I have come up with even more Show ideas for Modern Vintage TV. Take a Look.
Triple Tiger - 55 years ago in Hong Kong 2 Sisters,Lei Lei and Mei Mei Lee,are taught Kung-Fu by an old Master known only as The Eternal Tiger Master. The 2 sisters were prodigies and mastered the arts in 2 years. Mei Mei learned faster that Lei Lei and began getting arrogant because of it.
Oneday,The Eternal Tiger Master decided to retire from teaching and planned on giving ownership to his studio to one of the Sisters..he chose Lei Lei. In a fit of jealous rage,Mei Mei killed most of the students and left the studio,promising to start her own.
Still craving power,Mei Mei both summons and sells her soul to the Legendary Demon Witch,Lita Lacerater. Lacerater grants Mei Mei super human powers in exchange for her first born son. Mei Mei agrees.
Years later,both Sisters have children (lei lei legitimately,mei mei illegitimately),both boys. Mei Mei gives her Son up to Lita Lacerater as promised,but Lita decides that one baby to raise as an Elite Dark Warrior isn't enough and promises Lei Lei absolute power,if she brings her Lei Lei's child,as well as Lei Lei's head. Mei Mei agrees.
Mei Mei's mission leads to a battle between the sisters,with Mei Mei getting killed. Lita Lacerater appears and kills Lei Lei and her husband,but before she could take the baby,The Eternal Tiger Master appears and defeats Lacerater. Double L escapes promising revenge.
The Eternal Tiger Master decides to raise Lei Lei's child himself and move to America. The childs name is Brucie Chan (chan being the fathers surname). ETM settles down in a place called Metro City. Meanwhile,Lita Lacerater returns to her realm to raise Mei Mei's son,Daos.
Fearing that Lita Lacerater will return,The Eternal Tiger Master creates 3 special daggers,called the Tiger Blades,which will give the owner an edge against the evil forces. And when the users bring the 3 blades together,they become a Super Fighting Force known as Triple Tiger.
Many years later,Daos (now known as the darklord daos) returns to his realm with intentions of World Domination. Daos soon starts a criminal gang and later creates supernatural beings and monsters to help him.
Brucie,on the other hand,grew up to be an awesome Kung-Fu Master and fighter for Justice and even worked as a special enforcer for Metro City PD. Soon he gets married and has Triplets: 2 Girls and 1 Boy. Each born with a Mystical Tiger Birthmark on their left arms. The Triplets names are: Billy,Jill,and Amy.
Sensing the birth of the Triplets and realising the great potential they possess,Darklord Daos plots to kidnap his Cousin's children and raise them himself.
And So,Darklord Daos and his Gang,the Dark Arts Syndicate,kills the mother and father and begins Kidnaping the children. However,the Eternal Tiger Master manages to save two: Jill and Billy.
After a Major custody fight,Brucie's Wife's Brother,a biker,wins guardianship of one of the twins,Jill.
The Triplets are raised in very different ways: Billy becomes a rightious Tiger Kung-Fu Master under The Eternal Tiger Master. Amy becomes the powerful and Snarkey Co-Leader of the Dark Arts Syndicate. And Jill becomes a badass biker,like her uncle.
It is destined that the Triplets shall reunite. And with the help of the Tiger Blades,and the collossal battle mech known as Tiger-Robo,the Trio will defeat the forces of darkness.
That time is coming soon.
Bikes and Dragons (beta title): It is the 30th century,a nasty 10-Year World War has made the Earth barren and almost unlivable. Mighty Nations have crumbled and what's left of Mankind is forced to live on newly discovered islands,which are more environmentally friendly.
Another after effect of this war,was the awakening of an all mighty lost species,long thought to be legend,The Dragons. The Dragons have come and want to rule the Earth.
Dragons now live among Man,and things aren't that great. The Dragons are a problem and the International Alliance,formerly the U.N,has deemed them Endangered species,illegal to kill.
It is decided by the International Alliance that The Dragons would be brought to a newly discovered Island,which will serve as a Sanctuary. They hire a Special Dragon Task Force to capture the Dragons.
One Man,a cool-blooded Biker and Bounty Hunter,Jack Ten'nou,intends on capturing the Dragons and selling them to either the highest bidder or ones with an offer that he likes. Despite this,There Are parties that he Won't deal with,however,such as poachers and slayers.
Jack isn't working alone. There's Shabazz,Jack's humorist friend and Mechanic. And Janna Hogan,a persistent dragon enthusiast,turned scientist,who wants to study the Dragons.
Jack faces many other things other than the Dragons. Rival Bounty Hunters,Poachers,Dragon Slayers,the Dragon Taskforce,and even Politicians stand in his way.
MVW Presents Animated Wrestling Federation: It's MVW's answer to WWE's Southpaw Regional Wrestling..only with cartoony and colorful characters.
MVW - The Animation: An Animated series based around MVW. Details coming eventually
Untitled SpeedRunner Show: 2-4 contestents compete to see who can finish a retro game first. features a 2-4 player split screen.
V.S. Mode: Another show centered around retro video games. This one features fighting,wrestling and sports titles.
Club 90's: A fun variety show celebrating most things 90's. Not all things,due to this being a family show.
Radio Retro: Playing Music from the 70's,80's,and 90's
Retro Radio - Retro Gamers Edition: Playing game music from the 80's and 90's.
Laser Gunners (beta name): A laser-tag combat show. Will feature multiple mach types.
And those are the latest batch of show ideas for Modern Vintage TV.
Thanx 4 reading!
Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold!!
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Koopalings Name Mashups!
Hey Toonsters,
As we all know that I am a sucker when it comes to video game based cartoons. But no cartoon was that awesome than The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3. Of all the 3 Mario cartoons around the late 80s and into the early 90s, AOSMB3 was the best one of them all. But the only pet peeve I got with the show (besides being a bit repetitive and the fact that Bowser is called King Koopa (although in Japan he was always called King Koopa)) was the names of the Koopalings. Here's a little background about this jumbled up situation.
Before being released in the States, in Japan, the Koopalings never got their official names. So the game was localized for a worldwide release, the cartoon versions of the Koopalings got names that are different from the ones from the games:
Cheatsy Koopa
Big Mouth Koopa
Kootie Pie Koopa
Hop Koopa
Bully Koopa
Hip Koopa
Kooky von Koopa
But by the time game was finally was released worldwide, the Koopalings got their official names. Each one of them were named after a well-known musicians:
Larry Koopa (named after Larry Mullen, Jr. of U2)
Morton Koopa, Jr. (named after musician and controversial talk show host, Morton Downey, Jr. (no relation to Robert Downey, Jr., by the way.)
Wendy O. Koopa (named after Wendy O. Williams)
Iggy Koopa (named after Iggy Pop)
Roy Koopa (named after Roy Orbison)
Lemmy Koopa (named after Lemmy Kilmister (RIP) of MotorHead (yes, the ones who did Triple H's themes))
Ludwig von Koopa (named after Ludwig von Beethoven (DUH!!))
Since that time, many of the Mario fanbase are divided over which name of the Koopalings suits them best. So, I came up with the solution. What of we mashed the names up? I thought about that so I came up with the best possible solution to our name problem so here it is:
Larry Koopa + Cheatsy Koopa = "Cheatsy" Larry
Morton Koopa, Jr. + Big Mouth Koopa = "Big Mouth" Morton
Wendy O. Koopa + Kootie Pie Koopa = "Kootie Pie" Wendy
Iggy Koopa + Hop Koopa = Iggy Hop (which makes perfect sense since he is named after Iggy Pop)
Roy Koopa + Bully Koopa = "Bully" Roy (Think wrestler Bully Ray, but with Roy instead of Ray)
Lemmy Koopa + Hip Koopa = Lemmy Hip-Meister (paying homage to Lemmy Kilmister himself)
Ludwig von Koopa + Kooky von Koopa = "Kooky" Ludwig
And there you have it. What do you think of my mashup names? If Nintendo pays attention to this, I just hope and pray they use the names from the cartoons as their nicknames for future games. A gamer can dream, can't I?
Monday, September 18, 2017
Farewell Brain!
Today,we at the American Cartoon Federation mourn the loss of Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Not just a simple heel manager or commentator,but a Legend of great character.
Thoughout his time as a Manager,Bobby Heenan guided the carrers of many WWE Superstars,with Andre The Giant,'Ravishing' Rick Rude and 'Mr Perfect' Curt Hennig being his star players.
Although a good manager,Bobby Heenan is best known for his work as a Color Commentator and Show Host. His chemistry with Gorilla Monsoon was outstanding. Fun Fact: The Brain and Gorilla were good friends in real life.
Bobby Heenen wasn't just a good manager,he was also a great commentator,and a funny man to boot.
After his WWE tenure,Bobby Heenan left for WCW,where he'd continue to entertain us Wrestling Fans for years to come.
Farewell Brain....And Thank You!
Raymond Louis Heenan aka Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
November 1, 1944 – September 17, 2017
Thoughout his time as a Manager,Bobby Heenan guided the carrers of many WWE Superstars,with Andre The Giant,'Ravishing' Rick Rude and 'Mr Perfect' Curt Hennig being his star players.
Although a good manager,Bobby Heenan is best known for his work as a Color Commentator and Show Host. His chemistry with Gorilla Monsoon was outstanding. Fun Fact: The Brain and Gorilla were good friends in real life.
Bobby Heenen wasn't just a good manager,he was also a great commentator,and a funny man to boot.
After his WWE tenure,Bobby Heenan left for WCW,where he'd continue to entertain us Wrestling Fans for years to come.
Farewell Brain....And Thank You!
Raymond Louis Heenan aka Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
November 1, 1944 – September 17, 2017
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Jason's Gallery - Hurricane Irma tribute art
In the wake of the destruction, given by Hurricane Irma, I give you some fan art that will bring light to a world full of darkness.
Here we have Ami Mizuno, praying to the good-hearted people of Florida, who are no strangers to hurricanes. This was made and finished around Ami's birthday and before the anniversary of 9/11. In times of need, we pray that her intellect can gets through the dark times.
Florida wasn't the only state affected by Irma. It landed at Alabama, South Carolina and especially Georgia. Why Georgia, you ask? Because Jodi Benson lives in Georgia and because of this hurricane, I prayed for her safety. I drew this in response to that realization. Unless she was someplace else safe, all I could think about was her well-being intact. If something bad happen to her, everything I work so hard to make my dreams come true would all be in vain. Hope she's okay.
To those affected by Irma. Give them strength to rebuild their homes and their lives. Let the light shatter the darkness. Stay frosty and God bless.
Here we have Ami Mizuno, praying to the good-hearted people of Florida, who are no strangers to hurricanes. This was made and finished around Ami's birthday and before the anniversary of 9/11. In times of need, we pray that her intellect can gets through the dark times.
Florida wasn't the only state affected by Irma. It landed at Alabama, South Carolina and especially Georgia. Why Georgia, you ask? Because Jodi Benson lives in Georgia and because of this hurricane, I prayed for her safety. I drew this in response to that realization. Unless she was someplace else safe, all I could think about was her well-being intact. If something bad happen to her, everything I work so hard to make my dreams come true would all be in vain. Hope she's okay.
To those affected by Irma. Give them strength to rebuild their homes and their lives. Let the light shatter the darkness. Stay frosty and God bless.
The Sleeper has not been awaken...yet.
Hey there, Toonsters,
I thought I drop by and give you my latest on where I have been doing. As you already know, I am still on my journey to understand friendship better. As we recall, I've been dwelling in the crossroads when I learned that friendship wasn't always true blue, whether it could be bought by those who use a fandom for the base ends of a channel full of edutainment (e.g. Tirek Schleiff using bronies to make them watch Discovery Family, just for MLP) or it can be broken like Barry Allen messing up the timeline, that nearly destroyed his bond with both Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow. But, even though the Sleeper hasn't been awaken...yet, I won't let my dilemma stop me from running my life, especially bring justice for those in not just animation, but all of fiction. I know I will find my answers eventually. Until then, I will continue to run my life according and not let this burden define my life. I know I will feel like Ash Williams from Evil Dead day by day, but I will fight on as I should. As I said before, for justice, for freedom, for honesty, for animation. And when it's all set and done, the world will be as Ash puts it in one little word...
I thought I drop by and give you my latest on where I have been doing. As you already know, I am still on my journey to understand friendship better. As we recall, I've been dwelling in the crossroads when I learned that friendship wasn't always true blue, whether it could be bought by those who use a fandom for the base ends of a channel full of edutainment (e.g. Tirek Schleiff using bronies to make them watch Discovery Family, just for MLP) or it can be broken like Barry Allen messing up the timeline, that nearly destroyed his bond with both Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow. But, even though the Sleeper hasn't been awaken...yet, I won't let my dilemma stop me from running my life, especially bring justice for those in not just animation, but all of fiction. I know I will find my answers eventually. Until then, I will continue to run my life according and not let this burden define my life. I know I will feel like Ash Williams from Evil Dead day by day, but I will fight on as I should. As I said before, for justice, for freedom, for honesty, for animation. And when it's all set and done, the world will be as Ash puts it in one little word...
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