Just when you thought the Reaper was resting after taking away 2 Psudo-Legends of Wrestling,He strikes again. His latest victim,Legendary Comedian Richard Lewis.
Lewis was a stand-up comedian and actor best known for his dark, neurotic, and self-deprecating humor. Lewis died of a heart attack,He was 76.
For more info on this man, check out his Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Lewis_(comedian)
Richard Philip Lewis
June, 29th 1947 – Feb, 27th 2024
Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold!!
Thursday, February 29, 2024
R.I.P. Richard Lewis!
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
A Horseman and a Former Bodyguard - More Passing is Pro-Wrestling
This just in, and it's another sad one in the world of Pro-Wrestling.
This week, we announce the passing of two legends in their own right.
First off, the passing of Ole Anderson. Ole was best known for being one of the founding members of the greatest faction in all of wrestling, The Four Horsemen, alongside his kayfabe brother, Double A himself, Arn Anderson. He was 81 years old.
And second one to pass (and since I have much more memory of this guy, anyway), Mike Jones, known to everyone growing up in the old WWF as Virgil. Named after the real name for the American Dream Dusty Rhodes, Virgil started his career as a servant and bodyguard to the "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. However by 1991 Royal Rumble (and with encouragement by "Rowdy" Roddy Piper), Virgil turned on DiBiase and forged his own path, which culminated in him winning the Million Dollar Championship from the aforementioned DiBiase at SummerSlam 91. But, after that one moment of fame, Virgil, in his later career was reduced in being a jobber. And he continued that role in WCW under multiple aliases, such as Vincent (and part of the nWo, no less), Shane, Curly Bill, Soulman Jones (his first ringname in the beginning of his career) and even his own real name. Not the same as it use to be, we will always remember him for having his one moment to shine around 1991. He died after a bout with stage two colon cancer and having multiple strokes from time to time. Virgil was 61 years old.
Let us remember these two legends for what they have left behind. Godspeed.
(TAPS plays)
Alan Robert Rogowski (Ole Anderson)
September 22nd, 1942 - February 26th, 2024
Michael Jones (Virgil)
June 13th, 1962 - February 28th, 2024
This has been a Retro Rebellion Special Report. Remember, resists modern attitudes and cherish the nostalgia!!
For more info on these legendary wrestlers, look them up on Wikipedia. Thank you.
Ole Anderson - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ole_Anderson
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
The Old Net!!!!!
Ever wanted to travel back to the 90's and Early 2000's and experience the Internet of Those Era's? Well, Now You Can!!!
Introducing The Old Net! A place that can take you to the Past,like the Internet Way-Back Machine. Except The Old Net has some extra stuff such as a Guest Book,Links,a Chat Room,and More.
So check out The Old Net and have a Blast from the Past https://theoldnet.com/
Until Next Time,Space Cowboys,Stay Gold and Resist Modern Attitudes!
The Retro King Has Spoken.Sunday, February 25, 2024
Jason's Gallery - Tara Strong Tribute
Hey there, Toonsters,
Jason here with some more articular goodness. This time around, here are some dedicated to one of my favorite voice actors, the sweet, talented and adorkable Tara Strong. So, enough chit-chat. Let's get rollin'.
![]() |
Upper left; Raven, Upper right; Bubbles, Lower left; Timmy Turner, Lower right; Batgirl, and in the middle; Twilight Sparkle and Melody |
One of my earliest works. I wasn't a much a pro at the time, but it was a start, though. And as always, the middle is where my favorite characters go.
The next two, I have gotten better, thanks to one of those how to draw anime character books. I drew them as a favor from a friend of mine, who went to Fan Expo in Vancouver not long ago. Let's just say Jodi Benson wasn't the only one who attended. Ms. Strong, and Grey DeLisle-Griffin also attended, but I will take about Ms. Griffin another time. Anyway, presenting my latest fanart for Ms. Strong herself.
And the second?
Friday, February 23, 2024
Top All-Time Favorite Wrestling Promos
Today,I'm gonna be listing a bunch of my favorite Retro Wrestling Promos. And for the hell of it,I'll be listing various Interview Segments too. Like always,this list is in no particular order.
Hard Times - During his heated feud with "Nature Boy" Ric Flair,"The Anerican Dream" Dusty Rhodes cuts his famous "Hard Times" Promo. Dusty starts talking about hard times and how flair put him on hard times too. He then pleads for the fans help and then asks them to not let him down.
Rhodes Rage - WCW In Late 1999,on either Nitro or Thunder,Dustin Rhodes returned to the company as a Dark and Sinister character,called Seven. And for his first promo,his rages against the terrible Russo-ruled WCW and the disrespect that they've shown his Father,Dusty. He even takes some pot-shots at WWF and Goldust. He then promises to make the WCW Bosses lives a living hell. Good stuff from WCW circa 1999 and 2000 were so very few and far between,but this promo amused me so much and Dustin was definitely speaking for all of us,who really hated the direction WCW was going.
The TRUE birth of Mr. McMahon - The "Bret Screwed Bret" interview. A week after the Montreal Screwjob, on RAW, Vince McMahon did an interview with Jim Ross about the incident and Bret Hart's departure to WCW. Now,I'm not gonna go into the Montreal Screwjob here - That deserves it's own post,instead I'm gonna just say that McMahon screwed Bret at the 1997 Survivor Series, after he changed the planned finish behind The Hit Man's back. McMahon here played the victim and most Fans saw it as disgusting,so they began hating on Vince. To me,This was the True Birth of the Evil Mr. McMahon.
I Own WCW! - In mid-to late March of 2001, The WCW was bought out by Vince McMahon and the WWF. McMahon did the opening monologue for the Final Monday Nitro,where he gloats about his Victory in the Monday Night Wars by Buying his competition - He Now Owns WCW.
McMahon goes on to tell the WCW fans that he will be addressing them and the Superstars of WCW later. He closes out by saying that the very fate of WCW is in His hands.
This moment was surreal for many wrestling fans,who never thought they'd see that day. Such a historic moment.
WCW Gets Rowdy - Roddy Piper's WCW Debut near the end of Halloween Havoc 1996. Hollywood Hogan ,with the Giant's help,just defeated "Macho Man'" Randy Savage and retained his World Title. As Hogan was cutting his "Back Patting" post-match promo, he is interrupted by a surprise visitor - Rowdy Roddy Piper! Hogan is shocked to see him. Piper claims he came to break Hogan's "monotony". After warning The Giant to stay back, Piper cuts his promo. In said promo, Piper mentions that he is not there to represent WCW, his past with Hogan,and other things. He even mentions WrestleMania 1. Piper talks about how he is just as big an Icon as Hogan is.
Hogan gets to speak after and admits this. However, as Piper is about to leave the Ring, Hogan insults him. After a bit of back and forth between Piper and Hogan,the night ends with a stare down between the 2. I love this promo. And Piper's arrival in WCW was a nice surprise to everyone.
Hulkamania is Pukamania - In one of his Final Pre-WrestleMania 5 promos, "Macho Man" Randy Savage raged against Hulk Hogan Here, he talks about Hogan not knowing where he's coming from, Pukamaniacs that he doesn't need,and more. Ending the promo by declaring that Hulkamania is dead.
You can really feel the hatred Savage had in this promo for Hogan. Amazing.
The Heel Turn Seen and Felt Around The World - The Legendary Heel Turn of Hulk Hogan and the Birth of the nWo at WCW Bash at the Beach '96.
Team WCW was down one man and were getting beat by the Outsiders. Suddenly, Hulk Hogan arrives, seemingly to help "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Sting. But in a moment that Shocked the World, Hogan attacked Savage and joined the Outsiders. It was the Heel turn seen and felt around the Globe.
After the match, "Mean" Gene Okerlund questions Hogan about his decision. Hogan gives him the answer via a legendary promo, all while garbage was being thrown into the ring by the booing fans. Hogan talks about how he made Wrestling and how he was just using WCW and how he's happy to to associate himself with Hall and Nash. He also tells the fans that they can "Stick It, Brothers!". He then forms what he calls "The New World Order of Wrestling!"
After the promo, Hogan and his 2 new allies mock the fans by posing. And from that point on, WCW would begin it's nearly 2 Year winning streak against the WWF.
Good Ol' Disgruntled J.R. - On a Monday Night RAW in September of 1996,Jim Ross cuts a promo on how the WWF and Vince McMahon had mistreated him. He even talks a bit about his bells palsy. After the promo,he introduces us to the Fake Razor Ramon.
This was supposed to be the start of J.R.'s heel turn,but his promo was so sincere,that the opposite effect happened and J.R. became one of the most beloved Announcers in Wrestling. Also the debut of the Fake Razor Ramon (played by Rick Bognar aka Rick Titan). I'll talk more about the "Fakes" another time.
Also, I think this was the first On-Air reference to Vince McMahon being the owner of the WWF.
The WCW Madness - "Macho Man" Randy Savage arrives in WCW on December of '94 on WCW Saturday Night. Ooh,Yeeaahh!!! In his debut promo, "Macho Man" Randy Savage talks about various things, including WCW Champion Hulk Hogan,who he promises to confront at Starrcade '94 and either shake his hand or slap him in the face.
A good beginning promo from the Macho Man. Shame his WCW run wasn't nearly as great as his WWF run.
Free Spirit - In the Dying Days of the USWA in '97, Rick Bognar, aka Fake Razor Ramon, cuts a promo rejecting not only his "Fake Razor" gimmick,but also Vince McMahon and the WWF. He then returns to being his true self - Rick Titan, the Free Spirit.
And a month after this, the "Fakes" would officially be faded out. I liked this promo because Rick was brave enough to reject a gimmick that was forced upon him by Vince McMahon on live TV. That took guts. Shame very few were watching USWA at this point.
R.I.P. Rick Bognar.
The Stinging Aftermath - Now before I get to this promo,here's a little context - During the built-up to Fall Brawl War Games 1996, the nWo unleashed a Fake Sting to fool the WCW, all while the Real Sting was on tour internationally.
Soon many were convinced that The Stinger was now a member of the nWo... including his best buddy, The "Total Package" Lex Lugar.
When the Stinger returned at Fall Brawl, he tried to convince Team WCW that the nWo Sting was not him and was a fake.
Unfortunately, no one,including Lex Lugar, didn't believe him. So when the Fake Sting entered War Games, many felt betrayed, thinking it was the Real Sting. But the Real Sting entered as the final member of his team, shocking all.
Sting,feeling rejected assaulted the nWo and then left the match.
Next night on Nitro, Sting cut an in ring promo with his back turned to the camera giving a tongue lashing to those who.doubted him...especially Lex Luger,who he was good friends with. The Stinger then goes on tell those who believed in him,that he'll still stand by them,if they still stand by him. He then tells all who doubted him to Stick It.
Sting then declares himself to be a Free Agent,but promises to pop in when everyone least expects it. He then leaves the ring. Ladies and Gentlemen - The Genesis of Crow Sting!!! From that moment on,Sting would remain in the shadows or secluded,until 1997,where he would begin his assault on the nWo.
You Wanna War?! - On a Late-May addition of Monday Nitro,Scott Hall interrupts a match between 2 guys no one cares for and cuts a promo. In the promo,he mocks WCW and some of it's stars. He then declares War on the company.
This moment changed Everything for WCW and American Wrestling in General. Here was Razor Ramon on WCW TV, and everyone was wondering if the WWF was waging War against WCW via an invasion.? Interest was piqued.
The Changing Measuring Stick - 2 Weeks after his Iconic "You Want A War?" Promo, Scott Hall returned to harass Eric Bischoff in the broadcast booth. The previous week,Hall promised a "Big Surprise" and on this show he delivered. That Surprise was Kevin Nash,who cuts a promo of his own.
"So this is Where The Big Boys Play,huh?! Look at the Adjective - Play! We ain't here to play!"
Then,at the end of the promo, Nash gives us This gem of a line - "The Measuring Stick just changed around here,Buddy! And You're lookin' at 'em!!"
The Debut of the Outsiders!
The Savage/Flair Affair Continues - A 2-fer. Ric Flair and Randy Savage cut intense promos after their title match at WrestleMania 8.
"Nature Boy" Ric Flair,enraged at his title loss to "Macho Man"Randy Savage,dares Savage to face him again. To quote Slick Ric himself - "Because One Time Means Nothing to My Career!!!!"
After Ric's unhinged promo. The Macho Man cuts one of his own. Saying that he just got a "piece" of Flair that night, but wants the rest of him - "The Whole Flair Package".
2 of the Biggest Icons of Wrestling Unhinged. I found these promos to be Entertaining and it helped continue the Savage/Flair rivalry in the WWF. Good stuff!
Billionaire Ted's Biggest Get - Hulk Hogan arrives in WCW in June of '94. After a parade,Hogan gives a promo,signs the WCW contract,and takes questions. All taking place at Disney/MGM studios.
The most Iconic and Shocking moments in Wrestling history. The biggest Name in Wrestling,the man who helped Put WWF on the map,the man who was WWF personified for over a decade,was now part of the competition.
Easy E Exposed - On a November '96 edition on Monday Nitro,Roddy Piper exposes Eric Bischoff as part of the nWo via a promo. Bischoff was set to interview Piper,but Piper decided to do his own thing.
As Bischoff was being exposed, The nWo assaults Piper and Hogan gloats about how Bischoff was indeed, was part of the nWo. Not only that,but he was the Boss.
From that point on Bischoff would become the Boss from Hell - A full Year before Evil Mr. McMahon was born. And 2 Years before McMahon became the WWF's own Boss from Hell.
No Problem With The Rockers - On January of 1992,the Rockers break up on Brutus Beefcake's Barbershop. Now, on that edition of 'The Barbershop', Brutus Beefcake attempted to reconcile the Rockers,who have been having issues as of late.
But, just as things were getting better, Shawn Michaels Superkicked Marty Janetty though the class window and after a small beat-down on his,now-former,partner, Michaels mocks the situation and walks off.
The Birth of HBK!
A Belt Worth a Million Dollars - In Late '88,Tired of chasing after the WWF Championship, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase decided to go out and create his own. And that's Exactly what he did.
On the Brother Love Show,Dibiase unveiled his Million Dollar Championship, a Championship Belt Worthy of a man like himself.
This belt was so cool looking and,for a short time, was treated as a Legit Title.
Kick Ass or Kiss Ass - On Monday Night RAW in the Summer of '97, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin cuts a promo about his upcoming Intercontinental Title match against Champion,Owen Hart at SummerSlam.
In that promo, Austin talks about his Title Match and then Bret Hart's promise to never Wrestle in America again if he fails to beat the Undertaker at SummerSlam.
Not to be outdone by the Hit Man, in a moment of One-upsmenship, Austin vows to kiss Owen Hart's ass if he can't kick it..."And That's The Way It's Gonna Be!!!".
The One-Upsmen - The week after Stone Cold's "Kiss His Ass,If I Can't Kick It" promo,The Hart Foundation decides to do a little one-upsmanship for Their SummerSlam Matches.
On RAW the previous Week, Bret Hart promised to stay in Canada if he lost his bid to become WWF Champion.
Well,on This Edition of RAW, The British Bulldog promised to eat a full can of Dog Food If he failed to defeat Ken Shamrock. Brian Pillman's goal was to rip out Goldust's heart at SummerSlam,but promised to wrestle in a dress for a while if he couldn't get the job done.
And Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart vowed to shave off his goatee if All 4 men lost their matches.
The Crowning of the Macho King - The Great Coronation of 1989. The Macho Man becomes The Macho King. Presented by Savage's real life Brother "The Genius" Lanny Poffo and surrounded by some of the Biggest Heels in Wrestling. Savage is given a Gold Scepter by "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase.
Fun fact about this was that 3 Of the 4 Horsemen were present - Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson as the Brain Busters and Barry Windham as the Widow Maker.
Betrayal of a Friend - That Piper's Pit in Feb of 1987,Roddy Piper presented Hulk Hogan and Jessie Ventura presented Andre The Giant,who to everyone's shock,came out with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.
Andre the Giant then proceeds to threaten Hogan for a title match. Hogan can't believe this is happening. Andre rips off Hogans shirt and cross.
Feeling betrayed by his long-time Friend,Hulk Hogan reluctantly accepts the Giant's challenge at WrestleMania 3.
The Giantless Weasel - At WrestleMania 6,Bobby "The Brain" Heenan blasts Andre The Giant for turning on him after his team,the Colossal Connection,lost their Tag Titles to Demolition.
"You Listen To Me,You Go To The Top! You Don't Listen To Me...You're Never Heard From Again!" - Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.
Bobby was hysterical during that interview. The Brain was amusing as usual.
Bruno in the Pit - A memorable 1985 MSG Piper's Pit with "The Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino. The interview starts by Bruno wanting "Ace Cowboy" Bob Orton to leave and even threatens to get one of his friends to watch his back.
Piper reluctantly sends Orton away. Once that's though, the interview begins. There are shots thrown by both men at each other and after things got heated, Bruno pushed Piper and was beaten down for it. Bruno was starting to fight back,which caused Piper to bolt.
My First Ever Piper's Pit segment. I watched this on a Tape that was all about Bruno Sammartino, in fact, it was an Official Colosseum Home Video release.
Snuka'd - During this legendary Piper's Pit, Rowdy Roddy Piper had "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka as a guest. Piper was mocking Snuka and his Fijian Heritage, not letting him get a word in. Snuka asks if Piper was making fun of him? Piper answers Snuka with a Coconut to the skull.
Piper then proseeds to beat on Snuka and mocks him while doing so. But,once Snuka is ready to retaliate, Piper runs away fast.
The Last Dance - Another 2-fer. On the Final Episode of Monday Nitro in 2001,Ric Flair cuts a passionate promo about WCW and his WCW career. He then challenges Sting to one final match later.
And Before their match,we get a cool promo from Sting,who says that he wouldn't miss this very special night for nothin' and agrees to finish things with Ric Flair before the WCW is gone. He then asks the fans if they're wondering about What the Future Holds for Him? And Sting gives us his answer - "Well, The Only Sure Thing About The Stinger - Is That Nothin's For Sure! It's Showtime ,Folks!!!
2 Excellent Promos, leading up to a Great Match. A Match that was a Worthy finale for WCW.
The Greatest Moment with a Tear in His Eye - "Nature Boy" Ric Flair's Promo after becoming Champion at Royal Rumble '92.
This promo solidified The Nature Boy as a True Wrestling Icon. 'Nuff Said.
Snapping Sid - At the WrestleMania 8 press conference to determine who Ric Flair will face at the event, Sid Justice snaps at WWF President Jack Tunney for choosing Hulk Hogan over him.
Short,but sweet and Sid was speaking for every disenfranchised star in WWF.
The Taker Turns - In Feb of 1992,On the Funeral Parlor, Jake "The Snake" Roberts questions the Undertaker's loyalty after he prevented the Snake from striking "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Elizabeth with a chair backstage a week prior.
"Just Who's Side Are You On?!" - Jake "The Snake" Roberts.
"Not Yours!!!!" - The Undertaker.
Undertaker turns on Jake and becomes a Babyface. Jake assaults the Undertaker and traps his hand in a casket. He then beats up on Paul Bearer, all while insulting and taunting the Dead Man. The Undertaker struggles to fight back.
One of my favorite editions of the Funeral Parlor. Undertaker is a Super Legend!
Hulkamania is Not For Sale - Hogan rejects Dibiase's offer to buy the WWF Championship from him.
In late 1987, "The Million Dollar" Ted Dibiase offered to buy the WWF Championship from Hulk Hogan. Hogan cut a promo thinking how Dibiase's money would benefit him,his family,and his Hulkamaniacs.
But then slowly realizes that the Hulkamaniacs would Never forgive him if he did that. So He rejects Dibiase's offer on behalf of his Hulkamaniacs. "HELL NO!!!!"
Hogan then proseeds to tell off Dibiase.
The Hulkster made it clear that Hulkamania was Not For Sale.
The Warrior's Sensational Rejection - At Royal Rumble 1991,WWF Champion,Ultimate Warrior was doing an interview,talking about his match with Sgt. Slaughter. Sensational Queen Sherri arrives and pleads for the Warrior to give "Macho King" Randy Savage a title match.
She even tries to seduce him. But the warrior isn't having any of it so, in Warrior Fashion, rejects her pleas And her seduction tactics with a big loud "NO!!!!!" The Warriors answer scared Sherri a bit,but it enraged The Macho King, and as revenge He cost the Warrior his Title.
And thus begins the Savage/Warrior feud,which would lead to their Legendary Retirement Match at WrestleMania 7 (the best match of the night!).
The 3 Faces of Foley - On RAW of 1997,Triple H was ready to fight Dude Love. Dude appears on the Titantron and refuses to fight,but brings in Mankind,who also refuses,then both bring in Cactus Jack,who accepts the fight and heads down to ringside with an enormous pop.
My All Time Favorite Mick Foley Promo!!! And Cactus Jack's WWF Debut!
Million Dollar Jerk - In 1987,Ted Dibiase held a Dribble Challenge,where some lucky audience member would win $500 of his money, if they dribbled a Basketball 15x in succession.
So, a young boy named Sean accepted the challenge. The kid was doing great,until Dibiase kicked the ball away from the kid after he dribbled it 14 times. The Million Dollar Man then proceeds to mock the poor kid.
The moment that fully established Ted Dibiase as a Great Heel. He was "The Million Dollar Jerk" to everyone.
The Honky Saga - A Series of Promos featuring the Honky Tonk Man,in late '86,as a Babyface and eventually becoming Heel once he found out that the fans don't like him via a poll.
When HTM came on the scene,he was a Babyface. And a month in, the fans started treating him cold. So Honky wondered what the issue was. Eventually a poll was taken and Honky did everything he could to please the fans,but to no avail.
When the polls final results came in,the Majority saw Honky unfavorably. A week after the poll, Honky turned Heel. And a week after That,he aligned himself with "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart.
Hart Family Reunion - The RAW after Wrestlemania 13,Bret reunites with Owen and the Bulldog to form Hart Foundation 2.0.
During a match for the European Championship between Owen Hart and the British Bulldog,which turned into a brawl. Bret "Hit Man" Hart rushes down to the ring to stop the fight. He cuts a promo, which he tries to get them to stop fighting for the American Wrestling fans enjoyment. He then insults the American Wrestling fans and America in general.
He makes a heartfelt plea to his Brother and Brother-In-Law and talks about his past experiences with them,all while taking potshots at American Values.
The promo ends with the 3 hugging it out.
The look of disdain Bret gave the Fans during his group hug with Owen and the Bulldog was priceless. The Hart Foundation 2.0 was born that night.
Hart Attack for America - The RAW After WrestleMania 13, Bret "Hit Man" Hart cuts a promo and turns heel on the American fans.
In the promo,The Hit Man apologies to his fans for his attitude at WrestleMania 13. He apologizes to Every Wrestling fan around the World..except for the American Fans. Bret Trashes the American Fans and America itself.
As a curious experiment, WWF decided to turn Bret Hart Heel in the U.S.,but keep him a Babyface everywhere else. It worked well, I must say.
Also note that The RAW after WM13 was first event to take place during a transitional era,I call the Pre-Attitude Era.
He Feels Like God - Bob Backlund is doing an interview at Survivor Series '94, having just won the WWF Championship from Bret Hart in a Towel Match.
Backlund cuts a promo about how he finally regained the belt and then talks about what how he's gonna be a role model for everyone.
He finishes his promo with this gem of a line - "Because I Feel Like God!!!!!!!!"
One of Backlunds finest Promos. To me, at least.
Backlund For President - In the Spring of 1995,after failing to gain traction as a Main Event Superstar again,Bob Backlund announced on RAW that He is running for The Presidency Of The United States.
Not much to say about this entertaining and memorable promo. But I'm gonna say This, Backlund would've made a Way better President than what we have (and what we'll be getting) right now.
Special Mention: Billionaire Ted's Rasslin' War Room - These skits were funny. Basically,in early 1996,The WWF put out a bunch of skits taking big potshots at Ted Turner and his favorable treatment of old WWF Talent, mainly "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan.
The most famous skit being "The Wrasslin' War Room",where.Billionaire Ted,some Yes Men,Scheme Gene,The Huckster,and the Nacho Man were discussing ways to compete with the WWF and to get more WWF talent. What follows was comedy silver.
As part of this skit package,the WWF also parodied Larry King Live. Now,many people hate these skits,but I love 'em, So Screw The Haters!
Also, these skits led to the hilarious Geriatric Match at WrestleMania 12.
That's was Long,wasn't it? Well,that's all she Wrote Wrestling Fans. What are some of Your favorite Wrestling Promos?
Until Next Time,Space Cowboys,Stay Gold and Resist Modern Attitudes!
The Retro King Has Spoken.
Monday, February 19, 2024
Cut-Off Points.
Hey, Retromen and Retrowomen. Just thought I'd talk about something that has been on my mind recently - Cut-Off Points!
Limitations,or Cut-Off Points,on things are important because it stops you from obsessing over something. Especially if you commit to them. For example - Watching a long running favorite TV Show,but realizing that it's not that great anymore after 35 seasons,so you just stop watching,though still satisfied by the older seasons and just proud to have experienced it and been there for so long.
There comes a point where we say enough and just move on,while still remembering the good times and joy that something brought us.
It's okay Not to like everything your favorite things have to offer and it's okay to set up cut-off points for them. Example - WWE will move to Netflix next year,so for Me Personally,as a WWE Fan,will be initiating a Cut-Off point for all things WWE and just stick with the Classics.
Same can go for collecting too. Cut-off points are especially good for Collectors. Save time and money. Obsessing over the one thing you don't have for your collection, will fill your life with stress and anxiety. This applies to other things too.
Nothing lasts forever all things must past,even stuff we love. Even fandom for something will fade away eventually.
Life is finite and so are fandoms. Even if the thing you are interested in is still good,personal interest can waver and even fade. Cut-off points are not only good for the mind,but for the soul...and in some cases,the body.
Speaking of...Food can also be added to this topic. There comes a time where you need to set a limit on what you eat or drink. And in some cases,one can simply lose their taste for a particular food item (for me,personally,it's potato chips).
Be happy and grateful what you have or the previous experience of a beloved medium. And be smart with your eating habits as well. And being obsessed with something will only lead to a more difficult life and stress will follow close.
And we can always revisit the past via the internet,so...
In conclusion,make your life easier and set up Cut-off points for things. You'll feel much better.
Special Thanks to Michael Mercy on Youtube for inspiring me to do this. If you haven't checked him out,do so. He has lots of words of wisdom and does excellent toy reviews.
Well until next time Space Cowboys,Stay Gold and Resist Modern Attitudes!!!
The Retro King Has Spoken!!
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Jason's Gallery - Custom Templates Vol. 1
First off, here is the first template I have made. I made this one, a long time ago, when I was starting to watch AEW Dynamite when it moved from TNT to TBS. This was in response for Vickie Guerrero disrespecting then AEW Women's World Champion Thunder Rosa with her "EXCUSES". Here are few copies I made, but with different characters and real life people.
Next up, we have Arnold Schwarzenegger, telling her straight up, in the way Ah-nold does it! Thank goodness she wasn't going after his cookies. |
For someone who is dark and evil, the Shadow Master is very calm, patient and stoic in telling Vickie Guerrero what he thinks of her EXCUSES. A girdling scream, indeed. |
Next up, this template was inspired by a Deviantart user named WOLFBLADE111. This one is devoted to brothers in arms. Even though the boxes cover them up, Megaman X and Zero are prime examples of being brothers in arms. Here are a couple of them to show.
And there you have it. If want to use my template and/or WOLFBLADE111's, feel free to do so. Hopefully, there will be more of them in the future. With the power of templates, we will make a difference and continue to resist modern attitudes, so we can fix them with a healthy does of nostalgia and true justice. Until next time, stay frosty.
Friday, February 2, 2024
First Notable Death of 2024 - R.I.P. Carl Weathers!
Well,it looks like the Reaper is back to work in the New Year. His first notable victim - Carl Weathers. That's right - Apollo Creed himself is the Reaper's latest victim. Though he died of unknown causes,he did die peacefully in his sleep, according to Family. He was 76.
Carl Weathers is best known as the actor who played Apollo Creed in the Rocky Films,though he did plenty of other stuff too (both major and minor). Before he entered the realm of acting,Carl was a Football player - for both in the Collage and Professional Leagues.
For more info on Mr. Weathers, check out his Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Weathers
Carl Weathers
1/14/1948 - 2/1/2024
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Top 40 Favorite Sitcom Themes
If there is one thing I like as much as Retro Video Games and Cartoons,is Retro Sitcoms. So today,I'm gonna be listing my Top 20 Favorite Retro Sitcom Theme Songs.
As usual these are not in any particular order,so bear with me. Also, Disney Channel Sitcoms and Nickelodeon Sitcoms will Not be included on this list. I'm gonna save them for their own. Anyway,here we go.
#40 - ALF (Gotta love ALF!)
#39 - Full House (A household of 9 with plenty of heart? or the Michelle Tanner show?. You decide.)
#38 - Perfect Strangers (Great theme,needed a full version)
#37 - The Hogan Family (A family with no relation to the Hulkster!)
#36 - Growing Pains (Who here also remembers this show? Kirk Cameron is a good dude.)
#35 - Good Times (This theme is all right,so says Kid *claps hands* Dy-No-Myte!!!)
#34 - The Addams Family (They're creepy,kooky,mysterious,spooky,and completely ooky. They are the Addams Family)
#33 - The Munsters (A groovy theme.)
#32 - The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (Fun rap. The full version is best.)
#31 - Smart Guy (He's a Smart Guy!)
#30 - Welcome Back Kotter (They teased him a lot,cuz they got 'im on the spot. There is a full version of this theme that's even better.)
#29 - Sanford and Son (*imitating fred sanford* The theme song of Junkmen everywhere. dummy.)
#28 - Who's The Boss? (Catchy song.)
#27 - Benson (another catchy song. The Only show where Rafiki,Odo,and Neelix appear together.)
#26 - Mork and Mindy (Alien man meets Earth woman and hilarity ensues. R.I.P. Robin Williams!)
- Sister,Sister (Sisyer,Sister)
#24 - Hangin' with Mr. Cooper (All Seasons. Yeah, I'm cheating.)
#23 - Boy Meets World (All Seasons. I'm cheating again,so what?!)
#22 - Diff'rent Strokes (Wha'chu Talkin' 'Bout,Willis! lol.)
#20 - Threes Company (Memorable and catchy.)
#19 - King of the Hill (Great song. Fast=paced and fun to listen to!)
#18 - Happy Days Seasons 2 and Onward (These happy days are yours and mine! *imitating the Fonz,thumbs up* Ayyyy!!!)
#17 - Laverne and Shirley (Schlemiel,Schlemazel,they're gonna do it their way.)
#16 - The Jeffersons (they moved on jup to the east side,and finally got a piece of that sweet pie.)
#15 - Gilligan's Island (A very memorable theme about 7 stranded castaways,who originally were on a 3-hour tour.)
#14 - The Beverly Hillbillies (this is story about a mountain man,who went hunting,found oil,struck it rich,and moved to beverly hills. Whee Doggies!!!)
#13 - The Cosby Show (I love this show,regardless of what happened to Bill Cosby.)
#12 - Saved By The Bell (Zack Morris and his Friends make Bayside High a Cool School.)
#11 - Saved By The Bell - The Collage Years (They are standing at the edge of tomorrow...today!!)
#10 - California Dreams (don't wake me up if I'm dreamin'!)
#09 - Frasier (not tossed salads and scrambled eggs,and very short,but still good. Frasier is always listening,caller!)
#08 - Family Matters (the Steve Urkle Show! Lol!)
#07 - Sabrina the Teenage Witch (All Seasons,yes I'm cheating yet again,but who cares,it's MY list!)
#06 - Taxi (Easy listening!)
#05 - The Simpsons (One Word - Iconic!!!!)
#04 - The Critic (It Doesn't Stink!!!!)
#03 - Dr. Katz - Professional Therapist (Short,but gets the job done!)
#02 - Home Improvement (This song is so great,that it doesn't even need "More Power!!!" *grunts like the tool man*)
#01 - Roseanne (Love the bluesy sound of this theme. It got lyrics in it's final season)
One final thing before I sign out,just to let everyone know that this was the first of a Brand New segment here at the Retro Rebellion - Retro Sitcoms and Live-Action TV. Cool,huh? So anyway,as always,Space Cowboys - Stay Gold and Resist Modern Attitudes.
The Retro King Has Spoken!!!!!