Thursday, March 3, 2022

From Hero to Turncoat: Eddie Edwards's Fall from Grace!

If Stefan can rant on the ills of professional wrestling, so can I. But in this one, this isn't about one organization, this is about one wrestler who, as of two weeks ago, give us a sample of how unfair this world can be, especially when some of our heroes we idolize turn out to be two-bit frauds. I know about the whole kayfabe thing, and I am still trying to figure it out, but I thought I give you my two cents and I will do it in a way we see our promos. Here is the popular version of what I am talking about (and may I suggest you use music for this, especially the prologue theme from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence near the end). With that said, enjoy the summary.

Disclaimer: The following summary is loosely based on the promo of Sting's heel turn back in WCW.

Eddie Edwards, a decade of being the hero, the franchise, the go-to guy, the heart and soul of IMPACT Wrestling. But was all this, a mere charade? Was the betrayal of Eddie Edwards at No Surrender the final payoff of a grand scheme? We should've seen the clues.

The Clues

The sudden opening of the Forbidden Door, allowing other wrestlers from other promotions to appear, including Kenny Omega, who won the IMPACT World Championship and not offering Eddie a title match, due to the politicking of Don Callis. The sudden appearance of Honor No More, who rejected everything Ring of Honor represents when the company itself went into hiatus.

A new Eddie Edwards has emerged. The colors of the Celtic Pride of Boston were gone, so was his pride and his manhood. He was draped in the colors of Honor No More, the color that is as red as blood, which is matched by the color of darkness this stable represents. But is the darkest part, his heart? Slowly biding his time, while he continues his false persona, waiting for the right moment to strike. But was this the beginning of his true character shining through while pretending to live his facade?

The Beginning

The ease of which he quickly sided with Honor No More. The emotions and frustrations were all too easy for Maria Kanellis-Bennett to seduce him into the fold, just like she did it with the others before him. We should've seen this one coming.

Sami Callihan could've been right. Maybe it was Eddie Edwards all along, attacking his comrades and Ring of Honor world champion Jonathan Gresham like a phantom through the shadows. He even implicated that Steve Maclin was going to turn on Team Impact in No Surrender, remember? And yes, it is even possible that the emergence of Kenny Omega was the beginning of the end for the Pride of Boston himself? 

The Truth (Conclusion)

The cold fact in this mystery, is that Eddie Edwards has now, once and for all, turned his back on his peers, his wife, his friends, this company and most disturbing of all, his millions of fans around the world, even those from Boston, MA.

What was once prideful, colorful, vibrant and embodied Boston Strong, is now cold, selfish, uncaring, calculating, and dark. We have seen better days, for this is a most trying time for heroes in IMPACT Wrestling.

To Be Continued on IMPACT Wrestling, Thursdays on AXS TV, before New Japan Pro-Wrestling.

Until next time, stay frosty.

Saraba da (Farewell), for now.

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