Monday, May 11, 2020

Eulogy to the Flaymboyant Little Richard

Little Richard is by far the most important and flamboyant people in the world of music. One of the pioneers of Rock 'n Roll, he made the phrase,  "A Wop Bop a Loo Bop a Lop Bam Boom!", a part of pop culture history. I don't know much about his life and all, but I do have some memories of his influence in other media. For instance, one of his songs, Long Tall Sally, was played in a little movie called Predator. That's right. Long Tall Sally was played while Dutch Schaefer and his fellow soliders were heading to Central America for their mission. That song itself was indeed almost as memorable as the line, "Get to the Choppa!". Also, he not only did his version of the theme of Casper the Friendly Ghost (not only for the movie, but also the cartoon based on that movie), the last thing saw of him was in one of those Geico commercials, where he made the phrase "Mashed Potatoes, Gravy and Cranberry Sauce" more fun and flamboyant every Thanksgiving. Little Richard's influence didn't just effect movies and television, but also with wrestling. During his time in WCW, Marc Mero used Little Richard likeness for his wild persona of Johnny B. Badd. Why Mero didn't get sued over this, I'll never know. But, it was the 90s. What can you do.

In short, whether it's his flamboyancy, Long Tall Sally being immortalized in Predator, doing his take on the theme of Casper, making Thanksgiving a little more hip in the Geico commercials or inspiring Marc Mero to be like him (or lack therof), Little Richard had a "Wop Bop a Loo Bop a Lop Bam Boom" career and deserved his place in the pantheon of Rock 'n Roll. Tutti Fruti will never be the same without him. Godspeed, Little Richard. Thanks for all the memories. Be at peace, flamboyant one. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOO!!


1 comment:

Stefan said...

The man was a true Legend. I enjoyed him and his music. He is missed. #RIPLittleRichard