There were a vast number of reasons why Bob Iger is on the list. Well,I'm gonna add unfair firing to those reasons. A few days ago,Bob Iger Fired Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn for disgusting tweets he made many years ago (infact they were made before he was hired in the first place). In reality He shoud've been suspended,not fired.
This unfair firing has driven the fans to call for either James Gunn's rehiring or Bob Iger's head! Here is a petition to re-hire James Gunn. It already has 320 Thousand + backers and day by day the numbers are growing.
I already signed this thing. Now it's everyone else's turn. Let's hope this petition makes Disney listen and relisze their big error.
Bob Iger has really dug himself into a deep deep craphole and the only way out is to listen to the,All Of The Time!
Until Next Time,
Stay Gold Space Cowboys
Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold!!
Friday, July 27, 2018
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
8 Things The Hub Network Did Way Better Then Disney,Nick,and CN!
The Hub Network was great. Pre-2013,the Network was The place to be for great family and kids entertainment. They sure as hell put The Other Big 3 (disney,nick,and cn) to shame. So today,I give you:
The 8 Things The Hub Network Did Way Better Then Modern Disney,Modern Nickelodeon,and Modern Cartoon Network!
Let's begin.
#8 - Nostalgia: This is one of the biggest things The Hub Network excelled at. From giving us a Retro-Sitcom block to bringing back old faves,The Hub never disappointed in this area. Disney's Idea of Nostalgia is giving us kitty shit from the Anne Sweeney Era. Nick gives us the 90's are All 10/11 at Night! And Cartoon Network doesn't believe in Nostalgia at all anymore (just look at boomerang).
#7 - Diversity: Unlike the Other Big 3,The Hub was awesome at Diversity as well. Unlike their competition,The Hub had a wide variety of shows. They never had to rely on just 1 genre of show (unlike the other big 3).
#6 - Program Direction: The Hub was superior in this area too. The line-ups just made sense. The Program Direction of the Other Big 3 Networks are just a putrid mess.
#5 - Huboom: A really great replacement for Toonami,need I say more. The Other Big 3 just don't believe in Program Blocks anymore.
#4 - Promoting The Right Shows: Unlike Today's Disney,Modern Nickelodeon,and The 2k Cartoon Network,The Hub almost Always promoted their greatest shows the most.
#3 - Creativity: When the Hub was still living,The Other Big 3 Networks were creativly bankrupt (in fact they still are). Not the Hub Network,though. From 2010-2013,creativity was overflowing on the Hub. Seriously their Bumpers,Shows,and Program Blocks were really really well done.
#2 - Consistency: The Hub was 200x more consistant than it's competitors.
#1 - Treating Their Audience Right: Up until 2013,The Hub Network always treated their auduence like they were people with smart promos and intellegently produced shows and blocks. Unlike the Other Big 3,which treated their audience like they were retards (in fact,they still do this).
Had Discovery showed this network Patience,it would've thrived and Destroyed the Other Big 3. But sadly,Network Execs are Super Retards.
So until next time,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!
The 8 Things The Hub Network Did Way Better Then Modern Disney,Modern Nickelodeon,and Modern Cartoon Network!
Let's begin.
#8 - Nostalgia: This is one of the biggest things The Hub Network excelled at. From giving us a Retro-Sitcom block to bringing back old faves,The Hub never disappointed in this area. Disney's Idea of Nostalgia is giving us kitty shit from the Anne Sweeney Era. Nick gives us the 90's are All 10/11 at Night! And Cartoon Network doesn't believe in Nostalgia at all anymore (just look at boomerang).
#7 - Diversity: Unlike the Other Big 3,The Hub was awesome at Diversity as well. Unlike their competition,The Hub had a wide variety of shows. They never had to rely on just 1 genre of show (unlike the other big 3).
#6 - Program Direction: The Hub was superior in this area too. The line-ups just made sense. The Program Direction of the Other Big 3 Networks are just a putrid mess.
#5 - Huboom: A really great replacement for Toonami,need I say more. The Other Big 3 just don't believe in Program Blocks anymore.
#4 - Promoting The Right Shows: Unlike Today's Disney,Modern Nickelodeon,and The 2k Cartoon Network,The Hub almost Always promoted their greatest shows the most.
#3 - Creativity: When the Hub was still living,The Other Big 3 Networks were creativly bankrupt (in fact they still are). Not the Hub Network,though. From 2010-2013,creativity was overflowing on the Hub. Seriously their Bumpers,Shows,and Program Blocks were really really well done.
#2 - Consistency: The Hub was 200x more consistant than it's competitors.
#1 - Treating Their Audience Right: Up until 2013,The Hub Network always treated their auduence like they were people with smart promos and intellegently produced shows and blocks. Unlike the Other Big 3,which treated their audience like they were retards (in fact,they still do this).
Had Discovery showed this network Patience,it would've thrived and Destroyed the Other Big 3. But sadly,Network Execs are Super Retards.
So until next time,Stay Gold,Space Cowboys!
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Should Michael Jackson Be In The Hall of Heroes?
This question's been bugging me all weekend and it needs to be answered definitively. Should Michael Jackson be part of the Hall of Heroes?
In the past,the late King of Pop has been accused of some horrible things in the past,which may or may not be true. But,on the other hand,he seemed like such a nice guy,who's done some great things and produced some really great music. This automatically disqualifies him to be on The List.
However,due to the accusations,Jackson is automatically into The Grey Area. But I know he deserves more,but can't put him in the Hall without seeming hypocritical. So here's the deal,I'm gonna put this decision in Your hands,guys.
Should MJ Join the Hall of Heroes? Let me know in the comments section.
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys
In the past,the late King of Pop has been accused of some horrible things in the past,which may or may not be true. But,on the other hand,he seemed like such a nice guy,who's done some great things and produced some really great music. This automatically disqualifies him to be on The List.
However,due to the accusations,Jackson is automatically into The Grey Area. But I know he deserves more,but can't put him in the Hall without seeming hypocritical. So here's the deal,I'm gonna put this decision in Your hands,guys.
Should MJ Join the Hall of Heroes? Let me know in the comments section.
Stay Gold,Space Cowboys
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Kelly Hu Tribute!
Otsuru and Karai; two beautiful and deadly gals, both voiced by the equally beautiful Kelly Hu! |
As she looks through the looking glass, Karai sees a window
through another world, where she sees the very person that reminded her
of herself. She sees the essence of Otsuru, a woman who is beautiful,
kind, but mostly sad. Seeing her presence reminded her of her mother, Tang Shen, who was
killed by Oroku Saki, The Shredder, during his blood feud with her real
father, Hamato Yoshi. Although her life ended due to circumstances
beyond her control, her essence, her spirit encourages her to not go
down the path she has gone through.
Otsuru: "You
have a good life ahead of you, Hamato Miwa. As long as you have friends
and family who truly care about you, you will never truly be alone. You
have great power, Miwa, use it well. Don't lose your head."
do Karai and Otsuru have in common? They are both voiced by the
talented, beautiful and sensual Kelly Hu. And this fanart is a tribute
to her and the characters she voiced. For both Karai (from the 2012
version of TMNT) and Otsuru (aka Okiku) from Afro Samurai are both
interesting and beautiful characters, but bound by tragedy. But the only
difference between these two is while Otsuru was killed for betraying
the Empty Seven Clan for proclaiming her love to Afro, Karai, on the
other hand, despite becoming a mutant serpent, turned tragedy into
triumph, after learning the truth of what really happened the night her
mother, Tang Shen was killed during the blood feud between her real
father, Hamato Yoshi aka Splinter and Oroku Saki aka The Shredder. That,
and the fact that Karai herself, to me anyway, bumped off Zatanna as
the Veronica to Kara Zor-El's Betty.
Anyway, as
both characters look on to each other through their own reflections,
they both carry the swords of the respective swordsmen, Otsuru carrying
Afro's sword while Karai carrying one of Leonardo's Katana Blades. And
why Karai has a snake on her arm instead of becoming a snake like
appendage in her mutant form? Let me sum it up for you. I wanted the
snake on her because even as a mutant serpent or as I like to call her in
the Japanese tongue, Hebe Hime (Serpent Princess), she couldn't
hold a sword if her arms become snakes themselves. And the second reason
for it? It is an homage to another character Kelly Hu played, for she
was the sorceress, Cassandra in the Mummy spin-off movie, The Scorpion
King, starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. In one scene, Cassandra took
out a snake, a King Cobra to be precised, out of a jar and pointed at
the main villain. Seeing that was a sign of things to come, for that's
when Karai becomes a mutant snake herself and instead of snakes on her
arms, her arms become snakes themselves.
there you have it. Although Otsuru is no longer among the living, from a
fanfiction point of view, her spirit will always watch over Karai and
guide her to do the right thing, even if she doesn't know it.
ALOHA, Kelly Hu! You are awesome! BOOYAKASHA!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Jason's Gallery - Sailor Moon & Godzilla: Legendary Icons!
The Pretty Soldier of Love and Justice and the King of the Monsters, legends in their own right! |
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
The Grey Area
As you know,The List is for People and Organization's that are truly corrupt and piss me off to no end. And that the Hall of Heroes are for the good People and Orgs,especially ones that I love.
But,there also exists a Grey Area,People and Orgs that don't belong in The Hall,but don't necessarily belong on The List either. So today,I'm gonna be listing some of those guys.
Haim Saban - He sold out big time and now because of it,his company,Saban Brands is going under. Not to mention that Saban Capital Group is failing at Everything they do. It's Disgusting. However,back in the day,Saban was Awesome. This man gave us lots of Quality programming. Thanks to Haim Saban We got shows like Power Rangers,Digimon,VR Troopers,Samurai Pizza Cats,and many more. Saban Entertainment was also good with Anime dubs. Haim Saban may suck now,but there's no denying his great legacy.
Alfred R. Khan and 4Kids Entertainment - The rapers of Saturday Morning TV...or at least,they were. Al Khan and his Org payed the price for their ways. However,In recent times,I've forgiven Al Khan for his twisted ways. Now that 4Kids is dead,I can.
Michael Eisner - From 2003-2005,Michael Eisner suffered from a Stupid and Greedy stage. Outside of TV,the Disney Brand was suffering thanks to lackluster Movies,mishandling of the Parks,ect. However,this was also the same man who Revived Disney back in '87. From then on,Eisner could do no wrong,he gave us great stuff like The Disney Renaissance,The Disney Channel,The Disney Afternoon,One Saturday Morning,Toon Disney,and many awesome shows. The man may suck now,but from 1987 - 2003,Michael Eisner was Just. Too. Sweeeeeeeet.
Eric Bischoff - The man who help save WCW is also the one who help destroy it. During his tenure as President of the company,Bischoff got a big ego (not as big a hogan's,though) and it damaged WCW from the inside. But still,without Eric Bischoff,WCW wouldn't be as cool as it once was. Plus,he gave us the really cool Elimination Chamber,so can't stay too mad at 'Ol Easy E.
Triple H - An Ego Maniac and Lord of Backstage Politics. And the True mastermind behind the Montreal Screwjob. In recent years,however,Triple H has changed his ways some And gave us NXT. He's also pretty good at booking matches and pushing the right people...unlike his father-in-law. Speaking of...
Vince K. McMahon - The way McMahon handles WWE is atrocious. He pushes the wrong people,his booking decisions are horrible,and his creative mind crap. Still,without Vince McMahon WWE wouldn't even exist today. We both Praise And Curse the name of Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
Margret Loesch - She got lazy and dumb during her time running the Hub Network. However,one Huge thing is keeping her from being on the List: She Was The Mastermind And Architect Behind Fox Kids! Without Mrs. Loesch,Fox Kids wouldn't exist. And without Fox Kids,Saturday Mornings in the 90's wouldn't be as great. She was also head of Children's Programming at NBC during the 80's.
Hulk Hogan - In recent times,Hulk Hogan has repented from 2 major major sins: Racism and partaking in Porn. Though this isn't the Only evil things Hogan has done. He helped killed WCW and Almost destroyed WWE thanks to his huge ego. But,there's something about Mr.Hogan that makes people (me included) like him as a performer,despite his Sins. Plus,he Did repent. So,Mr.Hogan can't be in the Hall,but he's not evil and twisted enough to be on the List.
And there you have it,a list of names and companies that are unfit for the Hall of Heroes,but not quite eligible to be on the List.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading and Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.
Haim Saban - He sold out big time and now because of it,his company,Saban Brands is going under. Not to mention that Saban Capital Group is failing at Everything they do. It's Disgusting. However,back in the day,Saban was Awesome. This man gave us lots of Quality programming. Thanks to Haim Saban We got shows like Power Rangers,Digimon,VR Troopers,Samurai Pizza Cats,and many more. Saban Entertainment was also good with Anime dubs. Haim Saban may suck now,but there's no denying his great legacy.
Alfred R. Khan and 4Kids Entertainment - The rapers of Saturday Morning TV...or at least,they were. Al Khan and his Org payed the price for their ways. However,In recent times,I've forgiven Al Khan for his twisted ways. Now that 4Kids is dead,I can.
Michael Eisner - From 2003-2005,Michael Eisner suffered from a Stupid and Greedy stage. Outside of TV,the Disney Brand was suffering thanks to lackluster Movies,mishandling of the Parks,ect. However,this was also the same man who Revived Disney back in '87. From then on,Eisner could do no wrong,he gave us great stuff like The Disney Renaissance,The Disney Channel,The Disney Afternoon,One Saturday Morning,Toon Disney,and many awesome shows. The man may suck now,but from 1987 - 2003,Michael Eisner was Just. Too. Sweeeeeeeet.
Eric Bischoff - The man who help save WCW is also the one who help destroy it. During his tenure as President of the company,Bischoff got a big ego (not as big a hogan's,though) and it damaged WCW from the inside. But still,without Eric Bischoff,WCW wouldn't be as cool as it once was. Plus,he gave us the really cool Elimination Chamber,so can't stay too mad at 'Ol Easy E.
Triple H - An Ego Maniac and Lord of Backstage Politics. And the True mastermind behind the Montreal Screwjob. In recent years,however,Triple H has changed his ways some And gave us NXT. He's also pretty good at booking matches and pushing the right people...unlike his father-in-law. Speaking of...
Vince K. McMahon - The way McMahon handles WWE is atrocious. He pushes the wrong people,his booking decisions are horrible,and his creative mind crap. Still,without Vince McMahon WWE wouldn't even exist today. We both Praise And Curse the name of Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
Margret Loesch - She got lazy and dumb during her time running the Hub Network. However,one Huge thing is keeping her from being on the List: She Was The Mastermind And Architect Behind Fox Kids! Without Mrs. Loesch,Fox Kids wouldn't exist. And without Fox Kids,Saturday Mornings in the 90's wouldn't be as great. She was also head of Children's Programming at NBC during the 80's.
Hulk Hogan - In recent times,Hulk Hogan has repented from 2 major major sins: Racism and partaking in Porn. Though this isn't the Only evil things Hogan has done. He helped killed WCW and Almost destroyed WWE thanks to his huge ego. But,there's something about Mr.Hogan that makes people (me included) like him as a performer,despite his Sins. Plus,he Did repent. So,Mr.Hogan can't be in the Hall,but he's not evil and twisted enough to be on the List.
And there you have it,a list of names and companies that are unfit for the Hall of Heroes,but not quite eligible to be on the List.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading and Stay Gold,Space Cowboys.
Malachite is now one with the Negaverse! RIP Denis Akiyama
Attention fellow moonies, and I give you this update with a very heavy heart. Denis Akiyama, the original English voice of Kunzite (who was called Malachite in the old dub), has died on June 28th, 2018, two days before Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibimoon's birthday. He was 66 years old.
Akiyama, was the original voice for Malachite in the old dub (and why he is not called Kunzite in the old dub, I'll never know), but he also did other voices, such as Dockwell from WILDC.A.T.S., Sunfire, Silver Samurai and Iceman in the 90s X-Men cartoon and did the narration for the Capcom game, Onimusha. Last time I saw Akiyama, he was in the Adam Sandler video game guilty pleasure, Pixels, where he played a fictional version of PAC-MAN co-creator, Toru Iwatani, who got his hand bitten off by his creation (Spoiler Alert: His hand grew back after Sam Brener and his fellow Arcaders saved the Earth).
No details on how he died. But, I know there are some moonies out there, who hate the old dub with a passion and say rude stuff like, "Good riddance," to Mr. Akiyama. To those who are not true moonie for thinking that, I say, SHAME ON YOU!! You all should be grateful towards the English dub and its voice actors. We wouldn't got to know Sailor Moon, if it wasn't for the old dub. You will never be a true moonie until you like both English versions. And believe me, I am one of them.
In short, first Kirsten Bishop, then Susan Aceron and Chris Wiggins and now, it is Denis Akiyama. Where you bleach your roots now, it is indeed in a better place. Godspeed, Mr. Akiyama.
Saraba! (Farewell!)
(TAPS plays)
Denis Van Akiyama
(May 28th, 1952 - June 28, 2018)
#SailorMoon #Kunzite #Malachite #DenisAkiyama #RIPDenisAkiyama #RespectVoiceActors
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