Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold!!
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Jason's Gallery - Birthday Princess Usagi!
In honor of Sailor Moon's birthday, I present to you this wonderful fanart, where Usagi gets her present. A shiny, gold crown from none other than Princess Peach, a crown fit for a princess. This fanart is not only a birthday themed one, but also a shout to the first English voice of Sailor Moon, Tracey Moore, who also voiced Princess Peach in the last two Super Mario Bros. cartoons, when she was originally called Princess Toadstool.
Happy Birthday, Moonface! Let good fortune ring to your buns always!
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Jason's Gallery - Ryo and Tuxedo Mask vs. Jadeite!
Another fanart featuring the fictional shon-di (brothers) eternal, Ryo of the Wildfire and Tuxedo Mask. Only this time, they unite together to fight against one of the Dark Kingdom's Four Kings of Heaven (and according to my imagination the apprentice of Talpa (Arago) after being freed from his eternal slumber), Jadeite. For the longest, Jadeite was my favorite general to Queen Beryl and the only one who wasn't truly killed off like his fellow Kings of Heaven. And I wanted him to be a formidable foe to not just Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, but also Ryo of the Wildfire as well. After all, like I said before, his English name, Jedite, sounded like Jedi, which is linked to Star Wars, which in turn, makes Talpa the Japanese equivalent to Darth Vader. Anyway, although united, Ryo and Tux are facing a more determined and more powerful Jadeite, who is motivated with one goal: Revenge!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Jason's Gallery - Anubis & Sailor Saturn: Sunrise Embrace!
This fanart is one of the my earlier works. This one features Koma Toshitada aka Dark Warlord Anubis (Oni Masho Shuten Doji) and Hotaru Tomoe aka Sailor Saturn, embracing when the sun is rising. They both represent the season of rebirth, Spring, they are armed with scythe based weapons and above all, they started off evil, only to see the light and end up fighting for good. I was a bit of a novice back then when doing this, but at least, I gave it my all.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Jason's Gallery - Brothers Eternal! Tuxedo Mask & Ryo of the Wildfire
Speaking of brothers, this fanart I made was a long time coming ever since I grew accustomed to both Sailor Moon and Ronin Warriors. The pairing up of Sailor Moon's lover and protector, Tuxedo Mask and the leader of the Ronin Warriors and my favorite hero in anime, Ryo of the Wildfire. I picture the Green Hornet and Kato, Batman and Robin, The Lone Ranger and Tonto together when I paired Mamoru and Ryo together. There will be more of them in the future. For now, I know you will like this one. They truly are Shon-di (brothers in Cantonese), and that's saying something. And remember, every Green Hornet needs a Kato!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Jason's Gallery - Anime Jason & Rayjin
Our animated selves, our OCs, if you will. Anime Jason (that's me) and Stefan's avatar self, Rayjin, complete with his original design, but I modified it, from the hair, to giving him his extendable staff, giving him that Legend of the Monkey King feel and of course, his morpher for his Dekaranger form. Although his Destiny League stories won't go through, but his story is intertwined with mine. We're in this together. We are brothers from other worlds, in our quest to save the animated world from certain doom, whether it's from Igor the Terrible or Lord Vengstar of the V-Syndicate. It is our duty as animation crusaders to fight to save animation, or else there will be no future for any future artist or animator everywhere.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Jason's Gallery - Tough Choices
Apple Bloom: "Please, Jason. Please come back to Equestria. We y'all miss ya, especially Twilight."
Anime Jason: "I'm sorry, Apple Bloom. I cannot. As long as Tirek and Princess Celestia have a truce, I cannot go back. My friendship with the pony populace have been tainted by the very evil that wants animation dead and buried."
Hawkgirl: "You can't mean that. Certainly after what they have done for you. You can't abandon them now!"
Anime Jason: "I appreciate your help, Shayera. But, I have made my choice. I will continue my self-exile from Equestria, maybe forever. I'm sorry. My life, my soul, my body...my choice."
This fanart is based on a dream I had awhile back. It happened before the premiere of DC's Legends of Tomorrow and while Discovery Family continue to brainwash the brony populace with nothing but Edutainment drivel. The whole thing goes:
I was in my room, minding my own business, artwork, gaming, etc.. Then, I hear a doorbell ringing. My mother was out to work around that time. I remember her telling me not to open the door to anyone. Anyway, I came down and took a peak at the door to who it was. And to my shock and amazement, it was Ciara Renée and Michelle Creber, who were Hawkgirl from Legends of Tomorrow and Apple Bloom from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic respectively. I thought to myself: "How did they know where I live, better yet, how did they know who I am?" I know my mother told me not to open, but I made an exception just once and open the door and introduced myself to them. Then, in an act of friendship, Ms. Creber wanted to give an Apple Bloom plush toy. But, because of my current state of mind right now, especially with my gripe with Discovery and Henry "Tirek" Schleiff, I respectfully decline her gift. After that, I woke up and it made me think something about that dream. If I would've accepted the Apple Bloom plush toy, I would've given up my free will and humanity and end up watching Discovery Family because Schleiff wanted the bronies to watch My Little Pony, even if it means watching nothing but Edutainment that will make Litton Entertainment blush.
So the way I see it, refusing the Apple Bloom plush toy is like that little dialogue I have put up to go with my fanart. It is like Dune, when Paul Atreides has these dreams that is telling him something, especially his path towards his destiny.
The point is, I am proud brony, but I am not a slave of corporate greed either. And if what this dream is telling me, I will never break because of what Schleiff does to me. I had to sacrifice watching MLP in their later seasons to combat this evil and because of that, I missed out on everything on seasons 5 and 6, not only my favorite steed, Shining Armor, being a father, but also the CM Crusaders finally getting their marks. So until I am willing to watch them on a different format that is NOT Discovery Family, I will always think of Apple Bloom as the little filly that could AND will (that and her being a blank flank for the time being).
And if it means isolating myself and being alienated by other bronies, so be it. Like I said, I will never forget the life lessons of friendship by the ponies, including Twilight Sparkle. But my stance against Discovery Family and everything related to Tirek Schleiff stands. Forgive me, bronies, but I have made my decision. My life, my soul, my body...my choice.
Forgive me...Apple Bloom (Michelle Creber).
(Megaman Game Over Theme plays)
Friday, June 24, 2016
Scrapbook Projects for Cristina Vee and Tracey Moore are a GO!
Attention Moonies,
My friend and devoted moonie, Sara Dostal, has created two scrapbook projects for the following voice actors who are going to their respective conventions this year. The first one is for Cristina Vee, the voice of Sailor Mars from the VIZ redub at Anime Revolution and the other one for the first English voice of Sailor Moon, Tracey Moore, who was also the voice of Princess Peach/Princess Toadstool from the last two Super Mario Bros. cartoons at Anime Evolution. I know you don't have to go, but that doesn't mean you can't do your part. Here are some examples you could put on the scrapbooks:
For the Cristina Vee Scrapbook:
In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!
My friend and devoted moonie, Sara Dostal, has created two scrapbook projects for the following voice actors who are going to their respective conventions this year. The first one is for Cristina Vee, the voice of Sailor Mars from the VIZ redub at Anime Revolution and the other one for the first English voice of Sailor Moon, Tracey Moore, who was also the voice of Princess Peach/Princess Toadstool from the last two Super Mario Bros. cartoons at Anime Evolution. I know you don't have to go, but that doesn't mean you can't do your part. Here are some examples you could put on the scrapbooks:
For the Cristina Vee Scrapbook:
Sailor Mars and Rowen of the Strata (Tenku no Touma): Spirital Unity!
Rei cosplaying as Leifang from the Dead or Alive series, complete with a phoenix, which represents her Fire Soul Bird Attack. Lovely in a Qipao, don't you think?!
For the Tracey Moore Scrapbook:
Princess Peach and Mario cosplaying as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, or more accurately, Sailor Peach and Tuxedo Mario!
Usagi and Grandpa Hino as Princess Peach and her royal mushroom container, Toad! Not just a shout out to Tracey Moore herself, but also a shout out to the voice of both Toad and Grandpa Hino, John Stocker.
I know it isn't much, but Sara needs all the help she could get. If want to send her something for both scrapbooks (it doesn't have to be just drawings alone, you could add stickers or a fan letter and so forth), contact her through her email (cutepoetgirl@gmail.com). You have before August 1st (Cristina Vee Scrapbook) and August 15th (Tracey Moore Scrapbook) to get your submissions in. Every little bit helps. And Stefan, I know you are not crazy with the VIZ Media voice actors, but give them a chance (except for Nicolas Roye, his Shingo voice was terrible, no offense to him. Shingo was better off voiced by a girl, just like Veronica Taylor with Ash in Pokemon). Thank you for your time. Stay frosy, my friends and if you don't pledge in to help, well...
In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Disney Descendants/Power Ranger Fusion XOver
Ok,I won't lie,I actually Enjoyed Descendants,it was a fun movie and the 1st decent Disney Channel Original Movie in a while. Wicked World,on the otherhand,is just appauling.
I also like Power Rangers,mainly the 1st Saban Era (though some disney era seasons were decent).
Anyway,out of sheer bordom,I've decided to fuse xover these franchises together. For simplicity,I will be focusing mainly on Mighty Morphin'. Though this XOver is meant to go up to the end of In Space.
The stories would be the same as in Power Rangers,except Descendants characters,main villians,places,and elements replace their Power Ranger Counterparts. So it takes place on Auradon instead of Angel Grove (you get the idea). The Monsters and Grunts will be similarly themed.
The Powers,Weapons,and Zords,will remain the same,however.
One major change will be the addition of Villain and Hero protege's/apprentices.
Now here is the cast:
King Ben - The Red Ranger
Mal - Light Purple Ranger (she doesn't do pink)
Jay - Black Ranger
Carlos - Blue Ranger (he's more like billy cranston than you know)
Evie - Yellow Ranger (despite having more in common with kimberly personality-wise)
Prince Aziz (aladdin and jasmine's son) - Green Ranger (and later White Ranger)
The Spirit of Yen Sid - The Zordon. Yen Sid was turned into a spirit by Maleficent's Protege,Viletta,and sealed up in a giant Lava Lamp. But,he managed to seal Viletta and her mintions inside of a giant urn and launched it into space,where it landed on the moon.
The "Son" of Wall-E and Eve - The Alpha 5
Fairy Godmother - The Mr.Kaplin
The Genie - The Ernie
The Gaston Bros (Gill and Gaston Jr.) - The Bulk and Skull. Their secret goal is to impress their father,but when that fails,they decide to be cops instead.
Prince Chad Charming - A Recouring Character. Has a "Rich-Boy" Personality Archtype
Audrey - The Aisha.
Jane - A Recurring Character
Lonnie - The Rocky (female reds have been done before,so no big)
Doug - The Adam
Princess Cynthia Charming - A Recurring Character. Chad's younger sister.
Undecided Male Villain Kids and Hero Kids- Minor Recurring Character.
Jordan (genie and eden's daughter) - The Katherine. Jordan was born a free genie,but a powerful spell on her Bottle/Lamp by the villains,made her a "servant genie". The bad guys use her to help defeat the Rangers,but in the end Jordan resists and breaks the spell.
Uma - The Tanya
??? - The Ninjor
5 Atlantican Royals - The Aquatarian Ninja Rangers
Viletta - Maleficent's Apprentice/Protege. Wants to decimate Auradon after hearing about her Mentor's Ultimate Defeat.
One Of the Wicked Witches Flying Monkeys Mega Enhenced By Viletta's Magic - The Goldar
??? - The Finster
??? - The Scorpina
??? - The Squatt and Baboo
??? - The Putties
The Leader of the Friends on the Other Side aka The Head Mask - The Lokar
Lord Lich - The Lord Zedd. Apprentice of the Horned King and the King of Evil.
??? - The Z-Putties
Whoever Viletta's Brother is - The Rito Revolto
??? - The Tengas
Whoever Viletta's Father Is - The Master Vile
Note: Mal's Ninjazord will be the MiniDragon Zord,a modified version of the Crane Ninjazord. The top part of the zord is replaced with a tail that raises in its transformed state.
Well what do you think? I especially want Your input Jason.
Next time I talk about Descendants,it will be another XOver.....With Sailor Moon!
Stay Gold,Space Cowboy
I also like Power Rangers,mainly the 1st Saban Era (though some disney era seasons were decent).
Anyway,out of sheer bordom,I've decided to fuse xover these franchises together. For simplicity,I will be focusing mainly on Mighty Morphin'. Though this XOver is meant to go up to the end of In Space.
The stories would be the same as in Power Rangers,except Descendants characters,main villians,places,and elements replace their Power Ranger Counterparts. So it takes place on Auradon instead of Angel Grove (you get the idea). The Monsters and Grunts will be similarly themed.
The Powers,Weapons,and Zords,will remain the same,however.
One major change will be the addition of Villain and Hero protege's/apprentices.
Now here is the cast:
King Ben - The Red Ranger
Mal - Light Purple Ranger (she doesn't do pink)
Jay - Black Ranger
Carlos - Blue Ranger (he's more like billy cranston than you know)
Evie - Yellow Ranger (despite having more in common with kimberly personality-wise)
Prince Aziz (aladdin and jasmine's son) - Green Ranger (and later White Ranger)
The Spirit of Yen Sid - The Zordon. Yen Sid was turned into a spirit by Maleficent's Protege,Viletta,and sealed up in a giant Lava Lamp. But,he managed to seal Viletta and her mintions inside of a giant urn and launched it into space,where it landed on the moon.
The "Son" of Wall-E and Eve - The Alpha 5
Fairy Godmother - The Mr.Kaplin
The Genie - The Ernie
The Gaston Bros (Gill and Gaston Jr.) - The Bulk and Skull. Their secret goal is to impress their father,but when that fails,they decide to be cops instead.
Prince Chad Charming - A Recouring Character. Has a "Rich-Boy" Personality Archtype
Audrey - The Aisha.
Jane - A Recurring Character
Lonnie - The Rocky (female reds have been done before,so no big)
Doug - The Adam
Princess Cynthia Charming - A Recurring Character. Chad's younger sister.
Undecided Male Villain Kids and Hero Kids- Minor Recurring Character.
Jordan (genie and eden's daughter) - The Katherine. Jordan was born a free genie,but a powerful spell on her Bottle/Lamp by the villains,made her a "servant genie". The bad guys use her to help defeat the Rangers,but in the end Jordan resists and breaks the spell.
Uma - The Tanya
??? - The Ninjor
5 Atlantican Royals - The Aquatarian Ninja Rangers
Viletta - Maleficent's Apprentice/Protege. Wants to decimate Auradon after hearing about her Mentor's Ultimate Defeat.
One Of the Wicked Witches Flying Monkeys Mega Enhenced By Viletta's Magic - The Goldar
??? - The Finster
??? - The Scorpina
??? - The Squatt and Baboo
??? - The Putties
The Leader of the Friends on the Other Side aka The Head Mask - The Lokar
Lord Lich - The Lord Zedd. Apprentice of the Horned King and the King of Evil.
??? - The Z-Putties
Whoever Viletta's Brother is - The Rito Revolto
??? - The Tengas
Whoever Viletta's Father Is - The Master Vile
Note: Mal's Ninjazord will be the MiniDragon Zord,a modified version of the Crane Ninjazord. The top part of the zord is replaced with a tail that raises in its transformed state.
Well what do you think? I especially want Your input Jason.
Next time I talk about Descendants,it will be another XOver.....With Sailor Moon!
Stay Gold,Space Cowboy
Friday, June 10, 2016
Thursday, June 9, 2016
The 80's Were Totally Rad!
Warning: This is a List Of Nostalgic Things From The 80's and nothing more. I did one on the 90's,so I figured I'd make one for the 80's too. This is for every single 80's kid.
Do You Remember These?
*Various 80's Music Plays*
21 Jump Street
Night Rider
The A-Team
Different Strokes
Growing Pains
Family Ties
Who's The Boss?
The Wonder Years
Perfect Strangers
Family Matters
Doogie Howser MD
Married...With Children
The Simpsons
The Cosby Show
Voltron: Defender of the Universe
G.I.Joe: The Real American Hero
The Transformers aka Transformers Generation 1
He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe
She-Ra: Princess Of Power
Thundarr The Barbarian
Chuck Norris' Karate Kommandos
The Centurions
The Real Ghostbusters
Dennis The Menace
Inspector Gadget
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show
Legend of Zelda (cartoon)
The Disney Afternoon
Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers
Saturday Supercade
Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N Wrestling
Garfield And Friends
Muppet Babies
Peewee's Playhouse
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ('87)
Ninja Turtle-Mania
CBS Storybreak
The Adventures of the Gummie Bears
Captain N: The Game Master
Alvin and The Chipmunks
Mr.T (cartoon)
Kidd Video
Saved By The Bell (the first main season)
Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends
Pac-Man (cartoon)
Dungeons and Dragons (cartoon)
Ruby-Spears Productions
The USA Network Cartoon Express
Pinwheel (the pre-nickelodeon)
Double Dare
You Can't Do That On Television
Nick Jr.
The Disney Channel
Kids Incorperated
The Muppet Show (the later seasons)
Batman ('89)
Rocky III
Rocky IV
Rocky V
Back To The Future
Back To The Future Part II
The Karate Kid
The Karate Kid Part II
The Karate Kid Part III
Ghostbusters 2
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Superman 3
Superman 4: The Quest for Peace
The Wizard
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
The Little Mermaid
Transformers: The Movie
G.I.Joe: The Movie
UHF (movie)
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
E.T. (movie)
80's DC Comics
80's Marvel Comics
Atari 2600
Various Atari 2600 commercials
Chopper Command
Pole Position
E.T. (game)
Space Invaders
The Nintendo Entertainment System aka The NES
Various NES Commercials
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.2 (our version)
The Legend Of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Kid Icarus
Final Fantasy
Double Dragon
Mega Man 2
Duck Hunt
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
The Power Glove (it's so bad!)
Nintendo Gameboy
Super Mario Land
Nintendo Power
The Sega Master System
The Alex Kid Series
The Wonderboy Series
Phantasy Star
The Sega Genesis
The "Genesis Does What Nintendon't" Ads.
Altered Beast
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
The Arcades
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (arcade)
Pac-Man Fever
The Various Board Games
The Various Popular Toy Lines
VHS Tapes
Audio Cassettes
Boom Boxes
Boxy TV's.....with Rabbit Ears.
Blockbuster (the video rental place)
The World Wrestling Federation
WWF Saturday Night's Main Event
WWF Tuesday Night Titans
WWF Coluseum Home Video
Piper's Pit
Wrestlemania 1-5
National Wrestling Alliance: World Championship Wrestling
The 4 Horsemen
Dusty Rhodes' "Hard Times" Speech.
Casey Kasem
Michael Jackson
Weird Al Yankovic
Mike Tyson
Hulk Hogan
Chuck Norris
The Popular Fashion (which was terrible)
Plus,Some Of The Music.
*The Music Ends*
Long Live The Nostalgia-Ites!!!
Do You Remember These?
*Various 80's Music Plays*
21 Jump Street
Night Rider
The A-Team
Different Strokes
Growing Pains
Family Ties
Who's The Boss?
The Wonder Years
Perfect Strangers
Family Matters
Doogie Howser MD
Married...With Children
The Simpsons
The Cosby Show
Voltron: Defender of the Universe
G.I.Joe: The Real American Hero
The Transformers aka Transformers Generation 1
He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe
She-Ra: Princess Of Power
Thundarr The Barbarian
Chuck Norris' Karate Kommandos
The Centurions
The Real Ghostbusters
Dennis The Menace
Inspector Gadget
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show
Legend of Zelda (cartoon)
The Disney Afternoon
Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers
Saturday Supercade
Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N Wrestling
Garfield And Friends
Muppet Babies
Peewee's Playhouse
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ('87)
Ninja Turtle-Mania
CBS Storybreak
The Adventures of the Gummie Bears
Captain N: The Game Master
Alvin and The Chipmunks
Mr.T (cartoon)
Kidd Video
Saved By The Bell (the first main season)
Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends
Pac-Man (cartoon)
Dungeons and Dragons (cartoon)
Ruby-Spears Productions
The USA Network Cartoon Express
Pinwheel (the pre-nickelodeon)
Double Dare
You Can't Do That On Television
Nick Jr.
The Disney Channel
Kids Incorperated
The Muppet Show (the later seasons)
Batman ('89)
Rocky III
Rocky IV
Rocky V
Back To The Future
Back To The Future Part II
The Karate Kid
The Karate Kid Part II
The Karate Kid Part III
Ghostbusters 2
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Superman 3
Superman 4: The Quest for Peace
The Wizard
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
The Little Mermaid
Transformers: The Movie
G.I.Joe: The Movie
UHF (movie)
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
E.T. (movie)
80's DC Comics
80's Marvel Comics
Atari 2600
Various Atari 2600 commercials
Chopper Command
Pole Position
E.T. (game)
Space Invaders
The Nintendo Entertainment System aka The NES
Various NES Commercials
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.2 (our version)
The Legend Of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Kid Icarus
Final Fantasy
Double Dragon
Mega Man 2
Duck Hunt
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
The Power Glove (it's so bad!)
Nintendo Gameboy
Super Mario Land
Nintendo Power
The Sega Master System
The Alex Kid Series
The Wonderboy Series
Phantasy Star
The Sega Genesis
The "Genesis Does What Nintendon't" Ads.
Altered Beast
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
The Arcades
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (arcade)
Pac-Man Fever
The Various Board Games
The Various Popular Toy Lines
VHS Tapes
Audio Cassettes
Boom Boxes
Boxy TV's.....with Rabbit Ears.
Blockbuster (the video rental place)
The World Wrestling Federation
WWF Saturday Night's Main Event
WWF Tuesday Night Titans
WWF Coluseum Home Video
Piper's Pit
Wrestlemania 1-5
National Wrestling Alliance: World Championship Wrestling
The 4 Horsemen
Dusty Rhodes' "Hard Times" Speech.
Casey Kasem
Michael Jackson
Weird Al Yankovic
Mike Tyson
Hulk Hogan
Chuck Norris
The Popular Fashion (which was terrible)
Plus,Some Of The Music.
*The Music Ends*
Long Live The Nostalgia-Ites!!!
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Goodbye Champ!
Ladies and Gentlemen,Muhammed Ali,the Greatest Boxing Champion ever,has died. He died of respiratory complications. He was 74.
Ali was a true Boxing legend. His fights with Sonny Liston,George Forman,and longtime rival Joe Frasier were among the greatest bouts in Boxing History. And how about those interviews he gave? Pretty amusing stuff,huh? Inside the Ring or out,Ali was one entertaining guy.
He had a total of 61 fights,with 56 wins and 5 losses. But,Ali was more than just a Boxer,he was a Humanitarian. He was also a good man and a good father.
Now,I'm more of a Wrestling Guy than a Boxing Guy,but there's no denying that I Loved watching Muhammed Ali in action. He really Could Float Like A Butterfly And Sting Like A Bee.
And now,he's gone. You may be Dead Muhamned Ali,but your Legacy will live on Forever.
R.I.P. Muhammed Ali
January 17th 1942 - June 3rd 2016
Ali was a true Boxing legend. His fights with Sonny Liston,George Forman,and longtime rival Joe Frasier were among the greatest bouts in Boxing History. And how about those interviews he gave? Pretty amusing stuff,huh? Inside the Ring or out,Ali was one entertaining guy.
He had a total of 61 fights,with 56 wins and 5 losses. But,Ali was more than just a Boxer,he was a Humanitarian. He was also a good man and a good father.
Now,I'm more of a Wrestling Guy than a Boxing Guy,but there's no denying that I Loved watching Muhammed Ali in action. He really Could Float Like A Butterfly And Sting Like A Bee.
And now,he's gone. You may be Dead Muhamned Ali,but your Legacy will live on Forever.
R.I.P. Muhammed Ali
January 17th 1942 - June 3rd 2016
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