Thursday, March 10, 2022

Every Single Game Boy and Game Boy Color Game I've Ever Played!

Now Your Playing With Power - Portable Power!!!!

Ok,I've done lists for The SNES,NES,and All of the Sega Systems that I've ever played,So Now it's the Game Boy's turn. And as a bonus,I'm also gonna be adding Game Boy Color games to this list too.

Nintendo Game Boy - I got this on X-Mas of 1990 along side Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Fall of the Foot Clan and Paperboy. This marked my very first experience with Portable Gaming. My Late-Grandpa used to refer to the Game Boy as the "Little Nintendo". God rest that man's soul. Anyway,Tetris was the Pack-In Game. Sadly,My Original Game Boy died in 2005. I still have it though.

Tetris - I LOVE this game! I Really Love it! When I first started playing this game,I barely understood it,but after learning how to play,I was hooked and managed to get very good at it. From The Russian People With Fun!!!! Fun Fact - Vladimir Putin (aka Pukin the Terrible) Hates this game because it's not only a Peaceful one,but it's also Fun.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan - It's Ninja Turtles on the Game Boy!!! As a Huge Super-Fan of The Heroes-in-a-Half Shell back then,I was so excited to have a Ninja Turtles game that I could play on the go. My only gripe is that the game is short AND you can make it even Shorter by playing on the Final Stage from the get go.

Paperboy - Along with Ninja Turtles,I also got this game for X-Mas of 1990. I had fun playing and replaying this. 

Super Mario Land - Got this as a B-Day gift in 1991 and would be the only Game Boy title I would get that year. I played this over a relative's house in 1991 and wanted a copy of the game,So I got it for my B-Day of that year. The game plays like Super Mario Bros. on the NES,though with a slightly higher difficulty. A good game,but the graphics are a bit too small. Also Mario x Daisy doesn't exist and is All in fans heads. Luigi x Daisy 4 Life!! 

Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge - Got this game and it's sequel in 1992 on my B-Day. I really wish this game was more fair. One of the biggest complaints about the Mega Man Game Boy titles that I have is that the Enemies take quite a few shots to defeat and do major damage to Mega Man,who in this game has a smaller life bar. Also,the level layout in these games isn't the best,and you'll need to make long jumps often. Thankfully the 2nd game would make things better...but at a cost.

Mega Man II GB - Got this title along with Dr. Wily's Revenge on my B-Day in '92. A fairer game than it's predecessor,but at the cost of sprite design and music. The reason for this is that,Capcom had Keiji Inafune outsource this game to a cheaper company.           

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back From The Sewers - Another 1992 B-Day gift. The more difficult,but graphically superior sequel to Fall of the Foot Clan. This was a good title - especially for fans of the '87 Animated Series.

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins - Got this on my B-Day in 1993. And Immediately loved it. This game was/is far superior to the Original in every way. Plus,it marks the debut of Fan-Favorite Anti-Hero,Wario. I fully recommend this game.  

WWF King of the Ring - Got this for X-Mas in 1993. Had a decent time playing this one,despite all of the WWF Superstars sharing a move set. 

Tetris 2 - Got this game on X-Mas of 1993.  The game itself is more Dr. Mario than Tetris. I had fun playing,though. However,It's nowhere near as addicting or iconic as the Original.

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - Got this game as a late B-Day gift in 1994 and would be the last Game Boy game I'd get until 1998. This game was great. Playing as Wario,using his various abilities,and going through the levels were really fun. The game is challenging,but thankfully,there is a cheat/debug code that decreases the difficulty by 40%. I recommend this game.

WWF Warzone - A game I got for X-Mas in 1998. Mediocre game,but still amusing. I prefer the PS1 version.

Street Fighter II GB - I got this game alongside my Game Boy Color for my B-Day in 1999. As a Street Fighter Game,It's pretty good. Sure it's not as fluid or as fast as it's Console and Arcade counterparts,but it's still fun.

Pokemon Blue - Got this one as a late B-Day gift in 1999. My entry into the World of Pokemon and I was hooked. I spent hours playing this and even used a Game Shark to get the Pokemon that I couldn't get. Gotta Catch 'em All!!! Would get the Red Version months later. 

Pokemon Red - Got this one at Gamestop in 1999,months after I got Pokemon Blue. I used the Game Shark on this game as well.  

Pokemon Yellow - Bought this at Gamestop in 2000. I was a fan of Pikachu,so i wanted to get this.

WWF Superstars - Bought this at Gamestop in 2001,alongside it's sequel. A graphically impressive 1990 Game Boy title. Graphically,this game reminds me of an 8-bit version of the old WWF Arcade games.  

WWF Superstars 2 - Bought this at Gamestop in 2001 and would be the Final Game Boy game that I'd actually own. This game is basically a Game Boy port of WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge - except with better controls and a less evil CPU.

And now for the games I played through Emulation. After that,I'll move on to the Game Boy Color. 

Mega Man III GB - While better than DWR and graphically superior to II,Mega Man III for Game Boy is a pain to get through. Hard hitting enemies that take more hits than they should,frequent long jumping,and questionable level layout arethis games biggest issues,issues that never get addressed in the Game Boy games. Musically,the game is great and the graphics are very nice,however.

Mega Man IV GB - Same issues with III. Graphics and Music is all I'm gonna give this one.

Mega Man V GB - Despite the cool story,great music,and fresh bosses,Mega Man V GB suffers from the same problems as it's 2 predecessors. I'm not a fan of the Mega Man Game Boy series.

Mortal Kombat - The Worst Version of Mortal Kombat. Makes the SNES version seem like a treasure.

Mortal Kombat II - Better than the previous game,but still a flawed port.

Metroid II: Return of Samus - I liked the first game,so I wanted to try the sequel. Graphically,it's a vast improvement over the original. Difficulty-wise,it's just as tough. I still had fun playing this,though. Another thing this game has going for it is it's soundtrack. Great stuff there.  

Double Dragon - Basically a Game Boy version of the NES version. So all's good.

Double Dragon II - Believe it or not,this game wasn't really a Double Dragon Game to begin with. Nope,instead it was originally a Kunio-Kun game. But since Double Dragon was more popular in the west,Technos decided to do the conversion for North America. Good game,regardless.

Donkey Kong GB -  Donkey Kong on the Game Boy starts off as a remake of the Original Arcade Game,but after that,the game becomes something different. It's an extremely tough time,with many frustrating parts. I was not too much of a fan of this game. Donkey Kong GB would spin-off into the Mario vs Donkey Kong series.

Ninja Guiden Shadow - A fun,but tough game that is worthy of your time. Despite having the look and feel of a Retro Ninja Guiden title,NGS was originally conceived as a Shadow of the Ninja game. However,when the devs found out that Shadow of the Ninja wasn't as popular as they though,they turned it into a Ninja Guiden game with Shadow of the Ninja elements. 

Castlevania: The Adventure - Hard as all hell. badly placed enemies and many many sections that require perfect timing jumping. Plus,I Hated the fact that if you get hit,you lose your Whip power-ups. Also,no Secondary Weapons. Not too much of a fan.

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge - I like that this game corrects some of the mistakes of it's predecessor. Sure the game was tough,but not frustratingly so. One cool feature was the Stage Select,a first for the Castlevania series.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Radical Rescue - A very confusing and very difficult Metroidvania game. Only Michaelangelo is playable from the start and you need to rescue the other Turtles in a painstaking adventure. Not a Fan of this game.


Game Boy Color - Got this system for my B-Day in 1999. I've always enjoyed the Super Game Boy for the Super Nintendo,but always wanted a real Color Game Boy. Well in 1999,my Grandma (god rest her soul) bought me this,along with the Game Boy port of Street Fighter II,for my B-Day. Until I got my GBA,This system was my Go-To when it came to playing Game Boy games. I still have this and I think it still works.

Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening DX - Got this on X-Mas of '99 and it was My first Official Game Boy color game. Links Awakening DX is a colorized port of the Game Boy original. This is a great game and possibly the best out of the 3 GBC Zelda titles.    

WWF Wrestlemania 2000 - Got this on X-Mas '99 too. A decent Wrestling title,though nothing too spectacular.  

Pokemon Pinball - I bought this one post X-Mas at Toys 'r' Us in 1999. I like Pokemon and I like Pinball,so I got this game. The little rumble feature that's built into this title was a nice touch,as well. 

Pokemon Trading Card Game - Spent the remainder of my X-Mas cash at Toys 'r' Us in 2000 to buy this Game. I never played the actual trading card game,but wanted too try it,but I disn't wanna commit to collecting the cards,so I got the next best thing - this game. This game is tough,but almost perfectly emulates the way the Card Game was played back then.

Pokemon Gold - Along with Pokemon Silver,I received this as an X-Mas Gift in 2001. When I first started playing this game,It was a surreal experience. As time went on though,traversing the world of Johto was no big. I love these games and think they are the Best Pokemon Games ever. I'm a strong GenTwo'er 

Pokemon Silver - Along with Gold,I got this game on X-Mas Gift in 2001. I had the same experiences with this game as with it's Gold counterpart.

And Finally,the GBC games I played through emulation.

Mortal Kombat 3 - Sucky  Kombat!!!!!!!!!! 2nd Worst MK GBC Game,right behind Mortal Kombat 4.

Pokemon Crystal - I loved Gold and Silver,so I wanted to play Crystal. I loved that game too. Needed the Game Shark (built into the emulator) to get all unavailable Pokemon.

Tetris DX - A great port to an already great game.  

Super Mario Bros. DX - The predecessor to the Super Mario Advance Games. It's a decent port of the Original SMB,with a not-so-decent port of The Lost Levels.

Mega Man Xtreme - Just a the Console X-Series titles are superior to it's Classic Series counterparts,so too are the Game Boy titles. An 8-Bit Mega Man X game is kinda strange,but thankfully,this game,and it's sequel,play identically to their 16-bit counterparts.

Mega Man Xtreme 2 - An even better sequel. Now with an Item Shop and Iris. This game also introduced the 1st Female Mega Man X Villain in Berkana.

Street Fighter Alpha - A decent 8-bit port of Street Fighter Alpha. Though some may fault it for the lack of a 2-player mode.

Wario Land II - A Very difficult sequel to the 1st Wario Land game. Even though there's more to do,I didn't enjoy this game as much as the original.

And Thus ends my list of Game Boy and Game Boy Color games that I've played. The next list in this series will be covering the Playstation 1. 

Until then,Stay Gold Space Cowboys and Resist Modern Attitudes. 

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