Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
VICTORY!! The PSN Store remains open for PS3 and PS Vita
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Super Smash Bros.Ultimate Predictions and Wants
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is winding down,according to Masahiro Sakurai,with only 2 More DLC fighters to go. I personally think that there's gonna be a 3rd Fighters Pass,but with only 3 fighters
Anyway,ever since WiiU/3DS,SmashFans have been making predictions on who's gonna join the roster next. They also have their own wishlists too. So,Today,I'm gonna make my Own Predictions and Wishlist for Smash Ultimate.
Now I predict that that the Next (or final 2,according to sakurai) Fighters will be either Ryu Hayabusa,RayMan,Crash Bandicoot,A Monster Hunter Rep,Gen 8 Pokemon Cinderace,and Dante.
2 of these Fighters are likely to be in Smash next. Now for my Mii Costume Predictions.
For Mii Brawlers:
- Chun-Li (street fighter; providing she's not a fighter)
- Cammy (street fighter)
- Guile (street fighter)
- Akuma (street fighter; providing he's not a fighter)
- M. Bison (street fighter; providing he's not a fighter)
- Dan Hibiki (street fighter)
- Axel Stone (streets of rage)
- Blaze Fielding (streets of rage)
- Tails (sonic the hedgehog)
- Pheonix Wright (pheonix wright)
- Shadow the Hedgehog (sonic the hedgehog)
- Waluigi (super mario)
- Spyro the Dragon (spyro the dragon)
- Crash Bandicoot (crash bandicoot; provided my prediction was wrong)
- Pauline (super mario)
- Dr. Eggman (sonic the hedgehog)
- Ray Man (rayman; provided my prediction was wrong)
For Mii Sword Fighters:
- Crono (chrono trigger)
- Ryu Hayabusa (ninja guiden; provided my prediction is wrong)
- Another Monster Hunter Rep (monster hunter; provided that my prediction is wrong)
- Sora (kingdom hearts)
- Zero (mega man zero)
- Amy Rose (sonic the hedgehog)
For Mii Gunners:
- Master Chief (halo)
- Doom Guy (doom)
- Bass (mega man)
- Mega Man Voulnut (mega man legends)
- Lara Croft (tomb raider)
So I predict that at least 5 of these costumes will make the cut. Now it's time to unleash my Personal Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Wishlist.
For Actual Fighters;
- Chun-Li
- M.Bison
- Akuma
- Dr.Eggman
- Ryu Hayabusa
- Crash Bandicoot
- Cynthia (would play like the Pokemon Trainer. her pokemon would be milotic,spiritomb,and garchomp)
Now for the Mii Fighter costumes I want.
For Mii Brawlers:
- Chun-Li (street fighter; providing she's not a fighter)
- Cammy (street fighter)
- Guile (street fighter)
- Akuma (street fighter; providing he's not a fighter)
- M. Bison (street fighter; providing he's not a fighter)
- Waluigi (super mario)
- Dr. Eggman (sonic the hedgehog; provided he isn't chosen to be a fighter)
- Billy Lee (double dragon)
- Jimmy Lee (double dragon)
- Axel Stone (streets of rage)
- Blaze Fielding (streets of rage)
- King Hippo (punch-out)
- Dr. Wily (mega man)
- Battletoad Rash (battletoads)
- Battletoad Zitz (battletoads)
- Battletoad Pimple (battletoads)
- Dixie Kong (donkey kong country)
- Centurian (altered beast;wolf mode)
- Alex Kidd (alex kidd)
For Mii Sword Fighters:
- Crono (chrono trigger)
- Ryu Hayabusa (ninja guiden; provided my prediction is wrong)
- Eggplant Wizard (kid icarus)
- Squall Lionheart (final fantasy 8)
- Terra Branford (final fantasy 6)
- Mai Shiranui (fatal fury/king of fighters; wearing the real bout fatal fury outfit)
- Ax Battler (golden axe)
- Tyrus Flare (golden axe)
- Master Higgins (adventure island)
For Mii Gunners:
- Master Chief (halo)
- Stanley the Bugman (donkey kong 3)
- Bass (mega man)
- Mega Man Voulnut (mega man legends)
- Lara Croft (tomb raider)
I'm hopeful that,at least,Most of these costumes will be added. Anyway,now that I've revealed my Smash Ultimate Predictions and Wishlists,what are yours? Sound off below.
Until Next Time,
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Quick Update 4/13/2021
Hey there,
Thought I give you a quick update. As you know, I am back doing my blogs here at Retro Rebellion, but I am doing one blog at a time (unless it's a quick one, meaning 2 or 3 blogs). But, I am doing everything I can to make a difference, not just for animation, but also for gaming, too. Speaking of which, in case you didn't hear, Sony Interactive Entertainment is closing down the PSN store off our PS3, PSP and PS Vita consoles, starting July 2nd, in favor for PS4 and PS5 content only. And I am fighting against this bend over backwards decision done by SIE. The Playstation brand is big enough for all consoles, including the PS3. Why couldn't they just make a separate PSN webstore for those aforementioned consoles? Anyway, if you want to fight back against this injustice, the link to a petition to stop the inevitable PSN store closing is below the end of the blog. It is not just modern gamers that would be effect, but also retro gamers like me and Stefan. Unless they make the DLCs free to download, this is a mistake. Just like with voice actors, I am fighting for all gamers, as well. It's time we take to Sony and their crooked business decisions.
Saraba da (Farewell)...for now.
Petition: Sony, please don't shut down the PSN store on PS3 & PS Vita
Link: https://www.change.org/p/sony-sony-please-don-t-shut-down-the-psn-store-on-ps3-ps-vita
Jason's Gallery - She-Hulk: Savage Femininity
The following fan art is a page by page transformation sequence of Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk. Hope you will like them.
Art by: Jason Ayala aka RekkaDragonJay
Written by: Unzipped, former moderator of the Homage to Savage She-Hulk fanpage
The Green Goddess was back! |
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Fantasy WrestleMania Card.
Today is WrestleMania Day,in-fact WrestleMania will be a 2-Day event this year. So to celebrate,I'm gonna be putting together My own Personal Fantasy WrestleMania Card,featuring WWE Superstars,Legends,and Hall of Famers.
Now there are no limits for selections. Meaning, I can use Wrestlers who are either Dead,Retired,or Working for another Wrestling Promotion. The Only rule is that they Must've been a WWE Superstar at some point. So guys like Harlem Heat,Various Low-Tier Members of the nWo,Ole Anderson,Nikita Koloff,etc will Not be part of this list. Same goes for the Commentators who never stepped foot into WWE.
Also,because every match on this Fantasy Card will be Dream Matches,I've decided to forgo having any Titles on the line. So no Championship Matches.
Anyway,on with that out of the way,let's get things started.
Host(s): Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.
Interviewer(s): "Mean" Gene Okerland,Todd Pettingil,and Kayla Braxton
Ring Announcer: Howard Finkle
Broadcast Team: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler
Pre-Show Match: American Alpha (Jason Jordan and Chad Gable) v The Steiner Bros. (Rick and Scott)
Opening Match: Matt Riddle (c) v RVD
Match 2: Kurt Angle v Mr. Perfect
Match 3: Tag Team Triple-Threat Match - Laycool (Michelle McCool and Layla) v The Iiconics (Billie Kay and Payton Royce) v The Bella Twins (Nikki and Brie)
Match 4: The Big Show v Andre the Giant
Match 5: 8-Man Tag: The New Day (Kofi Kingston,Xavier Woods,and Big E) and R-Truth v The Nation of Domination (Farrooq,D-Lo Brown,Kama Mustafa,and Mark Henry)
Special Attraction #1: Special Musical Preformance by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
Match 6: The Ultimate Warrior v Jake "The Snake" Roberts (the match that Never officially happened,but I wanted to happen)
Match 7: Triple Threat Tag Match - Edge and Christian v The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) v Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero. (Battle of The Best Buddy Tag Teams)
Match 8: Randy Orton v Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (not a dream match,but something that should be a great watch)
Match 9: 4-Woman Team Elimination Match - Chyna,Lita,Alundra Blaze,and Beth Pheonix v The 4 Horsewomen (Charlotte Flair,Sasha Banks,Becky Lynch,and Bayley)
Match 10: 10-Man Tag - The DX Army (Triple H,Shawn Michaels,X-Pac,"Road Dawg" Jesse James,and "Badass" Billy Gunn) v The Horsemen ("Nature Boy" Ric Flair,"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson,"The Crippler" Chris Benoit,"Man of 1000 Holds" Dean Melenko,and Barry Windham)
Special Attraction #2: Piper's Pit - Guest: "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes.
Match 11: Steel Cage Match - "The Animal" Dave Batista v "The Beast" Brock Lesnar (Retro rules apply. Meaning,that the only way to win is to either climb out of the cage or go through the cage door)
Match 12: Undertaker v Sting.
Penultimate Match: "Macho Man" Randy Savage v The Rock (Winner becomes the Undisputed "Most Electrifing Man In Sports Entertainment")
Main Event: 5-Way Generation Leader Battle - Bruno Sammartino v Hulk Hogan v Bret "Hitman" Hart v "Stone Cold" Steve Austin v John Cena.
This was a tough list and I had to ommit some cool match ideas. I might do Fantasy Cards for King of The Ring,SummerSlam,Survivor Series,Royal Rumble,Elimination Chamber,and Money in the Bank sometime.
Anyway,I'm done for today. Hope everyone enjoys WrestleMania 37. So until Next Time..
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys
Friday, April 9, 2021
Creating An Old-School Hero Dream Team (Live-Action)
Today,we're gonna do something a bit different. I'm gonna be creating a Live Action Old-School Hero Dream Team. Why? Just Because! Anyway,what I'm gonna be doing is list some Live-Action TV and Movie Characters from the Best Decades and giving them positions on the team.
One more thing. Jase,I'd like you to make your own Old-School Hero team. You like doing stuff like this,so it shouldn't be trouble for you. Now let's get to work.
Mr. Miyagi: The Wise and humorous Secondary Mentor of the Team.
Cordel Walker (Chuck Norris Version): The Team Leader. The Greatest Texas Ranger and an Awesome Martial Arts Expert.
Tommy Oliver: The 2nd In-Command. Uses his Master Morpher to transform into one of 4 Power Ranger forms.
Hercules (Kevin Sorbo Version): The Team's Strongman.
Iolaus: Hercules' Partner and Best Friend.
Xena: The Warrior Princess. Master of the Chakram. Great Swordfighter.
Gabrielle: Xena's Partner and Best Friend. Master of both the Staff And the Sais.
Joxer The Mighty: He's a bit of a Goof,but he means well and has proven himself on various occasions.
Mr.T: The Team Toughguy. He Pitties All Fools.
Emmet "Doc" Brown: Great Scott! He's the Team Genius/Inventer.
Weird Al Yankovic: The King of Parodies is the Team "Fun Guy". A Master of Disguise,with a Magic Accordion.
"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels: The Rogue of the Team. An Awesome Athlete,but is Egocentric.
Sting: The Loner. He comes and goes as he pleases. Helping out when things seem dire.
Other Allies include: Tim "The Toolman" Taylor,Al Borland,Tim Taylor,Toolgirl Heidi,Capt. Jean-Luc Picard and the Crew of the Enterprise,Commander Sisko and the Crew of DS9,Yoda,Luke Skywalker,Han Solo,Chewbacca,Leia,Dan LaRusso,Marty McFly,The Ghostbusters,The Power Rangers,Salmoneus,Shaq,Michael Knight and Kitt,MacGyver,"Renagade" Reno Raines,Rocky Balboa,Dr.Demento,The WWF Superstars,The WCW Superstars,The Fonz,Sabrina Spellman,Steve Urkle,and Autolycus.
And those are my picks for an Old-School Super Hero Team of Live-Action characters. I may do American Animated,Anime,and Video Game versions in the future. Oh,and remember Jase,If you wanna do this,your choices need to be characters from the 70's,80's,and 90's. Early 2000's is ok too,but mainly those 3 aformentioned decades.
Until Next Time,
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Favorite Weird Al Yankovic Songs
Weird Al Yankovic is a Mega-Genius! Whoelse can put together such awesome parodies so masterfully? And Al does more than just Parodies too,he also created some of the most original songs in Music History.
But,before I go into my history wkth Weird Al,I'm gona stop myself. Today,I thought I'd list my all time Favorite Weird Al Songs,Parody or Original,by Album.
Please note that I will NOT be listing the original songs and artists that Al parodied. For more info on that,go here: https://www.weirdal.com/archives/miscellaneous/parodies-polka/
On with the list!
"Weird Al" Yankovic (Album 1,1983)
- Ricky
- Stop Dragin' My Car Around
- I Love Rocky Road
- My Bologna
"Weird Al" Yankovic In 3D (Album 2,1984)
- Eat It
- The Brady Bunch
- Midnight Star
- I Lost On Jeopardy
- Mr. Popeil
- King of Suede
- The Theme to Rocky XII aka Rye or The Kaiser
- Nature Trail to Hell
Dare to Be Stupid (Album 3,1985)
- Like A Surgeon
- Dare To Be Stupid
- Yoda
- Cable TV
- This Is The Life
Polka Party (Album 4,1986)
- Living With A Hernia
- Here's Johnny
- Addicted To Spuds
Even Worse (Album 5,1988)
- Fat
- (This Song's Just) Six Words Long
- Lasagna
UHF (Album 6,1989)
- Money For Nothin'/Beverly Hillbillies
Off The Deep End (Album 7,1992)
- Smells Like Nirvana
- I Can't Watch This
- The White Stuff
- Taco Grande
Alapalooza (Album 8,1993)
- Jurassic Park
- Bedrock Anthem
- Frank's 2000" TV
- Talk Soup
- Livin' In The Fridge
- Harvey the Wonder Hamster
Bad Hair Day (Album 9,1996)
- Amish Paradise
- Everything You Know Is Wrong
- Cavity Search
- Callin' In Sick
- Gump
- Syndicated Incorperated
- Phony Calls
- The Night Santa Went Crazy
Running With Scissors (Album 10,1999)
- The Saga Begins
- My Baby's In Love With Eddie Vedder
- Pretty Fly For A Rabbi
- The Weird Al Show Theme
- Your Horoscope For Today
- All About The Pentiums
- Albuquerque
Pootle Hat (Album 11,2003)
- Couch Patato
- Hardware Store
- A Complicated Song
- Why Does This Always Happen To Me?
- EBay
- Genius In France
- Ode To A Superhero
Straight Outta Lynwood (Album 12,2006)
- White and Nerdy
- I'll Sue Ya
- Virus Alert
- Don't Download This Song
Alpocalypse (Album 13,2011)
- Party In The CIA
- Ringtone
- Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me
Mandatory Fun (Album 14,2014)
- Handy
- Sports Song
- Word Crimes
- First World Problems
- Lame Claim To Fame
- Foil
- Tacky
Misc (Uncatogorized)
- The Pac-Man
- Spy Hard
- Lousy Haircut
Weird Al has been entertaining the masses for 40+ Years and he hasn't missed a step. The Man's Still got it! Long Live Weird Al!
See Ya,Space Cowboys!