Sunday, July 7, 2024

What If?! - Demona...a hero?!


The two faces of Demona! In the normal Earth, she is as evil as they come. No shed of human emotion. But the Demona from an alternate Earth, she is the exact opposite. This Demona is a noble, kind and benevolent as all the humans and merfolk combined.

"Greetings, bloggers and dreamers alike. I am Uatu, but you can call me, The Watcher. For several millennia, my race of cosmic beings always observe everything all over the universe, even those from the multiverse. As a certain Earth being once said, in the multiverse, everything is possible, even us characters of fiction. The possibilities are always endless, which depends on your imagination. Take this subject that we are going to talk about today. As we all know about Demona. Once a proud member of a clan of gargoyles of Castle Wyvern in 19th Century Scotland, and once the mate of its leader, Goliath, who he coined her his "Angel of the Night." Fast Forward to the 20th Century and into Manhattan, Demona revealed her true character towards her former mate and her fellow gargoyles, for her hatred for the humans they protect is as deadly and menacing as King Triton's xenophobia was. She has been Goliath's sworn enemy and the bane of human existence ever since. Even with her daughter, Angela, trying to sway her from her xenophobic ways, Demona's heart is as black as the night itself. There is not a shed of redemption in her soul. But what if, what if Demona had a different life, a different purpose and a different story that shaped her life differently? So, let us observe the multiverse and see what different life Demona has, if she was hero and a mother towards the humans, even the young ones, in another reality."

Demona (V.O.): "My name is Demona, and I am the guardian of the brave soldiers of kingdom of Copenhagen, Denmark. I am a gargoyle."


- On top of Prince Eric's castle in Copenhagen, Denmark, sitting on its rooftop, a female gargoyle, with her wings, mostly closed up like a cape, with long red hair, a beige tank top, revealing her midriff, matching beige loincloth with a black, leather belt with gold buckle, and sporting a white headband instead of her gold, jagged crown (more on that later). Normally, gargoyles remain stone at daytime and mostly flesh at night, but she is wearing a special magical necklace that keeps her from becoming stone at daytime. The female gargoyle, DEMONA, feeling sad, ponders about her life and ponders about her future.

Demona (V.O.): "As we all know, that this is 19th century Copenhagen, Denmark. I am all alone, the last surviving gargoyle of the Wyvern clan back in Scotland, protecting the very humans not just in this kingdom, but everywhere is this strange world. But it wasn't always like this, though. I had a life...once."


- Outside Wyvern Castle, at daytime, stone statues stand around the castle from its edges to the top of the spires, including a big, statue that resembles a muscular gargoyle, and Demona, in stone, was next to it.

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "I was once a proud member of a clan of gargoyles, protecting the castle at all times, for the most part, anyway."

- Invading Vikings attack the exterior of the castle before raiding into the interior.

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "In the daytime, we were all stone. The perfect sculpture for decorating your place, even a castle as big as this. Legend says that gargoyles ward away evil spirits, or in this case, invaders from other lands. Sadly, we can't do anything when frozen in stone at daytime. However...

- The sun sets, turning day into night; the stone statues start to break, revealing to the invading soldiers the very living, breathing gargoyles that protect the castle.

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "When the sun goes down, and turns to night, we are stone statues no longer. We become flesh and no force on Earth, even those weak-willed soldiers, can stop us.

- The lead gargoyle, whose skin is purple, big, muscular frame, long, straight black hair and wears a brown loincloth and black leather belt, comes to life first, and grabs one soldier, who got scared when the big gargoyle, who was named GOLIATH, came to life.

- The other gargoyles followed suit and attack the invaders, causing them to hastly retreat.

- The remaining soldiers were hiding inside the castle interior, until scared away by Demona, whose eyes were flashing red.

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "The humans called me Demona, which means 'She-Demon', because I fought like a thousand demons. They've couldn't be more right. I will fight like a thousand demons to protect my home and my people, even the humans in this castle."

- The next night, the people of Wyvern Castle were in the presence of Demona, Goliath and the other gargoyles, including a red, slender gargoyle with long, blonde hair, a light blue, big boned gargoyle, a small yellow green gargoyle with wings on his arms, an aged gargoyle with one blind eye, silver white hair and was fully clothed unlike the other gargoyles and a small, but fierce blue gargoyle hound. In the normal reality and in modern times, their names are BROOKLYN, BROADWAY, LEXINGTON, HUDSON and BRONX respectively. The king, queen, court magician and the other soldiers and people in the castle bow to the gargoyles, as they see them as their equals.

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "The inhabitants of the castle sees us as guardian angels. When they first met us, they were cautious because of who we are. But in time and patience, we have earned their trust. We gargoyles don't age like normal humans. We are practically immortal. Nothing, not even conventional means like fire sticks and swords, can harm us. When we turn to stone, our wounds heal up overtime and we become "fresh as a daisy", as the old human saying goes. But they only thing that can kill us is magic. We have been loyal to the humans, and we have been ever since. So in a way, we all have enjoyed relative peace for centuries."


- Prince Eric's castle; Copenhagen, Denmark.

- Inside Eric's castle, where Eric, Grimsby, Carlotta, and all the other servants, including one, shy little boy, who hides behind Eric, when they meet Goliath, Demona, the other gargoyles and the denizens of Wyvern Castle.

Demona (V.O; cont.): "Then one day, myself, Goliath, my clan and the humans of Wyvern Castle visited the kingdom of Copenhagen, where we meet its ruler, Prince Eric. He and his loyal subjects were very kind, especially when they need much help regarding their situation with them and the denizens of the undersea kingdom of Atlantica. Finding common ground between the land and sea is a bit more complicated, especially with Atlantica's ruler. Around at the same time, I met a very young boy, who is a bit shy at the time. It is like he has never seen a gargoyle up close before. I ensured the young one that we are not here to hurt him. But about this young boy, when I look at him, I sense that he was destined for greatness. I have grown fond of this boy, which he will play a key role one day. But for now, he sees me as a stranger and I don't blame him."


- Demona being stoic as she reflects on her past, among other things.

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "For centuries, the surface world and Atlantica have been in relative peace for many years. Though separated, they have enjoyed their respective cultures and vice versa. But Atlantica's ruler, King Triton, who was once a benevolent monarch, has grew bitter and a tad cruel. He's been acting like this ever since the death of his wife, Queen Athena, blaming all humans in the process. Not all humans are soulless barbarians. Wiping out a whole race of people never solved everything. Triton has since kept his distance from all humans eyes. However, his youngest daughter, Ariel, longs to see the surface world. And against her father's objections, from time to time, she not only collects human things for her grotto, but she occasionally sees Prince Eric. They have fallen for each other ever since. When he learned of his daugther's facsination with the human world and falling for for a human, it enraged Triton to destroy her grotto, including the statue of Eric the night she saved his life. Because of that, Ariel ran away from home and lived among the humans and with her beloved. I thought it would be the end of the story. However, it is further from the truth. As I spend time with the young boy, who was orphaned after that terrible storm at sea, we have grown acustomed to each other. He starts seeing me like a mother to him. So much so, during one of our training sessions, he bandaged my forehead after an accidental strike. It has since become my headband, which was a symbol of our fighting spirit. Then, one night later, Goliath and I took a stroll, away from the others. He only did that for one reason, to ask my hand in marriage, which I quickly accepted. I long for a family, not just one with my human friends, but with Goliath, knowing that our offspring will live on and carry on our legacy. I thought I have finally found my "Happily Ever After", but nothing last forever, one fateful day later."


- At sunset, Demona and Goliath were walking outside the outskirts of Wyvern Castle, talking about reasoning with King Triton to end his stance against the humans.

Demona: "Are you sure you know what you are doing, Goliath? From what I heard, King Triton isn't exactly a reasonable sea king. His hatred for the humans has no bounds and he will hurt anyone who aligns with them. Tread lightly, my beloved."

Goliath: "It is okay, Demona. Nothing is going to happen. Triton will not cause harm upon us. He will not break his word. Everything is under control."

Triton (offscreen): "Goliath!"

- Goliath and Demona turn around and see a huge, merman with gold bracelets on his wrists, a cyan blue fish tail, silver white hair and a matching long silver white beard, sporting a sea themed crown, and carries a big, golden trident. That is KING TRITON, ruler of Atlantica. Triton, as he arrived, is riding on a makeshift wave, as he approaches Goliath and his reluctant mate.

Triton: "You say you want my kingdom to co-exist with the humans, correct?"


Goliath: "Yes, that is correct."

- Triton, without saying a word, backs up, and summons a small army of armor clad demon soldiers, who look part human, part fish, but all demon. The demons begin to surround Goliath and Demona.

Goliath (motions to Demona): "Go."

- Demona attempts to run off, while Goliath prepares to fight off the demons, as his normal black eyes turn glowing white, as his rage kicks in.

- One by one, Goliath single-handedly fought against the demons, almost in a feral kind of way.

- As Demona attempts to make her escape, King Triton grabs her, throat first, and slams her into the ground.

- Demona crawls backwards in fear, as Triton slowly approaches her with much hate and anger.

Demona: "Why?"

Triton: "Any creature who sides with the humans, will be destroyed. You are such a disappointment, just like my daughter. Ariel's fascination with the human world will be her undoing. That's why I have her imprisoned. But for you..."

- Triton points his trident at Demona.

Triton (cont.): "Your fate will be much worse."

- After dispatching the demons, Goliath sees Triton attempting to destroy Demona.

- As Demona continues to cower in fear, as Triton powers up his trident, Goliath tackles the evil sea king and have a life or death tassle.

Goliath: "Demona, GO!!"

- Goliath's intervention gave Demona the chance to get away. But it was too late.

- Triton slams Goliath hard to the ground. And from Demona's point of view, hiding at a nearby rock, Triton blasted Goliath into nothing with his trident, as he was turned into dust.

- Demona sheds some tears after the demise of her beloved.

Demona (V.O.): "Goliath, he fought for me. I never saw him again."

- Demona ran off as far away from Triton as possible.


- Demona flying back to Wyvern Castle, to warn her clan and the other humans about King Triton's actions and the demise of Goliath.

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "I returned to the castle to warn my clan and the other humans about Triton's treachary and what happened to Goliath. By the time I arrived..."

- Through Demona's shock, she sees the castle in ruins. The main part of it was flooded all around and the top parts of it were on fire. Triton wiped out all of the inhabitants of Wyvern Castle while she and Goliath were away, including Goliath's clan.

Demona (V.O.; cont): "It was too late. My people, my human friends, all gone. I am the only one left."

- Demona turns her head away, as she mourns her people and her human friends, as her tears shed."


- Demona wanders around the land for a long time, but feels tired and drained because of it.

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "I was lost, cast away, forgotten through time. Even though I am immortal, I felt tired and weak. I fear that if I live among other humans, I would be ostracized for all eternity. I thought I would never find any sanctuary to live in. That's how I ended up back on the very land I am familiar with: the castle of Prince Eric in Coppenhagen."

- Demona, feeling exhausted, collapsed near the steps towards the castle.

- The young boy, JASON, who Demona met when he was younger, now around 14 years old, discovered the unconscious female gargoyle, and does remember her. Only this time, he isn't afraid of her, not like the time he was shy.

Jason: ERIC!! We got a live one here! I'm gonna need some help!

- Demona slowly awakens and sees the face of the young boy.

Demona (turns slowly to Jason): "It's you."

Jason: "Don't worry. I am not scared. Come on, I'll get you inside."

- Demona slowly smiles, as Jason helps her get inside the castle.

Flashback ends

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "And that's my story. And to make it short, I have been nursed back to health, helping out the prince and Attina fight against Triton's forces to save Ariel, and on top of that, I have been helping Jason with his studies, in more ways than one. The boy has a healthy future. Though, for the most part, he feels happy and optimistic. But deep down, he feels sad, so alone. It is like he lost someone he cared about, aside from Ariel, of course. Aside from my duties for Eric, it is my sworn duty to look after Jason. Since his parents died from a terrible maelstrom, I took it upon myself to raise the boy as my own, which is a small compensation to the family I wanted with Goliath, before Triton took it all away. So in a sense, I think of him like a son to me. I will watch over him, every day and every night. I stake my life on it, for Goliath's sake, and for all the creatures that walk upon this world. In a way, at least one thing is clear..."

- Demona sees Jason from afar; Jason waves at Demona, Demona waves back at him with a smile."

Demona (V.O.; cont.): "...I am not alone. Not now, not ever."

"And there you have it. An alternate take of Demona being a tragic, sympathetic, kind-hearted, and brave heroine, who will risk her life to protect all life from King Triton's wrath. What the future holds in this reality? It is up to the viewer, or the storymaker, who will interpret it. The Multiverse and all of its imagination will flow, as long as pure imagination lives on in all of us. Until next time."

Music used: Adagio For TRON (From "TRON: Legacy"/Score) - YouTube

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