As most of us likely know,Saturday Mornings were a very special time back in the day. Kids across the US woke up every SatAM,fixed a bowl of cereal,and rushed to the TV to watch their favorite Shows. Nowadays that's impossible..unless they have the Blu-Ray or DVDs of such shows.
Anyway,Each SatAM block provided us with great entertainment..but they weren't all awesome.
This Is the Saturday Morning Block Rater.
Unnamed NBC Block 1.0 (1967-1983)
This was the 1st SatAM Block. I don't remember anything about this block..not even the final year (I was born in '82). From what I've seen though [via youtube],it wasn't anything too special.
Grade: C-
Unnamed NBC Block 2.0 (1983-1989)
The 2nd incarnation of the unnamed NBC Block. Don't remember much about it's early years,but the 87-89 years is when this block really started to pick up. With shows like Mr.T,Alvin and the Chipmunks,Alf: The Animated Series,Punky Brewster,Kidd Video,Ed Grimley,and The Smurfs.
They also began airing PSAs,but unlike the retarded ones of today these PSA's were intelegent and much more memorable. The 1st incarnation was called "One To Grow On". In 1989,"One To Grow On" was replaced with "The More You Know".
Another little tidbit about this era is that in the '84-'87 years,The Late Casey Kasem did the voice work for the bumpers. Cool,huh?
The rollercoster bumpers were a nice touch too.
Even though NBC hit it big in '87-'89,It would only get even more awesome in it's next incarnation.
Grade: B-
Unnamed NBC Block 3.0 (1989-1992)
This is when the awesomeness of NBC's SatAM programming reached it's highest. Saved By The Bell debut and became an instant classic. Plus we had fun and memorable animated series like: Captain N and The Adventures of Super Mario Bros.3,Camp Candy,Prostars,Wishkid,Captain N and the New Super Mario World,and The Karate Kid.
The bumpers were fun too..especially the claymation Bedroom one from '89-'90. And the Chip & Pepper segments from 1991 were just weird(but strangely fun). The most memorable bumpers[for me,at least] were the ones with that wide-headed kid.
This was the absolute best time to watch the NBC Saturday Morning block..unfortunatly,things would just go down hill from there...way down.
Grade: A
TNBC 1.0 (1992-1994)
1992 was the year that NBC decided to ditch their Animated stuff and just focus on the teen sitcoms. On the plus side,Unlike the horrid teen sitcoms that Disney and Nick have,These sitcoms were pretty good. Califirnia Dreams remains a favorite...even to this day. Saved By The Bell:The New Class wan't too bad either.
But thats all the good that can be said about this block. From that point on everything falls apart for NBC's SatAM line-up.
Grade: C+
TNBC 2.0 (1994-2001)
1994 was the year that NBC's SatAM block officially lost its ligitness AS a SatAM block. This is due to the lack of fun and smart programming. I stopped watching it fully in 1994. But the worst was yet to come.
Grade: D-
Discovery Kids on NBC (2001-2006),qubo on NBC (2006-2012),and NBC Kids (2012-Today)
Baby shows have taken over NBC and continue to reign supreme.
These blocks don't even Deserve to be called SatAM Blocks..Period.
Grade: F+
Unnamed CBS Block 1.0 (1968-1971)
This is CBS and I have no clue what the hell this block was about since I wasn't even born yet. The Only thing I know about kt is that it featured Captain Kangaroo.
Grade: D
Unnamed CBS Block 2.0 (1971-1986)
The only things I remember about this incarnation of the block is that it aired Fat Albert,Saturday Supercade,and those cool video game inspired bumpers. The space bumpers were nice too.
Also,in 1985,the CBS Story Break made it's debut. I love it's theme song.
All and all,it was an average time for CBS on Saturday Morning. But things would get much better.
Grade: C+
CBS Kid TV (1986-1992)
This is when CBS was hitting their SatAM pique. Lots of fun shows during this era. We had Garfield and Friends,Peewee's Playhouse,Muppet Babies,Hey Vern,It's Ernest,Galaxy High,Where's Waldo,and of course,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The promos and bumpers were very memorable too...especially the ones with the kids working the master control room. The Fido Dido bumpers were also fun and memorable.
This was one excellent SatAM block,too bad CBS couldn't follow up with their next blocks.
Grade: A
Toontastik/CBS Kidz (1992-1997)
This era added a couple of Disney animated series to the list. Shows like Raw Toonage,Aladdin(series),The Little Mermaid (series),and Timon and Pumbaa. I also loved watching Beakman's World. Bill Nye[the science guy] also aired during this era.
In 1994,CBS decided to give the block an action oriented sub-block called the action zone. It aired action cartoons such as: Caddilacs and Dinosaurs,Wild C.A.T.S.,and Ninja Turtles.
The "In Your Eye" bumpers from the early days of this block were fun,though not as memorable as the Fido Dido ones. The Toontastik bumpers were forgetable and not as fun.
This block had its moments and fun shows,but in terms of execution,I coudn't help but to feel that this block was a bit lacking compared to it's previous incarnation. The early days were good,but started to lose it's greatness as time went on.
Grade: B-
KidzShow (1997-2000)
Things started going south for this block from the get-go,with only a very small handful of stuff worth watching (like the weird al show,beakmen's world,and the felix the cat bumpers). The serge of Canadian shows in 1998 decimated the block and left it's ratings reeling.
In 1999,CBS lost its ligitness as a provider of Saturday Morning Entertainment.
In 2000,the block began to free fall.
Not much to say about this block except that it started out mediocre and just went downhill from there.
Grade: D-
Nick Jr. On CBS (2000-2006),KOL Secret Slumber Party (2006-2007),KEWLopolus (2007-2009),Cookie Jar TV (2009-2013),and CBS Dream Team (2013-Today)
Nick Jr on CBS = Baby Crap. KOL Secret Slumber Party = Girly Crap. KEWLopolus = Even More Girly Crap. Cookie Jar TV = Canadian Crap. And CBS Dream Team = Educational Crap.
These Blocks Are Crap..Total Nonstop Crap!
Grade: F+
Unnamed ABC Block 1.0 (1973-1987)
The Alphebet Network's Very 1st SatAM Block.
The Legendary 'School House Rock' debuts and would continue to run until 1997.
I don't remember too much about this era. However,from what I Do remember is that the block aired various Hannah Barbera and Looney Tunes stuff. They also aired The Real Ghostbusters [which debut in '86].
The bumpers were not too bad,though not too remarkable either.
Mediocre is best to describe this block. Though ABC Does get better at this.
Grade: C+
Unnamed ABC Block 2.0 (1987-1997)
Now This block I remember. This is when ABC started become more fresh. They still aired Looney Tunes and new episodes of The Real Ghostbusters.
They also aired Beetlejuice,The Addams Family (90's),Pirates of Dark Water,Land Of The Lost,C.O.W.Boys of Moo Masa,Sonic SatAM,Cro,Tales from the Crypt Keeper,ReBoot,Bump in the Night,And Various Disney Shows.
The various claymation bumpers were fun. They began airing from 1987-1989. They returned in 1992,this time starring the 3 main characters from the show 'Bump in the Night'. These bumpers lasted until 1994. The final batch of bumpers aired from '96-'97. These bumpers starred the Toy Story Army Men.
All and all,the shows were fun,the bumpers were fun,and the most memorable factor was pretty good. The
Grade: B-
One Saturday Morning (1997-2002)
During this fun era,Disney took full control of ABC's Saturday Morning. The whole block took place inside a zany building and aired almost nothing but Disney shows. The Only non-Disney show was Science Court.
There were also alot of fun segments,including: Mrs.Mungers Class,Genie's 'Great Minds Think for Themselves',and Manny The Uncanny.
The block was great and it felt so right watching it. This was,without a doubt,the best SatAM Block on ABC.
Grade: A
ABC Kids aka Disney Channel on ABC + Power Rangers (2002-2011)
It's The Disney Channel on ABC....with Power Rangers. This is not a True Saturday Morning Block.
Infact Kim Possible,The Replacements,Emporors New School,and Power Rangers were the ONLY things watchable on this block. Everything else can just be tossed in the trash.
But things would only get worse.
Grade: F-
Litton's Weekend Adventure (2011-Today)
Edutainment...nuff said!
Grade: F+
Unnamed Block (1987-1991)
Fox may suck nowadays,but back then,they were good.
This was Fox's very first SatAM block. However,not much to this block,as it was just the Weekday line-up on a Saturday. So nothing special.
Grade: C
Fox Kids Network (1991-1995)
Not much to say about Fox Kids Network on Saturday,as it was just the Weekday Block with 1 or 2 exclusive shows.
But that didn't mean it was bad..far from it. The bumpers were fun and the shows were great. The one of the most memorable things about this era was the Dynamo Duck bumpers. This was also the block that introduced America to Super Sentai with Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.
Other memorable shows were: Tazmania,Tiny Toon Adventures,Batman:The Animated Series,Tom and Jerrys Kids,Eek the Cat,Bobby's World,X-Men,Spider-Man:The Animated Series,Animaniacs,and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.
So there you go,Fox Kids Network SatAM edition is the same as it's Weekday Afternoon counterpart,with the exception of a few exclusive shows. A very good block,but nothing too spectacular.
Grade: B-
Fox Kids (1995-2002)
The next incarnation of Fox's SatAM Block. Same deal as before,it's just the same as it's Weekday block,but with exclusive shows.
Still,the block was very fun and how about that catchy promo from the early days,huh? Fox Kids Is Cool,Indeed! The bumpers were also fun.
Some of the fun shows were: Power Rangers,Where On Earth is Carmen Sandiego?,The Tick,The Adventures of Batman and Robin,Life With Louie,Big Bad Beetleborgs,and Digimon.
Out of all of the SatAM blocks that Fox had,this one was the most memorable and most beloved. In the mid-late 90's,Fox Kids was my main SatAM block.
Grade: B+
Fox Box (2002-2005)
A downgrade from Fox Kids and the beginning of 4Kids Entertainment's reign.
Not much about this block except that Anime took up 80% of the block. They also had a really sucky dub of Ultraman Tiga. Every show on this block was mediocre. The only exception was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2k3.
The promos and bumoers weren't that great either. There's also the fact that 4Kids overedits many of the Anime that they aquire. Not Good!
Grade: D
4Kids TV (2005-2009)
Same as The Fox Box except with more Anime. The promos were still weak and the bumpers were still lame.
Once again the only show worth anything on this block was Ninja Turtles.....that is,until Fast Forward. Fast Forward marked the downfall of the 2k3 Turtles series.
The lack of American shows,that disgusting Bratz cartoon,and 4Kids doing their thing make this block pitiful.
Grade: D+
Kids WB: The WB Era (1995-2006)
The glory days of KidsWB. This block aired almost nothing but cool and beloved animated shows...especially those made by Warner Bros.
And in 1998,KidsWB introduced the world to the Pokemon Anime,which became an absolute hit. In 2000,Yu-Gi-Oh! made its American debut and it also became popular.
And starting in 1998,most of the WB shows that aired on Fox Kids,started migrating to KidsWB. Awesome.
Some of the promos and bumpers were very entertaining. I won't go into detail,so you'l just have to experience them for yourselves.
The most memorable and beloved shows include: Freakazoid,Animaniacs,Pinky and the Brain,Superman:The Animated Series,Yu-Gi-Oh!,Static Shock,Batman Beyond,Max Steel,Jackie Chan Adventures,Men in Black: The Series,The new Batman Adventures,and of course,Pokemon.
Although the Saturday AM version of KidsWB was just a copy of it's Weekday block,but with exclusive shows,there's no denying the coolness that was KidsWB.
Unfortunatly,things would just go downhill from here.
Grade: B+
Kids WB: The CW Era (2006-2008)
Amost every show during this era was Canadian,thus why this block sucked. The promos were weak,the bumpers were lame and most of the shows were sucky.
The Batman,Spectacular Spider-Man,and Yu-Gi-Oh! were the Only good shows. But not even they could save this cringeworthy block.
Pitiful huh? Well things only go down hill from here.
Grade: F
CW4Kids (2008-2010)
Nothing good about this block,as it's just an extention of 4Kids TV. The Only shows worth watching on this block were Spectacular Spider-Man,Yu-Gi-Oh!,and Kamen Rider Dragon Knight.
The promos and bumpers were ultra lame.
Grade: F-
Toonzai (2010-2012)
This block is just CW4Kids renamed. Yu-Gi-Oh! is the Only thing watchable. Also the promos sucked and the bumpers were mediocre.
Where Epic Anime Lives? What A Load Of BS!
Grade: F
Vortexx (2012-2014)
When Saban took back Saturday Morning,we were relieved,because we all believed that Saban would would Save SatAM. Boy Were We Wrong!
Vortexx was nothing more than Toonzai 2.0 with crappy promos and bumpers. None of the shows were watchable (especially the new ones).
I hate Justice League Unlimited and Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexel. They aired Power Rangers Lost Galaxy for a short time,but not even that show could save this retarded block.
Oh Haim Saban,how far you've fallen.
Grade: F+
Litton's One Magnificent Morning (2014-Today)
After Vortexx was canned another block took it's place.....and it was ugly. This block is 100% pure Edutainment. Very little fun factor(if any) can be found in Edutainment.
Grade: F+
Fox Family/ABC Family
Unnamed Weekend Morning Block (2001-2005)
This block basically just picked up where Fox Kids left off. So all was good.
Grade: B-
Jetix (2005-2006)
An all action cartoon block. The overflow of Canadian shows almost killed this block.
The promos and bumpers were ok,nothing special.
If it wasn't for those stupid canadian shows,Jetix would've been much better.
Grade: C-
USA Network
The USA Action Xtreme Team (1996-1998)
I always ignored the SatAM edition of this block and focused on it's Sunday and Weekday Morning editions instead.
The promos and bumpers were as fun as the shows themselves. I loved this Block as a whole and wish it stayed longer.
Grade: B-
Cartoon Network
Toonami:The Rising Sun (1999-2001)
It's just Toonami re-arranged for Saturday Mornings. So it's nothing special. They didn't even have exclusive shows.
Grade: C
The Hub Network
Unnamed Block (2012-2014)
Just thought I'd post this here. Nothing really special about this block either,as it's just the Networks normal programming re-arranged for Saturday.
Grade: D-
This was an interesting,yet weird experiment that I wanted to do. I may not do this type of thing again. You probaly noticed that I left out PBS and it's various blocks. The reason for that is,I never watched them,nor cared for them. It's also why I never listed their Weekday Afternoon block in my 'Weekday Afternoon TV' tribute posts.
Anyway,I'm finished here. What's next? I have no idea.
Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold!!
Monday, November 30, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
For the Honor AND Courage of Grayskull! - How She-Ra Helped Me Respect Female Animated Characters!
Yeah, what she said! :D
Hey there, Toonsters!
Long ago, before he took it down, Stefan wrote a blog about the role of female animated characters. Some could be damsels in distress, while others were portrayed as strong-willed and courageous characters who want to be equals to their male counterparts. This blog is an example of that notion, but this is for a different reason. It is about the one character who helped me learn about respecting the female characters in all of animation. And the character I am talking about is the Princess of Power herself, She-Ra.
We all know the story. Princess Adora, the twin sister of Prince Adam aka He-Man, was kidnapped by Hordak when she was a baby. Years later, she became the Force Captain of the Evil Horde, only to be found and freed of Hordak's hold by He-Man and through the Sword of Protection, she became She-Ra, the Princess of Power. As She-Ra, Adora aids the Great Rebellion to free Etheria, Eternia's sister planet, from the Horde's evil wrath. Even though He-Man is one of my favorite icons of the 80s, She-Ra, on the other hand, has a special place in my heart. And the question is: How did She-Ra's courage helped through the dark times of my life, especially with the part about liking and respecting female characters in animation and all of fiction. Believe me, dude, it is a long story.
It is because of She-Ra that gave me the courage to love, honor and respect female characters in the long haul, starting with The Little Mermaid, but it didn't start out that way. Since my father's passing, and even if I was trying to better myself, I didn't have the courage to watch The Little Mermaid. During the mid 1990s, I ended up watching, without a doubt, one of my favorite animes of all time, Sailor Moon. Though not the strongest and wisest fighter, Sailor Moon makes up all up, so to speak, with courage. I use to get up at 6:00 in the morning and watch her all the time. And the more I watch her, the most memories of my past were starting to unlock. And because of Sailor Moon, not only it unlocked my courage, but also unlocked everything 80s, including She-Ra. I didn't even know until now is the fact that if it wasn't for She-Ra, there wouldn't be other strong-willed female characters in animation like Sailor Moon. It was both Sailor Moon and She-Ra's courage that helped me gained the strength to overcome my fears and ended up watching The Little Mermaid, with no ill feelings whatsoever.
I owe everything to She-Ra, and especially her voice actress, Melendy Britt. She may be strong and beautiful, but she has lots of wisdom that is beyond her years. Whether it's fighting the Horde as She-Ra or giving advice to two Southern Water Tribe siblings to aid the Avatar to bring balance to the world as Gran-Gran. Other than Elsa and Jem, I wish She-Ra was my aunt, always helping me out, giving me advice, encourage me to not give up and so on and so forth. Not only she has given me courage to respect and honor female animated characters or female fictional characters in general (like video games, comic books, etc.), but she has also given me the courage to do something else. Not just fighting for the rights for animation, but also righting the wrongs which was done in the past, especially what Hallmark did to most of the Filmation cartoons when they were all converted to their sped up PAL versions and got rid of the negatives. The road is long and hard, especially convincing DreamWorks, who now owns all of the Classic Media properties, including the Filmation cartoons, to fix the audio on those cartoons because I know how to fix them, but I gotta try. There is a reason why one of my favorite virtues is call Righteousness. Because I will fight on and put right which was done wrong, no matter what it takes and no matter what some people say. Lou Scheimer's legacy must be preserved. Cause if She-Ra knows if I am doing the right thing, I'm sure Lou thinks the same way cause what I am doing is for him. By the Power and for the Honor of Grayskull, I will restore which was ruined and I will definitely live up to what I am being called...The Animation Crusader.
And I owe it to all to one half of the Most Powerful Siblings of the Universe. Thank you She-Ra...and thank you to you, too, Ms. Melendy Britt. ;)
If you want to praise and give your admiration to Filmation, Lou Scheimer, his daughter, Erika, and the voice actors from their cartoons, visit their Facebook page, and if you want to share fan letters, fan art, pictures, everything in between about Lou, John Erwin, Melendy Britt, Alan Oppenheimer and so forth, contact them at their Gmail address, Remember, precious animation, like those from Filmation, must be preserve.
Well, I won't be blogging for awhile. Since the holidays are coming, I figure I take a month long vacation and help out my mother and do everything else. Besides, I got a Derpy Hooves script to finish and one movie project involving the very subject I was talking about in my blog, restoring Filmation's cartoons to their normal proper pitch. But, don't worry, when I come back, I will resume my Toon Ninja Reviews on Avatar: The Last Airbender and I will help Stefan with a project he has in mind. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's a big one and every little bit helps. Well, until then, Stay Frosty and...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ;)
(I Have the Power Short Version - She-Ra end credits theme play)
*Fade Out
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Disney/ABC Hercules
What if Disney created a Hercules TV show for ABC that was close to the actual Mythology,but with a Disney/ABC spin? It would be a Spin-off of the hit show 'Once Upon A Time'.
It would go like this: In ancient times,Italy and Greece are under the tyrannical rule of the Gods,lead by Hera,the Lord of the Gods. She grabbed power after ousting Zeus. Zeus had a fling with a young widow and mother named Alcmene,who had a crush on the former God King ever since she was a teenager.
Soon,Alcmene is impregnated with his Son,her 2nd child,with a then 3-year-old Ipecles being the 1st. Once born,she nanes the child,Hercules.
Hera thinks nothing of this fling at first,but when the fates tell her that Hercules will become a hero who will fight her and defeat her,ending her tyrannically rule. Hera sends snakes to kill the child,but it fails thanks to the baby's awesome strength. Hera decides to leave Herc alone,in hopes that he'll turn out differently...she was wrong.
As a teenager,Hercules enrolls at Cheron's Heroic Warrior Acadamy to start his hero training. There,he meets and befriends Iolous and Jason,a senior.
Hera tries to thwart Hercules attempts to graduate,but fails. In adulthood,Hercules is a well known freelance hero. He marries Deinera and has 3 children with her. Hera,in atempt to ruin Herc's legacy,causes him to go crazy and has him slay his wife and kids. News travels fast and the people start their anti-hercules hatefest. The gods (who are not herc's enemies) are also angry,since it is forbiden for a DemiGod to kill a mortal unless it's in self defence or if it's their job.
To redeem himself in both the eyes of the Gods and Mortals,Hercules must complete 12 great labors perfectly.
After successfuly completing the labors,Hercules' honor is restored with the Gods and the people slowly re-embrace him. When Herc finds out that it was Hera who made him homicidal,he becomes even more determined to overthrow her.
Knowing that Herc can't do this alone,Iolous joins his buddy and the 2 of them fearlessly battle Hera and her forces..including her #2 and favorite son,Ares.
Well what do you think? Should Disney/ABC retry their hand at the Herculean Legend? I sure as hell think so.
Next Up,The SatAM Block Rater.
It would go like this: In ancient times,Italy and Greece are under the tyrannical rule of the Gods,lead by Hera,the Lord of the Gods. She grabbed power after ousting Zeus. Zeus had a fling with a young widow and mother named Alcmene,who had a crush on the former God King ever since she was a teenager.
Soon,Alcmene is impregnated with his Son,her 2nd child,with a then 3-year-old Ipecles being the 1st. Once born,she nanes the child,Hercules.
Hera thinks nothing of this fling at first,but when the fates tell her that Hercules will become a hero who will fight her and defeat her,ending her tyrannically rule. Hera sends snakes to kill the child,but it fails thanks to the baby's awesome strength. Hera decides to leave Herc alone,in hopes that he'll turn out differently...she was wrong.
As a teenager,Hercules enrolls at Cheron's Heroic Warrior Acadamy to start his hero training. There,he meets and befriends Iolous and Jason,a senior.
Hera tries to thwart Hercules attempts to graduate,but fails. In adulthood,Hercules is a well known freelance hero. He marries Deinera and has 3 children with her. Hera,in atempt to ruin Herc's legacy,causes him to go crazy and has him slay his wife and kids. News travels fast and the people start their anti-hercules hatefest. The gods (who are not herc's enemies) are also angry,since it is forbiden for a DemiGod to kill a mortal unless it's in self defence or if it's their job.
To redeem himself in both the eyes of the Gods and Mortals,Hercules must complete 12 great labors perfectly.
After successfuly completing the labors,Hercules' honor is restored with the Gods and the people slowly re-embrace him. When Herc finds out that it was Hera who made him homicidal,he becomes even more determined to overthrow her.
Knowing that Herc can't do this alone,Iolous joins his buddy and the 2 of them fearlessly battle Hera and her forces..including her #2 and favorite son,Ares.
Well what do you think? Should Disney/ABC retry their hand at the Herculean Legend? I sure as hell think so.
Next Up,The SatAM Block Rater.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Is the Internet making Television Extinct: Part II - The Uncertain Future of Cable and Satellite!
In my last blog, awhile back, I mentioned that the internet is slowing becoming the new medium for watching television, including animation, and because of that, television as a whole is in the verge of extinction, which includes the very subject I will talk about.
Ever since the merger of AT&T and DirecTV, we feared the worse that this will start the slow extinction of cable and satellite. Because of the advent of the internet, many companies, such as Netflix, want to take advantage of this medium, making TV shows internet exclusives only. And with so many devices such as Smartphones and Tablets at our disposals, they can watch them wherever and whenever they like. And leaves with one question, what about TV in general, especially with cable and satellite? Like I said, television as a whole is slowing towards the path of extinction and we end watching show on the internet. But there is one problem with that. Companies like Netflix want us to pay for membership in order to watch our favorite shows. The poor and middle class people can't afford to pay to watch shows online. We need television because we rather watch them for free than to watch them online for paid memberships (some companies, not all, there is Crunchyroll, where we watch anime for free, even without a membership). Paying for our cable and satellite providers once a month is one thing, but this is totally different. I rather watch my anime and my favorite cartoons for free than to pay membership to watch it online. I'm pretty sure many people like my good buddy, Stefan, agrees with me. So, if you want to keep television alive and preserved for future generations, talk to your local congressman in your state, the FCC or any other cable, satellite and online company (and be civil about this). Cause one thing is for sure, no TV show or anime is worth sums of money every month. It's time we preserve television's future. I am tired of the poor and middle class have to suffer through this.
A recent theory is that the various media companies have been championing the death of Cable and Satellite. Proof of this comes from the fact that the program direction of many TV Networks have been stupid and lazy. It's like they don't care about TV and want it to die.
It's something to think about.
This has been a ACF Special Bulletin.
Ever since the merger of AT&T and DirecTV, we feared the worse that this will start the slow extinction of cable and satellite. Because of the advent of the internet, many companies, such as Netflix, want to take advantage of this medium, making TV shows internet exclusives only. And with so many devices such as Smartphones and Tablets at our disposals, they can watch them wherever and whenever they like. And leaves with one question, what about TV in general, especially with cable and satellite? Like I said, television as a whole is slowing towards the path of extinction and we end watching show on the internet. But there is one problem with that. Companies like Netflix want us to pay for membership in order to watch our favorite shows. The poor and middle class people can't afford to pay to watch shows online. We need television because we rather watch them for free than to watch them online for paid memberships (some companies, not all, there is Crunchyroll, where we watch anime for free, even without a membership). Paying for our cable and satellite providers once a month is one thing, but this is totally different. I rather watch my anime and my favorite cartoons for free than to pay membership to watch it online. I'm pretty sure many people like my good buddy, Stefan, agrees with me. So, if you want to keep television alive and preserved for future generations, talk to your local congressman in your state, the FCC or any other cable, satellite and online company (and be civil about this). Cause one thing is for sure, no TV show or anime is worth sums of money every month. It's time we preserve television's future. I am tired of the poor and middle class have to suffer through this.
A recent theory is that the various media companies have been championing the death of Cable and Satellite. Proof of this comes from the fact that the program direction of many TV Networks have been stupid and lazy. It's like they don't care about TV and want it to die.
It's something to think about.
This has been a ACF Special Bulletin.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Cartoon Network: What Should Have Been
Cartoon Network,once a haven,is now a ruined city with a huge toxic pool. Destroyed by a Terrorist act called 'Executive Meddling'. Thanks to Stuart Snyder and,to a lesser extent,Jim Samples,Cartoon Network went from Awesome to Absolute Crap! Before we go into 'What Should Have Been',let's take a look at the History of the Network.
It all started in the 1986,when Turner Broadcasting acquired the MGM,Looney Tunes,and Popeye libraries. And in 1988,Turner aired these Cartoons on it's newly created TNT network. In 1990, Turner purchased animation studio Hanna-Barbera Productions and acquired its large library. Sometime later,it bought the airing rights to most of the Ruby-Spears library. These Toons would be aired on a special block on TNT and the response was very positive.
On October 1, 1992, Cartoon Network was created as an outlet for Turner's vast library of animation. The Launch programs for the network were reruns of classic Warner Bros. cartoons,Popeye cartoons, MGM cartoons,and Hanna-Barbera cartoons. Many Hanna-Barbera TV cartoons like Magilla Gorilla were often used as time fillers.
Most of the short cartoons aired in half-hour or hour-long packages, usually separated by character or studio. For example,Down Wit' Droopy D aired old Droopy Dog shorts, The Tom and Jerry Show presented the classic cat-and-mouse team, and Bugs and Daffy Tonight provided classic Looney Tunes shorts.
Late Night Black and White showed early black and white cartoons (mostly from the Fleischer Studios), and ToonHeads aired themed cartoon shorts with original, unique bumpers and trivia about the cartoons they were showing.
Another early show was High Noon Toons, which was a programming block hosted by cowboy hand puppets Haas and Lil' Jo. I never heard of that block before,but from the sound of it,I bet it was Lame with a Capital L.
The network's first original show was The Moxy Show and was created in 1993. In 1994,Hanna-Barbera's new subsidiary,Cartoon Network Studios was founded and started production on The What-A-Cartoon! Show (also known as World-Premiere Toons).
The show premiered in 1995 and was made up of a series of independent short cartoons. It was also the network's third original series,with the second being Space Ghost: Coast to Coast.
The main purpose of The 'What A Cartoon Show' was to help Cartoon Network expand its library of exclusive programming. It introduced a number of new cartoon ideas. Six of them were spun off into their own series runs.
These six series were: Dexter's Laboratory (1996), Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken (1997), The Powerpuff Girls (1998), Mike, Lu and Og, and Courage the Cowardly Dog (1999).
These shows were the first batch of Cartoons known as Cartoon Cartoons. I Am Weasel (1997) and Ed, Edd n Eddy (1999) were the first two Cartoon Cartoons not to be introduced in a What A Cartoon short.
In 1996, Turner merged with Time Warner. This lead up to a 2000 announcement that Cartoon Network would be the exclusive TV home of the classic Warner Bros. animated library.
Newer WB animated productions also started appearing on the network as old Kids WB reruns. Though some modern WB cartoons,such as Teen Titans and Justice League,were Cartoon Network exclusives.
In 1997,2 popular program blocks made their debut,Toonami and Cartoon Cartoon Fridays. Toonami was a weekday afternoon block that aired Action Cartoons and Anime. The block was first hosted by Moltar of Space Ghost Coast to Coast and then by the Tom androids.
Toonami was,without question,Cartoon Networks most popular program block...well,until 2006 that is,where the block itself was decimated. The block ended in 2008.
Anyway,Cartoon Cartoon Fridays otherwise known as CCF was a Friday Night Block that was hosted by the Cartoon Cartoons themselves and later by 2 human hosts. This block ended in late 2006 and was replaced with the crappy Fried Dynamite.
Cartoon Network underwent its 2nd makeover (the first being in 1996)on June 12, 1998,launching the Powerhouse theme that was used until June of 2004.
Adult Swim began as a small block in Late 2001,it's purpose was to air shows that Adults to enjoy. As it got bigger and bigger,the block became more stupid,radical,and cringeworthy. It turned to complete crap in 2005. But,in 2009/2010,AS was re-classified as a Network and time-shared with CN. Why Time Warner didn't just give AS is own separate Network during that time is beyond me.
Anyway....Let's talk about the Bumpers.
The Powerhouse theme had bumpers involving characters from most of the cartoons it aired or objects and places with the Cartoon Network's Checkerboard logo. The word NEXT was used in several "Coming up Next" bumpers.
There were multiple color variations for the bumpers backgrounds: Yellow for morning timeslot, Green for afternoon timeslot, Blue for evening timeslot, Purple for action cartoons (used in all timeslots),Black for overnight timeslot (starting at midnight),Red for specials and Thanksgiving,Black with Orange outlines for Halloween,and White and Light Blue for Christmas.
Often, an announcer would say something witty over these bumpers...up until 2003 that is. Other times they had a music cue that was a cross between the show's theme and Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse".
There were also animated bit segments,with several variations for each one. In 2003,the "Powerhouse" theme music was replaced with the show's own theme song.
Don't you wish Cartoon Network still did this? Anyway,In 2004,Miguzi made it's debut and replaced Toonami on the weekdays. Toonami was moved to Saturdays and Adult Swim got bigger.
On June 14, 2004, Cartoon Network updated its logo, and its slogan: “This is Cartoon Network!” This is also the first CN era with a female voice announcer. Although she was eventually replaced with no such voices announcing for the network since.
Cartoon Network's 1st president,Shawn Grove,left Cartoon Network due to a major heart attack.Jim Samples took his place. The first program ever aired on the relaunched Cartoon Network was Rescue Heroes,a shitty Canadian show that used to air on the,now extinct,CBS Saturday Morning Block.
And thus the Canadian Invasion begins. An invasion that should've been prevented.
In fact,Canadian Cartoons are one of the many reasons why Cartoon Network is damaged beyond repair.
Anyway,The new bumpers featured 2D cartoon characters from their shows interacting in a CGI city made up of sets from their own shows.
By now, nearly all of Cartoon Network's classic cartoon programming had been relocated to its sister network Boomerang,which was created in 2003,to make way for new programming. However,they did manage to keep Tom and Jerry and Scooby-Doo. 2 shows that are currently being milked to death by those lowlife CN executives.
On April 10, 2006, the network removed more shows from the 1990s and scrapped the CGI City look. Later that year,shows like Time Squad (2001), Mike, Lu & Og (1999), I Am Weasel (1997), Looney Tunes,and Sheep in the Big City (2000) were also taken off the network. What Jerks!
In Early 2006,Cartoon Network changed it's slogan once again,this time it was the simplistic “Cartoon Network — Yes!,” and was spoken by Fred Fredburger, a character on The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
The network also used bumpers featuring the cast of Camp Lazlo (2005) as stick puppets and characters in front of a red background. How Stupid!
The 2006-2007 campaign featured three different styles of bumpers. The first style is "Lunchbox of Doom", featuring an assortment of show clips inside a CGI Gothic lunchbox,witch was a reference to an episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
The second is "VS.", comparing two cartoon characters. Their final style was a remake of the 2004 CGI City look.
Jim Samples,2nd president of the Cartoon Network,resigned on February 9, 2007 due to the Boston Mooninite Scare. Samples had been network president for three years after Shawn Grove.
Stuart Snyder,aka The Man Who Made Everything Worse,was named as Samples' successor and he took control on May of 2007.
Under Snyder's control, Cartoon Network underwent a number of terrible changes. Through 2007,Cartoon Network retained the image campaign that began in 2006.
On September 1, 2007, the networks look was revamped. Bumpers and Station Identification were themed to The Hives song "Fall is Just Something That Grown-Ups Invented". These aired for several months. It was a disaster to say the least.
A month later, on October 15, the channel began broadcasting in high definition. It was Suckage in HD.
Anyway,every October since 2007, Cartoon Network airs Goosebumps,a show that once aired on Fox Kids program. In April 2008, Cartoon Network began airing a one minute sign-off bumper, depicting a child's daily activities from sunrise to nighttime. In the end, it reads "Good Night. See you tomorrow!" before Adult Swim began.
It was their first sign-off bumper after 7 years of showing such a nightly block. This sign-off was later revised to match the network's new look. It now simply shows a square saying "10:00", followed by "Check Ya Later" and the new CN logo.
In 2008,Cartoon Network announced that it was working on a new project called "Cartoonstitute", which was headed by animators Craig McCracken (as executive producer) and Rob Renzetti (as supervising producer). Both report to Rob Scorcher, who created the idea.
The program would've worked in a way similar to What A Cartoon! However,Cartoonstitute was eventually cancelled, and only one of the shorts,Regular Show,was selected.
Cartoon Network had also begun to air some imported Canadian programs from Teletoon such as George of the Jungle, 6teen,The Total Drama Series,and Chaotic. This was one of the Stupidest errors that Cartoon Network has ever made. Snyder,you Suck!
On May of 2008, Cartoon Network began airing animated shorts, called Wedgies. These shorts were used to fill in spots between shows.
On July of 2008, the network changed looks yet again. This new look was created by Tristan Eaton and Kidrobot. The bumpers of that era had white, faceless characters called Noods. The Noods look similar to the do-it-yourself toy known as Munny, also created by Kidrobot. This look was retarded.
A Nood would often come in contact with a color blob or a color bar and absorb the color to become either a Cartoon Network character or change into another color. Other bumpers featured characters interacting with one another. Various commercial parodies starring the characters of Carton Network also aired.
From July 2008 to October 2008, Greg Cipes, Kevin's voice actor in Ben 10: Alien Force,became the network's announcer.
He has since been replaced with Will Arnett. The programming blocks were also changed to fit in with this look, with different Noods being used.
In June 2009, a block of live-action reality shows began airing in a programming block promoted as CN Real.[which has now ended]
The network has also aired some limited sports programming, including Slamball,during the commercial breaks. On February of 2010, Cartoon Network started using bumpers that feature Noods being formed by real-life objects such as paint, grass, and confetti. Sometime later,the Noods were replaced.
Soon after,Cartoon Network debuted a third logo. This logo was featured on the network's "Move It Movement" tour. It made its television debut in May along with a new theme and new bumpers. Also,the Noods were phased out.
Also in 2010,The CN Real block ended. Thank God! However,just because CN Real died off,didn't mean that the network was gonna get better. It was still in terrible terrible shape. Even without CN Real,they still aired Live-Action crap. Live-Action Movies are also a mainstay now.
Last year,Stuart Snyder was replaced as Cartoon Network President. I forgot the new presidents name,but she can't undo the damage,in fact,she could be upholding the Status Quo set by Snyder. She might be a Stuart Snyder fangirl deep down.
And even though Stuwie Snyder is no longer at Cartoon Network,his influence is still alive and well.
What Happened: Stuart Snyder!
What Should've Been: Stuart Snyder is never hired and his influence is non-existent. A more "in touch" person is hired instead.
What Happened: Live Action and CN Real!
What Should've Been: Live Action shows and movies are Never allowed to air. And the Abomination known as CN Real isn't even a thought.
What Happened: Canadian Cartoons.
What Should've Been: They are either never allowed to air OR they are confined to a block dedicated to Canadian stuff.
What Happened: Adult Swim Extention
What Should've Been: There were many Intellegent ways to handle this. 1 - Move the block from Cartoon Network to TBS. That makes much more sense,as AS fits way better on TBS,than on CN. 2 - When turning the block into a "Network",ether have it time-share with TBS or give it it's own Channel.
What Happened: Thise Annoying Anti-Bulling PSAs.
What Should've Been: No PSAs Period! Besides,They. Don't. Work! Period! Thus,a waste of time and money.
What Happened: Bumpers,Promos and stuff featuring Kids.
What Should've Been: This Never Ever Happens!
What Happened: Milking and Over-Milking.
What Should've Been: These things never happen.
What Happened: The various short lived Pre-School blocks.
What Should've Been: Any and All Kiddie Crap is Unworthy of Cartoon Network and it's Fans,thus they are Never allowed to air.
As you can obviously tell,Cartoon Network is just a shell of it's former self and Nothing can be done to restore it.
That's it for now. Next time on ACF,The SatAM Block Rater. So until then,
See Ya,Space Cowboy.
It all started in the 1986,when Turner Broadcasting acquired the MGM,Looney Tunes,and Popeye libraries. And in 1988,Turner aired these Cartoons on it's newly created TNT network. In 1990, Turner purchased animation studio Hanna-Barbera Productions and acquired its large library. Sometime later,it bought the airing rights to most of the Ruby-Spears library. These Toons would be aired on a special block on TNT and the response was very positive.
On October 1, 1992, Cartoon Network was created as an outlet for Turner's vast library of animation. The Launch programs for the network were reruns of classic Warner Bros. cartoons,Popeye cartoons, MGM cartoons,and Hanna-Barbera cartoons. Many Hanna-Barbera TV cartoons like Magilla Gorilla were often used as time fillers.
Most of the short cartoons aired in half-hour or hour-long packages, usually separated by character or studio. For example,Down Wit' Droopy D aired old Droopy Dog shorts, The Tom and Jerry Show presented the classic cat-and-mouse team, and Bugs and Daffy Tonight provided classic Looney Tunes shorts.
Late Night Black and White showed early black and white cartoons (mostly from the Fleischer Studios), and ToonHeads aired themed cartoon shorts with original, unique bumpers and trivia about the cartoons they were showing.
Another early show was High Noon Toons, which was a programming block hosted by cowboy hand puppets Haas and Lil' Jo. I never heard of that block before,but from the sound of it,I bet it was Lame with a Capital L.
The network's first original show was The Moxy Show and was created in 1993. In 1994,Hanna-Barbera's new subsidiary,Cartoon Network Studios was founded and started production on The What-A-Cartoon! Show (also known as World-Premiere Toons).
The show premiered in 1995 and was made up of a series of independent short cartoons. It was also the network's third original series,with the second being Space Ghost: Coast to Coast.
The main purpose of The 'What A Cartoon Show' was to help Cartoon Network expand its library of exclusive programming. It introduced a number of new cartoon ideas. Six of them were spun off into their own series runs.
These six series were: Dexter's Laboratory (1996), Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken (1997), The Powerpuff Girls (1998), Mike, Lu and Og, and Courage the Cowardly Dog (1999).
These shows were the first batch of Cartoons known as Cartoon Cartoons. I Am Weasel (1997) and Ed, Edd n Eddy (1999) were the first two Cartoon Cartoons not to be introduced in a What A Cartoon short.
In 1996, Turner merged with Time Warner. This lead up to a 2000 announcement that Cartoon Network would be the exclusive TV home of the classic Warner Bros. animated library.
Newer WB animated productions also started appearing on the network as old Kids WB reruns. Though some modern WB cartoons,such as Teen Titans and Justice League,were Cartoon Network exclusives.
In 1997,2 popular program blocks made their debut,Toonami and Cartoon Cartoon Fridays. Toonami was a weekday afternoon block that aired Action Cartoons and Anime. The block was first hosted by Moltar of Space Ghost Coast to Coast and then by the Tom androids.
Toonami was,without question,Cartoon Networks most popular program block...well,until 2006 that is,where the block itself was decimated. The block ended in 2008.
Anyway,Cartoon Cartoon Fridays otherwise known as CCF was a Friday Night Block that was hosted by the Cartoon Cartoons themselves and later by 2 human hosts. This block ended in late 2006 and was replaced with the crappy Fried Dynamite.
Cartoon Network underwent its 2nd makeover (the first being in 1996)on June 12, 1998,launching the Powerhouse theme that was used until June of 2004.
Adult Swim began as a small block in Late 2001,it's purpose was to air shows that Adults to enjoy. As it got bigger and bigger,the block became more stupid,radical,and cringeworthy. It turned to complete crap in 2005. But,in 2009/2010,AS was re-classified as a Network and time-shared with CN. Why Time Warner didn't just give AS is own separate Network during that time is beyond me.
Anyway....Let's talk about the Bumpers.
The Powerhouse theme had bumpers involving characters from most of the cartoons it aired or objects and places with the Cartoon Network's Checkerboard logo. The word NEXT was used in several "Coming up Next" bumpers.
There were multiple color variations for the bumpers backgrounds: Yellow for morning timeslot, Green for afternoon timeslot, Blue for evening timeslot, Purple for action cartoons (used in all timeslots),Black for overnight timeslot (starting at midnight),Red for specials and Thanksgiving,Black with Orange outlines for Halloween,and White and Light Blue for Christmas.
Often, an announcer would say something witty over these bumpers...up until 2003 that is. Other times they had a music cue that was a cross between the show's theme and Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse".
There were also animated bit segments,with several variations for each one. In 2003,the "Powerhouse" theme music was replaced with the show's own theme song.
Don't you wish Cartoon Network still did this? Anyway,In 2004,Miguzi made it's debut and replaced Toonami on the weekdays. Toonami was moved to Saturdays and Adult Swim got bigger.
On June 14, 2004, Cartoon Network updated its logo, and its slogan: “This is Cartoon Network!” This is also the first CN era with a female voice announcer. Although she was eventually replaced with no such voices announcing for the network since.
Cartoon Network's 1st president,Shawn Grove,left Cartoon Network due to a major heart attack.Jim Samples took his place. The first program ever aired on the relaunched Cartoon Network was Rescue Heroes,a shitty Canadian show that used to air on the,now extinct,CBS Saturday Morning Block.
And thus the Canadian Invasion begins. An invasion that should've been prevented.
In fact,Canadian Cartoons are one of the many reasons why Cartoon Network is damaged beyond repair.
Anyway,The new bumpers featured 2D cartoon characters from their shows interacting in a CGI city made up of sets from their own shows.
By now, nearly all of Cartoon Network's classic cartoon programming had been relocated to its sister network Boomerang,which was created in 2003,to make way for new programming. However,they did manage to keep Tom and Jerry and Scooby-Doo. 2 shows that are currently being milked to death by those lowlife CN executives.
On April 10, 2006, the network removed more shows from the 1990s and scrapped the CGI City look. Later that year,shows like Time Squad (2001), Mike, Lu & Og (1999), I Am Weasel (1997), Looney Tunes,and Sheep in the Big City (2000) were also taken off the network. What Jerks!
In Early 2006,Cartoon Network changed it's slogan once again,this time it was the simplistic “Cartoon Network — Yes!,” and was spoken by Fred Fredburger, a character on The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
The network also used bumpers featuring the cast of Camp Lazlo (2005) as stick puppets and characters in front of a red background. How Stupid!
The 2006-2007 campaign featured three different styles of bumpers. The first style is "Lunchbox of Doom", featuring an assortment of show clips inside a CGI Gothic lunchbox,witch was a reference to an episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
The second is "VS.", comparing two cartoon characters. Their final style was a remake of the 2004 CGI City look.
Jim Samples,2nd president of the Cartoon Network,resigned on February 9, 2007 due to the Boston Mooninite Scare. Samples had been network president for three years after Shawn Grove.
Stuart Snyder,aka The Man Who Made Everything Worse,was named as Samples' successor and he took control on May of 2007.
Under Snyder's control, Cartoon Network underwent a number of terrible changes. Through 2007,Cartoon Network retained the image campaign that began in 2006.
On September 1, 2007, the networks look was revamped. Bumpers and Station Identification were themed to The Hives song "Fall is Just Something That Grown-Ups Invented". These aired for several months. It was a disaster to say the least.
A month later, on October 15, the channel began broadcasting in high definition. It was Suckage in HD.
Anyway,every October since 2007, Cartoon Network airs Goosebumps,a show that once aired on Fox Kids program. In April 2008, Cartoon Network began airing a one minute sign-off bumper, depicting a child's daily activities from sunrise to nighttime. In the end, it reads "Good Night. See you tomorrow!" before Adult Swim began.
It was their first sign-off bumper after 7 years of showing such a nightly block. This sign-off was later revised to match the network's new look. It now simply shows a square saying "10:00", followed by "Check Ya Later" and the new CN logo.
In 2008,Cartoon Network announced that it was working on a new project called "Cartoonstitute", which was headed by animators Craig McCracken (as executive producer) and Rob Renzetti (as supervising producer). Both report to Rob Scorcher, who created the idea.
The program would've worked in a way similar to What A Cartoon! However,Cartoonstitute was eventually cancelled, and only one of the shorts,Regular Show,was selected.
Cartoon Network had also begun to air some imported Canadian programs from Teletoon such as George of the Jungle, 6teen,The Total Drama Series,and Chaotic. This was one of the Stupidest errors that Cartoon Network has ever made. Snyder,you Suck!
On May of 2008, Cartoon Network began airing animated shorts, called Wedgies. These shorts were used to fill in spots between shows.
On July of 2008, the network changed looks yet again. This new look was created by Tristan Eaton and Kidrobot. The bumpers of that era had white, faceless characters called Noods. The Noods look similar to the do-it-yourself toy known as Munny, also created by Kidrobot. This look was retarded.
A Nood would often come in contact with a color blob or a color bar and absorb the color to become either a Cartoon Network character or change into another color. Other bumpers featured characters interacting with one another. Various commercial parodies starring the characters of Carton Network also aired.
From July 2008 to October 2008, Greg Cipes, Kevin's voice actor in Ben 10: Alien Force,became the network's announcer.
He has since been replaced with Will Arnett. The programming blocks were also changed to fit in with this look, with different Noods being used.
In June 2009, a block of live-action reality shows began airing in a programming block promoted as CN Real.[which has now ended]
The network has also aired some limited sports programming, including Slamball,during the commercial breaks. On February of 2010, Cartoon Network started using bumpers that feature Noods being formed by real-life objects such as paint, grass, and confetti. Sometime later,the Noods were replaced.
Soon after,Cartoon Network debuted a third logo. This logo was featured on the network's "Move It Movement" tour. It made its television debut in May along with a new theme and new bumpers. Also,the Noods were phased out.
Also in 2010,The CN Real block ended. Thank God! However,just because CN Real died off,didn't mean that the network was gonna get better. It was still in terrible terrible shape. Even without CN Real,they still aired Live-Action crap. Live-Action Movies are also a mainstay now.
Last year,Stuart Snyder was replaced as Cartoon Network President. I forgot the new presidents name,but she can't undo the damage,in fact,she could be upholding the Status Quo set by Snyder. She might be a Stuart Snyder fangirl deep down.
And even though Stuwie Snyder is no longer at Cartoon Network,his influence is still alive and well.
What Happened: Stuart Snyder!
What Should've Been: Stuart Snyder is never hired and his influence is non-existent. A more "in touch" person is hired instead.
What Happened: Live Action and CN Real!
What Should've Been: Live Action shows and movies are Never allowed to air. And the Abomination known as CN Real isn't even a thought.
What Happened: Canadian Cartoons.
What Should've Been: They are either never allowed to air OR they are confined to a block dedicated to Canadian stuff.
What Happened: Adult Swim Extention
What Should've Been: There were many Intellegent ways to handle this. 1 - Move the block from Cartoon Network to TBS. That makes much more sense,as AS fits way better on TBS,than on CN. 2 - When turning the block into a "Network",ether have it time-share with TBS or give it it's own Channel.
What Happened: Thise Annoying Anti-Bulling PSAs.
What Should've Been: No PSAs Period! Besides,They. Don't. Work! Period! Thus,a waste of time and money.
What Happened: Bumpers,Promos and stuff featuring Kids.
What Should've Been: This Never Ever Happens!
What Happened: Milking and Over-Milking.
What Should've Been: These things never happen.
What Happened: The various short lived Pre-School blocks.
What Should've Been: Any and All Kiddie Crap is Unworthy of Cartoon Network and it's Fans,thus they are Never allowed to air.
As you can obviously tell,Cartoon Network is just a shell of it's former self and Nothing can be done to restore it.
That's it for now. Next time on ACF,The SatAM Block Rater. So until then,
See Ya,Space Cowboy.
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