Friday, May 10, 2019

Top 40 NES Games That You Must Play!

Ah,the Nintendo Entertainment System,the thing that saved the Video Game industry from the Crash of '83 and brought so much joy and memories for people everywhere.

So Today,I will be listing the Top 40 NES Games You Must Play. Note that this list is in no perticular order,despite the numbering. Also,these are just My opinions,so don't hate.

Honarable Mention 1 - Battletoads: This game is tough,very very tough. To this day,I still can't beat it (infact,I can't get by the turbo tunnel) This game's a classic though,so I had to add it. Plus,the soundtrack's nice to listen to.

Honerable Mention 2 - Bomberman: It's still a classic,even to this day.

40 - Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse: The best of the NES Castlevania Trilogy. It takes everything that made the 1st game a classic and improved upon them with Multiple Paths,Tag Partners,More Levels,A Better Soundtrack,and Multiple Endings.

39 - Metal Gear: A tough classic. The debut of Solid Snake.

38 -  Tetris (Nintendo): People are gonna beet the livin' sheeeeeet out of me for saying this but....The Nintendo Version of Tetris is Superior to the Tengen Version (despite the lack of a 2-player mode)!

37 - Ninja Guiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos: I feel that this is the best game in the NES NG Trilogy. It has more to offer than the first game and is overall a better experience than the 3rd.

36 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge: A sweet Beat 'Em-Up and one of the very few on the NES. DDII is a vast improvement over the 1st game,with better gameplay,cutscenes,and even a 2-Player mode. The best of the DD NES Trilogy.

35 - (Mike Tyson's) Punch-Out: A cool boxing game that's extremely fun and addicting.

34 - Super Mario Bros. 2 (the superior american version): Originally a Prototype Mario game,which got turned into Doki Doki Panic,then turned into a full Mario game. Crazy,huh?

33 - Super Mario Bros. 3: Returned the Series to it's roots and made many improvements too.

32 - River City Ransom: The first Beat'em-Up to feature RPG Elements. It's a tough game but kinda fun.

31 - Metroid: Nintendo's 1st Run 'n Gunner will Always be a must play NES title for Gamers.

30 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game: Despite lacking a 4-Player Mode,like it's Arcade Counterpart,TMNT II for the NES is Awesome!

29 - Legend of Zelda: Another classic. The first open world 8-bit title.

28 - Zelda II - Adventure of Link: A departure from the 1st game,but still a worthwhile experience.

27 - Kirby's Adventure: Kirby's first console game. It's also the debut of his Copy Abilities.

26 - Adventures of Bayou Billy: Super tough,with 3 gameplay styles: Beat'em-Up,Shooter,and Racer.

25 - StarTropics: An awesome Zelda-clone that Japan never got. Nintendo initialy made this game to strengthen their foothold in the American market,after seeing the Sega Genesis win over many many American gamers.

24 - Mega Man 2: One of 2 definitive NES Mega Man titles. The MM title that exposed every gamer to the franchise.

23 - Mega Man 3: The 2nd of the 2 definitive NES Mega Man games. It's Mega Man 2,but Better!

22 - Ducktales: The definitive Disney/Capcom game. Woo-oo!

21 - Darkwing Duck: Another Disney/Capcom game that's a must play.

20 - Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers: See previous.

19 - Contra: Extremely difficult game,but too iconic not to put on this list.

18 - Pac-Man: A near-perfect port of the Arcade Classic.

17 - Donkey Kong Classics: 2 Classics in 1. Shame they never restored the Factory level in Donkey Kong.

16 - Gradius: This game and it's spin-off Life Force,are the best Shoot'em Ups for the NES. Gradius was also the first game to incorperate the famous Konami Code.

15 - Life Force: Spin-off of Gradius. Another great shooter from Konami. This game has a Cooprative mode.

14 - Final Fantasy: The very game that made Square a household name. Warriors,Revive The Power of The Orbs!

13 - Duck Hunt: The definitive Zapper Gun game! Period.

12 - Crystalis: A really great Ys clone. Since the NES Ys titles never came to the States (or europe),this was the West's first exposure to this style of gameplay. Thanks SNK!

11 - Maniac Mansion: A weird,yet compelling,point and click game.

10 - Blaster Master: Another classic jem from Sunsoft.

09 - Batman - Return of the Joker: The best Batman/DC Superhero Game on the NES. Seriously.

08 - Mighty Final Fight: Don't let the SD style fool ya,this is one tough Beat'em-Up.

07 - Bomberman II: A great improvement over the original,plus this one has the famous Battle Mode.

06 - Monster Party: A super strange horror-themed game with a controversial history.

05 - Super Mario Bros: The original SMB is still fun to play.

04 - Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu: A tough,but fun action platformer starring Jackie Chan.

03 - Rad Racer II: A great improvement over the original. This one gets rid of that useless 3D mode.

02 - Vegas Dream: A nice little casino game.

01 - Kid Icarus: A tough game based on greek mythology. Sister title of Metroid.

And that's the Top 40 NES Titles you must play. Some of these are even on the NES Classic Edition. If you own an NES and have a chance to get these games (if you don't have them already),Get 'Em.

'Till next time,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.

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