Friday, April 13, 2018

Jason's Gallery - Friday the 13th Edition!

Hey Toonsters,

   Since today is Friday the 13th, one of the most complex days that happens once or twice a year, I will give present to you, my fanart, involving my fictional self, fighting against the face of Friday the 13th himself, Jason Voorhees. Before I show you my pics, here is a little backstory, but mostly around the name, Jason. As we all know, the name Jason, comes from many sources. For instance, the name may originally came from the first letter from 5 of the 12 months of the year.

J for July, A for August, S for September (my birth month, by the way), O for October and finally, N for November.

Or it could trace back to Greek mythology, involving the hero, Jason, who was leader of the Argonauts,  known for their quest for the Golden Fleece and was friends with another mythical hero, Hercules.

Or, the most common of the Jason name itself. For it was the name of the one of the most iconic horror movie characters of all time, next to the likes of Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, the psychotic killer from Crystal Lake, who drowned as a little boy when ignored by the camp counselors. His machete and especially his hockey mask alone, is what made Mr. Voorhees this iconic. And since then, every time Friday the 13th happens, there were times I dreaded having the name Jason, because of Jason Voorhees.

But I digress, since I turned this type of fear into something creative, by combating Jason Voorhees, for the honor of the Jason name. So, without further ado, here is my artwork, where I combat the hockey masked psycho of Crystal Lake.

War of the Jasons! Anime Jason vs. Jason Voorhess!

Here we have my first one I made 3 years ago. After seeing a Friday the 13th movie marathon on IFC long ago, I drew this little number. Here we have my fictional self, Oathkeeper Keyblade at hand, against Jason Voorhees himself. One day, I will do a story about this, which takes place around the October, where Friday the 13th happens, which last until Halloween. That's right, Mr. Voorhees last beyond Friday the 13th in this one. And in my thoughts, although he doesn't talk, Jason Voorhees uses body language to tell what he is going to do, like motions to me by pointing his machete at me and does a cut throat motion, implicating that is going to kill me (which he won't cause I will hold my own against him).

War of the Jasons: Part II! Good Jasons vs. Evil Jasons!
Here we have my latest one. Jason Voorhees is back! Only this time, he isn't alone, for he was bought back from the dead by Anime Jason's evil doppelganger/clone, Anti-Jason, who represents his dark side. However, Anime Jason isn't alone in this new battle, for he is aided by the original Red Ranger, Jason Lee Scott. And this two way fight has become "Morphinominal," with every sense of the word. In a way, it looks like a comic book cover, which I was aiming for when I drawing it.

And there you have it. So, in a day like Friday the 13th, always remain cautious, especially when superstition is the word. Stay safe and stay frosty, my friends. Until next time.

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