Sunday, July 14, 2024

He's Sweating To The Oldies in Heaven Now! R.I.P. Richard Simmons!

In a shocking turn of events - Legendary Fitness Guru Richard Simmons has passed away.

Richard Simmons was best known from his "Sweating To The Oldies" Series of Videos back in the Late 80's and Early 90's. He was a flamboyent, yet gentle soul, who was fully dedicated to helping people get healthy.

He was 76.  He will be missed.

For more information about this icon, please head to his Wikipedia page.

Milton Teagle "Richard" Simmons
7/12/1948 - 7/13/2024 .


RekkaDragonJay said...

He was quite eccentric, but he was kind at the same time. I will never forget this one quote he said once. "If you take the word, "Diet" and divide it into syllables, what's the first word that comes in mind? "Die", you don't want to die." I take that quote to heart, especially when not just trying to be as fit as possible, but also trying to better yourself through your mind and spirit, as well. For what is worth, Richard Simmons does have ways of helping people lose weight and make them feel good about themselves. Godspeed to the man who made sweating to the oldies a part of pop culture forevermore.

Stefan said...

Amen. He was a fine man.

However,just a day after I found out about Richard Simmons Death, I find that 90's Icon,Shannen Doherty had also passed away. She died of Breast Cancer at Age 53. :(

She will be missed.

Shannen Maria Doherty
April 12, 1971 – July 13, 2024

RekkaDragonJay said...

Yeah, it has been a horrible week thus far. At least, she will be back together with Luke Perry, though.