Monday, December 2, 2019

COPPA ruined YouTube Forever!

I like to take moment to give an update on my progress. As you all know, I am back doing blogs on Retro Rebellion full time. If you haven't seen my recent blogs, feel free to do so. And I am doing them full time now because of what's happening now, especially around the internet.

In case you didn't notice, but effect after December 10th of this year, YouTube will be ruined forever, all because of our government's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is enforcing their law, The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA for short). What am I talking about, you ask? The FTC fined YouTube $170 million for violating the COPPA law and because of that, the next time we post a video there, they will force us to label them whether its kid-friendly or not. Failing to do so, will result the creators to pay the fine of, get this, $42,000.

$42,000? That is highway robbery if I ever saw one. It is bad enough that we have deal with the Content ID and the false copyright claims, but being fined $42,000 over a video? This is the type of fine we cannot and will not afford. Do you know how much hard earn money we would lose because of bunch of robber barons that want to control our lives. That is not protecting our children, this is nothing more than a violation of our first amendment rights. This is just like The Running Man, our government turned our decent country into a police state, where Art, Communications and Music are against the law. And because of a certain vitaligo-ridden numbnut running the country, it is becoming a dark reality.

So, as a precaution, I have deleted my videos from my YouTube account to avoid any penalties until the FTC gets off our backs. Which means, I won't get a chance to post any more videos I will make, especially my Anime Jason vs. Discovery Family retrospective/rant. Speaking of which, I will work on that aforementioned documentary. Until this matter is resolved, I will do my documentary as Stefan did with my 60 Minutes videos all those years ago, I will put them in blogs. It ain't much, but anything is better that to fined by the FTC.

As for my videos, unless you have an account, I will post them on Facebook for now.

If you want to know more about COPPA, the link is below. And if you want to fight against this freedom destroying law, the link to the petition at is right below to.

It's time to take it to the FTC and to COPPA.


1 comment:

Stefan said...

COPPA is only Part of the problem. Youtube itself is the Other Part