Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Rise, Fall & (Possible) Rebirth of Sailor Moon! Part 10 - Closing!

It is now time for the closing statements from the Founder of The ACF!

First,I would like to thank Dragonranger aka Jason for this great series and hope he makes more in the future.

I've been a fan of Sailor Moon ever since 1996,when it was on the USA network. A great buddy of mine got me into it and at first,I didn't wanna watch it,automatically condeming the series as a girly show. But,i was wrong and was hooked on the show ever since. 

Sailor Moon was the very thing that made me rethink my position on female heroes. Before Sailor Moon,I didn't think highly of female heroes (or female warriors in general),but thanks to Sailor Moon,that changed.

But that's not all,because of Sailor Moon,I got into other animes and eventually Toonami. I was thrilled when I first heard that Sailor Moon would be on Toonami :D. Anyway,Sailor Moon also got me into other "female hero" shows,such as Xena: Warrior Princess. Sailor Moon was my first anime and to this day one of my all time favorite shows.  

Sailor Moon has influenced and inspired me in many ways,so it isn't just another Anime to me,it's something special. Something I will never ever forget or deny. And I'm not the only one either,as Sailor Moon inspires and influences hundreds of thousands around the world. The Moonie count is higher than you know.

So,thank you Naoko Takeuchi. Thank you for creating such a great series. Heres to another 20 years of Sailor Moon. 

And that,my friends,concludes The Rise, Fall & (Possible) Rebirth of Sailor Moon! I hope you all enjoyed it.

(Sailor Moon English ending theme plays)

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