Monday, February 19, 2024

Cut-Off Points.

Hey, Retromen and Retrowomen. Just thought I'd talk about something that has been on my mind recently - Cut-Off Points!

Limitations,or Cut-Off Points,on things are important because it stops you from obsessing over something. Especially if you commit to them. For example - Watching a long running favorite TV Show,but realizing that it's not that great anymore after 35 seasons,so you just stop watching,though still satisfied by the older seasons and just proud to have experienced it and been there for so long.

There comes a point where we say enough and just move on,while still remembering the good times and joy that something brought us. 

It's okay Not to like everything your favorite things have to offer and it's okay to set up cut-off points for them. Example - WWE will move to Netflix next year,so for Me Personally,as a WWE Fan,will be initiating a Cut-Off point for all things WWE and just stick with the Classics.

Same can go for collecting too. Cut-off points are especially good for Collectors. Save time and money. Obsessing over the one thing you don't have for your collection, will fill your life with stress and anxiety. This applies to other things too.

Nothing lasts forever all things must past,even stuff we love. Even fandom for something will fade away eventually.    

Life is finite and so are fandoms. Even if the thing you are interested in is still good,personal interest can waver and even fade. Cut-off points are not only good for the mind,but for the soul...and in some cases,the body. 

Speaking of...Food can also be added to this topic. There comes a time where you need to set a limit on what you eat or drink. And in some cases,one can simply lose their taste for a particular food item (for me,personally,it's potato chips).

Be happy and grateful what you have or the previous experience of a beloved medium. And be smart with your eating habits as well. And being obsessed with something will only lead to a more difficult life and stress will follow close.

And we can always revisit the past via the internet,so...

In conclusion,make your life easier and set up Cut-off points for things. You'll feel much better.

Special Thanks to Michael Mercy on Youtube for inspiring me to do this. If you haven't checked him out,do so. He has lots of words of wisdom and does excellent toy reviews.

Well until next time Space Cowboys,Stay Gold and Resist Modern Attitudes!!!

The Retro King Has Spoken!!

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