the ones running Discovery now. There names are Robert J. Myron, who is chairman of the board. AND...David M. Zaslav, who is president and CEO of Discovery itself. Between the two, I got some gripe with Zaslav, but more on that later. And on a sidenote, Bruce Campbell, YES, THAT Bruce Campbell, served as its chief development, distribution and legal officer at the time. I'm guessing before everything went downhill, at the time, Bruce Campbell sums up his position in one, little word...

Ash: "Groovy!"

But I would leave that to your imagination. After all, he's the least of my worries. Anyway, enough of the company itself. Let's talk about the channel itself.

Discovery Channel was once THE premier channel, solely dedicated to everything educational, which is technically not a bad thing back then. The perfect channel for those who don't go to school, getting home schooled, or just want to learn things and grow up to be great scholars, scientists, educators, etc.. Discovery displayed every, single program and documentary promoting education in many fields, such as science and nature and animals and history and so on and so forth. Wanna learn the lifespan of a member of the animal kingdom? Watch Discovery Channel. Wanna learn how tornadoes are formed? Watch Discovery Channel (The Weather Channel is another story). Wanna know about The American Revolution or World War II for your history report? Watch Discovery Channel. That's right folks, Discovery Channel was once the only channel for your educational needs. It was like this throughout the mid to late 80s. But like most media companies, it didn't stay one channel forever.

Discovery acquired TLC, another educational-themed channel, in 1991, back when TLC originally stood for The Learning Channel, before ending up changing for the worst.

(Honey Boo Boo Belching)

Okay, let's move on. Then, on October of 1996, with cooperation with the British network, BBC, Animal Planet was born. Hence the name of the channel, Animal Planet was devoted to everything that is related to its true demographic: Animals. Shows and documentaries such as: Meerkat Manor, Orangutan Island, Crocodile Hunter (CRIKEY!!), and of course, my personal favorite, Animal Icons.

Animal Icons is a documentary-themed show that talks about fictional characters based on animals like Garfield, the shark from Jaws, and so forth. For instance, in one episode, we've learned about the symbols of our respective political parties. While the elephant represents the Republicans' strong will, the donkey from the Democrat's side indicates that they are not just strong as well, but like the animal itself, they are as stubborn as a mule, no offense.

Old Mule: "None Taken."

But for the past 4 to 5 years, both the Republicans and Democrats have since switched personalities, Freaky Friday-style, and now it is the Democrats who are strong willed while the GOP are strong, yet stubborn but for the worst reasons. But that story is for another time.

Anyway, in the episode, Comic Book Creatures, we've learned about our favorite superheroes and villains who are based on real life animals and insects like Spider-Man, Batman, Catwoman, The Penguin and so on. But in one segment, though not based on a specific animal, Superman, whenever he flies, he soars real high like the Bald Eagle itself. You see, Superman is like the Bald Eagle, they are both majestic.

On a side note, even though the voice announcer for the majority of the episodes was done by voice over artist, Robert Clotworthy, in the episode, Star Wars Creatures, which featured creatures from the Star Wars universe, such as the Wampa, the Tauntaun, the Rancor and of course, Jabba the Hutt (Jabba laughing), the voice over narrator in this one was done by none other than C-3PO himself, Anthony Daniels.

C-3PO: "Anthony Daniels on Animal Planet? Oh, my!"

And then, of course, my most favorite episode of Animal Icons is: "It Came from Japan!". "What is it about?", you ask? Giant Japanese Movie Monsters, which includes, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah, Gamera and of course, the King of the Monsters himself, Godzilla.

(Godzilla roars)
Animal Planet has since steered away from the animal demographic, and focus more on the humans than the animals. But I will get to that later. From 1996 to 1998, Discovery continues to expand. Not only acquiring channels like The Travel Channel, CBS Eye on People and The Health Network, but also launching more channels with the Discovery name, with some being renamed later in the long haul. The channel names are...

(Takes a deep breath)

Discovery Travel & Living, Discovery Civilization, Discovery Science, Discovery Wings, Discovery Health...

(Takes another deep breath)

And of course, the very channel that will have the most grief. The one channel that will have the most identity crisis and so much executive meddling to boot. It will go by other names, but in the beginning, it went with one name: Discovery Kids.

To Be Continued...

Next Episode: Discovery Kids: The Network That Wasn't!

Ash: "Hail to the King, Baby!"