For years these guys have removed good networks and kept the garbage ones. But when they removed The Blaze and revealed their heavy Anti-Conservative bias,That was the last straw.
So with that said: Verizon - YOU'VE JUST MADE THE LIST!!!!!
See Everyone in 2019!
Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold!!
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Merry XMas and Happy Holidays!
We At The American Cartoon Federation woukd like to wish everyone and their families a Very Happy Holidays and a Very Very Merry XMas.
Stay Gold,XMas Cowboys!
Stay Gold,XMas Cowboys!
Saturday, December 8, 2018
ACF Reboot Coming!
After some thought,I've decided to terminate Retro Talk,due to time issues. My current schedule and living conditions prevent me from managing 4 Blogs. I had such big plans for it and it's regretful that I have to shut it down.
However,this leads to the main topic of tbis post. In January 2019,The American Cartoon Federation is gonna be Rebooted and the Retro Talk posts will be moved here as part of the rebranding.
Trust me when I say,You'll love what this blog will become.
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.
However,this leads to the main topic of tbis post. In January 2019,The American Cartoon Federation is gonna be Rebooted and the Retro Talk posts will be moved here as part of the rebranding.
Trust me when I say,You'll love what this blog will become.
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Poll Results: Should Michael Jackson Be In The Hall?
The results are in! We Asked If Michael Jackson Should Be In The Hall of Heroes?
And The Results Are: 18 For,1 Against. So The People have spoken - Michael Jackson Will be inducted into the Hall of Heroes.
Thanks for Voting and be sure to vote in my Next Poll.
And The Results Are: 18 For,1 Against. So The People have spoken - Michael Jackson Will be inducted into the Hall of Heroes.
Thanks for Voting and be sure to vote in my Next Poll.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Fall of a Legend! - RIP Stan Lee
It isn't easy for me to say it but it has to be, especially for being a fan of comic books. Stan Lee, the man responsible for the majority of the entire Marvel Comics Universe, has died. He was 95 years old. Born Stanley Martin Lieber, with the exception of Captain America and Namor the Sub-Mariner, he was responsible for the creation of our favorite characters in the Marvel Universe, such as Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, The X-Men, She-Hulk, The Avengers and so much more. He was the face of Marvel for many years. So much so, he even appeared in cameos in many Marvel movies (his first one was in The Trial of the Incredible Hulk as a juror in a courtroom dream sequence). In the later years, he left Marvel and form his own company, POW Entertainment and created original characters, such as the Mighty 7 and Stripperella.
What he has created will last forever, especially Spider-Man, who learned a very important lesson, like I have, like many people have, that "With Great Power, there must also come, Great Responsibility". A responsibility we must live by, not just as being animation crusaders, but for life.
And what makes this more heartbreaking? Long ago, I wrote a fan letter to him, praising him and sent him my custom made comic book cover for Spider-Man's 50th Anniversary...
Unfortunately, I didn't get a response from him. Either he was too busy to reply or someone withheld his reply letters. Guess we never know now, huh? That mystery is for another story.
In short, Stan Lee has left behind a rich legacy of superheroes that will last forever. Thanks for the memories. At least you are back together with Joe Simon, Jack Kirby and especially your wife, Joan.
Be at peace, True Believer.
(TAPS play)
Stanley Martin Lieber aka Stan Lee
What he has created will last forever, especially Spider-Man, who learned a very important lesson, like I have, like many people have, that "With Great Power, there must also come, Great Responsibility". A responsibility we must live by, not just as being animation crusaders, but for life.
And what makes this more heartbreaking? Long ago, I wrote a fan letter to him, praising him and sent him my custom made comic book cover for Spider-Man's 50th Anniversary...
Unfortunately, I didn't get a response from him. Either he was too busy to reply or someone withheld his reply letters. Guess we never know now, huh? That mystery is for another story.
In short, Stan Lee has left behind a rich legacy of superheroes that will last forever. Thanks for the memories. At least you are back together with Joe Simon, Jack Kirby and especially your wife, Joan.
Be at peace, True Believer.
(TAPS play)
Stanley Martin Lieber aka Stan Lee
December 28, 1922 - November 12, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
My Fantasy Hasbro TV Network Line-Up.
Let's say for the sake of fantasy that Hasbro had heard my cries for TV salvation and answered them with a Brand New TV Network. AND They either broke or modified their deals with Viacom and Discovery Communications to make this Network happen. Anyway,here's what a Line-Up would look like for the Hypothetical Hasbro Network.
Here's what will air on Weekdays.
12 am - Paid Programming
12.5 am - Paid Programming
1 am - Paid Programming
1.5 am - Paid Programming
2 am - Paid Programming
2.5 am - Paid Programming
3 am - Paid Programming
3.5 am - Paid Programming
4 am - Paid Programming
4.5 am - Paid Programming
5 am - To Be Determined
5.5 am - TBD
6 am - Jem and the Holograms
6.5 am - Jem and the Holograms
7 am - G.I.Joe: Real American Hero
7.5 am - G.I.Joe: Real American Hero
8 am - Transformers G1
8.5 am - Transformers G1
9 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Littlest Pet Shop)
9.5 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Littlest Pet Shop)
10 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Pound Puppies)
10.5 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Pound Puppies)
11 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Transformers Rescue Bots)
11.5 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Trabsformers Rescue Bots)
12 pm - MLP:FiM
12.5 pm - MLP:FiM
1 pm - TBD
1.5 pm - TBD
2 pm - TBD
2.5 pm - TBD
3 pm - Samurai Pizza Cats
3.5 pm - Samurai Pizza Cats
4 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Digimon)
4.5 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters)
5 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Deltora Quest)
5.5 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Power Rangers)
6 pm - Unnamed Action Block (G.I.Joe Renegades)
6.5 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Transformers Prime)
7 pm - TBD
7.5 pm - TBD
8 pm - TBD
8.5 pm - TBD
9 pm - TBD
9.5 pm - TBD
10 pm - TBD
10.5 pm - TBD
11 pm - TBD
11.5 pm - TBD
Here's what will air on Saturdays.
12 am - Paid Programming
12.5 am - Paid Programming
1 am - Paid Programming
1.5 am - Paid Programming
2 am - Paid Programming
2.5 am - Paid Programming
3 am - Paid Programming
3.5 am - Paid Programming
4 am - Paid Programming
4.5 am - Paid Programming
5 am - To Be Determined
5.5 am - TBD
6 am - TBD
6.5 am - TBD
7 am - TBD
7.5 am - TBD
8 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Blazing Team: Masters of Yo Kwon Do)
8.5 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Transformers Animated)
9 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #1)
9.5 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (G.I.Joe Sigma 6)
10 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Power Rangers [new episode])
10.5 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #2)
11 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (The Aquabats Super Show)
11.5 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (The Aquabats Super Show)
12 pm - Big Bad Beetleborgs
12.5 pm - Big Bad Beetleborgs
1 pm - Shinzo
1.5 pm - Flint The Time Detective
2 pm - Double Feature (Movie 1)
2.5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 1)
3 pm - Double Feature (Movie 1)
3.5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 1)
4 pm - Double Feature (Movie 2)
4.5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 2)
5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 2)
5.5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 2)
6 pm - The Game of Life
6.5 pm - The Game of Life
7 pm - Family Game Night
7.5 pm - Family Game Night
8 pm - Scrabble Showdown
8.5 pm - Scrabble Showdown
9 pm - Dan Vs.
9.5 pm - Dan Vs.
10 pm - TBD
10.5 pm - TBD
11 pm - TBD
11.5 pm - TBD
Here's what will air on Sundays.
12 am - Paid Programming
12.5 am - Paid Programming
1 am - Paid Programming
1.5 am - Paid Programming
2 am - Paid Programming
2.5 am - Paid Programming
3 am - Paid Programming
3.5 am - Paid Programming
4 am - Paid Programming
4.5 am - Paid Programming
5 am - To Be Determined
5.5 am - TBD
6 am - TBD
6.5 am - TBD
7 am - TBD
7.5 am - TBD
8 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (Beast Wars: Transformers)
8.5 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (G.I.Joe Extreme)
9 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #3)
9.5 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #4)
10 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (VR Troopers)
10.5 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (VR Troopers)
11 am - Flint The Time Detective
11.5 am - Shinzo
12 pm - Transformers: Robots in Disguise (either the anime or the u.s. show)
12.5 pm - G.I.Joe (dic)
1 pm - Sunday Movie Showcase (Movie)
1.5 pm - Sunday Movie Showcase (Movie)
2 pm - Sunday Movie Showcase (Movie)
2.5 pm - Sunday Movie Showcase (Movie)
3 pm - Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #1
3.5 pm - Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #2
4 pm - Power Rangers
4.5 pm - Power Rangers
5 pm - Untitled New Game Show #1 (re-airing)
5.5 pm - Untitled New Game Show #2 (re-airing)
6 pm - Mon Colle Knights
6.5 pm - Digimon
7 pm - TBD
7.5 pm - TBD
8 pm - TBD
8.5 pm - TBD
9 pm - TBD
9.5 pm - TBD
10 pm - TBD
10.5 pm - TBD
11 pm - TBD
11.5 pm - TBD
There are a lot of "To Be Determined" on this line-up,that's because I have no idea what the future holds for Hasbro in terms of TV Shows and only listed shows that Hasbro already has.
Here's what will air on Weekdays.
12 am - Paid Programming
12.5 am - Paid Programming
1 am - Paid Programming
1.5 am - Paid Programming
2 am - Paid Programming
2.5 am - Paid Programming
3 am - Paid Programming
3.5 am - Paid Programming
4 am - Paid Programming
4.5 am - Paid Programming
5 am - To Be Determined
5.5 am - TBD
6 am - Jem and the Holograms
6.5 am - Jem and the Holograms
7 am - G.I.Joe: Real American Hero
7.5 am - G.I.Joe: Real American Hero
8 am - Transformers G1
8.5 am - Transformers G1
9 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Littlest Pet Shop)
9.5 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Littlest Pet Shop)
10 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Pound Puppies)
10.5 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Pound Puppies)
11 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Transformers Rescue Bots)
11.5 am - Unnamed Kiddie Block (Trabsformers Rescue Bots)
12 pm - MLP:FiM
12.5 pm - MLP:FiM
1 pm - TBD
1.5 pm - TBD
2 pm - TBD
2.5 pm - TBD
3 pm - Samurai Pizza Cats
3.5 pm - Samurai Pizza Cats
4 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Digimon)
4.5 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters)
5 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Deltora Quest)
5.5 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Power Rangers)
6 pm - Unnamed Action Block (G.I.Joe Renegades)
6.5 pm - Unnamed Action Block (Transformers Prime)
7 pm - TBD
7.5 pm - TBD
8 pm - TBD
8.5 pm - TBD
9 pm - TBD
9.5 pm - TBD
10 pm - TBD
10.5 pm - TBD
11 pm - TBD
11.5 pm - TBD
Here's what will air on Saturdays.
12 am - Paid Programming
12.5 am - Paid Programming
1 am - Paid Programming
1.5 am - Paid Programming
2 am - Paid Programming
2.5 am - Paid Programming
3 am - Paid Programming
3.5 am - Paid Programming
4 am - Paid Programming
4.5 am - Paid Programming
5 am - To Be Determined
5.5 am - TBD
6 am - TBD
6.5 am - TBD
7 am - TBD
7.5 am - TBD
8 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Blazing Team: Masters of Yo Kwon Do)
8.5 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Transformers Animated)
9 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #1)
9.5 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (G.I.Joe Sigma 6)
10 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Power Rangers [new episode])
10.5 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #2)
11 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (The Aquabats Super Show)
11.5 am - Unnamed Saturday Morning Block (The Aquabats Super Show)
12 pm - Big Bad Beetleborgs
12.5 pm - Big Bad Beetleborgs
1 pm - Shinzo
1.5 pm - Flint The Time Detective
2 pm - Double Feature (Movie 1)
2.5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 1)
3 pm - Double Feature (Movie 1)
3.5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 1)
4 pm - Double Feature (Movie 2)
4.5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 2)
5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 2)
5.5 pm - Double Feature (Movie 2)
6 pm - The Game of Life
6.5 pm - The Game of Life
7 pm - Family Game Night
7.5 pm - Family Game Night
8 pm - Scrabble Showdown
8.5 pm - Scrabble Showdown
9 pm - Dan Vs.
9.5 pm - Dan Vs.
10 pm - TBD
10.5 pm - TBD
11 pm - TBD
11.5 pm - TBD
Here's what will air on Sundays.
12 am - Paid Programming
12.5 am - Paid Programming
1 am - Paid Programming
1.5 am - Paid Programming
2 am - Paid Programming
2.5 am - Paid Programming
3 am - Paid Programming
3.5 am - Paid Programming
4 am - Paid Programming
4.5 am - Paid Programming
5 am - To Be Determined
5.5 am - TBD
6 am - TBD
6.5 am - TBD
7 am - TBD
7.5 am - TBD
8 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (Beast Wars: Transformers)
8.5 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (G.I.Joe Extreme)
9 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #3)
9.5 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #4)
10 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (VR Troopers)
10.5 am - Unnamed Sunday Block (VR Troopers)
11 am - Flint The Time Detective
11.5 am - Shinzo
12 pm - Transformers: Robots in Disguise (either the anime or the u.s. show)
12.5 pm - G.I.Joe (dic)
1 pm - Sunday Movie Showcase (Movie)
1.5 pm - Sunday Movie Showcase (Movie)
2 pm - Sunday Movie Showcase (Movie)
2.5 pm - Sunday Movie Showcase (Movie)
3 pm - Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #1
3.5 pm - Unnamed New Action/Adventure Show #2
4 pm - Power Rangers
4.5 pm - Power Rangers
5 pm - Untitled New Game Show #1 (re-airing)
5.5 pm - Untitled New Game Show #2 (re-airing)
6 pm - Mon Colle Knights
6.5 pm - Digimon
7 pm - TBD
7.5 pm - TBD
8 pm - TBD
8.5 pm - TBD
9 pm - TBD
9.5 pm - TBD
10 pm - TBD
10.5 pm - TBD
11 pm - TBD
11.5 pm - TBD
There are a lot of "To Be Determined" on this line-up,that's because I have no idea what the future holds for Hasbro in terms of TV Shows and only listed shows that Hasbro already has.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
A Fresh Hope?! The Dreaded CTA To Be Fixed!
While researching more info on the dreaded "Children's Television Act",I came across some very interesting articles. Apparently,We at ACF weren't the ONLY ones who disliked the CTA. Take a look at these articles.
These articles may not be much,but they at least give us some hope.
These articles may not be much,but they at least give us some hope.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Ever Evolving Lameness Leads To Frustration Overload!
My frustrations with Network Executives as finally reached it's breaking point. And it was Litton Entertainment,of all companies,that did it.
The Dog Whisperer,the ONLY thing worth watching on Litton Entertainment's Lameass One Magnificent Morning Block,has been taken off the air. Yes,the Only good show on Saturday Mornings is gone.
Litton's One Magnificent Morning was the Least Lame of their various Program Blocks and now Litton decided that Caesar Milan was just too cool for them,so they took him off the air. With the Dog Whisperer off of Saturday Mornings,One Magnificent Morning is as unwatchable as Litton's other program blocks.
Litton,what you did was a disgraceful act. The Dog Whisperer was the highest rated show on ANY if your lameass blocks,and now,you ditched it. And what did they replace it with? More Lameass Shows that fit in with the rest of their crap! Y'know,something,Litton,You guys are WORSE than 4Kids Entertainment! Yeah,You Read Right! At least 4Kids Had some decent programing. Sure they were in the minority,but they existed.
For this stupid and unforgivable act,Litton Entertainment. You. Just. Made. The. LIST!!!!!!
While on this topic,let's talk a little bit about the Virus known as The Children's Television Act! The very Thing that paved the way for Litton's hostile takeover of Saturday Morning TV in the first place.
Before,I go further,here's a little info on it:'s_Television_Act
At first the effects of this Law weren't even felt,in fact from 1990 - 2005,SatAM TV was pretty good and the very few Educational Shows that Did air were entertaining (and sometimes cool).
But as time went on,the Law's effect was felt. And in conjunction with the ever evolving stupidity of Network Executives,the Law hit Americans Hard,Very Very Hard. The CTA was used by Network Executives to destroy not just Saturday Morning Entertainment,but Sunday Morning and Weekday Afternoon Entertainment as well.
We desperately need a revival of SatAM TV (and kids/family tv in general). Hasbro,You're Our Only Hope! Create your own stand alone TV Network and give The Other Big 3 and Litton a run for their money. You have the shows and resorces. So Get To It,Guys!
Until next time,See Ya Space Cowboys!
The Dog Whisperer,the ONLY thing worth watching on Litton Entertainment's Lameass One Magnificent Morning Block,has been taken off the air. Yes,the Only good show on Saturday Mornings is gone.
Litton's One Magnificent Morning was the Least Lame of their various Program Blocks and now Litton decided that Caesar Milan was just too cool for them,so they took him off the air. With the Dog Whisperer off of Saturday Mornings,One Magnificent Morning is as unwatchable as Litton's other program blocks.
Litton,what you did was a disgraceful act. The Dog Whisperer was the highest rated show on ANY if your lameass blocks,and now,you ditched it. And what did they replace it with? More Lameass Shows that fit in with the rest of their crap! Y'know,something,Litton,You guys are WORSE than 4Kids Entertainment! Yeah,You Read Right! At least 4Kids Had some decent programing. Sure they were in the minority,but they existed.
For this stupid and unforgivable act,Litton Entertainment. You. Just. Made. The. LIST!!!!!!
While on this topic,let's talk a little bit about the Virus known as The Children's Television Act! The very Thing that paved the way for Litton's hostile takeover of Saturday Morning TV in the first place.
Before,I go further,here's a little info on it:'s_Television_Act
At first the effects of this Law weren't even felt,in fact from 1990 - 2005,SatAM TV was pretty good and the very few Educational Shows that Did air were entertaining (and sometimes cool).
But as time went on,the Law's effect was felt. And in conjunction with the ever evolving stupidity of Network Executives,the Law hit Americans Hard,Very Very Hard. The CTA was used by Network Executives to destroy not just Saturday Morning Entertainment,but Sunday Morning and Weekday Afternoon Entertainment as well.
We desperately need a revival of SatAM TV (and kids/family tv in general). Hasbro,You're Our Only Hope! Create your own stand alone TV Network and give The Other Big 3 and Litton a run for their money. You have the shows and resorces. So Get To It,Guys!
Until next time,See Ya Space Cowboys!
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Destiny League Reboot.
After much thought,I've decided to Reboot Destiny League. The past few weeks have been Awful for Disney Executives thanks to their stupidity,so I thought,why not Modify Lord Eigore's origins and add in those executives as villains. Hence why the reboot.
The New Story goes as follows: On the Planet Diz,The Magic Kingdom was a really prosperous place,ruled by the just and fair King Mickey the 2nd. The King had a son with his namesake,who was to be next in line and was just as good as his father.
The King also had an adviser named Lubart Eigore,he was manipulative and evil.
For decades the Kingdom was Awesome,that is until Eigore manipulated the mind of the King,convincing him to make Eigore the next in line for the throne,claiming that the Prince is too inexperienced and too idealistic to be a good leader. After much discussion from the council and the King himself,It was agreed to make Eigore the next King of Diz. The Prince's objectioned,knowing what kind of Monster Eigore was,but he was overruled.
Eigore wanted to grab the throne early,so he cooked up a scheme with his minions to kill the King via drink poisoning. Eigore's plan was put into effect and the King died of the poisoning.
It wasn't long before the council placed Eigore on the Throne of Diz. Both the Prince and People protested,but Eigore had his new sorceress,Alyxia cast a silent spell on them.
Knowing that The Prince saw right through him and knows that he would be victorious if he lead a coup against him,Eigore sought to assassinate him in a private place.
The Prince is lured into the forrest and into Eigore's trap. The Prince fights back against his would-be assassins. But Eigore's enforcer,Anerith had other plans,she kills the Prince in a sneak attack and the Prince himself is left for dead.
Eigore assembles a team of the most corrupt individuals available. Besides Enforcer Anerith,we have: The Bogus Brothers(Ehn,Jhay,khey) aka Sentai From Hell,Mystica Alyxia the Wizard,Lady Virus the Vain and Egotistical Knight who sings (badly),Zerk and Erodie the Annoying Twins and Professional Toadies,and finaly,Assistants Sharm and Rottingham make up what Eigore calls the Malice Kingdom.
The Malice Kingdom wastes no time in killing the High Council. Soon after,Eigore ruins the Planet with a hyper tyranical rule and extremely high taxation. Meanwhile,the supposedly dead Prince is found by Trillionaire Anthony Lark,who retrieves him and takes him back to his lab.
Turns out The Prince himself wasn't dead,but put into a coma by Anerith's attack. He awakens from the coma 2 weeks later. After being told of Eigore's deeds,The Prince wants revenge. But Lark advises him to rest up first. As The Prince Rests,Lark,using his great scientific mind,creates a super powered armor suit for the Prince. This suit will help him fight Eigore and his evil minions.
After receiving the Suit,The Malice Kingdom attacks. They kill Anthony Lark and put a 10-year-sleeping spell on the inexperienced hero Prince. Due to the Suits ability to halfen the effects of spells,The Prince awakens in 5 years,but once awoken,he finds his World in ruins and the Malice Kingdom gone.
The Prince finds out that the bad guys have recently fled to Earth,with intent on conquering it. Refusing to let the Earth or other Worlds be destroyed,The Prince leaves for Earth to stop the Malice Kingdom once and for all.
On Earth,Eigore and Co. disguise themselves as A group of respectable and liked buisness team,who run a multi-billion dollar media corperation. The Prince arrives on Earth and meets Rayjin,it's guardian. Rayjin convinces The Prince (who now calls himself M) that he can't defeat this evil alone.
Rayjin summons a team of unlikely superheroes to assist. He chooses Stitch the super alien experiment; Tinkerbell the gageteering genius pixy,who can change her size;Goliath the powerful Gargoyle;Ariel,aquatic operations master; Aladdin Ababwa,the master of craftiness; Hercules,strongest demi-god alive; Mulan,ace warrior and team battle strategist;and Tron,cyberspace dweller and virus killer.
Together they are collectively known as The Destiny League. After training with Rayjin,M sets up a small base deep underground,where he monitors the globe,waiting for the perfect chance to strike the Malice Kingdom.
However,the Malice Kingdom isn't the only threat,as Bad Guys from other Realms invade Earth. These Realms are: The Wasteland,where scrapped Disney characters go and The Damnation World,where Evil reigns and is home to Evil versions of characters from the Disney Animated Canon.
The Battle between Good and Evil truly begins.
The New Story goes as follows: On the Planet Diz,The Magic Kingdom was a really prosperous place,ruled by the just and fair King Mickey the 2nd. The King had a son with his namesake,who was to be next in line and was just as good as his father.
The King also had an adviser named Lubart Eigore,he was manipulative and evil.
For decades the Kingdom was Awesome,that is until Eigore manipulated the mind of the King,convincing him to make Eigore the next in line for the throne,claiming that the Prince is too inexperienced and too idealistic to be a good leader. After much discussion from the council and the King himself,It was agreed to make Eigore the next King of Diz. The Prince's objectioned,knowing what kind of Monster Eigore was,but he was overruled.
Eigore wanted to grab the throne early,so he cooked up a scheme with his minions to kill the King via drink poisoning. Eigore's plan was put into effect and the King died of the poisoning.
It wasn't long before the council placed Eigore on the Throne of Diz. Both the Prince and People protested,but Eigore had his new sorceress,Alyxia cast a silent spell on them.
Knowing that The Prince saw right through him and knows that he would be victorious if he lead a coup against him,Eigore sought to assassinate him in a private place.
The Prince is lured into the forrest and into Eigore's trap. The Prince fights back against his would-be assassins. But Eigore's enforcer,Anerith had other plans,she kills the Prince in a sneak attack and the Prince himself is left for dead.
Eigore assembles a team of the most corrupt individuals available. Besides Enforcer Anerith,we have: The Bogus Brothers(Ehn,Jhay,khey) aka Sentai From Hell,Mystica Alyxia the Wizard,Lady Virus the Vain and Egotistical Knight who sings (badly),Zerk and Erodie the Annoying Twins and Professional Toadies,and finaly,Assistants Sharm and Rottingham make up what Eigore calls the Malice Kingdom.
The Malice Kingdom wastes no time in killing the High Council. Soon after,Eigore ruins the Planet with a hyper tyranical rule and extremely high taxation. Meanwhile,the supposedly dead Prince is found by Trillionaire Anthony Lark,who retrieves him and takes him back to his lab.
Turns out The Prince himself wasn't dead,but put into a coma by Anerith's attack. He awakens from the coma 2 weeks later. After being told of Eigore's deeds,The Prince wants revenge. But Lark advises him to rest up first. As The Prince Rests,Lark,using his great scientific mind,creates a super powered armor suit for the Prince. This suit will help him fight Eigore and his evil minions.
After receiving the Suit,The Malice Kingdom attacks. They kill Anthony Lark and put a 10-year-sleeping spell on the inexperienced hero Prince. Due to the Suits ability to halfen the effects of spells,The Prince awakens in 5 years,but once awoken,he finds his World in ruins and the Malice Kingdom gone.
The Prince finds out that the bad guys have recently fled to Earth,with intent on conquering it. Refusing to let the Earth or other Worlds be destroyed,The Prince leaves for Earth to stop the Malice Kingdom once and for all.
On Earth,Eigore and Co. disguise themselves as A group of respectable and liked buisness team,who run a multi-billion dollar media corperation. The Prince arrives on Earth and meets Rayjin,it's guardian. Rayjin convinces The Prince (who now calls himself M) that he can't defeat this evil alone.
Rayjin summons a team of unlikely superheroes to assist. He chooses Stitch the super alien experiment; Tinkerbell the gageteering genius pixy,who can change her size;Goliath the powerful Gargoyle;Ariel,aquatic operations master; Aladdin Ababwa,the master of craftiness; Hercules,strongest demi-god alive; Mulan,ace warrior and team battle strategist;and Tron,cyberspace dweller and virus killer.
Together they are collectively known as The Destiny League. After training with Rayjin,M sets up a small base deep underground,where he monitors the globe,waiting for the perfect chance to strike the Malice Kingdom.
However,the Malice Kingdom isn't the only threat,as Bad Guys from other Realms invade Earth. These Realms are: The Wasteland,where scrapped Disney characters go and The Damnation World,where Evil reigns and is home to Evil versions of characters from the Disney Animated Canon.
The Battle between Good and Evil truly begins.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
The Queen of Soul's Lost Battle! Good Bye Aretha!
Ladies and Gentlemen,I regret to inform you that,Aretha Franklin,has died. She's been battling illness for a while,and now,she has lost that fight.
Like I keep saying,I'm no good at eulogies. But,I'm very saddened by this news,as Aretha Franklin was yet another music artist that I really liked. She was both talented and a good woman.
She was the 1st woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,She earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom And the National Metal of Arts. She even played "America The Beautiful" at Wrestlemania III.
Aretha was also a God-loving Woman,starting out as a Gospel singer and keeping her roots after going mainstreme. At one of her final public preformances last year in Detroit,Aretha closed out the concert with this message: "God bless You,God keep You,Keep Me in your prayers."
Aretha died peacefully at her home in Detroit. She was 76.
Aretha Franklin
March 25th 1942 - August 16th 2018
God Speed,Aretha and Thank You!
Like I keep saying,I'm no good at eulogies. But,I'm very saddened by this news,as Aretha Franklin was yet another music artist that I really liked. She was both talented and a good woman.
She was the 1st woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,She earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom And the National Metal of Arts. She even played "America The Beautiful" at Wrestlemania III.
Aretha was also a God-loving Woman,starting out as a Gospel singer and keeping her roots after going mainstreme. At one of her final public preformances last year in Detroit,Aretha closed out the concert with this message: "God bless You,God keep You,Keep Me in your prayers."
Aretha died peacefully at her home in Detroit. She was 76.
Aretha Franklin
March 25th 1942 - August 16th 2018
God Speed,Aretha and Thank You!
Monday, August 13, 2018
Tbe Reaper Strikes The Wrestling World Once Again!
The American Cartoon Federation is sad to announces the death of Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart.
Jim Neidhart was best knoen as 1 half of the legendary tag team,The Hart Foundation,with his brother-in-law,super legend Bret "Hitman" Hart. They held the WWE Tag Team Championships Twice.
Neidhart had a fun character and was a damn good wrestler. Anvil's daughter,Natalia is a wrestler as well and has done her father proud. Our sincere condolences go out to the entire Hart Family for their loss.
The Anvil died this morning. He was 63.
Jim "Anvil" Neidhart
February 8th 1955 - August 13th 2018
Also,on July 29'th (a few weeks ago),We lost 2 great wrestling superstars,Nikolai Volkoff and Brian Christopher aka Brian Lawler.
Nikolai Volkoff (born Josip Hrvoje Peruzovic) was a croation immigrant,who played an Evil Russian through out most of his WWE carrer. This is how most remember him. He always sang the Soviet National Anthem before his matches.
Years later,he's turn into a Pro-American babyface,thanks to the fall of the Soviet Union.
Brian Christopher (born brian lawler) is the son of Wrestling Legend,Jerry "The King" Lawler. Brian Christopher got his start in Wrestling in 1989,but got his big break in the business in 1997,when he joined the WWE. After a moderatly successful singles carrer,Brian Christopher turned to Tag Team Wrestling,where he teamed with Scotty 2 Hotty to form Too Cool.
While Volkoff died of old age,Brian commited suicide while in prison. :( They were were 70 and 46,respectively.
Both men are missed.
Nikolai Volkoff
October 14th 1947 - July 29th 2018
Brian Christopher Lawler
January 10th 1972 - July 29th 2018
On a semi-related note: Music Legend Aretha Franklin is currently battling a serious illness. So please say a preyer for her.
Jim Neidhart was best knoen as 1 half of the legendary tag team,The Hart Foundation,with his brother-in-law,super legend Bret "Hitman" Hart. They held the WWE Tag Team Championships Twice.
Neidhart had a fun character and was a damn good wrestler. Anvil's daughter,Natalia is a wrestler as well and has done her father proud. Our sincere condolences go out to the entire Hart Family for their loss.
The Anvil died this morning. He was 63.
Jim "Anvil" Neidhart
February 8th 1955 - August 13th 2018
Also,on July 29'th (a few weeks ago),We lost 2 great wrestling superstars,Nikolai Volkoff and Brian Christopher aka Brian Lawler.
Nikolai Volkoff (born Josip Hrvoje Peruzovic) was a croation immigrant,who played an Evil Russian through out most of his WWE carrer. This is how most remember him. He always sang the Soviet National Anthem before his matches.
Years later,he's turn into a Pro-American babyface,thanks to the fall of the Soviet Union.
Brian Christopher (born brian lawler) is the son of Wrestling Legend,Jerry "The King" Lawler. Brian Christopher got his start in Wrestling in 1989,but got his big break in the business in 1997,when he joined the WWE. After a moderatly successful singles carrer,Brian Christopher turned to Tag Team Wrestling,where he teamed with Scotty 2 Hotty to form Too Cool.
While Volkoff died of old age,Brian commited suicide while in prison. :( They were were 70 and 46,respectively.
Both men are missed.
Nikolai Volkoff
October 14th 1947 - July 29th 2018
Brian Christopher Lawler
January 10th 1972 - July 29th 2018
On a semi-related note: Music Legend Aretha Franklin is currently battling a serious illness. So please say a preyer for her.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Anti-Jason!
"Welcome to the Dark Side, MY Dark Side! (laughs like Frank Gorshin as The Riddler)" |
I promised, this is the full-fledged fanart of Anime Jason's evil twin,
Anti-Jason. Here is the low down and his synopsis on how he came to be;
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Age: Unknown (but looks like in his 20s like Jason)
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Eye Color: Icy Blue (Just like Killer Frost)
Occupation: Subordinate loyal to the V-Syndicate
Hobbies: Tormenting people, bringing chaos in his wake and brings death and destruction in his wake
Likes: Vanity, Chaos, Greed, Deception, Corruption, Hatred, Suffering and Death
Being corrected by everybody, patience, failure and being called a
Twerp (just like Jason, but with painful consequences)
Personality: Vain, Greedy, Hateful, Deceptive, Corrupt and downright Evil
Same Strength and Agility as Jason, but is powered by all the hatred
and evil that dwells from within, a skilled marksman, melee combat and
guerilla warfare. Oni Ken (Demon Fist), Mind Manipulation, Shape
Shifting and Son Goku Satsu (Raging Demon; learned from Akuma, in the
form of his dark virtue of Chaos)
Weapons: Oblivion Keyblade, Survival Knife, Gas Pellets
Gear: Gray Headband, Gray Fingerless Fight Gloves, Utility Belt (with the old Viacom "V" of Doom logo on belt buckle)
evil clone created by the V-Syndicate, Anti-Jason was created from the
combination of Anime Jason's DNA with that of the DNA of an Anti-Fairy.
Unlike most Anti-Faries, he doesn't have wings. But he makes up for
being a dangerous foe, especially against the Animation Crusader and his
team. Where Jason is a noble, virtuous and kind-hearted hero,
Anti-Jason is the exact opposite. He lives on Greed, Deception,
Corruption, Hatred, Suffering and Death. His powers were driven by all
the negativity and hatred from all life, which are magnified by his
spirit guides which represents his dark virtues, Megatron (Dark Virtue
of Greed), Queen Beryl (Dark Virtue of Bitterness), The Joker (Dark
Virtue of Mischief), Ursula (Dark Virtue of Deception), Talpa (Dark
Virtue of Hate) and Akuma (Dark Virtue of Chaos). Indeed the mirror
image of our hero, from doing his version of the Taiyouken called the
Oni Ken, which means Demon Fist in Japanese, to having the dark
counterpart to the Oathkeeper Keyblade, appropriately called, Oblivion.
Unlike Jason, Anti-Jason doesn't take guff from anybody, friend or foe,
especially with Team Rocket, when they call him a Twerp and when they do
that, unlike our hero, they would either get twisted like a pretzel or
put the sharp tip of his knife onto their necks as a warning ala John
Rambo. Psychotic to the core, and also a thinker in war, just like Sun
Tzu. And when he laughs, he giggles just like Frank Gorshin as The
Riddler in the 60s Batman TV Show.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Iger Never Quits! The Fans Call To Action!
There were a vast number of reasons why Bob Iger is on the list. Well,I'm gonna add unfair firing to those reasons. A few days ago,Bob Iger Fired Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn for disgusting tweets he made many years ago (infact they were made before he was hired in the first place). In reality He shoud've been suspended,not fired.
This unfair firing has driven the fans to call for either James Gunn's rehiring or Bob Iger's head! Here is a petition to re-hire James Gunn. It already has 320 Thousand + backers and day by day the numbers are growing.
I already signed this thing. Now it's everyone else's turn. Let's hope this petition makes Disney listen and relisze their big error.
Bob Iger has really dug himself into a deep deep craphole and the only way out is to listen to the,All Of The Time!
Until Next Time,
Stay Gold Space Cowboys
This unfair firing has driven the fans to call for either James Gunn's rehiring or Bob Iger's head! Here is a petition to re-hire James Gunn. It already has 320 Thousand + backers and day by day the numbers are growing.
I already signed this thing. Now it's everyone else's turn. Let's hope this petition makes Disney listen and relisze their big error.
Bob Iger has really dug himself into a deep deep craphole and the only way out is to listen to the,All Of The Time!
Until Next Time,
Stay Gold Space Cowboys
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
8 Things The Hub Network Did Way Better Then Disney,Nick,and CN!
The Hub Network was great. Pre-2013,the Network was The place to be for great family and kids entertainment. They sure as hell put The Other Big 3 (disney,nick,and cn) to shame. So today,I give you:
The 8 Things The Hub Network Did Way Better Then Modern Disney,Modern Nickelodeon,and Modern Cartoon Network!
Let's begin.
#8 - Nostalgia: This is one of the biggest things The Hub Network excelled at. From giving us a Retro-Sitcom block to bringing back old faves,The Hub never disappointed in this area. Disney's Idea of Nostalgia is giving us kitty shit from the Anne Sweeney Era. Nick gives us the 90's are All 10/11 at Night! And Cartoon Network doesn't believe in Nostalgia at all anymore (just look at boomerang).
#7 - Diversity: Unlike the Other Big 3,The Hub was awesome at Diversity as well. Unlike their competition,The Hub had a wide variety of shows. They never had to rely on just 1 genre of show (unlike the other big 3).
#6 - Program Direction: The Hub was superior in this area too. The line-ups just made sense. The Program Direction of the Other Big 3 Networks are just a putrid mess.
#5 - Huboom: A really great replacement for Toonami,need I say more. The Other Big 3 just don't believe in Program Blocks anymore.
#4 - Promoting The Right Shows: Unlike Today's Disney,Modern Nickelodeon,and The 2k Cartoon Network,The Hub almost Always promoted their greatest shows the most.
#3 - Creativity: When the Hub was still living,The Other Big 3 Networks were creativly bankrupt (in fact they still are). Not the Hub Network,though. From 2010-2013,creativity was overflowing on the Hub. Seriously their Bumpers,Shows,and Program Blocks were really really well done.
#2 - Consistency: The Hub was 200x more consistant than it's competitors.
#1 - Treating Their Audience Right: Up until 2013,The Hub Network always treated their auduence like they were people with smart promos and intellegently produced shows and blocks. Unlike the Other Big 3,which treated their audience like they were retards (in fact,they still do this).
Had Discovery showed this network Patience,it would've thrived and Destroyed the Other Big 3. But sadly,Network Execs are Super Retards.
So until next time,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!
The 8 Things The Hub Network Did Way Better Then Modern Disney,Modern Nickelodeon,and Modern Cartoon Network!
Let's begin.
#8 - Nostalgia: This is one of the biggest things The Hub Network excelled at. From giving us a Retro-Sitcom block to bringing back old faves,The Hub never disappointed in this area. Disney's Idea of Nostalgia is giving us kitty shit from the Anne Sweeney Era. Nick gives us the 90's are All 10/11 at Night! And Cartoon Network doesn't believe in Nostalgia at all anymore (just look at boomerang).
#7 - Diversity: Unlike the Other Big 3,The Hub was awesome at Diversity as well. Unlike their competition,The Hub had a wide variety of shows. They never had to rely on just 1 genre of show (unlike the other big 3).
#6 - Program Direction: The Hub was superior in this area too. The line-ups just made sense. The Program Direction of the Other Big 3 Networks are just a putrid mess.
#5 - Huboom: A really great replacement for Toonami,need I say more. The Other Big 3 just don't believe in Program Blocks anymore.
#4 - Promoting The Right Shows: Unlike Today's Disney,Modern Nickelodeon,and The 2k Cartoon Network,The Hub almost Always promoted their greatest shows the most.
#3 - Creativity: When the Hub was still living,The Other Big 3 Networks were creativly bankrupt (in fact they still are). Not the Hub Network,though. From 2010-2013,creativity was overflowing on the Hub. Seriously their Bumpers,Shows,and Program Blocks were really really well done.
#2 - Consistency: The Hub was 200x more consistant than it's competitors.
#1 - Treating Their Audience Right: Up until 2013,The Hub Network always treated their auduence like they were people with smart promos and intellegently produced shows and blocks. Unlike the Other Big 3,which treated their audience like they were retards (in fact,they still do this).
Had Discovery showed this network Patience,it would've thrived and Destroyed the Other Big 3. But sadly,Network Execs are Super Retards.
So until next time,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Should Michael Jackson Be In The Hall of Heroes?
This question's been bugging me all weekend and it needs to be answered definitively. Should Michael Jackson be part of the Hall of Heroes?
In the past,the late King of Pop has been accused of some horrible things in the past,which may or may not be true. But,on the other hand,he seemed like such a nice guy,who's done some great things and produced some really great music. This automatically disqualifies him to be on The List.
However,due to the accusations,Jackson is automatically into The Grey Area. But I know he deserves more,but can't put him in the Hall without seeming hypocritical. So here's the deal,I'm gonna put this decision in Your hands,guys.
Should MJ Join the Hall of Heroes? Let me know in the comments section.
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys
In the past,the late King of Pop has been accused of some horrible things in the past,which may or may not be true. But,on the other hand,he seemed like such a nice guy,who's done some great things and produced some really great music. This automatically disqualifies him to be on The List.
However,due to the accusations,Jackson is automatically into The Grey Area. But I know he deserves more,but can't put him in the Hall without seeming hypocritical. So here's the deal,I'm gonna put this decision in Your hands,guys.
Should MJ Join the Hall of Heroes? Let me know in the comments section.
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Kelly Hu Tribute!
Otsuru and Karai; two beautiful and deadly gals, both voiced by the equally beautiful Kelly Hu! |
As she looks through the looking glass, Karai sees a window
through another world, where she sees the very person that reminded her
of herself. She sees the essence of Otsuru, a woman who is beautiful,
kind, but mostly sad. Seeing her presence reminded her of her mother, Tang Shen, who was
killed by Oroku Saki, The Shredder, during his blood feud with her real
father, Hamato Yoshi. Although her life ended due to circumstances
beyond her control, her essence, her spirit encourages her to not go
down the path she has gone through.
Otsuru: "You
have a good life ahead of you, Hamato Miwa. As long as you have friends
and family who truly care about you, you will never truly be alone. You
have great power, Miwa, use it well. Don't lose your head."
do Karai and Otsuru have in common? They are both voiced by the
talented, beautiful and sensual Kelly Hu. And this fanart is a tribute
to her and the characters she voiced. For both Karai (from the 2012
version of TMNT) and Otsuru (aka Okiku) from Afro Samurai are both
interesting and beautiful characters, but bound by tragedy. But the only
difference between these two is while Otsuru was killed for betraying
the Empty Seven Clan for proclaiming her love to Afro, Karai, on the
other hand, despite becoming a mutant serpent, turned tragedy into
triumph, after learning the truth of what really happened the night her
mother, Tang Shen was killed during the blood feud between her real
father, Hamato Yoshi aka Splinter and Oroku Saki aka The Shredder. That,
and the fact that Karai herself, to me anyway, bumped off Zatanna as
the Veronica to Kara Zor-El's Betty.
Anyway, as
both characters look on to each other through their own reflections,
they both carry the swords of the respective swordsmen, Otsuru carrying
Afro's sword while Karai carrying one of Leonardo's Katana Blades. And
why Karai has a snake on her arm instead of becoming a snake like
appendage in her mutant form? Let me sum it up for you. I wanted the
snake on her because even as a mutant serpent or as I like to call her in
the Japanese tongue, Hebe Hime (Serpent Princess), she couldn't
hold a sword if her arms become snakes themselves. And the second reason
for it? It is an homage to another character Kelly Hu played, for she
was the sorceress, Cassandra in the Mummy spin-off movie, The Scorpion
King, starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. In one scene, Cassandra took
out a snake, a King Cobra to be precised, out of a jar and pointed at
the main villain. Seeing that was a sign of things to come, for that's
when Karai becomes a mutant snake herself and instead of snakes on her
arms, her arms become snakes themselves.
there you have it. Although Otsuru is no longer among the living, from a
fanfiction point of view, her spirit will always watch over Karai and
guide her to do the right thing, even if she doesn't know it.
ALOHA, Kelly Hu! You are awesome! BOOYAKASHA!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Sailor Moon & Godzilla: Legendary Icons!
The Pretty Soldier of Love and Justice and the King of the Monsters, legends in their own right! |
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
The Grey Area
As you know,The List is for People and Organization's that are truly corrupt and piss me off to no end. And that the Hall of Heroes are for the good People and Orgs,especially ones that I love.
But,there also exists a Grey Area,People and Orgs that don't belong in The Hall,but don't necessarily belong on The List either. So today,I'm gonna be listing some of those guys.
Haim Saban - He sold out big time and now because of it,his company,Saban Brands is going under. Not to mention that Saban Capital Group is failing at Everything they do. It's Disgusting. However,back in the day,Saban was Awesome. This man gave us lots of Quality programming. Thanks to Haim Saban We got shows like Power Rangers,Digimon,VR Troopers,Samurai Pizza Cats,and many more. Saban Entertainment was also good with Anime dubs. Haim Saban may suck now,but there's no denying his great legacy.
Alfred R. Khan and 4Kids Entertainment - The rapers of Saturday Morning TV...or at least,they were. Al Khan and his Org payed the price for their ways. However,In recent times,I've forgiven Al Khan for his twisted ways. Now that 4Kids is dead,I can.
Michael Eisner - From 2003-2005,Michael Eisner suffered from a Stupid and Greedy stage. Outside of TV,the Disney Brand was suffering thanks to lackluster Movies,mishandling of the Parks,ect. However,this was also the same man who Revived Disney back in '87. From then on,Eisner could do no wrong,he gave us great stuff like The Disney Renaissance,The Disney Channel,The Disney Afternoon,One Saturday Morning,Toon Disney,and many awesome shows. The man may suck now,but from 1987 - 2003,Michael Eisner was Just. Too. Sweeeeeeeet.
Eric Bischoff - The man who help save WCW is also the one who help destroy it. During his tenure as President of the company,Bischoff got a big ego (not as big a hogan's,though) and it damaged WCW from the inside. But still,without Eric Bischoff,WCW wouldn't be as cool as it once was. Plus,he gave us the really cool Elimination Chamber,so can't stay too mad at 'Ol Easy E.
Triple H - An Ego Maniac and Lord of Backstage Politics. And the True mastermind behind the Montreal Screwjob. In recent years,however,Triple H has changed his ways some And gave us NXT. He's also pretty good at booking matches and pushing the right people...unlike his father-in-law. Speaking of...
Vince K. McMahon - The way McMahon handles WWE is atrocious. He pushes the wrong people,his booking decisions are horrible,and his creative mind crap. Still,without Vince McMahon WWE wouldn't even exist today. We both Praise And Curse the name of Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
Margret Loesch - She got lazy and dumb during her time running the Hub Network. However,one Huge thing is keeping her from being on the List: She Was The Mastermind And Architect Behind Fox Kids! Without Mrs. Loesch,Fox Kids wouldn't exist. And without Fox Kids,Saturday Mornings in the 90's wouldn't be as great. She was also head of Children's Programming at NBC during the 80's.
Hulk Hogan - In recent times,Hulk Hogan has repented from 2 major major sins: Racism and partaking in Porn. Though this isn't the Only evil things Hogan has done. He helped killed WCW and Almost destroyed WWE thanks to his huge ego. But,there's something about Mr.Hogan that makes people (me included) like him as a performer,despite his Sins. Plus,he Did repent. So,Mr.Hogan can't be in the Hall,but he's not evil and twisted enough to be on the List.
And there you have it,a list of names and companies that are unfit for the Hall of Heroes,but not quite eligible to be on the List.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading and Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.
Haim Saban - He sold out big time and now because of it,his company,Saban Brands is going under. Not to mention that Saban Capital Group is failing at Everything they do. It's Disgusting. However,back in the day,Saban was Awesome. This man gave us lots of Quality programming. Thanks to Haim Saban We got shows like Power Rangers,Digimon,VR Troopers,Samurai Pizza Cats,and many more. Saban Entertainment was also good with Anime dubs. Haim Saban may suck now,but there's no denying his great legacy.
Alfred R. Khan and 4Kids Entertainment - The rapers of Saturday Morning TV...or at least,they were. Al Khan and his Org payed the price for their ways. However,In recent times,I've forgiven Al Khan for his twisted ways. Now that 4Kids is dead,I can.
Michael Eisner - From 2003-2005,Michael Eisner suffered from a Stupid and Greedy stage. Outside of TV,the Disney Brand was suffering thanks to lackluster Movies,mishandling of the Parks,ect. However,this was also the same man who Revived Disney back in '87. From then on,Eisner could do no wrong,he gave us great stuff like The Disney Renaissance,The Disney Channel,The Disney Afternoon,One Saturday Morning,Toon Disney,and many awesome shows. The man may suck now,but from 1987 - 2003,Michael Eisner was Just. Too. Sweeeeeeeet.
Eric Bischoff - The man who help save WCW is also the one who help destroy it. During his tenure as President of the company,Bischoff got a big ego (not as big a hogan's,though) and it damaged WCW from the inside. But still,without Eric Bischoff,WCW wouldn't be as cool as it once was. Plus,he gave us the really cool Elimination Chamber,so can't stay too mad at 'Ol Easy E.
Triple H - An Ego Maniac and Lord of Backstage Politics. And the True mastermind behind the Montreal Screwjob. In recent years,however,Triple H has changed his ways some And gave us NXT. He's also pretty good at booking matches and pushing the right people...unlike his father-in-law. Speaking of...
Vince K. McMahon - The way McMahon handles WWE is atrocious. He pushes the wrong people,his booking decisions are horrible,and his creative mind crap. Still,without Vince McMahon WWE wouldn't even exist today. We both Praise And Curse the name of Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
Margret Loesch - She got lazy and dumb during her time running the Hub Network. However,one Huge thing is keeping her from being on the List: She Was The Mastermind And Architect Behind Fox Kids! Without Mrs. Loesch,Fox Kids wouldn't exist. And without Fox Kids,Saturday Mornings in the 90's wouldn't be as great. She was also head of Children's Programming at NBC during the 80's.
Hulk Hogan - In recent times,Hulk Hogan has repented from 2 major major sins: Racism and partaking in Porn. Though this isn't the Only evil things Hogan has done. He helped killed WCW and Almost destroyed WWE thanks to his huge ego. But,there's something about Mr.Hogan that makes people (me included) like him as a performer,despite his Sins. Plus,he Did repent. So,Mr.Hogan can't be in the Hall,but he's not evil and twisted enough to be on the List.
And there you have it,a list of names and companies that are unfit for the Hall of Heroes,but not quite eligible to be on the List.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading and Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.
Malachite is now one with the Negaverse! RIP Denis Akiyama
Attention fellow moonies, and I give you this update with a very heavy heart. Denis Akiyama, the original English voice of Kunzite (who was called Malachite in the old dub), has died on June 28th, 2018, two days before Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibimoon's birthday. He was 66 years old.
Akiyama, was the original voice for Malachite in the old dub (and why he is not called Kunzite in the old dub, I'll never know), but he also did other voices, such as Dockwell from WILDC.A.T.S., Sunfire, Silver Samurai and Iceman in the 90s X-Men cartoon and did the narration for the Capcom game, Onimusha. Last time I saw Akiyama, he was in the Adam Sandler video game guilty pleasure, Pixels, where he played a fictional version of PAC-MAN co-creator, Toru Iwatani, who got his hand bitten off by his creation (Spoiler Alert: His hand grew back after Sam Brener and his fellow Arcaders saved the Earth).
No details on how he died. But, I know there are some moonies out there, who hate the old dub with a passion and say rude stuff like, "Good riddance," to Mr. Akiyama. To those who are not true moonie for thinking that, I say, SHAME ON YOU!! You all should be grateful towards the English dub and its voice actors. We wouldn't got to know Sailor Moon, if it wasn't for the old dub. You will never be a true moonie until you like both English versions. And believe me, I am one of them.
In short, first Kirsten Bishop, then Susan Aceron and Chris Wiggins and now, it is Denis Akiyama. Where you bleach your roots now, it is indeed in a better place. Godspeed, Mr. Akiyama.
Saraba! (Farewell!)
(TAPS plays)
Denis Van Akiyama
(May 28th, 1952 - June 28, 2018)
#SailorMoon #Kunzite #Malachite #DenisAkiyama #RIPDenisAkiyama #RespectVoiceActors
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
The Inspirations for Anime Jason's Adventures!
Hey there Toonsters,
As you all know, that I will one day do my stories of the adventures of my fictional self, with the same nickname as I, Anime Jason. But, to understand how my stories will follow, I will tell you the very inspirations that want me to do my stories. Here goes!
Tron: My fictional self, whose real name is Jason James Andrews (an alternate version of my real name), was sent to a world completely different than his own, just like Kevin Flynn. And the people he meets besides the fictional characters he meets, are avatars of his friends back in the real world. For example;
Fictional Avatar - Real Person
Rayjin - Stefan Bullock
Princess Gaea - Val Rupert
Captain RRPG - Kyle Smith
But, the original characters aren't the only ones who have avatars, the same goes with some of the villains, too, established existing characters or completely original characters;
Tirek - Henry Schleiff
Queen Chrysalis - Nikki Reed
Judge Snively Snyder - Stuart Snyder
Morgana the Web - Morgan Webb
Igor the Terrible - Bob Iger
Unicron - David Zaslav
Thanos - Dave Morgan
Speaking of Tron, in my stories, he will serve as my character's A.I. support, whether its mission briefings, answering messages, or contacts while riding the Light Cycle, which I dubbed "The Silver Bullet". And when Anime Jason is in the computerized world aka The Grid, Tron is as noble and brave as any other fighter and rightfully so. And just like Kevin Flynn, my character was looking for evidence to expose Viacom's wrongdoing against him, especially when it comes to posting videos on YouTube using their material. But after being pulled in into the world of fiction, it has become much more than looking for evidence to expose their treachery, much more.
Comix Zone: Just like Tron, you get pulled into a world completely different from you. Except, instead of a computer, you were pulled into the world of fiction by the very evil that Viacom itself spawned into. Now, with powers beyond imagination at your disposal, Anime Jason now fights to save all fiction from the V-Syndicate and those like them. The only way for him to come home is to save all fiction, besides animation. Sketch Turner would be proud. And if this adventure I am living in becomes a comic book, I welcome it.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Besides the original characters, you, one person from the real world, living in a world were characters of fiction exists, such as those from anime, video games, western animation and so on and so forth, just like Eddie Valiant, being with the toons of the Golden Age of Animation . Fish out of water, indeed. This was way back before the likes of Wreck-it-Ralph.
Kingdom Hearts: Just like Sora, Anime Jason travels every world of fiction and meets everybody there from those of the world of Nicktoons, to the Hasbroverse, and even in the dark, gritty universe of the Arrowverse. Some are friendly and some are as evil as they come.
Real-Life Issues: It is quite obvious. Even though my character will have great adventures, he will deal with things that would change him forever. For instance, the reason he was sent to the world of fiction in the first place, to fight and save because what happens here, happens to the real world, which could be more true, especially in a world where corrupt corporate executives, who once support the people, now they have become so old, so stale and so cynical that they will break the rules to satisfy their own greed. But that isn't the only issues. My fictional self, just like me, has his own journey to better himself. During his adventures, he struggles with his own shortcomings, especially on how the world won't take him seriously, why he was sent here and struggling with his own mortality (e.g. feeling that he failed his friends and himself). But, in the end, his issues aren't permanent, for he learns from them, either by himself or aided by his friends and/or his spirit guides. Learning about the hardships of life and embracing them, makes you not just a great hero, but a great person. And maybe, just maybe, one day, The Sleeper WILL awaken and just like Jeff Bridges aka The Dude, he will be one with the universe.
And there you have it. The very inspirations of my stories that I will work on. Hope you find them a bit informative. Until next time. Stay Frosty, fellow crusaders!
Saraba! (Farewell!)
As you all know, that I will one day do my stories of the adventures of my fictional self, with the same nickname as I, Anime Jason. But, to understand how my stories will follow, I will tell you the very inspirations that want me to do my stories. Here goes!
Tron: My fictional self, whose real name is Jason James Andrews (an alternate version of my real name), was sent to a world completely different than his own, just like Kevin Flynn. And the people he meets besides the fictional characters he meets, are avatars of his friends back in the real world. For example;
Fictional Avatar - Real Person
Rayjin - Stefan Bullock
Princess Gaea - Val Rupert
Captain RRPG - Kyle Smith
But, the original characters aren't the only ones who have avatars, the same goes with some of the villains, too, established existing characters or completely original characters;
Tirek - Henry Schleiff
Queen Chrysalis - Nikki Reed
Judge Snively Snyder - Stuart Snyder
Morgana the Web - Morgan Webb
Igor the Terrible - Bob Iger
Unicron - David Zaslav
Thanos - Dave Morgan
Speaking of Tron, in my stories, he will serve as my character's A.I. support, whether its mission briefings, answering messages, or contacts while riding the Light Cycle, which I dubbed "The Silver Bullet". And when Anime Jason is in the computerized world aka The Grid, Tron is as noble and brave as any other fighter and rightfully so. And just like Kevin Flynn, my character was looking for evidence to expose Viacom's wrongdoing against him, especially when it comes to posting videos on YouTube using their material. But after being pulled in into the world of fiction, it has become much more than looking for evidence to expose their treachery, much more.
Comix Zone: Just like Tron, you get pulled into a world completely different from you. Except, instead of a computer, you were pulled into the world of fiction by the very evil that Viacom itself spawned into. Now, with powers beyond imagination at your disposal, Anime Jason now fights to save all fiction from the V-Syndicate and those like them. The only way for him to come home is to save all fiction, besides animation. Sketch Turner would be proud. And if this adventure I am living in becomes a comic book, I welcome it.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Besides the original characters, you, one person from the real world, living in a world were characters of fiction exists, such as those from anime, video games, western animation and so on and so forth, just like Eddie Valiant, being with the toons of the Golden Age of Animation . Fish out of water, indeed. This was way back before the likes of Wreck-it-Ralph.
Kingdom Hearts: Just like Sora, Anime Jason travels every world of fiction and meets everybody there from those of the world of Nicktoons, to the Hasbroverse, and even in the dark, gritty universe of the Arrowverse. Some are friendly and some are as evil as they come.
Real-Life Issues: It is quite obvious. Even though my character will have great adventures, he will deal with things that would change him forever. For instance, the reason he was sent to the world of fiction in the first place, to fight and save because what happens here, happens to the real world, which could be more true, especially in a world where corrupt corporate executives, who once support the people, now they have become so old, so stale and so cynical that they will break the rules to satisfy their own greed. But that isn't the only issues. My fictional self, just like me, has his own journey to better himself. During his adventures, he struggles with his own shortcomings, especially on how the world won't take him seriously, why he was sent here and struggling with his own mortality (e.g. feeling that he failed his friends and himself). But, in the end, his issues aren't permanent, for he learns from them, either by himself or aided by his friends and/or his spirit guides. Learning about the hardships of life and embracing them, makes you not just a great hero, but a great person. And maybe, just maybe, one day, The Sleeper WILL awaken and just like Jeff Bridges aka The Dude, he will be one with the universe.
And there you have it. The very inspirations of my stories that I will work on. Hope you find them a bit informative. Until next time. Stay Frosty, fellow crusaders!
Saraba! (Farewell!)
It's Vader Time In Heaven Now!
Ladies and gentlemen,The American Cartoon Federation is sad to announce that today,we just lost one of Wrestlings greatest big men,former Heavyweight Champion,Vader.
Vader aka Big Van Vader,born as Leon White,began his carrer as a Football player playing for the LA Rams as a Center. After finishing his carrer in the NFL,Vader took up Wrestling,where he'd win multiple Championships and partake in some great fueds.
His greatest and most memorable stint was in WCW,where he won the companies Heavyweight Championship 3 Times. He also won the WCW US Championship as well. Guided by legendary Harley Race,Vader dominated in the early 90's
His most memorable WCW fueds include: Cactus Jack,Ron Simmons,"Brittish Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith,Sting,and Hulk Hogan.
After his days in WCW were over in the fall of '95,Vader headed to the WWE in January of '96. In the early-days of his WWE career,Vader was just as dominant as he ever was,but thanks to backstage politics by Shawn Michaels and the Kliq,Vader's push ended after Summer Slam of that year.
From then on out,Vader would lose all championship matches in WWE. Backstage Politics Suck!
Vader departed the WWE in the Fall of 1998 and returned to the indies.
Vader didn't have many memorable feuds in the WWE. The ony ones I can think of is with Yokozuna,Shawn Michaels and Goldust.
Vader was a wrestler that I enjoyed watching. He was a monster,who beat the hell out of anyyone who he got into the ring with. He wasn't only strong and vicious,but he was quick too,as well as a good fighter. Vader was the total monster package.
Though out the years Vader has battled a host of heath issues. In 2016,Vader started battling major heart problems,and now thanks to getting pneumonia,he's lost that battle. He was 63.
Thank you,Vader for all the great matches you have given us as well as those fun promos. You will be missed,Mastadon!
Leon "Vader" White
May 14th 1955 - June 18th 2018
Vader aka Big Van Vader,born as Leon White,began his carrer as a Football player playing for the LA Rams as a Center. After finishing his carrer in the NFL,Vader took up Wrestling,where he'd win multiple Championships and partake in some great fueds.
His greatest and most memorable stint was in WCW,where he won the companies Heavyweight Championship 3 Times. He also won the WCW US Championship as well. Guided by legendary Harley Race,Vader dominated in the early 90's
His most memorable WCW fueds include: Cactus Jack,Ron Simmons,"Brittish Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith,Sting,and Hulk Hogan.
After his days in WCW were over in the fall of '95,Vader headed to the WWE in January of '96. In the early-days of his WWE career,Vader was just as dominant as he ever was,but thanks to backstage politics by Shawn Michaels and the Kliq,Vader's push ended after Summer Slam of that year.
From then on out,Vader would lose all championship matches in WWE. Backstage Politics Suck!
Vader departed the WWE in the Fall of 1998 and returned to the indies.
Vader didn't have many memorable feuds in the WWE. The ony ones I can think of is with Yokozuna,Shawn Michaels and Goldust.
Vader was a wrestler that I enjoyed watching. He was a monster,who beat the hell out of anyyone who he got into the ring with. He wasn't only strong and vicious,but he was quick too,as well as a good fighter. Vader was the total monster package.
Though out the years Vader has battled a host of heath issues. In 2016,Vader started battling major heart problems,and now thanks to getting pneumonia,he's lost that battle. He was 63.
Thank you,Vader for all the great matches you have given us as well as those fun promos. You will be missed,Mastadon!
Leon "Vader" White
May 14th 1955 - June 18th 2018
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Duel of the Super Ninjas!: Ryu Hayabusa vs. Ryo Sanada!
In the middle of the night, with the moon as bright as the
sun, as the cherry blossoms flow, lies two extraordinary warriors,
fighting each other. One, a super ninja who lives up to his reputation.
And the other, a teenage samurai warrior, who is a descendant of a long
forgotten ninja clan. But whatever the reason, either a
misunderstanding, an honorable duel, mistaken for demons or fighting to
protect a rogue ninja like Kasumi, whatever the case is, one thing is
certain, when Ryu Hayabusa and Ryo Sanada duel each other, it is
Friday, June 8, 2018
The Fall From Grace
Remember when back in the 80's to Early 2000's,Television Networks were great,or at least they Tried to be great. Remember those joyus times? Sadly,in the modern-era,TV Networks are run by Assholes,Retards,Demons,and Losers.
Today,I feel like listing a bunch of TV Networks and the years that they fell from grace. Why? Don't ask. Now,keep in mind,this is just My opinion and it may not reflect the opinions if some. Also,keep in mind that I'm only gonna be listing the Networks that I've watched,so if I left out a network,that means I really didn't care for it.
With that out of the way,let's kick things off with the OG Big 3.
Year of Fall: 1997
Note: I think NBC's fall started after they de-valued their SatAM block back in '94,but that's just me.
Year of Fall: 1998
Year of Fall: 2000
Note: The only good things going for ABC at that point was One Saturday Morning and Regis. They've gotten better in recent times,but not much.
Year of Fall: 1998
Note: I think the only saving grace for this network during it's fall was Fox Kids.
Year of the Fall: 1999
The WB
Year of the Fall: 1999
Note: One of the Only saving graces for The WB during that time was KidsWB.
Year of Fall: 2005
Note: You can thank the Teen Sitcoms for this.
Year of Fall: 1998
Year of Fall: 1999
Note: Generally music had been going downhill since arounf 1998/1999. Plus,Reality Shows help decimate both MTV and VH1.
Comedy Central
Year of Fall: 1999
Note: From 1999 onward,Comedy Central became politicised and overly-obscene.
Year of Fall: 1999
Note: Same deal as Comedy Central.
TV Land
Year of Fall: 2006
Note: Reality Shows,Modern Sitcoms,and Crappy Original Shows killed this once great network.
Nicktoons Network
Year of Fall: 2010
Nick GaS
Year of Fall: 2007
Note: Nick GaS was destroyed in it's prime. It still had a few more good years left. But on December 31st of 2007,Viacrap stupidly killed it and replaced it with The N. R.I.P. Nick GaS,you are missed.
USA Network
Year of Fall: 1998
Note: How appropriate that this Network would fall on the very same year that it abandoned it's Weekend and Weekday Morning Blocks. R.I.P. USA Action Xtreme Team.
Cartoon Network
Year of Fall: Late-2005/Early-2006
Year of Fall: 2010
Note: I already explained why CN and Boomerang are bad,so I'm not gonna do it again.
Year of Fall: 2001
Year of Fall: 2000
The Disney Channel
Year of Fall: 2006
Notes: Like with Cartoon Network,I already ranted and raved on why Disney Channel sucks,so I-m not gonna do it again. Admittedly,they Have gotten better over the last 3 years...but not by that much.
Toon Disney/Disney XD
Year of Fall: 2007/2008
Notes: Despite helping Toon Disney,Jetix ruined the Network by taking over 70% of it. Today,Disney XD is a Network with so much unused potential.
Fox Family/ABC Family/Freeform
Year of Fall: 2007/2008
Notes: I talked about the fall of this network as well.
Animal Planet
Year of Fall: 2009
Note: Ditching the primary purpose of your network should be illegal. The networks ONLY saving grace is the annual Puppy Bowl
The Hub Network/Discovery Family
Year of the Fall: 2013
Note: The fall of 2013 was the fall of The Hub. Just one year before the Discovery Family rebranding.
And that's about it. Sorry if this seems random,but it's something that I wanted to do.
So,until next time,
Stay Gold!
Today,I feel like listing a bunch of TV Networks and the years that they fell from grace. Why? Don't ask. Now,keep in mind,this is just My opinion and it may not reflect the opinions if some. Also,keep in mind that I'm only gonna be listing the Networks that I've watched,so if I left out a network,that means I really didn't care for it.
With that out of the way,let's kick things off with the OG Big 3.
Year of Fall: 1997
Note: I think NBC's fall started after they de-valued their SatAM block back in '94,but that's just me.
Year of Fall: 1998
Year of Fall: 2000
Note: The only good things going for ABC at that point was One Saturday Morning and Regis. They've gotten better in recent times,but not much.
Year of Fall: 1998
Note: I think the only saving grace for this network during it's fall was Fox Kids.
Year of the Fall: 1999
The WB
Year of the Fall: 1999
Note: One of the Only saving graces for The WB during that time was KidsWB.
Year of Fall: 2005
Note: You can thank the Teen Sitcoms for this.
Year of Fall: 1998
Year of Fall: 1999
Note: Generally music had been going downhill since arounf 1998/1999. Plus,Reality Shows help decimate both MTV and VH1.
Comedy Central
Year of Fall: 1999
Note: From 1999 onward,Comedy Central became politicised and overly-obscene.
Year of Fall: 1999
Note: Same deal as Comedy Central.
TV Land
Year of Fall: 2006
Note: Reality Shows,Modern Sitcoms,and Crappy Original Shows killed this once great network.
Nicktoons Network
Year of Fall: 2010
Nick GaS
Year of Fall: 2007
Note: Nick GaS was destroyed in it's prime. It still had a few more good years left. But on December 31st of 2007,Viacrap stupidly killed it and replaced it with The N. R.I.P. Nick GaS,you are missed.
USA Network
Year of Fall: 1998
Note: How appropriate that this Network would fall on the very same year that it abandoned it's Weekend and Weekday Morning Blocks. R.I.P. USA Action Xtreme Team.
Cartoon Network
Year of Fall: Late-2005/Early-2006
Year of Fall: 2010
Note: I already explained why CN and Boomerang are bad,so I'm not gonna do it again.
Year of Fall: 2001
Year of Fall: 2000
The Disney Channel
Year of Fall: 2006
Notes: Like with Cartoon Network,I already ranted and raved on why Disney Channel sucks,so I-m not gonna do it again. Admittedly,they Have gotten better over the last 3 years...but not by that much.
Toon Disney/Disney XD
Year of Fall: 2007/2008
Notes: Despite helping Toon Disney,Jetix ruined the Network by taking over 70% of it. Today,Disney XD is a Network with so much unused potential.
Fox Family/ABC Family/Freeform
Year of Fall: 2007/2008
Notes: I talked about the fall of this network as well.
Animal Planet
Year of Fall: 2009
Note: Ditching the primary purpose of your network should be illegal. The networks ONLY saving grace is the annual Puppy Bowl
The Hub Network/Discovery Family
Year of the Fall: 2013
Note: The fall of 2013 was the fall of The Hub. Just one year before the Discovery Family rebranding.
And that's about it. Sorry if this seems random,but it's something that I wanted to do.
So,until next time,
Stay Gold!
Friday, May 25, 2018
Why The Hub Network's Ruination and End Was One Of The Worst Things To Happen To TV?
The Hub Network was once considered the Only alternative to the big 3 Family/Kid Networks (nick,disney,and cartoon network). Those who were sick to death of the Big 3's incompetence could always find salvation in The Hub. Yes,it was flawed,but it was the superior alternative to Nick,Disney,and CN.
But thanks to executive stupidity,that salvation was tarnished and then taken away. This action was,without a doubt,one of the worst things to happen to TV....EVER!
Y'See without the Hub Network,there's no other sane alternatives to the Big 3. Thus Zero Competition....Real Competition! Now,thanks to Discovery Communications' incredibly Stupid decisions,the Big 3 can run unopposed,with no one challenging them. And That's No Good!
Well what about the other Kids and Family Networks? First off there Are no more Real Family Networks anymore,the current so-called "Family Networks" either cater to Women or fans of Reality Shows!
The closest thing we have to Real Family Networks are Retro Sitcom Networks. None of which air Cartoons. And as for those "Other" Kids Networks go. They fail because they're all aimed at Pre-Schoolers.
But,like I said,the Hubs Destruction was All Discovery Communications fault. Here's what lead to it:
1 - Airing the same movies over and over and over and over.
2 - Milking and overmilking MLP.
3 - The retarded Parents Just Don't Understand and that Idiotic Kid President shows.
4 - Getting rid of Huboom!
5 - Overdoing it with The Hub Family Movies
6 - Throwing out the Retro Sitcom Block
7 - Mistreating shows like Batman (adam west's) and Hercules.
Instead of having patience and allowing the network time to grow,Discovery Communications decided to just be evil retards and ruin it,which allowed them to transform it into the Lame Abomination known as Discovery Family.
Had patience been shown,The Hub would've had many more good years,with many more good shows,both retro and new. But,Network Executives are Dumbasses,so..
And that's why Discovery Communications ruining the Hub and replacing it with Discovery Family is one of the absolute Worst things to happen to TV.
I think we need a New Family/Kidz Network to challenge and defeat the Big 3. C'Mon,surely there are Some Network Execs with brains?
*sigh* We need salvation. Y'know Saban had plenty of oppertunities to create their own TV Network. And They never took that route,Why?
Common Sense Desprately needs to make a comeback to TV again. TV is just as important as the Streaming Services. Screw The Cord Cutting Attitudes!
Hope everyone enjoyed the read? I'll have more stuff soon. Until then:
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys,Stay Gold!
But thanks to executive stupidity,that salvation was tarnished and then taken away. This action was,without a doubt,one of the worst things to happen to TV....EVER!
Y'See without the Hub Network,there's no other sane alternatives to the Big 3. Thus Zero Competition....Real Competition! Now,thanks to Discovery Communications' incredibly Stupid decisions,the Big 3 can run unopposed,with no one challenging them. And That's No Good!
Well what about the other Kids and Family Networks? First off there Are no more Real Family Networks anymore,the current so-called "Family Networks" either cater to Women or fans of Reality Shows!
The closest thing we have to Real Family Networks are Retro Sitcom Networks. None of which air Cartoons. And as for those "Other" Kids Networks go. They fail because they're all aimed at Pre-Schoolers.
But,like I said,the Hubs Destruction was All Discovery Communications fault. Here's what lead to it:
1 - Airing the same movies over and over and over and over.
2 - Milking and overmilking MLP.
3 - The retarded Parents Just Don't Understand and that Idiotic Kid President shows.
4 - Getting rid of Huboom!
5 - Overdoing it with The Hub Family Movies
6 - Throwing out the Retro Sitcom Block
7 - Mistreating shows like Batman (adam west's) and Hercules.
Instead of having patience and allowing the network time to grow,Discovery Communications decided to just be evil retards and ruin it,which allowed them to transform it into the Lame Abomination known as Discovery Family.
Had patience been shown,The Hub would've had many more good years,with many more good shows,both retro and new. But,Network Executives are Dumbasses,so..
And that's why Discovery Communications ruining the Hub and replacing it with Discovery Family is one of the absolute Worst things to happen to TV.
I think we need a New Family/Kidz Network to challenge and defeat the Big 3. C'Mon,surely there are Some Network Execs with brains?
*sigh* We need salvation. Y'know Saban had plenty of oppertunities to create their own TV Network. And They never took that route,Why?
Common Sense Desprately needs to make a comeback to TV again. TV is just as important as the Streaming Services. Screw The Cord Cutting Attitudes!
Hope everyone enjoyed the read? I'll have more stuff soon. Until then:
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys,Stay Gold!
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Mario x Sonic 2: Legends Clash
It's been a while,but with my Sailor Moon U summeries finished,I have time to get back to this.
As you are well aware,Last October,I created a dream XOver between Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog.
Well,now I'm making a sequel. It's Mario x Sonic 2: Legends Clash.
Story: Bowser and Eggman create a machine that will fuse their Universes together,but first they need to destroy the barrier between their Universes to do it. To make this all happen,they need the Power of the Master Emerald and the Triforce.
But first they need their arch-enemies out of the way. Bowser Jr.Kidnaps Amy Rose,while Metal Sonic kidnaps Princess Peach. This leads the heroes to go after them. As they arrive,Eggman and Koopa spring a trap and captures them.
Sonic is turned into a monsterous Hedgehog by Bowser (Vicious Sonic),while Dr.Eggman turns Mario into Mecha Mario via Roboticization.
With the heroes under evil control,Bowser sends his Koopa Kids,Kamek,and Vicious Sonic to steal the Triforce. While Eggman sends his E-Series Eggbots,Metal Sonic,and Mecha Mario to nab the Master Emerald.
They are met with resistance by Zelda,Linkle,and Link and Knuckles respectively. The villians eventually succeed in their mission,but something has followed Bowser's team back to the Castle Koopegg (the villians HQ on egg island)...Ganondorf's Spirit,who haunts the Castle.
The evil spirit forces Eggman to create a temporary body for him,Eggman does this. Ganondorf is now Metal Ganondorf. Peach and Amy (still captives) try to convince,Sonic and Mario to come to their senses. While initiating their plan,Eggman and Bowser order Mecha Mario and Vicious Sonic to put their love interests in the Roboticization chamber. They hesitate.
Amy's love breaks Bowser's spell and turns Sonic Back To Normal. Mario regains his senses too,but he and Sonic are too late,the Machine has done it's job and the Universes have been fused together.
After the Universes are fused,Metal Ganon hijacks Bowser and Eggman's plan and intends on ruling the New Universe himself. Metal Ganon prooves to powerful for everyone and teleports the heroes home,so that they can witness the end of their Universes. He enslaves Eggman and Bowser.
After,Mario is de-roboticised by Prof. E.Gadd,Peach reveals that she and Amy overheared Eggman and Bowser say that in 48 Hours,the Sega and Nintendo Universes will be perminantly fused. Now,The heroes have 48 hours to reverse the effects of the machine and fix the universal barrier...otherwise the 2 universes will stay fused....forever.
The Mario and Sonic heroes are joined by Linkle,Link,and Zelda. They traverse through the new Universe,battle Ganon's minions,and recruit allies (from classic sega and nintendo),to save the Universes.
Meahwhile,we get comedic treasure hunting scenes with Team Hooligan (Nack the Weasel,Bean the Dynamite,and Bark the Polar Bear) and Team Wario (Wario,Waluigi,and Mona).
In the end,Zelda (using the triforce) sends all heroes and bad guys back to their respective worlds and universes...with no memory of the previous events.
And that is the story for Mario x Sonic - Legends Clash. Not bad eh?
Main Characters: Mario,Sonic The Hedgehog,Linkle,Link,Princess Zelda,Ganondorf,King Bowser Koopa,Dr.Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik,Bowser Jr.,Metal Sonic,Luigi,Miles "Tails" Prower,Toad,Knuckles the Echidna,Yoshi,Amy Rose,Princess Peach Toadstool,Cream the Rabbit and Cheeze the Chao,Princess Daisy,Rosalina,The Chaos,The Lumas,Cubot and Orbot,Kamek the Magikoopa,Shadow The Hedgehog,Wario,Rouge the Bat,Birdo,Princess Sally Acorn,Toadsworth,The Knothole Freedom Fighters,Waluigi,Team Hooligan,Mona,Uncle Chuck,Prof. E.Gadd,E-Series Robots,Team Chaotix,The Koopalings,Bowser's Koopa Troop,Eggman's Badniks; Ganondorf's Minions.
Nintendo Guest Characters: Kirby,Meta Knight,and King Dedede from the Kirby Series; Marth,Roy,and Lucina from Fire Emblem,Captain Falcon and Samurai Gourou from F-Zero; Pokemon Champion Red,Gym Master Green,and Mewtwo from Pokemon; Ness,Paula,and Lucas from Earthbound; Samus Aran and Ridley from Metroid; Mike Jones from StarTropics; Falco Lambardi,Fox McCloud and his Team from Star Fox; Palutena and Pit from Kid Icarus;Little Mac from Punch-Out; And The Kong Family (Donkey Kong).
Sega Guest Characters: Alis from Phantasy Star; The Afterburner Pilot and his Jet from Afterburner; The Centurian Warrior from Altered Beast; Kid Chameleon from Kid Chameleon; Billy Hatcher and Friends from Billy Hatcher; NiGHTs from NiGHTS into Dreams; Ristar from Ristar; Vector Man from Vector Man; Alex Kidd and Stella from Alex Kid; Gillius Thunderhead,Tyrus Flare,and Ax Battler from Golden Axe; Blaze Feilding,Axel Stone,Eddie "Skate" Hunter,and Adam Hunter from Streets of Rage; Joe Musashi from Shinobi; The Heroes of Shining Force; And Toejam and Earl from Toejam and Earl.
Crossover Exclusive Characters: Mecha Mario,Vicious Sonic,and Metal Ganondorf.
Cameos: Opa-Opa from Fantasy Zone,Tingle from LoZ,Blaze the Cat,Ecco The Dolphin,Mayor Pauline,Breezie the Hedgehog,The President and G.U.N,Puyo Puyo's and Toadette.
Nintendo Places: The Mushroom Planet (includes wario land,sarasaland,kong island,and new donk city),Rosalina's Observatory (cameo),Eggerland (earthbound),Hyrule (legend of zelda),Mute City (f-zero),Angel Land (kid icarus) Planet Zebes (metroid),C-Island (StarTropics),The Realm of Fire Emblem (a world where all fire emblem worlds are combined),Planet Pop Star (kirby),Corneria (star fox),Little Mac's World (punch-out),and The World of Pokemon (pokemon).
Sega Places: Sonic's Planet (includes floating island); Funkatron (toejam and earl),The Worlds of Shining Force,Golden Axe,Altered Beast,Streets of Rage,Nights into Dreams,Vector Man,Ristar,Alex Kidd,Shinobi,Afterburner,Kid Chameleon,Phantasy Star,and Billy Hatcher.
Crossover Exclusive Places: Egg Island (original location),Castle Koopegg.
Notes: Mario also uses the Hyper Emeralds to become Hyper Mario. Link recieves the Diety Mask to become Fierce Diety Link. Ganon sends his minions to conquer the Worlds of tbe Fused Universe,so we get to see various Nintendo and Sega Characters fighting them. Also,Ganon magic is enhenced thanks to his Robotic Body abd he turns Nintendo and Sega characters against each other before the final battle. Tingle sleeps through the entire XOver.
Cool huh? And I've only just begun with XOvers. Though,I'm done with Sonic x Mario ones for a while.
Until Next Time,
See Ya,Space Cowboys!
As you are well aware,Last October,I created a dream XOver between Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog.
Well,now I'm making a sequel. It's Mario x Sonic 2: Legends Clash.
Story: Bowser and Eggman create a machine that will fuse their Universes together,but first they need to destroy the barrier between their Universes to do it. To make this all happen,they need the Power of the Master Emerald and the Triforce.
But first they need their arch-enemies out of the way. Bowser Jr.Kidnaps Amy Rose,while Metal Sonic kidnaps Princess Peach. This leads the heroes to go after them. As they arrive,Eggman and Koopa spring a trap and captures them.
Sonic is turned into a monsterous Hedgehog by Bowser (Vicious Sonic),while Dr.Eggman turns Mario into Mecha Mario via Roboticization.
With the heroes under evil control,Bowser sends his Koopa Kids,Kamek,and Vicious Sonic to steal the Triforce. While Eggman sends his E-Series Eggbots,Metal Sonic,and Mecha Mario to nab the Master Emerald.
They are met with resistance by Zelda,Linkle,and Link and Knuckles respectively. The villians eventually succeed in their mission,but something has followed Bowser's team back to the Castle Koopegg (the villians HQ on egg island)...Ganondorf's Spirit,who haunts the Castle.
The evil spirit forces Eggman to create a temporary body for him,Eggman does this. Ganondorf is now Metal Ganondorf. Peach and Amy (still captives) try to convince,Sonic and Mario to come to their senses. While initiating their plan,Eggman and Bowser order Mecha Mario and Vicious Sonic to put their love interests in the Roboticization chamber. They hesitate.
Amy's love breaks Bowser's spell and turns Sonic Back To Normal. Mario regains his senses too,but he and Sonic are too late,the Machine has done it's job and the Universes have been fused together.
After the Universes are fused,Metal Ganon hijacks Bowser and Eggman's plan and intends on ruling the New Universe himself. Metal Ganon prooves to powerful for everyone and teleports the heroes home,so that they can witness the end of their Universes. He enslaves Eggman and Bowser.
After,Mario is de-roboticised by Prof. E.Gadd,Peach reveals that she and Amy overheared Eggman and Bowser say that in 48 Hours,the Sega and Nintendo Universes will be perminantly fused. Now,The heroes have 48 hours to reverse the effects of the machine and fix the universal barrier...otherwise the 2 universes will stay fused....forever.
The Mario and Sonic heroes are joined by Linkle,Link,and Zelda. They traverse through the new Universe,battle Ganon's minions,and recruit allies (from classic sega and nintendo),to save the Universes.
Meahwhile,we get comedic treasure hunting scenes with Team Hooligan (Nack the Weasel,Bean the Dynamite,and Bark the Polar Bear) and Team Wario (Wario,Waluigi,and Mona).
In the end,Zelda (using the triforce) sends all heroes and bad guys back to their respective worlds and universes...with no memory of the previous events.
And that is the story for Mario x Sonic - Legends Clash. Not bad eh?
Main Characters: Mario,Sonic The Hedgehog,Linkle,Link,Princess Zelda,Ganondorf,King Bowser Koopa,Dr.Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik,Bowser Jr.,Metal Sonic,Luigi,Miles "Tails" Prower,Toad,Knuckles the Echidna,Yoshi,Amy Rose,Princess Peach Toadstool,Cream the Rabbit and Cheeze the Chao,Princess Daisy,Rosalina,The Chaos,The Lumas,Cubot and Orbot,Kamek the Magikoopa,Shadow The Hedgehog,Wario,Rouge the Bat,Birdo,Princess Sally Acorn,Toadsworth,The Knothole Freedom Fighters,Waluigi,Team Hooligan,Mona,Uncle Chuck,Prof. E.Gadd,E-Series Robots,Team Chaotix,The Koopalings,Bowser's Koopa Troop,Eggman's Badniks; Ganondorf's Minions.
Nintendo Guest Characters: Kirby,Meta Knight,and King Dedede from the Kirby Series; Marth,Roy,and Lucina from Fire Emblem,Captain Falcon and Samurai Gourou from F-Zero; Pokemon Champion Red,Gym Master Green,and Mewtwo from Pokemon; Ness,Paula,and Lucas from Earthbound; Samus Aran and Ridley from Metroid; Mike Jones from StarTropics; Falco Lambardi,Fox McCloud and his Team from Star Fox; Palutena and Pit from Kid Icarus;Little Mac from Punch-Out; And The Kong Family (Donkey Kong).
Sega Guest Characters: Alis from Phantasy Star; The Afterburner Pilot and his Jet from Afterburner; The Centurian Warrior from Altered Beast; Kid Chameleon from Kid Chameleon; Billy Hatcher and Friends from Billy Hatcher; NiGHTs from NiGHTS into Dreams; Ristar from Ristar; Vector Man from Vector Man; Alex Kidd and Stella from Alex Kid; Gillius Thunderhead,Tyrus Flare,and Ax Battler from Golden Axe; Blaze Feilding,Axel Stone,Eddie "Skate" Hunter,and Adam Hunter from Streets of Rage; Joe Musashi from Shinobi; The Heroes of Shining Force; And Toejam and Earl from Toejam and Earl.
Crossover Exclusive Characters: Mecha Mario,Vicious Sonic,and Metal Ganondorf.
Cameos: Opa-Opa from Fantasy Zone,Tingle from LoZ,Blaze the Cat,Ecco The Dolphin,Mayor Pauline,Breezie the Hedgehog,The President and G.U.N,Puyo Puyo's and Toadette.
Nintendo Places: The Mushroom Planet (includes wario land,sarasaland,kong island,and new donk city),Rosalina's Observatory (cameo),Eggerland (earthbound),Hyrule (legend of zelda),Mute City (f-zero),Angel Land (kid icarus) Planet Zebes (metroid),C-Island (StarTropics),The Realm of Fire Emblem (a world where all fire emblem worlds are combined),Planet Pop Star (kirby),Corneria (star fox),Little Mac's World (punch-out),and The World of Pokemon (pokemon).
Sega Places: Sonic's Planet (includes floating island); Funkatron (toejam and earl),The Worlds of Shining Force,Golden Axe,Altered Beast,Streets of Rage,Nights into Dreams,Vector Man,Ristar,Alex Kidd,Shinobi,Afterburner,Kid Chameleon,Phantasy Star,and Billy Hatcher.
Crossover Exclusive Places: Egg Island (original location),Castle Koopegg.
Notes: Mario also uses the Hyper Emeralds to become Hyper Mario. Link recieves the Diety Mask to become Fierce Diety Link. Ganon sends his minions to conquer the Worlds of tbe Fused Universe,so we get to see various Nintendo and Sega Characters fighting them. Also,Ganon magic is enhenced thanks to his Robotic Body abd he turns Nintendo and Sega characters against each other before the final battle. Tingle sleeps through the entire XOver.
Cool huh? And I've only just begun with XOvers. Though,I'm done with Sonic x Mario ones for a while.
Until Next Time,
See Ya,Space Cowboys!
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Raiden's Burden
For as long as time existed, there was one being I know who will protect Earthrealm and all time, space and reality from certain doom. His name is Raiden, God of Thunder and Protector of Earthrealm. Through the centuries into today, Raiden watched over Earthrealm since its very creation, even before the Elder Gods themselves created the Mortal Kombat Tournament. Unlike many gods, Raiden was a strong and benevolent god, who will give his life AND immortality to save our world from any form of evil that threatens it. But, even gods like Raiden, aren't always perfect. His burden is as big as all the realms combined. From sacrificing his status as Elder God to carrying the burden of Liu Kang's death, Raiden has gone through a lot. He fought against threats like Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Shinnok, Quan Chi, Onaga and even his worst enemy, himself. Even the noblest of gods can easily be corrupted, when he became evil himself after Onaga's resurrection. But, when Armageddon happened, he reversed everything and even with the timeline changed, the results were the same, only this time, many of our bravest warriors from Earthrealm and Edenia died. And Liu Kang, the most noblest of warriors, has fallen from grace and has become the very thing we were fighting against. Although Armageddon was prevented, it was still inevitable. Like the old timeline, Raiden has become corrupt and evil and his everything in the new timeline is not as it seems. But deep down, Raiden is still fighting his inner demons and try to restore everything. But if Blaze does return, he will redeem himself and give his life to prevent Armageddon himself. In the end, you stood up for what's right, Raiden...
Now I have to do the same.
Raiden: "It is up to you to restore the timeline in all the worlds of creation. This amulet is my gift to you. I know you will use it well. Don't make the same mistakes I made. Earthrealm, nay, all the worlds of fiction is in your hands now. Fight on, Anime Jason! I know you can do it!"
Until next time.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Minako X Kento: Happy Union!
A pretty sailor suited solider who fights for love and beauty and a warrior of Earth, a samurai who fights with the Rocks of Justice. With the same color and the same element they represent, they are a force to be reckoned with. However, off the battlefield, that is totally different story. At times, these two have their silly moments, whether it's chasing idols or thinking about food. But no matter how many times they get into trouble, no matter how many times she botched proverbs and quotes and he corrects them all, and no matter what danger they face, at the end of the day, Sailor Venus and Kento of Hardrock always have each other's back (that and Artemis, too!:D)
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Kento Always Okay!
A Posthumous Induction
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata was a man with a great vision,a vision that helped Nintendo through tough times. But,He was not just a President of a Great Company,he was also a gamer,thus a guy who understood gaming.
The man often put quality titles over profits. He believed that games should be fun first and formost. And on top of that,Iwata-san was an overall great guy.
So,The American Cartoon Federation proudly inducts The Late President of Nintendo,Satoru Iwata into the Hall of Heroes!
The man often put quality titles over profits. He believed that games should be fun first and formost. And on top of that,Iwata-san was an overall great guy.
So,The American Cartoon Federation proudly inducts The Late President of Nintendo,Satoru Iwata into the Hall of Heroes!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Top 30 Best Saturday Morning Shows
....or Best Shows to watch on the Saturday Mornings.
Ah,Saturday Morning TV! Yeah,you people are likely sick to death of me talking about this,but can you blame me? Those were fun times.
For us 80's and 90's kids,watching Saturday Morning TV was something special. So,today I'm gonna be listing the Top 30 Best Saturday Morning Shows. The rules for this list are simple:
1 - Only shows that debuted on Saturday Mornings.
2 - Mostly animated shows,though some live action shows are allowed.
And 3 - Anime is Allowed.
Ok,now that the rules are established,let's get things started.
Honorable Mentions:
Digimon Tamers (Fox Kids)
Pokemon (Kids WB)
Pinky and the Brain (Kids WB)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2k3 (Fox Box/4Kids TV)
Caddilacs and Dinosaurs (CBS)
Wild C.A.T.S. (CBS)
Eek! The Cat/Eek-Stravaganza (Fox Kids)
Power Rangers [1st saban era](Fox Kids)
Where's Waldo (CBS)
Pee-Wee's Playhouse (CBS)
Hey Vern! It's Ernest! (CBS)
Static Shock (Kids WB)
Mucha Lucha (Kids WB)
Reboot (ABC)
Earthworm Jim (Kids WB)
Bump in the Night (ABC)
Mon Colle Knights (Fox Kids)
Wish Kid (NBC)
California Dreams (NBC)
Saved By The Bell (NBC)
Alf: The Animated Series (NBC)
Alf Tales (NBC)
The Karate Kid (NBC)
Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight (CW 4Kids)
30 - Freakazoid (Kids WB)
29 - The Tick (Fox Kids)
28 - Camp Candy (NBC)
27 - Jackie Chan Adventures (Kids WB)
26 - Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? (Fox Kids)
25 - The Addams Family [90's] (ABC)
24 - X-Men: The Animated Series (Fox Kids)
23 - Spider-Man: The Animated Series (Fox Kids)
22 - Ed Grimley (NBC)
21 - Pro-Stars (NBC)
20 - Fat Albert (CBS)
19 - Life With Louie
18 - The NEW Super Mario World (NBC)
17 - The Batman (Kids WB)
16 - Spectacular Spider-Man (Kids WB)
15 - Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa (ABC)
14 - Mr.T. (NBC)
13 - Muppet Babies [original] (CBS)
12 - Men in Black: The Series (Kids WB)
11 - Max Steel [original] (Kids WB)
10 - Superman: The Animated Series (Kids WB)
09 - Yu-Gi-Oh! (Kids WB)
08 - Beakman's World (CBS)
07 - Sonic SatAM (ABC)
06 - The Real Ghostbusters (ABC)
05 - The One Saturday Morning Block (ABC) [yeah,I know i'm cheating here. but can you blame me?]
04 - Science Court/Squigglevision (ABC)
03 - The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 (NBC)
02 - Captain N: The Game Master (NBC)
01 - Garfield and Friends (CBS)
Great list,eh. Will be making one for Sunday Morning Cartoons soon.
Until next time,
Stay Gold,Space Cowboy.
Ah,Saturday Morning TV! Yeah,you people are likely sick to death of me talking about this,but can you blame me? Those were fun times.
For us 80's and 90's kids,watching Saturday Morning TV was something special. So,today I'm gonna be listing the Top 30 Best Saturday Morning Shows. The rules for this list are simple:
1 - Only shows that debuted on Saturday Mornings.
2 - Mostly animated shows,though some live action shows are allowed.
And 3 - Anime is Allowed.
Ok,now that the rules are established,let's get things started.
Honorable Mentions:
Digimon Tamers (Fox Kids)
Pokemon (Kids WB)
Pinky and the Brain (Kids WB)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2k3 (Fox Box/4Kids TV)
Caddilacs and Dinosaurs (CBS)
Wild C.A.T.S. (CBS)
Eek! The Cat/Eek-Stravaganza (Fox Kids)
Power Rangers [1st saban era](Fox Kids)
Where's Waldo (CBS)
Pee-Wee's Playhouse (CBS)
Hey Vern! It's Ernest! (CBS)
Static Shock (Kids WB)
Mucha Lucha (Kids WB)
Reboot (ABC)
Earthworm Jim (Kids WB)
Bump in the Night (ABC)
Mon Colle Knights (Fox Kids)
Wish Kid (NBC)
California Dreams (NBC)
Saved By The Bell (NBC)
Alf: The Animated Series (NBC)
Alf Tales (NBC)
The Karate Kid (NBC)
Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight (CW 4Kids)
30 - Freakazoid (Kids WB)
29 - The Tick (Fox Kids)
28 - Camp Candy (NBC)
27 - Jackie Chan Adventures (Kids WB)
26 - Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? (Fox Kids)
25 - The Addams Family [90's] (ABC)
24 - X-Men: The Animated Series (Fox Kids)
23 - Spider-Man: The Animated Series (Fox Kids)
22 - Ed Grimley (NBC)
21 - Pro-Stars (NBC)
20 - Fat Albert (CBS)
19 - Life With Louie
18 - The NEW Super Mario World (NBC)
17 - The Batman (Kids WB)
16 - Spectacular Spider-Man (Kids WB)
15 - Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa (ABC)
14 - Mr.T. (NBC)
13 - Muppet Babies [original] (CBS)
12 - Men in Black: The Series (Kids WB)
11 - Max Steel [original] (Kids WB)
10 - Superman: The Animated Series (Kids WB)
09 - Yu-Gi-Oh! (Kids WB)
08 - Beakman's World (CBS)
07 - Sonic SatAM (ABC)
06 - The Real Ghostbusters (ABC)
05 - The One Saturday Morning Block (ABC) [yeah,I know i'm cheating here. but can you blame me?]
04 - Science Court/Squigglevision (ABC)
03 - The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 (NBC)
02 - Captain N: The Game Master (NBC)
01 - Garfield and Friends (CBS)
Great list,eh. Will be making one for Sunday Morning Cartoons soon.
Until next time,
Stay Gold,Space Cowboy.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Setsuna Sketch (A dream drove me to draw this)
"You are stronger than you think, Jason. Don't let your self-doubt control your destiny." - Setsuna Meioh |
Here we have a sketch of Setsuna Meioh. No color on it this time around. And the significance of this drawing is quite obvious. I had a dream a while back and there was Setsuna, not once, but twice. In one part, and in a hospital room, no less, she and I talked about our lives while attending to the recovering Hotaru Tomoe. And when everything faded out, the second part of my dream began. And I was outside the hospital, but it wasn't in Tokyo, it was in Houston, Texas, where my aunt's family lives now. And as I was looking at my artwork of the Outer Sailor Guardians on the parking lot signs, there was Setsuna again. As we embraced each other, I felt sad, not just with my struggles in my friendship journey, but also how the whole world rejects the very optimism and hope that drives my humanity everyday. Setsuna consuled me and encouraged me to fight on and not let my self-doubt take control of my life. That, and the ensuring me that Pluto is, and always will be, a planet. And as we embraced on last time and went our separate ways, she praised my artwork. It warms my heart hearing her say that and by the time I closed my eyes, she was gone, like she was never there, but in spirit. And since Sailor Moon's virtue of courage dwells within me, the essence of Sailor Pluto now flows within me. I know Raiden is a Time God now. But, if there was another Time God besides the God of Thunder himself, I am glad it is the Guardian of Time and Space herself.
In short, in my dream, even though Veronica Taylor's voice is coming from her, the essence of Susan Aceron was there. When I hugged Setsuna, it is like a warm feeling, know that I feel safe in her presence, so, 'nuff said.
Before I go, to my friend/brother in arms, Stefan. I know you are not happy with VIZ Media with their voice actors for the Sailor Moon redub and all that. But, until all the seasons are done (and knowing that I vow to get all the DVD/Blu-Ray collections of the original anime), not for nothing, but you should stop judging the cast until all 5 season are dubbed. We haven't got to Sailor Stars, yet. And some the voice actors, I know some of them, including Kate Higgins (Sakura Haruno from Naruto and Tina Armstrong from Dead or Alive) and Veronica Taylor (Ash Ketchum from Pokemon, Amelia from Slayers, etc.). Heck, even some Power Rangers alums like Michael Sorich (Squat) are in this, too. While you are jumping the gun on the whole snap decision on the cast, I am waiting for the chance to do my take on them, so I could have my final say, even though I already made it clear that Nicholas Roye was the wrong choice for Shingo. And if you want to bash me for my choices, so be it. But that does not make me a sell out, just like Shinsuke Nakamura, when WWE decided to not make him champion and be corporate heel (No honor among thieves, as they say). So when I get all 5 seasons of the original anime, I will make a note on the voice actors and how does this redub hold up and comparing it to the original, just like That Damn Cynic did it. So, don't blame actors like Stephanie Sheh, Cristina Vee, Amanda Miller, Cherami Leigh, Michelle Ruff, and Robbie Daymond. If any needs to be blamed for the choices, and I hate to say it with a heavy heart, it is Naoko Takeuchi herself. As much as I respect and honor her, but just like Bruce Timm making Batgirl Batman's lover, this is one choice she shouldn't make. She should leave it to those who know English dubs better, not her. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. Please, no more bashing VIZ Media until I do my review on the redub. Okay. I will see you next time...if I still have a job here, that is. :'(
Saraba (Farewell)
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
The Living Legend Is Dead!
Ladies and gentlemen,I have some very very sad news. Wrestling's Living Legend and the Longest Reining WWE Champion,Bruno Sammartino has died.
I really suck at eulogies,so don't expect one.
Bruno was born in Abruzzo,Italy on October 6th 1935. After much hardships in his home country,Bruno migrated to the U.S. in 1950. Once in America,Bruno took up weight lifting and eventually wrestling. In 1963,he joined the WWE (then known as the WWWF),where he would become the companies longest reining Champion.
In the 1980's,Bruno became a babyface color comnentator,often getting into fights with the heels. In 1985,Bruno's son,David,began a short-lived carrer as a WWE wrestler.
In 1988,Bruno and Vince McMahon had a falling out and Bruno left the company. For years after,Bruno had nothing but distain for the WWE. However,as years went by,that attitude started to fade,and by late-2012,WWE and Bruno made amends. In 2013,Bruno Sammartino was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
I remember the first time I watched Bruno was in an old non-WWE Wrestling Video (which I still have). Then,my Uncle,who got me into wrestling the 1st time,let me watch his Bruno Sammartino WWE tape. That very tape made me a fan of Bruno and I've been a fan of his ever since.
Bruno died of old age on April 18th. He was 82.
Bruno Sammartino
October 6th 1935 - April 18th 2018
I really suck at eulogies,so don't expect one.
In the 1980's,Bruno became a babyface color comnentator,often getting into fights with the heels. In 1985,Bruno's son,David,began a short-lived carrer as a WWE wrestler.
In 1988,Bruno and Vince McMahon had a falling out and Bruno left the company. For years after,Bruno had nothing but distain for the WWE. However,as years went by,that attitude started to fade,and by late-2012,WWE and Bruno made amends. In 2013,Bruno Sammartino was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
I remember the first time I watched Bruno was in an old non-WWE Wrestling Video (which I still have). Then,my Uncle,who got me into wrestling the 1st time,let me watch his Bruno Sammartino WWE tape. That very tape made me a fan of Bruno and I've been a fan of his ever since.
Bruno died of old age on April 18th. He was 82.
Bruno Sammartino
October 6th 1935 - April 18th 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Friday the 13th Edition!
Hey Toonsters,
Since today is Friday the 13th, one of the most complex days that happens once or twice a year, I will give present to you, my fanart, involving my fictional self, fighting against the face of Friday the 13th himself, Jason Voorhees. Before I show you my pics, here is a little backstory, but mostly around the name, Jason. As we all know, the name Jason, comes from many sources. For instance, the name may originally came from the first letter from 5 of the 12 months of the year.
J for July, A for August, S for September (my birth month, by the way), O for October and finally, N for November.
Or it could trace back to Greek mythology, involving the hero, Jason, who was leader of the Argonauts, known for their quest for the Golden Fleece and was friends with another mythical hero, Hercules.
Or, the most common of the Jason name itself. For it was the name of the one of the most iconic horror movie characters of all time, next to the likes of Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, the psychotic killer from Crystal Lake, who drowned as a little boy when ignored by the camp counselors. His machete and especially his hockey mask alone, is what made Mr. Voorhees this iconic. And since then, every time Friday the 13th happens, there were times I dreaded having the name Jason, because of Jason Voorhees.
But I digress, since I turned this type of fear into something creative, by combating Jason Voorhees, for the honor of the Jason name. So, without further ado, here is my artwork, where I combat the hockey masked psycho of Crystal Lake.
Here we have my first one I made 3 years ago. After seeing a Friday the 13th movie marathon on IFC long ago, I drew this little number. Here we have my fictional self, Oathkeeper Keyblade at hand, against Jason Voorhees himself. One day, I will do a story about this, which takes place around the October, where Friday the 13th happens, which last until Halloween. That's right, Mr. Voorhees last beyond Friday the 13th in this one. And in my thoughts, although he doesn't talk, Jason Voorhees uses body language to tell what he is going to do, like motions to me by pointing his machete at me and does a cut throat motion, implicating that is going to kill me (which he won't cause I will hold my own against him).
Here we have my latest one. Jason Voorhees is back! Only this time, he isn't alone, for he was bought back from the dead by Anime Jason's evil doppelganger/clone, Anti-Jason, who represents his dark side. However, Anime Jason isn't alone in this new battle, for he is aided by the original Red Ranger, Jason Lee Scott. And this two way fight has become "Morphinominal," with every sense of the word. In a way, it looks like a comic book cover, which I was aiming for when I drawing it.
And there you have it. So, in a day like Friday the 13th, always remain cautious, especially when superstition is the word. Stay safe and stay frosty, my friends. Until next time.
Since today is Friday the 13th, one of the most complex days that happens once or twice a year, I will give present to you, my fanart, involving my fictional self, fighting against the face of Friday the 13th himself, Jason Voorhees. Before I show you my pics, here is a little backstory, but mostly around the name, Jason. As we all know, the name Jason, comes from many sources. For instance, the name may originally came from the first letter from 5 of the 12 months of the year.
J for July, A for August, S for September (my birth month, by the way), O for October and finally, N for November.
Or it could trace back to Greek mythology, involving the hero, Jason, who was leader of the Argonauts, known for their quest for the Golden Fleece and was friends with another mythical hero, Hercules.
Or, the most common of the Jason name itself. For it was the name of the one of the most iconic horror movie characters of all time, next to the likes of Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, the psychotic killer from Crystal Lake, who drowned as a little boy when ignored by the camp counselors. His machete and especially his hockey mask alone, is what made Mr. Voorhees this iconic. And since then, every time Friday the 13th happens, there were times I dreaded having the name Jason, because of Jason Voorhees.
But I digress, since I turned this type of fear into something creative, by combating Jason Voorhees, for the honor of the Jason name. So, without further ado, here is my artwork, where I combat the hockey masked psycho of Crystal Lake.
War of the Jasons! Anime Jason vs. Jason Voorhess! |
War of the Jasons: Part II! Good Jasons vs. Evil Jasons! |
And there you have it. So, in a day like Friday the 13th, always remain cautious, especially when superstition is the word. Stay safe and stay frosty, my friends. Until next time.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
R.I.P. Chuck McCann
Today we at ACF mourn the loss of a great Voice Artist,Chuck McCann. Chuck was described as a fun-loving guy who loved doing voice-overs.
He past away from heart falure. He was 83.
For info about his Filmography go here:
Chuck McCann
Seotember 2nd 1934 - April 8th 2018.
He past away from heart falure. He was 83.
For info about his Filmography go here:
Chuck McCann
Seotember 2nd 1934 - April 8th 2018.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Fantasy Network Line-Up.
What if,I owned a Television Network and could air Any show I wanted (like,no show is off limits)? What shows would I air? And What would the Line-Up look like? Well here it is:
Note: I'm gonna be excluding Disney shows,simply because I've covered Disney Trillions of times on this site. Let's give the Disney love some rest,huh? Anywho..On With The Show!
Here's what will air on Monday - Thursdays
12 am - Midnight Run (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
12.5 am - Midnight Run (Legend of Korra)
1 am - The Addams Family
1.5 am - The Munsters
2 am - The Beverly Hillbillies
2.5 am - Gomer Pyle USMC
3 am - I Dream of Jeannie
3.5 am - Bewitched
4 am - Get Smart
4.5 am - The Brady Bunch
5 am - Batman (60's)
5.5 am - Batman (60's)
6 am - Wake-Up Call (Scooby-Doo)
6.5 am - Wake-Up Call (Dyno-Mutt)
7 am - Wake-Up Call (Yogi Bear)
7.5 am - Wake-Up Call (The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show)
8 am - Wake-Up Call (Wacky Races)
8.5 am - Wake-Up Call (Laff-O-Lympics)
9 am - Kids Zone (David The Gnome)
9.5 am - Kids Zone (The Littles)
10 am - Kids Zone (Pound Puppies [80's])
10.5 am - Kids Zone (Care Bears)
11 am - Kids Zone (Smurfs)
11.5 am - Kids Zone (Hamtaro)
12 pm - The Cosby Show
12.5 pm - Roseanne
1 pm - Dr.Katz Professional Therapist
1.5 pm - The Critic
2 pm - The A-Block (Samurai Pizza Cats)
2.5 pm - The A-Block (Peter Pan and the Pirates)
3 pm - The A-Block (Inspector Gadget [80's])
3.5 pm - The A-Block (Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog)
4 pm - The A-Block (The Super Mario Bros. Super Show)
4.5 pm - The A-Block (Heathcliff)
5 pm - The A-Block (Swat Kats)
5.5 pm - The A-Block (The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest)
6 pm - Home Improvement
6.5 pm - The Golden Girls
7 pm - Boy Meets World
7.5 pm - Sister Sister
8 pm - Night Justice (The A-Team)
8.5 pm - Night Justice (The A-Team)
9 pm - Night Justice (Walker: Texas Ranger)
9.5 pm - Night Justice (Walker: Texas Ranger)
10 pm - Night Justice (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys)
10.5 pm - Night Justice (Hercules:The Legendary Journeys)
11 pm - Night Justice (Xena: Warrior Princess)
11.5 pm - Night Justice (Xena: Warrior Princess)
Here's what will air on Fridays.
12 am - Midnight Run (Avatar:The Last Airbender)
12.5 am - Midnight Run (Legend of Korra)
1 am - The Addams Family
1.5 am - The Munsters
2 am - The Beverly Hillbillies
2.5 am - Gomer Pyle USMC
3 am - I Dream of Jeannie
3.5 am - Bewitched
4 am - Get Smart
4.5 am - Lavern and Shirley
5 am - Batman (60's)
5.5 am - Batman (60's)
6 am - Wake-Up Call (Jem and the Holograms)
6.5 am - Wake-Up Call (She-Ra - Princess of Power)
7 am - Wake-Up Call (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [80's])
7.5 am - Wake-Up Call (Transformers G1)
8 am - Wake-Up Call (G.I.Joe: Real American Hero)
8.5 am - Wake-Up Call (Bravestarr)
9 am - Kids Zone (David The Gnome)
9.5 am - Kids Zone (The Littles)
10 am - Kids Zone (Pound Puppies [80's])
10.5 am - Kids Zone (Hamtaro)
11 am - Kids Zone (Smurfs)
11.5 am - Kids Zone (Muppet Babies)
12 pm - Family Matters
12.5 pm - Sabrina - The Teenage Witch
1 pm - Dr.Katz Professional Therapist
1.5 pm - The Critic
2 pm - The A-Block (Bobby's World)
2.5 pm - The A-Block (The Real Ghostbusters)
3 pm - The A-Block (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [80's]
3.5 pm - The A-Block (Wild C.A.T.S.)
4 pm - The A-Block (Caddilacs and Dinosaurs)
4.5 pm - The A-Block (Freakazoid)
5 pm - The A-Block (The Tick)
5.5 pm - The A-Block (Big Guy and Rusty:The Boy Robot)
6 pm - Home Improvement
6.5 pm - The Golden Girls
7 pm - Boy Meets World
7.5 pm - Sister Sister
8 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 1)
8.5 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 1)
9 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 1)
9.5 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 1)
10 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 2)
10.5 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 2)
11 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 2)
11.5 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 2)
Here's what will air on Saturdays.
12 am - Midnight Run (The Simpsons)
12.5 am - Midnight Run (Beavis and Butt-head [90's])
1 am - Jonny Quest
1.5 am - Space Ghost
2 am - Birdman
2.5 am - The Super Globetrotters
3 am - The Adventures of Superman
3.5 am - The Adventures of Superman
4 am - The Green Hornet
4.5 am - The Green Hornet
5 am - Batman (60's)
5.5 am - Batman (60's)
6 am - Happy Days
6.5 am - Happy Days
7 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Where's Waldo?)
7.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Fat Albert)
8 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Camp Candy)
8.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Garfield and Friends)
9 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Pro-Stars)
9.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (The Adventures of Super Mario Bros.3)
10 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Captain N: The Game Master)
10.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Sonic the Hedgehog aka Sonic Sat AM)
11 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa)
11.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Bump in the Night)
12 pm - Hey Vern! It's Ernest
12.5 pm - Pee-Wee's Playhouse
1 pm - Beakman's World
1.5 pm - Saved by the Bell
2 pm - American Gladiators [90's]
2.5 pm - American Gladiators [90's]
3 pm - WMAC Masters
3.5 pm - The Weird Al Show
4 pm - Nick Arcade
4.5 pm - The Computer Cronicles
5 pm - Men-In-Black: The Series
5.5 pm - Max Steel [classic series]
6 pm - Reboot
6.5 pm - Shinzo
7 pm - Silverhawks
7.5 pm - Thundercats
8 pm - Nippon Banzai (Voltron: Defender of the Universe)
8.5 pm - Nippon Banzai (Mega Man NT Warrior)
9 pm - Nippon Banzai (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
9.5 pm - Nippon Banzai (Robotech)
10 pm - Nippon Banzai (Sailor Moon)
10.5 pm - Nippon Banzai (Dragon Ball)
11 pm - Nippon Banzai (Dragon Ball Z)
11.5 pm - Nippon Banzai (The Big O)
Here's what will air on Sundays.
12 am - Nippon Banzai (Street Fighter IIV)
12.5 am - Nippon Banzai (Trigun)
1 am - Nippon Banzai (Inuyasha)
1.5 am - Nippon Banzai (Tenchi Muyo)
2 am - Batman: The Animated Series
2.5 am - Superman: The Animated Series
3 am - Justice League
3.5 am - Teen Titans
4 am - Dexters Lab
4.5 am - Cow and Chicken
5 am - Johnny Bravo
5.5 am - The Powerpuff Girls
6 am - Pokemon
6.5 am - Digimon
7 am - 2 Stupid Dogs
7.5 am - Adventures of T-Rex
8 am - The Sunday Arcade (The Hurricanes)
8.5 am - The Sunday Arcade (Biker Mice From Mars)
9 am - The Sunday Arcade (Mighty Max)
9.5 am - The Sunday Arcade (Street Sharks)
10 am - The Sunday Arcade (Double Dragon)
10.5 am - The Sunday Arcade (King Arthur and the Knights of Justice)
11 am - The Sunday Arcade (Savage Dragon)
11.5 am - The Sunday Arcade (Wing Commander Acadamy)
12 pm - The Sunday Arcade (Street Fighter [90's cartoon])
12.5 pm - The Sunday Arcade (Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm)
1 pm - The Sunday Arcade (Darkstalkers [90's cartoon])
1.5 pm - The Sunday Arcade (Mummies Alive)
2 pm - The Bots Master
2.5 pm - Skysurfer Strike Force
3 pm - VR Troopers
3.5 pm - Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad
4 pm - California Dreams
4.5 pm - Gamepro TV (90's video game show)
5 pm - Video Power (90's video game show)
5.5 pm - Mega Man [ruby-spears]
6 pm - Power Rangers
6.5 pm - Power Rangers
7 pm - Nick In The 90's (Doug [nick])
7.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (Rugrats)
8 pm - Nick In The 90's (The Ren and Stimpy Show)
8.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (Rocko's Modern Life)
9 pm - Nick In The 90's (Hey! Arnold)
9.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (All That)
10 pm - Nick In The 90's (Kenan and Kel)
10.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (Clarissa Explains it All)
11 pm - Nick In The 90's (Legends of the Hidden Temple)
11.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (Nick Arcade)
An awesome line-up,huh? Would this be a Network worth watching? Lemmie know in the Comments.
Stay Gold,Space Cowboy!
Note: I'm gonna be excluding Disney shows,simply because I've covered Disney Trillions of times on this site. Let's give the Disney love some rest,huh? Anywho..On With The Show!
Here's what will air on Monday - Thursdays
12 am - Midnight Run (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
12.5 am - Midnight Run (Legend of Korra)
1 am - The Addams Family
1.5 am - The Munsters
2 am - The Beverly Hillbillies
2.5 am - Gomer Pyle USMC
3 am - I Dream of Jeannie
3.5 am - Bewitched
4 am - Get Smart
4.5 am - The Brady Bunch
5 am - Batman (60's)
5.5 am - Batman (60's)
6 am - Wake-Up Call (Scooby-Doo)
6.5 am - Wake-Up Call (Dyno-Mutt)
7 am - Wake-Up Call (Yogi Bear)
7.5 am - Wake-Up Call (The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show)
8 am - Wake-Up Call (Wacky Races)
8.5 am - Wake-Up Call (Laff-O-Lympics)
9 am - Kids Zone (David The Gnome)
9.5 am - Kids Zone (The Littles)
10 am - Kids Zone (Pound Puppies [80's])
10.5 am - Kids Zone (Care Bears)
11 am - Kids Zone (Smurfs)
11.5 am - Kids Zone (Hamtaro)
12 pm - The Cosby Show
12.5 pm - Roseanne
1 pm - Dr.Katz Professional Therapist
1.5 pm - The Critic
2 pm - The A-Block (Samurai Pizza Cats)
2.5 pm - The A-Block (Peter Pan and the Pirates)
3 pm - The A-Block (Inspector Gadget [80's])
3.5 pm - The A-Block (Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog)
4 pm - The A-Block (The Super Mario Bros. Super Show)
4.5 pm - The A-Block (Heathcliff)
5 pm - The A-Block (Swat Kats)
5.5 pm - The A-Block (The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest)
6 pm - Home Improvement
6.5 pm - The Golden Girls
7 pm - Boy Meets World
7.5 pm - Sister Sister
8 pm - Night Justice (The A-Team)
8.5 pm - Night Justice (The A-Team)
9 pm - Night Justice (Walker: Texas Ranger)
9.5 pm - Night Justice (Walker: Texas Ranger)
10 pm - Night Justice (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys)
10.5 pm - Night Justice (Hercules:The Legendary Journeys)
11 pm - Night Justice (Xena: Warrior Princess)
11.5 pm - Night Justice (Xena: Warrior Princess)
Here's what will air on Fridays.
12 am - Midnight Run (Avatar:The Last Airbender)
12.5 am - Midnight Run (Legend of Korra)
1 am - The Addams Family
1.5 am - The Munsters
2 am - The Beverly Hillbillies
2.5 am - Gomer Pyle USMC
3 am - I Dream of Jeannie
3.5 am - Bewitched
4 am - Get Smart
4.5 am - Lavern and Shirley
5 am - Batman (60's)
5.5 am - Batman (60's)
6 am - Wake-Up Call (Jem and the Holograms)
6.5 am - Wake-Up Call (She-Ra - Princess of Power)
7 am - Wake-Up Call (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [80's])
7.5 am - Wake-Up Call (Transformers G1)
8 am - Wake-Up Call (G.I.Joe: Real American Hero)
8.5 am - Wake-Up Call (Bravestarr)
9 am - Kids Zone (David The Gnome)
9.5 am - Kids Zone (The Littles)
10 am - Kids Zone (Pound Puppies [80's])
10.5 am - Kids Zone (Hamtaro)
11 am - Kids Zone (Smurfs)
11.5 am - Kids Zone (Muppet Babies)
12 pm - Family Matters
12.5 pm - Sabrina - The Teenage Witch
1 pm - Dr.Katz Professional Therapist
1.5 pm - The Critic
2 pm - The A-Block (Bobby's World)
2.5 pm - The A-Block (The Real Ghostbusters)
3 pm - The A-Block (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [80's]
3.5 pm - The A-Block (Wild C.A.T.S.)
4 pm - The A-Block (Caddilacs and Dinosaurs)
4.5 pm - The A-Block (Freakazoid)
5 pm - The A-Block (The Tick)
5.5 pm - The A-Block (Big Guy and Rusty:The Boy Robot)
6 pm - Home Improvement
6.5 pm - The Golden Girls
7 pm - Boy Meets World
7.5 pm - Sister Sister
8 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 1)
8.5 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 1)
9 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 1)
9.5 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 1)
10 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 2)
10.5 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 2)
11 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 2)
11.5 pm - Friday Night Double Feature (Movie 2)
Here's what will air on Saturdays.
12 am - Midnight Run (The Simpsons)
12.5 am - Midnight Run (Beavis and Butt-head [90's])
1 am - Jonny Quest
1.5 am - Space Ghost
2 am - Birdman
2.5 am - The Super Globetrotters
3 am - The Adventures of Superman
3.5 am - The Adventures of Superman
4 am - The Green Hornet
4.5 am - The Green Hornet
5 am - Batman (60's)
5.5 am - Batman (60's)
6 am - Happy Days
6.5 am - Happy Days
7 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Where's Waldo?)
7.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Fat Albert)
8 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Camp Candy)
8.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Garfield and Friends)
9 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Pro-Stars)
9.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (The Adventures of Super Mario Bros.3)
10 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Captain N: The Game Master)
10.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Sonic the Hedgehog aka Sonic Sat AM)
11 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa)
11.5 am - Saturday Morning Superstars (Bump in the Night)
12 pm - Hey Vern! It's Ernest
12.5 pm - Pee-Wee's Playhouse
1 pm - Beakman's World
1.5 pm - Saved by the Bell
2 pm - American Gladiators [90's]
2.5 pm - American Gladiators [90's]
3 pm - WMAC Masters
3.5 pm - The Weird Al Show
4 pm - Nick Arcade
4.5 pm - The Computer Cronicles
5 pm - Men-In-Black: The Series
5.5 pm - Max Steel [classic series]
6 pm - Reboot
6.5 pm - Shinzo
7 pm - Silverhawks
7.5 pm - Thundercats
8 pm - Nippon Banzai (Voltron: Defender of the Universe)
8.5 pm - Nippon Banzai (Mega Man NT Warrior)
9 pm - Nippon Banzai (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
9.5 pm - Nippon Banzai (Robotech)
10 pm - Nippon Banzai (Sailor Moon)
10.5 pm - Nippon Banzai (Dragon Ball)
11 pm - Nippon Banzai (Dragon Ball Z)
11.5 pm - Nippon Banzai (The Big O)
Here's what will air on Sundays.
12 am - Nippon Banzai (Street Fighter IIV)
12.5 am - Nippon Banzai (Trigun)
1 am - Nippon Banzai (Inuyasha)
1.5 am - Nippon Banzai (Tenchi Muyo)
2 am - Batman: The Animated Series
2.5 am - Superman: The Animated Series
3 am - Justice League
3.5 am - Teen Titans
4 am - Dexters Lab
4.5 am - Cow and Chicken
5 am - Johnny Bravo
5.5 am - The Powerpuff Girls
6 am - Pokemon
6.5 am - Digimon
7 am - 2 Stupid Dogs
7.5 am - Adventures of T-Rex
8 am - The Sunday Arcade (The Hurricanes)
8.5 am - The Sunday Arcade (Biker Mice From Mars)
9 am - The Sunday Arcade (Mighty Max)
9.5 am - The Sunday Arcade (Street Sharks)
10 am - The Sunday Arcade (Double Dragon)
10.5 am - The Sunday Arcade (King Arthur and the Knights of Justice)
11 am - The Sunday Arcade (Savage Dragon)
11.5 am - The Sunday Arcade (Wing Commander Acadamy)
12 pm - The Sunday Arcade (Street Fighter [90's cartoon])
12.5 pm - The Sunday Arcade (Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm)
1 pm - The Sunday Arcade (Darkstalkers [90's cartoon])
1.5 pm - The Sunday Arcade (Mummies Alive)
2 pm - The Bots Master
2.5 pm - Skysurfer Strike Force
3 pm - VR Troopers
3.5 pm - Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad
4 pm - California Dreams
4.5 pm - Gamepro TV (90's video game show)
5 pm - Video Power (90's video game show)
5.5 pm - Mega Man [ruby-spears]
6 pm - Power Rangers
6.5 pm - Power Rangers
7 pm - Nick In The 90's (Doug [nick])
7.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (Rugrats)
8 pm - Nick In The 90's (The Ren and Stimpy Show)
8.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (Rocko's Modern Life)
9 pm - Nick In The 90's (Hey! Arnold)
9.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (All That)
10 pm - Nick In The 90's (Kenan and Kel)
10.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (Clarissa Explains it All)
11 pm - Nick In The 90's (Legends of the Hidden Temple)
11.5 pm - Nick In The 90's (Nick Arcade)
An awesome line-up,huh? Would this be a Network worth watching? Lemmie know in the Comments.
Stay Gold,Space Cowboy!
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