Friday, February 7, 2025

Every Nintendo Wii Game I've Ever Played

Next is the list of Wii Games that I've played. And as always, This list is for Archive Purposes.

I got the Wii on my B-Day of 2007 and was my very first experience with Motion Controls. Setting up the sensor bar was a real pain, as I couldn't easily find a great spot for it. The Mii's were fun to make and the games (the ones I have, at least) were a blast to play.
Wii Sports - The Wii's Pack-In Title and Killer App.  One of the console's greatest games.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Got this for my B-Day in 2007, along with my Wii. I Love Super Smash Bros. and Sonic's inclusion was a surprise to many...including myself.

Wii Play -  Got this for X-Mas in 2007. A spin-Off of Wii Sports.

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games - Another game I got for my B-Day in 2007. The first collab between Sega and Nintendo. As much as I liked this game, I'm still hopeful for a proper Mario/Sonic crossover.
Ninja Reflex - Bought at Gamestop in 2008. I thought this game looked interesting, and it was. A psudo-ninja simulator. 

Wii Sports Resort - Got this game and Mario Kart Wii for X-Mas of 2009. Wii Sports Resort is the Sequel to the ever popular, Wii Sports. It's bigger and just as fun as the original.

Mario Kart Wii - I was a big fan of Mario Kart and I initially got this game to try out the included Wii Wheel. Sadly, my Wii Wheel was thrown out an Overzealous relation (not naming names, though I really want to). The game still plays fine without it, though.

Punch-Out Wii - Got this for X-Mas in 2010. I'm a fan of this franchise, as well. Punch-Out marks a brief return after being absent from both the N64 And the Game Cube.  

Wario Ware D.I.Y. Showcase - Downloaded via the Wii Ware in very late 2010, along with 4 other titles. I was a Big fan of Wario Ware D.I.Y. and the fact that I could've transferred my created games to the big screen grabbed me.

Mega Man 9 - Downloaded it via Wii Ware in 2010. Was excited for this game initially. But thanks to the bad Level Layout and Capcom feeling the Need to take away Mega Man's Slide and Charged Shot,my excitement turned to frustration. Overhyped is the word I give this game. On the bright side, the Weapons, Music, and Robot Master designs were top notch.   

Mega Man 10 -  Downloaded it via the Wii Ware in 2010. Better level layout than 9 And you get to play as Bass. Shame Capcom felt the need to keep Mega Man lame by Not restoring his Slide or Charged Shot. Bass is also missing his Double Jump. Which sucks.

Kirby's Adventure - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2010. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2010. See my List of SNES Games to read my opinion of this game.  

StarTropics - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

River City Ransom -Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.  

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Final Fight - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of SNES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Spider-Man - Edge of Time - Got this for X-Mas of 2011. I Really wanted Spider-Man 3, but got this game instead. A decent game overall, though. 

Final Fantasy III aka Final Fantasy VI - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of SNES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Chrono Trigger - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of SNES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Metroid - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2012. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

And That does it for this list. Next up is one for my Nintendo DS. So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold.  

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