Monday, July 29, 2024

Revisioning Classic Mega Man's Story

As any Mega Man fan knows, the Mega Man Timeline is kinda in shambles thanks to Capcom's bugling. So today, I'm gonna Revise it...starting with the Classic Timeline.  

Please note - These are just MY Ideas and MY Ideas alone and may not reflect You're own ideas for a revisioning. 

Please note that I will be excluding All side games,with the exception of the Game Boy titles and Mega Man and Bass. So in this revisioning, So any canon and non-canon Side Games,besides the GB series and Mega Man and Bass,will be omitted from this new Timeline. 

Anyway, Let's go.

For Mega Man 1,I wouldn't change much. Most everything is fine the way it is. Though, I'd use a combination of the American story and the Japanese one And it would be told during the opening (ala future mega man titles).

For Mega Man 2, I would have an extra cut scene at the end of the game,where Dr. Wily gets arrested.

Starting with Mega Man 3, I'm gonna make a buncha changes. 1 - An opening cut scene explaining the games story, including mentioning that Dr. Wily got out of jail for good behavior and the Rise of the Doc Robot Counsel.

2 - Give purpose to the Doc Robots by making them the Main Antagonists, who reprogrammed the Wilight (wily and light)) Series Robot Masters to terrorize the Mining Areas. The Doc Robots are,in reality, robots created by Dr. Wily to help hide his true intentions to the World.

3 - With the exception of Gemini Man's Stage, The Mining Colonies are all set on Earth.

4 - No Breakman. That identity was both stupid and pointless. In an added cut scene,after the Doc Robot Fights, Protoman,who keeps his name secret, reveals to Mega Man that Dr. Wily found him and fixed him. And because he's indebted to him,He must destroy the Blue Bomber.

After defeating Protoman for the final time, the game happens as normal,except there will be an additional cut scene where Dr. Wily addresses the World and reveals his true intentions. He also reveals that the Doc Robots were His creations and that they were used to cause confusion and then threatens the World with Gamma.   

5 - And Finally, The Mega Man Triple Clone battle will be replaced by the Doc Robot Counsel's Leader, who has all of the abilities of the Mega Man 1 Robot Masters.

The Ending will remain unchanged, but there Will be a post-credits scene that mentions Protoman's origins and how they remain unknown to Mega Man and the rest of the World. And that only Drs. Light and Wily know the truth.

For Mega Man 4, I'd simply add in some more details to the story. In the intro, I'd add that Dr. Wily was killed at the end of 3 and that the World believes that he is,indeed,dead. I'd also add that Dr. Cossack was a disenfranchised scientist and that is the reason for his actions. 

Okay, backing up a bit, everyone is asking Why did I have Dr. Wily "killed" at the end of Mega Man 3? Because that's what can easily be interpreted by the Ending of that game, as he gets Crushed by a Huge chunk of debris from his crumbling Fortress. Plus, the Japanese sub-title of 3 is "The End of Dr. Wily?!". So...I decided to make that into a plot point.

Anyway,another thing I'd do is extend the Cut scene after Dr. Cossack's defeat. Protoman gets a line of dialog telling Wily off for abusing Kalinka and telling him that his debt to the Mad Roboticist has been paid. Dr. Wily explains to a shocked Mega Man that the Wily that was crushed at the end of 3 was a Robot duplicate made to control the Unfinished Gamma,which he himself was too apprehensive to pilot.

He then explains his motives - He Hated Dr. Cossack for overshadowing Him in the Field of Robotics,so this was his plan for Revenge. Petty Old Man,Ain't He?!

Anyway, after that,the game continues as normal, as does the Ending. However, I would add an extra scene after the credits. After the credits,there will be a line of text explaining that Dr. Cossack was arrested for his crime, but the International Court is convinced by Dr. Light and Mega Man to allow Dr. Cossack to help Dr. Light with his Inventions as a form of Community Service.

And That's how I explain how Dr. Cossack ended up working with Dr. Light. Another Plot hole filled! Now, on to Mega Man 5.

Mega Man 5 remains as is, except I add a scene and extend one. When Dr. Wily gloats on how he framed Protoman, He simply adds his motivation for doing so - Because Protoman betrayed him. 

The added scene will be after the Credits, where it'll state that Protoman had been cleared of all crimes, thanks to the International Court receiving some security camera footage of Dr. Wily gloating about his plan and creating Dark Man 4. And that the footage was dropped off by a mysterious deliverer.  

Yeah, Protoman stole the footage as Mega Man was storming Skull Castle and delivered it to the Court himself. Anyway, on to Mega Man 6.

Mega Man 6, like with 4 and 5 will have extra scenes and nothing else. Oh and Mr. X will be His Own Man!!! Not Dr. Wily in Disguise!! Although, after Mr. X's defeat, Dr. Wily reveals that he had brainwashed Mr. X to gain access to his Money. But then also reveals that Mr. X Did finance him for a while,until Mr. X decided to stop...for "Moral Reasons".

After that,the rest of the game goes on as normal. After the credits I'd add a scene informing everyone that Mr. X turned himself in for helping Dr. Wily and that he regrets helping a "terrorist".

Whew. That was a chore filling all of those plot holes is quite a challenge..but we ain't done yet and things are only gonna get tougher from here...On to Mega Man 7.

For Mega Man 7, I would only change the intro and cut scenes by adding to them. For the intro, I would add a scene where various Fortress Bosses are unleashed along with the Robot Masters. Next,after fighting Bass during the Intro Stage, I'd have Him mention that he'll help Mega Man by taking care of the Fortress Bosses, and show the World that he can be a Hero too.

A New cut scene will play showing Bass destroying the Fortress Bosses and gaining the World's admiration. This cut scene would play after defeating the first 2 Robot Masters.

This new cut scene was added to show the player and the people of Mega Man's World that maybe Bass Really Is a good guy (though he's just fooling everyone to gain dr. light's trust, which comes into play later).

The next new cut scene occurs after Mega Man destroys the Clown Robot at the Robot Museum, only to be attacked by another one and beaten. Bass and Treble arrive and destroy the Robot. Mega Man and Bass have a small conversation and Mega Man now fully trusts Bass.  

This scene just adds to Bass' (and Dr. Wily's) deception.

The rest of the game plays out as normal, except Dr. Wily announces his plans of World Domination to the World, instead of just Dr. Light. And of course, he reveals that Bass and Treble were His creations made during the "Mr. X Incident" and that their goal was to deceive Dr. Light and Mega Man in order to gain access to Dr. Light's lab and steal the Good Doctor's latest Inventions. 

The only change now is the Ending. Here, I'm gonna just throw out the American Ending and just use the Japanese One. 

For those NOT in the Know, the Ending for Mega Man 7 was re-scripted to have Mega Man threaten to Kill Dr. Wily, which was done at Nintendo of America's request.

Y'see, during that time, Sega of America and Nintendo of America were in a Very Very Heated Rivalry and Nintendo was considered to be the Less Mature System and that Classic Mega Man was considered for losers and least here in the U.S. 

So Nintendo had Capcom USA spice up the translation a bit. This resulted in a very uncharacteristic moment for Mega Man. Rock Hates Dr. Wily, but Never wanted him dead. In fact, Localization "Spice-Ups" Still Exist and are used Very frequently by English Localizers. This leads to some Disgusting Dialog and Unneeded Hard Profanities. Pathetic And Wrong!!! 

Ugh!!! *sighs* L-Let's just let's head on to Mega Man 8 now....

For the 8th main entry, I'll make it so that the Evil Energy that Wily took in the Intro Stage is actually the Soul of the Evil Robot, who manipulates Dr. Wily into helping Him dominate the World. In 2 New cut scenes, which will be added after beating 2 Robot Masters from the 1st set and then 2 more from the 2nd set.

In the 1st New Cut Scene, It's revealed that the Evil Robot wanted to conquer earth, but, because Duo ran interference, he never got the chance. And in the 2nd, it depicts the Evil Robot's Soul manipulating Wily. 

I will also have Duo let Mega Man copy his Special Ability after saving the Blue Bomber from Wily in Wily Tower. Now, I'm doing this because Mega Man will need it later. Story-wise, Duo feels that Mega Man might need the Power.

After Wily is defeated, The Evil Robot's Soul comes out of the Wily Machine and insults Wily for losing. He then reveals his plan to Mega Man and after some dialog, Wily grows angry, but is scared off by the Evil Soul. The Battle Begins. Mega Man can only damage the Evil Soul by attacking with Duo's Power, called the Justice Fist.

In the Ending,As Wily Tower starts to collapse,The Evil Soul, now weakened from the fight, decides to use Mega Man's body as a vessel. After that the rest of ending plays out as Capcom intended, except Rush teleports Mega Man out and is with him in the first part of the Ending FMV.

So.. You're likely asking - Why bother adding these scenes in? Simple, It's because I want the Evil Robot to have a big role. In the original game, the Evil Robot's main purpose was to be defeated by Duo. He deserved better, don'tcha think?.

BTW, the Evil Robot will be named Oud, which is Duo spelled backwards. Which is appropriate, as The Evil Robot is a mirror image of Duo's original form. Plus, Oud is a musical instrument,so it's also music themed,and it fits even more. Cool huh?

Other than all of this, My version of 8 would mostly be the same as Capcom's..but with E-Cans.  

Whew..what a job huh? And things are gonna get even more big. On to Mega Man and Bass.

First things first, an Intro explaining the games story. In the OG MM&B, there was none. Anyway, adding to the story is that King hospitalizes Dr. Wily, making King the Main Villain. Why? Because it's a refreshing change of pace. Plus, King needed more spotlight as a villain. Why must it be Dr. Wily All of The Damn Time?!!

Anyway, after the the Intro Stage,I'll add a cut scene telling more of the story ,where Mega Man and Bass reluctantly agree to team-up against King.

Everything plays out as it should after that new cut scene. except NOW you can switch between Mega Man and Bass at anytime. Also E-Cans will now be available at the Shop.

When they finally face King at Kings Tower,it's a Fake and the Real King is in another part of the castle. The Fake King has no dialog and Protoman doesn't show up until later. After destroying the fake King, the Real King reveals his whereabouts. The heroes move on to the next part of the Fortress, where the Boss Rush and the Real King await.

For the first form, King's shield makes him invulnerable. After a few minutes, Protoman enters and uses his Protostrike to destroy it. Protoman tells the Hero that they can handle King now and teleports away.

For the 2nd Form, it's just King. And for the 3rd, King summons the King Jet and King Tank and fuses with them. 

After King's death, the final battle will depend on Who defeated King. If you're playing as Mega Man, Bass will appear and get pissed that he defeated King and not him. To get his pride back, Bass challenges Mega Man to a Fight.

If you beat King as Bass, Mega Man is upset and miffed off at Bass for being "too brutal" with King. After an argument, they fight.

For the shared ending, the battle ends in a draw. Bass tells Mega Man that he'll never give up trying to be the strongest. Mega Man criticizes Bass' life goals. After banter, they both Leave. After this scene we go on to the Individual Endings, which differ depending on who you finished the game with.

For Mega Man, he is sad that he couldn't save King, but vows to not to let that happen again and will help every misguided Robot..especially Bass.

For Bass, it's the same as what Capcom intended. except Dr. Wily is bandaged up and has a cast.

Aside from the above changes, My Mega Man and Bass is identical to Capcom's  Whew, that was a big change, and the Big Changes are just getting started ...Here's Mega Man 9.

The intro is much different. it opens with Dr. Light and his Robot Masters attacking the World. Dr. Light declares War on the Worlds governments for ruining his Dream of Robots and Humans living in peace, with the passing of the Robot Master Expiration Law.  

Mega Man can't believe it. Roll and Auto decide to investigate, while Mega Man stops and Dr. Light's Robot Masters and brings them back.

The next batch of cut scenes will remain untouched. Also...Mega Man still has his Slide and Charge Shot. There..Fixed Capcom's Really Stupid Mistake. *sighs* Anyway, the story goes on as Capcom intended, up until the confrontation with Dr. Wily, where he gloats about his plan of framing Dr. Light and destroying his reputation.

After that, the battle begins and everything goes on as normal....including the ending...for the most part. That part where it explains that "Dr. Light had been clear of all charges" is changed. Y'see in my revision, the Robot Master's recorded memories aren't enough to clear Dr. Light. However, The International Court once again gets a special delivery from a mysterious figure - Security Footage of Dr. Wily bragging about his crime to Mega Man. And with the footage, they also deliver the Dr. Light Robot. This is just enough evidence to clear Dr. Light of all charges. And Dr. Wily is made Public Enemy #1.

Oh, and the "Mysterious Figure" is none other than Protoman.

Anyway, I'll add in a post credits Ending explaining Bass' absence. He simply training somewhere for his next fight with Mega Man.

That's it for Mega Man 9. Time for Mega Man 10.  

For the 1st Double Digit Entry, The story remains the same, except Bass has a part in it from the beginning, agreeing to help Mega Man and Protoman deal with the threat...but Only because it's interfering with his goal to defeat Mega Man.

Also, Dr. Cossack replaces Dr. Wily as Dr. Light's ally. Dr. Cossack needs more love and he's trustworthy too. Well, what about Dr. Wily? He appears later to gloat about his Roboenza plan. Another thing is that Mega Man and Bass Keep All of their established abilities. Capcom stupidly took them away again in 10.

Anyway, I've decided to change the ending. Dr. Wily escapes and Dr. Light and Dr. Cossack finish the Vaccine Machine and distribute millions of vaccines to Robots all over the World. Roboenza is cured.

I changed the ending for common sense reasons. With Dr. Wily being named public enemy #1, I'd be too risky for him to go to a public hospital when he got sick. He gets better, obviously.

Well that was easier than I thought. I guess Mega Man 10 only needed some minor revisions, huh? Well the same can be said about Mega Man 11, the (as of now) latest game in the franchise. Here we go.

My Mega Man 11 revision only contains 2 minor changes and 1 major one. The 2 minor ones come in the opening cut scene, where I'd expand it to explain that Dr. Light has opened up a Robot Master Repair Center for some extra money and that Protoman has gone on vacation, thus explaining Why he isn't in the game.

The Major one will be an improvement. I'd replace that stupid looking 2nd Wily Boss with Bass. In this battle, Bass has equipped both the Speed Gear and the Power Gear. And, to prove that he doesn't need them, Bass fights Without the use of Master Weapons. 

The meta reason I did this is because I'm not so sure I'd like the changes to Bass' helmet if he equipped a Master Weapon. 

Anyway, he fuses with Treble in his 2nd phase. After defeat, Bass curses Wily and his Double Gear System, calling it "Just another Failed Invention by a Screwed Up Old Man!" and promises to win by his Own Strength and Abilities next time.

Bass deserves more love, besides I thought that Wily boss was stupid anyway. The Ending remains the same, no need for changes.

What an improvement to an already good storyline,huh?.Well, I'm almost done. And before I get to My Personal idea of where the series goes from here, I'm gonna rewind back to the Game Boy titles aka the Mega Man World series.

For Mega Man Dr. Wily's Revenge, I'd just add an intro talking about the games plot. Nothing needs to change from a story perspective. However, the Biggest Story change occurs in Mega Man II aka Mega Man World 2.

Oh, before I forget, World 1 takes place After Mega Man 2 in the canon. 

*clears throat* As I was gonna say, Mega Man World 2 will begin with an intro to the games story. Where, after the events of Mega Man 3, a Mysterious Robot that looks like Mega Man (Quint) attacks the World with his army of Robots. He claims the World in the name of his "Master". After making threats he escapes to one of Dr. Wily's abandoned Fortresses, as his Robots do damage. Mega Man jumps into action.

After beating the initial 4 Robot Masters, Mega Man storms the Abandoned fortress, where he confronts Quint. Quint shocks Mega Man when he reveals that he's him from another Universe, sent by the Dr. Wily of His World to conquer Mega Man's.

Okay, Note: You're wondering Why I changed the story from Traveler from the Future to Traveler from an Alt-Reality? Simple. Dr. Wily was heavily involved in the original plot and in My revision, He's Presumed Dead by everyone, including, Mega Man. And I wanna keep the big reveal that Wily survived Mega Man 3 for Mega Man 4. More dramatic that way. Anywhoo, on with the story.

After the little chat, Mega Man is forced to battle the other 4 Robot Masters in their own stages. Once that's done, Mega Man chases Quint to another one of Wily's Abandoned Bases - an incomplete Space Station.

Quint is the Final Boss and has 3 phases - First is Quint on Sakugarne. In the 2nd phase, Quint Runs, Jumps,Shoots,and Slides. And the 3rd and final phase involves him using a Beam Sabre. 

The Ending is also changed. After Mega Man beats Quint,Quint reveals his origins. Quint reveals that He is Not Quint,but a Robot Superhero called Super Rock and that during one of his missions he was captured by His Dr. Wily and reprogrammed to do his bidding, but that he's back to his old self again thanks to the evil encoding in his memory circuits being deleted as a result of the fight.

After a friendly chat with Mega Man, Super Rock goes back to his Own Universe to deal with His Dr. Wily. 

Not a bad rewrite, huh? I tried as best as I could to stick with the Classic Series form of Storytelling. I think Classic Series fans would enjoy it. Anyway, on to Mega Man World 3 aka Mega Man III GB.

All I'd do is add an intro to the game's plot,add in Dr. Cossack as Dr. Light's assistant, and start Mega Man off with the Rush Coil. Nothing more nothing less. It's simple and perfect for the Classic Series. The events take place After Mega Man 4, so Dr. Wily is back.

For Mega Man World 4 aka Mega Man IV GB, I'd leave that one alone too.  The events of this game take place after Mega Man 5 and the next takes place after Mega Man 6, reasons coming up.

Now the 5th GB game,on the other hand,Will have major changes. No Wily, No Wily Star, No Rematches with the Mega Man Killers and Quint. Sunstar is the Main Villain and Master of the Stardroids. Plus, the Wily Star is replaced by the Stardroids Star Base. Those and Dr. Cossack remaining an ally, who helps Dr. Light create the Mega Arm, will be the only changes. 

The Ending remains the same...sans Dr. Wily (who, at this point, is still in jail.). So? Why no Dr. Wily This time? Because I wanted the Stardroids to shine on their own as Villains. And adding in Dr. Wily would just cheapen their presence, as it did in Capcom's Story. 

And now...the moment everyone's been waiting for...My Ultimate Map on How The Mega Man Classic Story Should Go (note this is my own opinion and no one elses...).

*clears throat* Anyway, here's my idea for Mega Man 12. Well, for starters, I'd reuse the Mega Man 11 designs. They are an Excellent art evolution for the series. Second, No Dr. Wily!!! His story is currently finished and won't continue until the End Times of the Classic Series.

No, Instead, I'm gonna give the game a Brand New Villain....or should I say, Old Villain. I've decided to pull a Toei and Bird Studios and Canonize a Non-Canon Character - In this case, The Malicious Alien Supercomputer Ra-Moon!

In the year 20XX, it's been a whole year-and-a-half since Dr. Wily terrorized the world and hasn't been seen since. As peace grew, Rock and Roll enjoy some sibling bonding time..with Protoman watching over them.

However, a new more credible threat invades Earth - Ra-Moon. Ra-Moon announces his plans to replace All Human Leaders with His Minions to the World. He also warns that he is the most Powerful Being in the Universe. After his message, he begins his plan. To help him, Ra-Moon reprograms 8 of the World's most Powerful Robot Masters.

Duo, who chased Ra-Moon to Earth arrives and forms another alliance with Mega Man to stop the Evil Alien Supercomputer. Protoman volunteers to join to keep an eye on Mega Man. Bass, pissed off that Ra-Moon considers himself the Strongest, joins the battle to destroy him and to prove to the World that HE is the most Powerful and that the reason he's helping Mega Man is to make sure that he lives, because Only He should be allowed to Destroy the Blue Bomber and He'll be Damned if he loses that right to a "Stupid Alien".

And So, the 4 team up to defeat Ra-Moon.

Now,as you can tell, this game will have 4 playable characters.  I'm not gonna go into the gameplay aspects here, this post is just focused on the Story. I might make a separate post dedicated to that in the future..maybe.

Anyway, on with the story. After defeating 2 Robot Masters, Duo explains Ra-Moon's origins and how he's powered by Evil Energy. After beating 4 Robot Masters, You'll get a mid-game challenge from Ra-Moon's Harold, the Powerful Ra-Thor, who wants to stop the 4 from interfering with his Master's mission.  

After defeating the final 4 Robot Masters, the 4 head to Ra-Moon's Star Base, where they face the Ra-Devil, have a Rematch with Ra-Thor, Go though the Boss Rush,and finally Fight Ra-Moon.

During the meeting with Ra-Moon,we learn that he not only wants to dominate Earth, but also wants to destroy Mega Man for destroying his "Children" - Sunstar and The Stardroids.

Nice little call back, huh?

He also intends on conquering other Worlds once he's conquered Earth.

After Ra-Moon is defeated the 1st time, he gains a stronger 2nd Form..and then a 3rd and Final. After destroying Ra-Moon, Duo destroys Ra-Moon's Soul,and then his Star Base. Next we go on to the Individual endings, which play depending on Who you beat the game with. Also, each individual ending takes place Hours after Ra-Moon's defeat.

For Mega Man's ending, He and Duo are back on Earth. After they thank each other,Mega Man and Duo talk about Ra-Moon and how he's not the only threat in the Universe. Duo counts on Mega Man to keep defending Earth, as he defends space. After saying their Good-Bye's, Duo departs from Earth, leaving it's protection to Mega Man.

For Protoman, The Red Robot Master Prototype is standing on a rooftop looking at the sun set on the City. Proto mentions that while it was fun teaming up with Mega Man and Duo,the battle kinda made his defective Core worse. However, he declares that if the next few battles results in his death, he wouldn't wanna go out any other way.

For Bass, He and Treble are training in the mountains,where He vows Never to let Anyone take his title of "Most Powerful Robot".  

And For Duo, He's back in Space doing his thing.

Not too shabby,huh? I figured I'd be cool to not only Canonize Ra-Moon and Ra-Thor, but to also have Duo return. And have Ra-Moon connected to the Stardroids. Anyway, before I sign off, I wanna let you in on ideas I have for the next Mega Man titles.

For Mega Man 13, I plan on aging up the Characters, why? Because I want to. Anyway, 13 will introduce 2 new Characters - Nastenka Cossack, Bodyguard and Android Sister of Kalinka. And the Evil Dr. Regal, the New Main Bad.

For the story, I figured I'd make it a throwback to the 1st game. Dr. Cossack creates 8 Industrial Robot Masters to help the World,However, Dr. Regal, an old academic rival who hates Dr. Cossack's success and craves to become the World's Emperor, captures and reprograms Dr. Cossack's Robots to follow him.

Dr. Cossack summons Mega Man to help. Nastenka also volunteers to help Mega Man. Together,they team up to stop Dr. Regal. As all of this is going on, Protoman is relaxing at the beach, while Bass is taking part in the Robot Master World Tournament (the same from 6, but under new management).

Ok, before Anyone mentions it..YES, Dr. Regal Is based on the same dude from The Battle Network fact, He's the Counterpart. Nastenka's play style is pretty much Zero's from the X-Series. BTW, from this moment forward, Nastenka becomes Mega Man's Partner.

As for Dr. Wily? He's still in hiding and not gonna be doing Anything until Mega Man 41, the Final Classic Series game Story-wise. So for Mega Mans 15 through 30, the Main Villain will alternate between Dr. Regal and Other Non-Wily Evil-Doers. And, of course, Nastenka will be by Mega Man's side as he fights them.

Anyway,for Mega Man 14, Dr. Regal does his revenge plan by kidnapping Kalinka and Roll. He also unleashes his own Robot Masters. Mega Man and Nastenka jump into action. Bass also joins the fight to ,again, make sure Mega Man is safe, because No One destroys Mega Man but Him. 

After 14, I'm gonna step aside and allow Capcom to do their thing with the ideas I've given them.. 

And now, we fast forward to Mega Man 41, where Dr. Wily returns for 1 Final Scheme and ushers in the End Times for the Classic Series.

Well, That was fun...and a bit exhausting too. I plan on doing a Revision for the X Series soon, so keep a look out for that.

That's gonna do it for now. Hope you enjoyed my little Revisioning of the Mega Man Classic Series?

Until Next Time,Space Cowboys, Stay Gold and Resist Modern Attitudes.

The Retro King Has Spoken!!!

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