Friday, March 22, 2019

Recap, Reassurance and 2 Anniversaries to look forward to!

Hey Toonsters, Gamers and Retro Fans alike!

Retro Dragon here with a update. First off, I want to ensure to you, especially my brother from another planet, Stefan, that I am still standing. Sorry this new year started slow, but I've been busy, not just in real life, but also with doing my hobbies more often to reach my full potential, especially with my artwork, my movie making and especially the one thing I want to excel in, writing. However, circumstances beyond my control hindered those ideas. For instance, we are aware that some of our favorite actors and other famous people have died this year from Peter Tork of the Monkees to Luke Perry from 90210 and Riverdale to wrestler King Kong Bundy (FIVE! FIVE!!). I forgot one other actor I didn't mention, Jan-Michael Vincent, who was Link from the live action segment from the Banana Splits called 'Danger Island,' and was Stringfellow Hawke from the hit 80s action show, Airwolf. He died as well. So, 2019 is almost as bad as the years that came and went. And in television, many things have just struck me like an atomic bomb. For instance, Carlos Valdes, who plays Cisco Ramon aka Vibe on The Flash, decides to leave after this season. And to make matters even worse, not only My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's 9th season will be its last, but Arrow's 8th season after this one will be its last, too. Why am I bring this up, you ask? Because these type of events hinders what I am trying to accomplish, especially with those of the Arrowverse. 3 years, I wrote a fan letter to Carlos Valdes about my friendship dilemma after the Killer Frost episode on November 22nd, 2016, wandering if that phrase, "Sometimes when things get broken, they can't be fixed," translate to "Friendship is dead?" I did the same with Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost) and Melissa Benoist (Supergirl) and I got no reply. I just fear that the didn't respond to me, not because of postage, but because they think I'm a crazy fanboy who got upset over a TV show. All I want was answers, nothing more. Now, I don't think they're ever reply to me at all, because I am human. And it prevents me from doing my crossover story with the DCAU, with an original character who is the son of a superhero. I'll give you a hint, he didn't start off in the comics, but he was a true "Super Friend." As for MLP, since FIM is in its final season, The real life Tirek, Henry Schleiff, will have succeeded in his insidious plot, which he conducted since October 13th, 2014. Even if the show comes to an end, Tirek Schleiff will continue to milk the ponies until they can't milk them no more. That also hinders my script and story about the rise, fall and rise again story of Derpy Hooves, which I dedicated to Grayson Bruce. Now, the whole world will never hear how Derpy came to be (aside from being an error easter egg when the series began). And on top of that, FUNimation, the same company I use to praise because of how they handle anime distribution, is not the same company it use to be. Awhile back, voice actor Vic Mignogna got fired because of alleged claims of sexual misconduct. One of the actresses who made the claim, Monica Rial (Lumiere from Kiddy Grade and Bulma from Dragon Ball Z Kai and Dragon Ball Super), has falsely accused him of the aforementioned crime. Going so far into threatening the fans for defending him. And the other voices who were once his friends, Christopher R. Sabat (Piccolo, Yamcha and Vegeta) and Sean Schemell (Goku, my once and former guardian angel) have turned on him. FUNimation as a whole has become much worse than 4Kids, but without the edits. As Sheen from Jimmy Neutron puts it;


That being said, these negative stories won't stop me from reaching my full potential. You will see more of me blogging here, bringing nothing more but positivity and optimism. Speaking of which, since this is 2019, let's stop beating down the bush and start celebrating. Because this year, we are not just celebrating not one, but two anniversaries. The first is 30th anniversary of the Sega Genesis. Even though it was released in Japan in 1988 as the Mega Drive, on August 14th, 1989, we've in the west learned firsthand and in all due respect, "What Genesis Does what Ninten-Don't" (Their words, not mine). And the second, is on November 17th, that is we celebrate the very movie that saved Disney from uncertainty and usher in a Renaissance and that movie in question is The Little Mermaid. It is no secret that me and Stefan like this movie and we are proud of standing up for Ariel against those who bashed her over the years. Like I said, Ariel is not perfect, but what fictional character is. I am proud to have Ariel as my motherly figure, just as I favor Jem, She-Ra and Elsa as my fictional aunts.

In short, 2019 started slow and somber, but like March going out like a lion and April coming in like a lamb, I will strengthen my resolve to the cause in making everything retro relevant again. Just like Kamen Rider ZO, I will rise up and fight on. Stay frosty, my friend. Things are going to be better. You'll see.



Stefan said...

Ruby Spears Nega Man celebrates it's 25th Annaversary this year too. Also Disney Owns FOX now...officially

RekkaDragonJay said...

I almost forgot about the RS Megaman cartoon. I was just focused on the 2 other anniversaries that I am planning to celebrate. Disney owns FOX now. I thought they did that already.

BTW, did you get my hint of who I was talking about when I was planning to do that Arrowverse/DCAU crossover story? I will tell you. The hero in question is Samurai, and the main protagonist for this crossover is his son, who is the original character. Why Samurai, you ask? In the beginning, when we watched Superfriends, there were original characters that were created for the show, either created through copyright issues or create ethnicity for the show to learn about other cultures from other parts of the world. The characters in question are Black Vulcan (who was created because they couldn't use Black Lightning due to issues with co-creator Tony Isabella), Apache Chief, El Dorado and of course, Samurai. And of all the original multi-ethinc characters, I chose Samurai because:

1. He has a real name, Toshio Eto.

2. He's a college professor

3. He got his superpowers from the New Gods, thinking it was divine intervention by the Shinto Gods.

His son in my stories is named Hikari, roughly translated, means "Light" in Japanese. Cause, to me, just like Earth - 1 Laurel Lance, he is the light that will cut through the darkness within the Multiverse, especially Earth - 1. And he is normal and doesn't have superpowers like his dad, and Toshio was a no show because of being Samurai. But, it will become clear once I write the story down to its fullest.

If you want to know more about Samurai, look him up on Wikipedia. That's how I got the inspiration of creating that original character for this story (which, I am afraid, will never come to fruition because Arrow will end its run after season 8 and the other shows will follow). :(