Thursday, April 11, 2019

What If?! - FUNimation dubs Sailor Moon!

Hey there, Toonsters!

Thought I take a break from all the reviews for a while and start a new blog series which I like the call "What If?!" Based on the Marvel Comics one shot alternate stories of what if this superhero never truly became a hero or a group of heroes having the same powers ( Spider-Man stopping the burglar and becoming an actor full time and the Fantastic Four having the same powers after their exposure to cosmic rays), this series will tell us about scenarios that WOULD happen, if certain issues didn't happen today, especially around the world of fiction and non-fiction. That being said, let us talk about the subject at hand, shall we?

As we all know, that as of late, I have not been the biggest fan of FUNimation that I use to be, regarding Vic Mignonga. But, there was a time that I was the biggest fan of FUNi, especially when it comes to the quality of dubbing anime, the right way, compaired to 4Kids. Long ago, FUNimation use to do a survey on what anime they would dub in their future projects. One of them is doing the whole original series of Sailor Moon, including Sailor Stars. Unfortunately, they goofed on that chance and the rights to redub the original (along with the reboot, Sailor Moon Crystal) ended up on the door step of VIZ Media, and the rest, as they say, was history.

And with Sailor Stars preparing to be released on May of this year, I am still planning to get all 5 seasons before getting the movies and Crystal. And until I get all the seasons, I will not do a review on the redubs for now. Believe me, I got a lot to say. But I assure you, my opinions will be honest and level-headed. That being said, VIZ Media thus far is doing a decent job on making sure that this redub stays true to the original Japanese version. Some of the voice actors I know did other works like in other animes and in video games, including Patrick Seitz, Kate Higgins, Veronica Taylor, Michael Sorich and Barbara Goodson. But, what if, what if all 5 seasons of Sailor Moon were dubbed, officially, by FUNimation? So sit back, relax and prepare to be amazed on what suggests I thought of if FUNimation DID redub Sailor Moon. After all, I did a video on this once, but I lost the main file. So, I will salvage whatever I can remember.

The following is a list of thoughts and suggestions that would make sense if FUNimation DID redub Sailor Moon:

- It would stay true to the original Japanese version.

- Original character names, transformation phrases and attack names would stay true to the original Japanese.

- English credits for both the opening and ending credits

- True High Definition quality for the DVDs and Blu-Rays, especially making it fit to all HDTVs (16:9 would make more sense better than 4:3; no black bars from left to right!)

- Every season would have a completed booklet, emphasis on "Complete" (VIZ Media almost got it right until the botched up the limited edition booklets for season 4; "WHAT DO YOU MEAN "To Be Announced" VOICED QUEEN NELHALENIA?!).

And last, but certainly not least, the right voices for the characters. For instance:

Laura Bailey: She would be a shoo-in to voice Usagi. I mean, her voice for Usagi is a cross between Sana Kurata from Kodocha and Touru Honda from Fruits Basket, both funny and sensitive at the same time. But, Usagi wouldn't be the only character she would voice. Ms. Bailey, addition voicing little girls and teenagers, can deepen her voice to sexiful levels, especially with Alv from Kiddy Grade, Rayne from BloodRayne, Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist and Christie from the Dead or Alive series, for I picked her to voice Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus as well.

Eric Stuart: I know what you are thinking. "But Jason, Eric Stuart was 4Kids bound. He was Brock, James and Seto Kaiba. He would never work for FUNimation!" But, he wasn't always 4Kids bound, for he did anime voice work elsewhere, for he did voiced Gourry from Slayers alongside Lisa Ortiz as Lina Inverse. And although he would only voiced him in the first dozen episodes of the first season, Mr. Stuart would be perfect as the voice of Jadeite. I would take his Seto Kaiba voice into an even more dark direction. But a boy can dream, can't I?

Lastly, since VIZ Media goofed in finding the voice of Usagi's brother, Shingo, if this was done by FUNimation, they would've gone the Veronica Taylor/Billie Lou Watt approach and use a female voice actor to voice Usagi's bratty brother. Probably Mona Marshall, who knows?

And there you have it. My first episode in my new blog series is now complete. If you have any suggestions and opinions on this blog, leave me a comment. Hope you find it fun and informative. Until next time, Toonsters. I will leave you with this fan video of the very subject I was talking about.

Saraba da! (Farewell!)


Stefan said...

Screw FUNimation! I Stand With Vic!

RekkaDragonJay said...

Me too. I thought I write something different for once.