Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Jason's Gallery - Kasumi: Free-Spirited Maiden

In her times in self-exile from the Mugen Tenshin clan, aside from her school uniform, Kasumi's casual outfit is a subtle ensemble, which reflects her beauty, innocence and gentle nature. Mostly for warm spring and hot summer days, she usually wear her outfit, just to feel like a normal teenage girl, not bounded by her shinobi heritage, and wears it for hanging out with her friends outside her village, like her beloved commoner, Ryo Sanada, the benevolent leader of the Ronin Warriors, and her honorary sister, Usagi Tsukino aka Sailor Moon. Her favorite golden yellow ribbon, which was the key to her hairstyle of her choosing, is wrapped on her left arm, a symbol of her free-spirited nature and her shinobi roots. Whatever Kasumi ends up, know this, wherever the cherry blossoms flow, Kasumi's gentle smile will always warm our hearts. 


Note: Kasumi's casual outfit was inspired by many sources, namely the type of outfit worn by Elie from Rave Master, and a simliar looking outfit she wore in DOA5. As for her footwear, instead of sneakers, I give her brown leather sandals, which makes her feel like a cherry blossom goddess. Truly a beautiful shinobi princess to the last.

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