Saturday, January 25, 2020

Jason's Gallery - Jason and Jessie: Frienemies Start With First Names

Jessie: "Wait, Twerp. Maybe we should..."

Jason: "Go home, Jessie. There is nothing you can do now. Let me save your partners. And, by the way, my name is Jason! It's not "brat" or "clown" or "little boy" or even "twerp," it's Jason."

Jessie stands silent with a confused look on her face.

Jason: "Frienemies start with first names...Jessie."

This fanart was inspired by that scene from 1987 buddy cop comedy version of Dragnet, where Pep Streebek (Tom Hanks) reminds Joe Friday (Dan Aykroyd) that "Friendships start with First Names," especially overcoming the "Twerpology" of Team Rocket, among other things. Standing up to bullies, who use derogatory words, is the constant of being a true hero.

In short, Anime Jason is nobody's twerp, that's for sure.


Stefan said...

If she treats you like or even calls you a Twerp again,Let's tickle torture her XD

RekkaDragonJay said...

Yeah! Her midriff (navel and all) is the most exposed part of her body. ;P

Stefan said...

I'd go for her feet XD