Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Jason's Gallery - Kasumi: Free-Spirited Maiden

In her times in self-exile from the Mugen Tenshin clan, aside from her school uniform, Kasumi's casual outfit is a subtle ensemble, which reflects her beauty, innocence and gentle nature. Mostly for warm spring and hot summer days, she usually wear her outfit, just to feel like a normal teenage girl, not bounded by her shinobi heritage, and wears it for hanging out with her friends outside her village, like her beloved commoner, Ryo Sanada, the benevolent leader of the Ronin Warriors, and her honorary sister, Usagi Tsukino aka Sailor Moon. Her favorite golden yellow ribbon, which was the key to her hairstyle of her choosing, is wrapped on her left arm, a symbol of her free-spirited nature and her shinobi roots. Whatever Kasumi ends up, know this, wherever the cherry blossoms flow, Kasumi's gentle smile will always warm our hearts. 


Note: Kasumi's casual outfit was inspired by many sources, namely the type of outfit worn by Elie from Rave Master, and a simliar looking outfit she wore in DOA5. As for her footwear, instead of sneakers, I give her brown leather sandals, which makes her feel like a cherry blossom goddess. Truly a beautiful shinobi princess to the last.

Jason's Gallery - Hayate x Hitomi: Trusting Embrace

Despite coming from different backgrounds, Hayate, the master ninja of the Mugen Tenshin and Hitomi, the perky commoner karateka, never been so madly in love with one another.


Deep in the very Black Forest where they first met, Hitomi, the lovely karateka full of kindness and innocence, embraces the very person she nursed back to health after escaping a DOA Germany facility and helps him with his long journey to regain his lost memories under his old alias, Ein, Hayate, the Shinobi of the Wind and the 18th and current grandmaster of the Mugen Tenshin clan. Despite their different paths, Hitomi being a commoner and Hayate being a ninja master, their love for one another couldn't be more absolute.

Hitomi: "Oh, Hayate! I thought I would never see you again, with your duties as a ninja master and all."

Hayate: "Well, despite my duties as the grandmaster of the Mugen Tenshin, that will not stop me from seeing you. Since the day we met, you helped guided me to regain my memories and find myself. I would still be lost, if it wasn't for you. Thank you, Hitomi."

Hitomi: "You're welcome." 

Hayate: "Remember, wherever you go, I will always watch over you."

Hitomi: "Hayate, my brave ninja protector. Hey, if you are not too busy, we can spar for a little bit."

Hayate: "Of course. I am never too busy to spar with my lovely commoner." 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Every Nintendo 3DS Game I've Ever Played

Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the FinalList of Games that I've played. This one focusing on the 3DS. As always, This list is for Archive Purposes.

I got the 3DS for X-Mas in 2012, along with 2 Games - Super Street Fighter IV and Mario Kart 7. My 3DS Library is the smallest out of all of my handhelds. I also mainly play my DS titles on the 3DS now, due to convenience.
Super Street Fighter IV - 3D Edition - My first experience playing Street Fighter IV and I really enjoyed it. 

Mario Kart 7 - I love me some Mario Kart, despite me sucking at them.    

Super Smash Bros 3DS -  Got this for X-Mas of 2014. And... It's Super Smash Bros for the 3DS!!!!! That was Really Incredible. It's Super Smash Bros you can play on the go. Plus, the Roster was better than it's ever been.   

Dr.Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine -   Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2014. See my List of Game Gear Games to read my opinion of this game.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Downloaded it via the 3DS Virtual Console in 2014. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Excitebike 3D - An enhanced version of Exitebike that I downloaded in 2015 via the 3DS Shop in 2015. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Mighty Final Fight - A tough 8-bit Beat'em Up that I downloaded via the 3DS Virtual Console in 2016. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Sonic Drift II - I downloaded Sonic Drift via the 3DS Virtual Console in 2017. This is basically Mario Kart, but with Sonic Characters. I enjoy this game quite a bit.

Pac-Man - I downloaded it via the 3DS Virtual Console in 2017. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Donkey Kong 3 - Another game I downloaded via the 3DS Virtual Console in 2017. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Super Mario Maker 3DS - This is my final 3DS title. One that I got for X-Mas in 2018. A watered down port of Super Mario Maker for the WiiU, but still enjoyable.

And That does it for this list, which will be the last one in this series...for now, at least. I gotta complete my Switch Library first.

So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold. 

Every Sony Playstation 3 Game I've Ever Played

The next list of game's I ever played will focus on the Playstation 3. This will be the Penultimate List, so it's almost over. And as always, This list is for Archive Purposes.

I received my PS3 for X-Mas of 2013 and would be the last Sony console that I'd own. Also, My PS3 Library is very small,not as small as my 3DS Library,but still small.
WWE '12, WWE '13, and Soul Caliber V - Got these games for X-Mas of 2013, along with my PS3. WWE '12 and 13 were my first Wrestling games since 1999. Long time, I know. The controls for these games could've been better, but still both WWE '12 and WWE '13 are fine games, with great customization options. Plus,WWE '13 allowed players to create their own Titles, a staple for the series going forward. As for Soul Caliber V. I loved the combat and the fact that you could create your own warrior. You could also customize the main roster too. This game gets a bad rep. But this is actually a good game.

Super Street Fighter II - HD Remix - The very first game I Downloaded via the Playstation Store in 2014. It's Super Street Fighter II Turbo with HD Anime-ish Graphics. The Soundtrack benefited greatly from this upgrade.

WWE 2k14 - A game I would get in 2014 for X-Mas. WWE 2k14 is an improved version of WWE '13. It's heavily Wrestlemania focused and contains a whopping 100 slots for custom characters. This is my favorite WWE game.  

Marvel v Capcom Origins - I downloaded the Demo for this game (via the playstation store) in 2015. I needed to play MvC again, but I didn't have the funds to get the whole game, so I downloaded the demo and enjoyed it. Unfortunately, by the time I Did get enough funds, the game was pulled from the Playstation Store. Damn!

Virtua Fighter V - I downloaded this game via the Playstation Store in 2016. My first and Only experience with this long running Sega franchise. Fun game and the customization is great.

FirePro Wrestling Returns - I downloaded it via the Playstation Store in 2017. The FirePro Wrestling franchise is a Japanese Wrestling series, with only a few entries that made it outside of Japan, this game was one of them. Great customization, fun game, but a very hard one to master.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse - As a Dragon Ball fan, I was all in on this. So, in 2018, I downloaded it via the Playstation Store.  DBXV is a 3D Beat'em Up with JRPG elements. This is a very very tough game. But, at least you can create your own Dragon Ball OC. And later on, you can learn skills from the Main Cast of the Franchise.

And That does it for this list. Next, and final, one is for my 3DS. So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold. 

Every Nintendo DS Game I've Ever Played

Next up Every Nintendo DS Game, I've Ever Played. Let's skip the intro and just get onto the list. And as always, This list is for Archive Purposes.

I got The DS Lite for X-Mas of 2006 and the DSi for X-Mas of 2009. Almost all of my DS games were X-Mas gifts. 

Brain Age - Got Brain Age and a bunch of Games for X-Mas in 2006. A fun educational game. And after completing the daily session, you get to play Dr. Mario.

Brain Age 2 - The 2nd DS game I got for X-Mas of 2006. The sequel to Brain Age. Complete the daily session and you can play Soudoku. 

Flash Focus - The 3rd DS Game I got for X-Mas of 2006. Another educational game. One that's more fun than Brain Age.

Clubhouse Games - The 4th DS Game I got for X-Mas of 2006. My Favorite DS Game. It has, Blackjack, Poker, Pool, Darts, Solitaire, Bowling and More. Super fun game.

Tetris DS The 5th and final DS game I got for X-Mas of 2006. I Love me some Tetris and I really like this games other puzzle modes. Tetris Rocks! 

My Sims - I got this game, along with New Super Mario Bros, Sonic Rush, Digimon World, Final Fantasy III, and Pokemon Diamond, for X-Mas in 2007. My Sims isn't a game for everyone, but it has it's charm.

New Super Mario Bros. - Mario returns to his 2D roots in this fun adventure. Shame the Warp Zones are very difficult to get too.

Sonic Rush - This game is Tough!! Only Expert Sonic Players should play this.

Digimon World DS - I was still a fan of this franchise, so I wanted to try this game. A fun, but difficult JRPG.   

Final Fantasy III DS - A remake of The TRUE FF3. Hard as All Hell, but still playable. Yeah, not my Favorite JRPG. I rarely play it and just keep it as a collectable.

Pokemon Diamond - A Better JRPG. Pokemon expands with over 100 New Monsters and a deeper story, with more focus on the Legends. Pokemon fun in 32-Bits.  

Rock Revolution - A Rhythm game I bought at Gamestop in 2008. Not bad and fun to screw around with.

Wario Ware D.I.Y - My 2nd favorite DS game. I got this fun title for X-Mas of 2009. In Wario Ware D.I.Y. You are the game maker. You can make your own mini-games or improve existing ones.

And That does it for this list. Next up is one for my PS3. So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold.

Every Nintendo Wii Game I've Ever Played

Next is the list of Wii Games that I've played. And as always, This list is for Archive Purposes.

I got the Wii on my B-Day of 2007 and was my very first experience with Motion Controls. Setting up the sensor bar was a real pain, as I couldn't easily find a great spot for it. The Mii's were fun to make and the games (the ones I have, at least) were a blast to play.
Wii Sports - The Wii's Pack-In Title and Killer App.  One of the console's greatest games.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Got this for my B-Day in 2007, along with my Wii. I Love Super Smash Bros. and Sonic's inclusion was a surprise to many...including myself.

Wii Play -  Got this for X-Mas in 2007. A spin-Off of Wii Sports.

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games - Another game I got for my B-Day in 2007. The first collab between Sega and Nintendo. As much as I liked this game, I'm still hopeful for a proper Mario/Sonic crossover.
Ninja Reflex - Bought at Gamestop in 2008. I thought this game looked interesting, and it was. A psudo-ninja simulator. 

Wii Sports Resort - Got this game and Mario Kart Wii for X-Mas of 2009. Wii Sports Resort is the Sequel to the ever popular, Wii Sports. It's bigger and just as fun as the original.

Mario Kart Wii - I was a big fan of Mario Kart and I initially got this game to try out the included Wii Wheel. Sadly, my Wii Wheel was thrown out an Overzealous relation (not naming names, though I really want to). The game still plays fine without it, though.

Punch-Out Wii - Got this for X-Mas in 2010. I'm a fan of this franchise, as well. Punch-Out marks a brief return after being absent from both the N64 And the Game Cube.  

Wario Ware D.I.Y. Showcase - Downloaded via the Wii Ware in very late 2010, along with 4 other titles. I was a Big fan of Wario Ware D.I.Y. and the fact that I could've transferred my created games to the big screen grabbed me.

Mega Man 9 - Downloaded it via Wii Ware in 2010. Was excited for this game initially. But thanks to the bad Level Layout and Capcom feeling the Need to take away Mega Man's Slide and Charged Shot,my excitement turned to frustration. Overhyped is the word I give this game. On the bright side, the Weapons, Music, and Robot Master designs were top notch.   

Mega Man 10 -  Downloaded it via the Wii Ware in 2010. Better level layout than 9 And you get to play as Bass. Shame Capcom felt the need to keep Mega Man lame by Not restoring his Slide or Charged Shot. Bass is also missing his Double Jump. Which sucks.

Kirby's Adventure - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2010. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2010. See my List of SNES Games to read my opinion of this game.  

StarTropics - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

River City Ransom -Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.  

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Final Fight - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of SNES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Spider-Man - Edge of Time - Got this for X-Mas of 2011. I Really wanted Spider-Man 3, but got this game instead. A decent game overall, though. 

Final Fantasy III aka Final Fantasy VI - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of SNES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Chrono Trigger - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2011. See my List of SNES Games to read my opinion of this game.

Metroid - Downloaded it via the Virtual Console in 2012. See my List of NES Games to read my opinion of this game.

And That does it for this list. Next up is one for my Nintendo DS. So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Every Sony Play Station 2 Game I've Ever Played.

The next list on this "Tour-de-Force" is for every Playstation 2 Game I've ever played. Why am I doing this? As always,for Archive Purposes.

I got my PS2 in 2004 for my Birthday. Believe it or not,I got this system as a hand-me-down,so it was used. I now use this system to play my PS1 games.

Kingdom Hearts - The 1st PS2 game. Got this gem (and 2 other games) for my Birthday in 2004. Kingdom Hearts is long-running series that was a collaboration between Disney and Square-Enix. A fun game and the 1st Square-Enix JRPG that ditches turn based battles.

Final Fantasy X - The 2nd PS2 game I got for my B-Day in 2004. Haven't gotten far in this game (mainly because i didn't have a strategy guide). I still had fun with this game though.

Dragon Ball Z Budokai- the 3rd and final PS2 game I would get for my B-Day in 2004. I loved DBZ and I loved Fighting games so the Budokai was a game that I Needed to get. This game covers the Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, Android, and Cell Sagas of the Anime.  

Mega Man X7 - Bought at Gamestop in 2004 - What I thought was gonna be an awesome Mega Man game, turned out to be a very lame experience. Today, this game is just part of my collection. Has a great soundtrack though.

Mega Man Anniversary Collection - Bought this at Gamestop in mid-2004. Mega Man Anniversary Collection is a collection of not only the 1st 8 Mega Man games, but also the 2 Arcade Titles (which need to be unlocked). A really good collection.

Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 -  Got this game on X-Mas of 2004. It's a cool hybrid of both a Fighting Game and a Board Game. Covers the entirety of Dragon Ball Z. Very fun game, though battling the same opponent 5 - 8 times during the Story mode was Mega-Tedious.

Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 - Got this on my B-Day of 2005. This game contains both Fighting Game and RPG elements (complete with world map). Covers All of Z, The Shadow Dragon Saga of GT, the Movies, And has Kid Goku as an unlockable, 

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - My first Gamestop buy of 2005. As a fan of Street Fighter, I needed to play this. Plus, it contained 2 games that I hadn't played until that point - Hyper Street Fighter II and Street Fighter III - Third Strike.

Mega Man X8 - Another Gamestop purchase of 2005. The X-Series goes back to it's 2D roots. Too bad the level layout, for the most part, sucks beyond sucks. Not to mention the 2 Ride Chaser levels. Still has it's fun points, though. Axl was made cooler and the game had some cool concepts like a Double Team Attack and Mix and Match Armor upgrades for X.

Mega Man X Collection - My first Gamestop Purchase of 2006. I bought this game mainly for Battle and Chase (which was stupidly made an unlockable). Anyway, other than that game, this collection contains the 1st 6 X Series titles.

Street Fighter Alpha Anthology - Bought at Gamestop in 2006. My Final PS2 game and it was a great one. Street Fighter Alpha Anthology contains Every Street Fighter Alpha game that existed at that point. Plus, Super Gem Fighter as a bonus game.

And That does it for this list. Next up is one for my Wii. So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold. 

Every Nintendo Game Boy Advance Game I've Ever Played.

The next list on this "Tour-de-Force" is for every Game Boy Advance game I've ever played. Why am I doing this? As always,for Archive Purposes.

I got the Game Boy Advance for X-Mas in 2003. Then, on the following X-Mas I'd get the SP version. Today,I play my Game Boy games on the XP.

Mega Man Zero - In addition to getting my GBA, I also got a bunch of great games too. Yeah, X-Mas of 2003 was good! Anyway, Mega Man Zero was the first GBA game I ever got and ever played. Fitting for a Mega Man nut, such as myself. Anyway, MMZ is a really tough game and Not for novice players. Still, there's no denying that the game Is fun.

Mega Man Battle Network 2 - Another 2003 X-Mas gift. Mega Man Battle Network 2 is a JRPG with a unique combat system, where the character is free to move and attack during battle and the Menu System is only used to assemble your Special Weapons. Another tough game and the random battles are Super Annoying. However, the Music, Characters, Setting, and Battle System are Great. Would play the 1st game via emulation.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Another 2003 X-Mas gift. This was the first new Ninja Turtles game in a great while and would be my Last Ninja Turtles game until The Cowabunga Collection. Anyway, TMNT is based loosely on the 2k3 Show..though that's not a bad thing. TMNT is mainly a Beat'em-Up like it's predecessors, but with added vehicle stages. A challenging but fun game.   

Disney's Treasure Planet - Yet another 2003 X-Mas gift. Based loosely on the Movie. Despite the good graphics and music, I just couldn't really get into this game.

Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island - Got this game for X-Mas of 2003 too. Super Mario Advance 3 is a slightly remastered port of Yoshi's Island for the SNES. Baby Mario's crying is as annoying as ever on the GBA. I still had fun with this game though. The SMA series also contain a fun remake of Mario Bros. Cool. Would get SMA4 later.

Sonic Advance - Yet Another 2003 X-Mas gift. This game was a result of Nintendo and Sega. Sonic Advance is a game that returns Sonic to his 2D roots. Let's just say that I love this game. The music is great and the game is fun.

Hot Wheels X-Velocity [think that's what it's called] - The last GBA game I'd get in 2003 (fox x-mas). A decent little racing game based on the famous Hot Wheels property.

Dragon Ball Z - Collectible Card Game - I bought at Gamestop in 2004. Based on the Short lived Dragon Ball Z Card Game. I was a big fan of Dragon Ball Z,so I wanted to try this game out. Not a bad game. 

Dragon Ball Z - Legacy of Goku - I bought at this at Gamestop in early-mid 2004. As a fan of the Anime, I needed to play this. It's similar to Zelda, but with Ki attacks instead of magic and punching instead of using a sword. Plus, you can fly. This game covers both the Saiyan and Frieza sagas of the Anime. I like this game too.

Pokemon Sapphire - Got this on X-Mas of 2004. I was big on Pokemon, so I had to play this. Like with Gold and Silver before it, I had fun playing this.  

Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario 3 - Another X-Mas 2004 gift. This is a slightly remastered port of my Favorite Mario Game. Would play the rest of the series via emulation.

Pokemon Leaf Green - For X-Mas of 2005 I got 2 Pokemon Games, this one and Pokemon Ruby. Pokemon Leaf Green is a remake of Pokemon Blue and was paired with Fire Red, which was a remake of Red. I was a fan of Generation 1 and was eager to play the remake. I wasn't disappointed.

Pokemon Ruby - I already had Sapphire and I wanted to catch the Pokemon exclusive to Ruby. So I got this game, along with Leaf Green. Good stuff.


Games I played though Emulation:

Mario Kart Super Circuit - I still loved the Mario Kart series during this era, but missed out on Super Circuit. So, I played it though emulation and had fun.

Mega Man Battle Network - The 1st game in the Mega Man EXE/Battle Network series. I pretty much had the same experience as the 2nd game.

Super Mario Advance - A slightly remixed version of Super Mario Bros 2 (the Superior Super Mario 2!!!!). I love SMB2, so I loved this game too.

Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World - A slightly remixed port of Super Mario World. In don't Need a reason for liking this game, It's F'n Super Mario World!!!

Pokemon Fire Red - I decided to play this game, just to catch the version exclusive Pokemon.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper - This is a well ported version of the Arcade hit. I really enjoyed playing this.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival - A GBA port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo, but with new stages and slightly altered storylines for each character. Good game, though not perfect.

Final Fight One - Final Fight on the GBA corrects most of the mistakes made with the SNES port. The Rolento and Industrial Stage is present. Guy has been restored as a playable character, and the game is 2 Players. 

And That does it for this list. Next up is one for my PS2. So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Every Nintendo Game Cube Game I've Ever Played

I've did Lists for the Various Retro Systems I've Played. Now it's time to focus on The Game Cube, Playstation 2, Play Station 3, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Wii, Nintendo 3DS, and the Switch. I Might do a single list for the Neo Geo Pocket/Color, Turbo Graphix 16,and the Wonderswan. Since I didn't play many games for those systems (which I played via emulation), I can put them all in a single list.

I Also might do one for the Atari 2600...keyword: MIGHT! 

Anyway, This list will be focused on my Nintendo Game Cube. Note that This list, as well as any past and future lists, are for Archive Purposes.

I got the Game Cube for X-Mas of 2002. And I was surprised how small the discs were at first. I would learn a month later that those discs were Mini-DVD's And a month after that, I learned that the reason Nintendo used Mini-DVD's was to prevent pirating. 

Sonic Adventure 2 - Battle - Got this game, and 2 others, with my Game Cube for X-Mas on 2002. I was always interested in playing the Sonic Adventure series, despite never owning a Sega Dreamcast. Well, thanks to Nintendo and Sega becoming friends (I'll talk more about how that came to be another time), I was able to play this on my Game Cube. SA2:B is a slight remaster of the original Sonic Adventure 2 for the Dreamcast. Needless to say, I had fun playing this game. Hard as hell, but I still love playing it. 

Spider-Man - Another X-Mas 2002 gift. I always liked Spider-Man, so I had fun playing this game (as well as the unlockable mini-games). Plus, Bruce Campbell aka Ash Williams aka Autolycus, the King of Thieves, does some amusing commentary during gameplay. The Sequel would improve on this game by a crapton. 

Mario Party 4 - The 3rd game I'd get for X-Mas of 2002. I wasn't too much of a Mario Party guy, but I wanted to try this game out. And I enjoyed it. So much so that I bough the entire Mario Party N64 Trilogy a year later.

Sonic Mega Collection - I'm a sucker for Compilation Games of my favorite franchises. And as a big fan of the Genesis Sonic games (3D Blast being the exception), I needed to get this. So in 2003, I bought this at Gamestop.  I really enjoyed this collection and the GC Controller was perfect for this game. 

Mario Kart - Double Dash - I was a fan of the Mario Kart series back then and on X-Mas day of 2003, I got this game. Double Dash attempts something that was Never attempted again in Mario Kart - Team Racing. I had much fun mixing and matching duos for my teams. This was also the first Mario Kart to allow you to choose a Kart, which would become a staple going forward.

Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker - Another 2003 X-Mas gift. Fun game, until those annoying stealth levels. Not too much of a fan of the art style either..  

Super Mario Sunshine - Another game I would get for X-Mas of 2003. Super Mario Sunshine deviates from the Classic Mario Formula ala Super Mario Bros. 2. It's a difficult, but fun experience.

Sonic Adventure DX - I bought this game at Gamestop in 2004. SADX is a slight remaster of the original Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast. A pretty difficult game, though it's still a fun game.   

Spider-Man 2 - Got this and a few other games for X-Mas of 2004. This is My Favorite Game Cube Game. The open world game play and Bruce Campbell's commentary made this game the Best Spider-Man game for Years, only to be overtaken by Spider-Man for the PS4.  

Pokemon Colosseum - Another game I'd get in 2004 for X-Mas. The main reason I got this game was because I was expecting it to be just like Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2. However, that's wasn't the case and I ended up getting an interesting RPG instead. Good game, but needed more polish.

Mega Man Network Transmission - Another game I got on X-Mas in 2004. Combining elements from both the EXE/Battle Network games and the Classic games should've been a fun experience. Unfortunately, Capcom botched things and the game ended up being more difficult than it needed to be.

Sonic Heroes - Yet another game I got for X-Mas of 2004. I liked the tag team mechanic and the soundtrack. Like with Adventure DX and Adventure 2 Battle, Heroes is a difficult, but fun game.

Game Boy Player - A Game Cube Add-On I got in 2004 for X-Mas. I Love My Game Boy Advance games and getting a chance to play them on the TV was awesome. This thing can also play both Game Boy and Game Boy Color games. I love this thing.   

Super Smash Bros. Melee - Bought this used at Gamestop in 2005. I was a fan of the original, so I needed to get this. Melee soon became my 2nd favorite Game Cube game. I Love Super Smash Bros.

Sonic Gems Collection - I bought this at Gamestop in 2005. The main reason why I bought this collection was to play Sonic CD again. However, I found Sonic R and Sonic Fighters to be fun experiences. 

Legend of Zelda - Collectors Edition -  A game I bought at Gamestop in 2006 and would be my Final Game Cube game. I bought this mainly to play Majora's Mask, but I also enjoyed re-playing Zelda's 1 and 2. 

And That does it for this list. Next up is one for my Game Boy Advance. So until next time, Space Cowboys - Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold.