Saturday, March 19, 2016

Questions I will ask to Kotono Mitsuishi (if I meet her one day)!

Mai Shiranui (left), Sailor Moon (middle) and Christie (right), three fictional characters all voiced by the one, the only, the KAWAII, Kotono Mitsuishi!

Hey there, Toonsters!
  I remember Stefan did a list of questions that he would ask Naoko Takeuchi, the creator of Sailor Moon, if he meets her one day. So I figured I do one myself. Only this time, and judging from this fanart I made, this one is about the famed Japanese voice actress, Kotono Mitsuishi, who does the voices of the bouncy kunoichi, Mai Shiranui from the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series (she only voiced her in the animes, except for the first one, Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf), Christie, the sexy AND dangerous master assassin from the Dead or Alive series, and last, but certainly not least, her most iconic voice of them all, as the Pretty Suited Soldier of Love and Justice, Sailor Moon. Of all the voices Kotono-chan voiced, these three are my most favorite. Anyway, here is my list of questions that I will ask her:

1. How did you get into Sailor Moon?

2. What is your favorite Sailor Moon moment?

3. Did voicing Sailor Moon had an impact on your career?

4. How does voicing Christie differs from voicing Sailor Moon?

5. How did you feel when you voiced another cheerful and fun character like Mai Shiranui?

6. Aside from Sailor Moon, what is your other favorite anime?

7. Are you a good screamer?

8. You think She-Ra would be a good teacher to Sailor Moon?

9. On a scale of 1 through 10, how do you rate Sailor Moon's cuteness?

10. What would happen if Sailor Moon comes face to face with Christie?

I know the questions are mostly Sailor Moon based, but at least they sound a bit good. 

And now, I will leave with a clip from Animazement 2008, with Kotono-chan and Keiko Han introducing themselves as Sailor Moon and Luna respectively, but with a twist, speaking English. No joke, man! Although they don't speak English that much, but at least put a lot of effort into it. Sayanara for now, and stay frosty, my friends!

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