Friday, May 3, 2019

Chewie Has Bit It! The Loss of Peter Mayhew!

We at Retro Rebellion are shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Peter "Chewbacca" Mayhew.

Mayhew was first chosen by George Lucas to play Chewbacca the Wookie,solely because of His height. Mayhew towered over much of the Star Wars cast at 7'2 1/2".

Since then,Chewie has been the role people most associate with the British-Born Actor. Although he did some non-Star Wars stuff,Chewie was his most famous role.

Mayhew also did some voice work too. In the English version of Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy, he provided the voice for Susha. 

Mayhew died of a heart attack on April 30th at his home in Boyd, Texas. He was 74. His passing was a very unwelcome surprise. He will be missed.

Peter William Mayhew 
May 19th 1944 – April 30th 2019

1 comment:

RekkaDragonJay said...

Mayhew's passing is much painful, especially around Star Wars Day, May 4th, to be precise. He will be missed. :'(