Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Day the Power Died - The Death of Lou Scheimer!

This is ACF News Bulletin.  Lou Scheimer, the father figure of the legendary cartoon studio Filmation, has died on October 18, 2013.  He was 85 years old. Scheimer, who founded Filmation since the 60s until its demise in the 90s, gave us some of the awesome cartoons from yesteryear.  Whether it's animated adaptations of fictional heroes like Tarzan, Zorro, The Lone Ranger, Superman, Batman, and Star Trek, or gave us the famed cartoons from the 70s and the 80s, including Ghostbusters (not to be confused with the other Ghostbusters from Columbia Pictures), Fat Albert (Hey, Hey, Hey!), Bravestar,Blackstar, and of course, arguably two of the best animation shows in the 80s, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and its spin-off, She-Ra: The Princess of Power.  Not only he founded Filmation, but he did voice work those cartoons I have mentioned, including voicing Orko. His death comes from not only quadruple bypass surgery, but from being diagnose with Parkinson's Disease.  Either way, his death has send a seismic shock of 10.0 to those who grew up with cartoons from the 60s, 70s and 80s, including Stefan and myself.  He is survived by most of his family, including his daughter, Erica, who did voice work in Filmation's cartoons as well.

I always think that animation as a whole is in danger.  But with the death Mr. Scheimer, that statement couldn't be more true.  But, here in the American Cartoon Federation, even if someone we idolizes died, we have pledged to fight on and keep the memory of those who have since passed away all not be in vain, insuring that animation has a place in the world.  Here's to you, Lou. Godspeed and thanks for the good memories and all the life lessons you have given us in your cartoons.

(TAPS plays)

This has been an ACF News Bulletin.  Thank you.


Stefan said...

Truly a Loss. The Man was great. He Was a Pioneer of American Animation.

R.I.P. Lou.

KingsSideCastle said...

Wow...Lou Scheimer was responsible for a lot of cool shows. He definitely deserves a lot of props. Nice commemoration RekkaDragon. ^_^

RekkaDragonJay said...

Thanks. While Snyder is hated because of his hate for animation. Scheimer, on the other hand, he was well-loved and respective by his peers and those who grew up watching the cartoons he produced. He understood the balance in animation when he combined action with life lessons. That's how I became a well-developed person. I just hope the next generation could see what he have experience when we were their age. Once again, thank you. I means a lot to me and for Mr. Scheimer.