Friday, February 7, 2025

Every Nintendo DS Game I've Ever Played

Next up Every Nintendo DS Game, I've Ever Played. Let's skip the intro and just get onto the list. And as always, This list is for Archive Purposes.

I got The DS Lite for X-Mas of 2006 and the DSi for X-Mas of 2009. Almost all of my DS games were X-Mas gifts. 

Brain Age - Got Brain Age and a bunch of Games for X-Mas in 2006. A fun educational game. And after completing the daily session, you get to play Dr. Mario.

Brain Age 2 - The 2nd DS game I got for X-Mas of 2006. The sequel to Brain Age. Complete the daily session and you can play Soudoku. 

Flash Focus - The 3rd DS Game I got for X-Mas of 2006. Another educational game. One that's more fun than Brain Age.

Clubhouse Games - The 4th DS Game I got for X-Mas of 2006. My Favorite DS Game. It has, Blackjack, Poker, Pool, Darts, Solitaire, Bowling and More. Super fun game.

Tetris DS The 5th and final DS game I got for X-Mas of 2006. I Love me some Tetris and I really like this games other puzzle modes. Tetris Rocks! 

My Sims - I got this game, along with New Super Mario Bros, Sonic Rush, Digimon World, Final Fantasy III, and Pokemon Diamond, for X-Mas in 2007. My Sims isn't a game for everyone, but it has it's charm.

New Super Mario Bros. - Mario returns to his 2D roots in this fun adventure. Shame the Warp Zones are very difficult to get too.

Sonic Rush - This game is Tough!! Only Expert Sonic Players should play this.

Digimon World DS - I was still a fan of this franchise, so I wanted to try this game. A fun, but difficult JRPG.   

Final Fantasy III DS - A remake of The TRUE FF3. Hard as All Hell, but still playable. Yeah, not my Favorite JRPG. I rarely play it and just keep it as a collectable.

Pokemon Diamond - A Better JRPG. Pokemon expands with over 100 New Monsters and a deeper story, with more focus on the Legends. Pokemon fun in 32-Bits.  

Rock Revolution - A Rhythm game I bought at Gamestop in 2008. Not bad and fun to screw around with.

Wario Ware D.I.Y - My 2nd favorite DS game. I got this fun title for X-Mas of 2009. In Wario Ware D.I.Y. You are the game maker. You can make your own mini-games or improve existing ones.

And That does it for this list. Next up is one for my PS3. So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold.

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