9 (95) - Shego vs Anerith: With no one in the way,Shego is free to use her full power. After barbs are traded, the fight begins. Lee and Rayjin arrive at Go tower,where they explain everything. Meanwhile, Shego and Anerith are battling with everything they got and damaging the lookout while fighting. After awhile, Anerith decides to move the battle to a bigger area. Anerith teleports both her and Shego to a deserted Wasteland outside Go City.
Anerith reveals that she hasn't been using her full power and decides to do so. Shego has a tougher time with her opponent. Fearing the worst,Lee asks Rayjin to take him back to the fight. Rayjin mentions that the fight is now on Earth. Lee doesn't care and tells Rayjin to take him to the fight. Rayjin reluctantly agrees. When asked,Rayjin tells them that the fight is in a wasteland just outside of Go City. Rayjin teleports himself and Lee to the battle. Rayjin departs to check on something.
Shego is having a tough time with the fully powered Anerith. Lee comes in for the save and kicks Anerith far away. Shego scolds him for interfering,saying that this is her fight. Lee tells Shego that if he hadn't come,she might have died and tries to convince Shego to fuse with him,since Go Mega is the only thing that will beat Anerith.
Back on his semi-trashed lookout,Rayjin frantically rushes to his sanctuary's secret chamber,where he finds a rock made up of hardened space dust glowing black. Rayjin breaths a sigh of relief that the object is still intact,because if the Black Palette Aura was ever used,the user would gain the ability to disable the abilities of anyone..including supers.
Rayjin goes back outside to check up on the fight. Back at the battlefield, Shego reluctantly agrees,but only because she doesn't want Anerith winning. Anerith returns to the battlefield pissed as a hornet. She is shocked to see the Go cousins fuse once again and tries to prevent it..but fails.
Go Mega Returns!
10 (96) - Go Mega Returns Again: Go Mega battles Anerith and is on equal ground with her. Meanwhile,Team Go and Chisao decide to help in the battle too and leave in their Go Jet. Drakken entertains the Go Parents. Yuusuke Go asks Dr Drakken some questions about the relationship with his Daughter,which makes Drakken nervous. Sherrie tells Drakken that it's nice that he and Shelia (shego's real name)are an item.
Yuusuke disapproves and even goes so far as to accuse Drakken off encouraging his daughters evil activity,which the scientist objects to and explains himself. Keiji tells his brother to let go of the past and both Drakken and Shego are good now. Dee likes to think that her Son has had a positive effect on Shego
Back on the battlefield,Go Mega is starting to get the upper hand on Anerith. Team Go arrives annoying Anerith. Go Mea tells the others to stay back,because he/she has everything under control. Anerith grows even more annoyed and splits Go Mega back into Lee and Shego again.
With the fusion broken,Shego and Lee are in trouble. Anerith tells the Go's that they never stood a chance.
11 (97) - Lee's Upgrade: Anerith's taunts continue. The Go Cousins continue the fight,with Team Go (and chisao) helping them. Anerith is getting overwhelmed and really pissed at the Go Family team work. She beats them in rage.
The Go Cousins double team Anerith and manage to beat her. As the Go's catch their breath,Anerith mortaly wounds Shego with a blast in a surprise attack. shocked and enraged(and on the verge of crying),Lee swears to make Anerith pay for nearly ending his Cousin and best friends life. Lee unlocks his hidden power within and starts to power up.
Suddenly White Aura's shoot out from Lee and hit the other Go's. Lee begins to copy ever single one of their powers. This shocks Anerith. Lee now has Every Palette Aura power at his desposal (except for the black one) and is ready to make Anerith suffer.
12 (98) - Super Lee: Team Go wonders what just happened. Lee orders the team to take Shego back home to recover. He then snaps at them when they attempt to defy his order. Chisao tells his Grandchildren to listen to Lee and that Lee's can handle Anerith. As the Go's leave with the near-unconscious Shego, Anerith attempts to intercept them,but Lee attacks her before she can strike.
Lee and Anerith trade insults. After that they battle. Copying the other Palette Aura powers not only gave Lee every Go Power,but it also gave him a sharp boost in power too. Also, he's unlocking the hidden abilities of the other powers too. Like: Iron-Esque Defense (blue),Stretch Limbs (purple),Telekenisis and Reflecting Barrier (pink),Super Jumping (yellow),and Teleportation (orange).
Back at Go Tower, Shego is in the infermery recovering.
The Go's ar worried about the welfare of both Shego and Lee. Rayjin arrives to check up on Shego. Mego asks Rayjin about why he chose them to carry his powers. Rayjin is surprised Mego knows about that. The Wego tells Rayjin that Shego told them.
Rayjin explains that with him as a Watcher most of the time,his powers would've gone to waste,so he chose the Go family on the basis of what was in their hearts. He saw great things in the family and decided to bank on them. After testing the waters with Chisao,Rayjin knows he has made the right choice.
Rayjin soon mentions that the wielder of Green Aura has a great healing factor,so Shego should be fully recovered by tomorrow. Back at the battle,A Pissed off Anerith loses focus and is being beaten by Lee. Lee finishes Anerith off by using a green energy wave,Anerith tries to push the wave back,but fails and is vaporized.
13 (99) - Another Aftermath: After the battle,Lee contacts Global Justice and tells them to tell the world that Anerith has been dealt with. Dr Director tells Lee that she's on it and will broadcast the news to the world soon. Lee heads back to Go Tower to see if Shego is alright. Lee returns to Go Tower and asks about Shego.
Rayjin assures Lee that his cousin is going to be okay. While waiting for Shego's recovery, Rayjin explains the advanced level of each of the Go's powers. The Blue Power's advanced level is Impenetrable Defense. The Purple (or Violet) Power will grant the user stretchable limbs. The Red Power's advanced level is special...it's the power of matter manipulation.
The Orange power's advanced ability is Teleportation,an ability that Chisao has unlocked years ago. Now the Yellow Glow's advanced ability will allow for super enhanced jumping and agility. The Pink Glow's advanced power is enhanced psychic powers..including creating an invisible barrier.
The Green and White Glows advanced abilities have already been unlocked by their respective users. The Green Glow's advanced ability allows the user to turn the Nova Blasts into various types of weapons..including blades. While the White Glow will allow the user to emulate multiple powers at once. He then mentions that the White Glow user will get a slight stat boost in all areas once they copy an ability. However the stat boost only lasts until the copied powers run out.
Rayjin takes his leave. Meanwhile, Dr.Director delivers a word wide broadcast declaring Anerith has been taken care of and will never terrorize them again.
Back on his lookout,Rayjin is looking down on the world and is thankful that his 2 cousins are dead. Suddenly the sky goes completely white,gaining the attention of everyone on Earth. A portal opens near Rayjin's lookout and out comes Godian,the huge master of the Cosmoverse.
Due to the deaths of the Elder Guardians,Godian tells Rayjin that this Universe needs new Elder Guardians and offers him the job of leader of the Elders..a position,Eisneroth once held. Rayjin refuses outright and tells his master that Earth is his home and he will protect it by all means necessary. He then questions the need for Elder Guardians in this day and age anyway, Claiming that the Planetary Guardians do a better job at looking after their respective planets. He then tells Godian if he's worried about the Chaosverse he tells him to let them come to this universe,because he has full faith in the Universe's greatest heroes. And believes that they will stop the Chaosverse...with the Planetary Guardians as emergency back-up.
Godian is speechless. Godian decides accept Rayjin's ideals,but warns him that if he's wrong about this,he Will be punished harshly. Godian returns to the Cosmoverse and the sky returns to normal. Rayjin knows that he's right in his beliefs.
14 (100) - Why Lee Fights?: Lee is relaxing at home while reminding himself on why he fights for justice and aims to be a top Global Justice Agent. It all started in Upperton Middle School,when he was bullied almost daily..why? maybe they were just jerks trying to look and act tough. or maybe they were bigoted against half-breeds (lee is half asian-half caucasion). maybe they just hated him period. who knows,it was likely all 3.
One day Lee saw one of his friends getting beat up for no reason,enraged he attacked the bullies and saved his friend. it was that day,Lee gained a strong sense of justice. Lee continued his battle against the bullies,some battles won,others lost. He was suspended a lot because of it,yet the bullies got off almost scott free. Lee's sense of justice grew even bigger when that happened.
But the biggest push was when some Middle School bullies were picking on and even attacking Gina and Jimmy at the playground,just because they were half breeds. Lee Rushed at the thugs and beat them up. The thugs ran away swearing to get even. Thankfully his younger Brother and Sister were ok.
The thugs returned when Lee was walking his siblings home,this time they brought their older (high school aged) brothers. Lee fought against the older Boys and just barely won. After Graduating Middle School,Lee spent his whole summer fighting bullies of all kinds...especially racists. Lee's mom,Dee,fearing the worst tried to do something about her sons life.
After remembering about how Middleton was a safe place,she arranged for Lee to go to school at Middleton High. Dee remembers that Lee's Cousin Sheila (shego) has recently reformed and lives alone in an apartment. So she arranges for Lee to stay with Shego for the duration of his Middleton stay.
When Lee was a baby,Shego babysat him frequently..this was before the Rainbow Comet. This was the beginning of the bond they share. Years later,during her villain days,Shego made rare visits with Lee in private 1-on-1 meetings. the 2 bonded even more.
Lee's heart of justice is even stronger today,thanks to his strong bond with Shego and with his White Palette Aura powers,he will continue the fight until he is dead.
So Why Does Lee Fight? He fights to protect those who can't or are simply overpowered by the evil ones. Why He Fights? He Fight's for the Honor and Safety of His Family. Why He Fights? He fights to make the world a better place...not just for his family,but for everyone.
15 (101) - Legend of Shego: While chilling in bed after a long day of grading papers. Shego is starting to rethink her current job and wonders if she should quit being a teacher in order to do something more exciting..something that would be right for her. Shego drifts off to sleep.
Shego suddenly finds herself in an empty misty plain. She wonders where she is? suddenly a familiar voice is heard. Out from the shadows comes the voices owner..It's Eisneroth. Shego is shocked. Eisneroth is smiling evilly and tells Shego that it's been awhile and welcomes her to her soul. Shego demands answers.Eisneroth tells Sheho that he's a Ghost invading the dreams of the one he chose to help end the human race. Shego is confused by that statement.
Eisneroth explains that he was the one who influenced her to turn evil and hoped that she'd help in the extermination of humanity..but something went wrong. And that's why they are here tonight: to find out what went wrong with her. Shego calls Eisneroth's words Bullshit and prepares to attack. Eisneroth tells Shego to wait until After the "movie". Shego wonders what he's talking about.
The Evil Ghost of The Ex-Guardian creates a window showing Shego scenes from her childhood. Shego demands to know what the point of this is? Eisneroth tells her that he wants her to relive her failures as an evil-doer and cower in shame. He had a good feeling about Shego,her violent temper,and her unlimited potential..but he feels betrayed by his feelings.
The first clip is of Shego (then sheila go) at the age of 10,taking a Kung-Fu class. She gets into a fight with a loudmouth classmate and beats him..but spares him. Eisneroth is disappointed at the end,telling Shego that she should've finished him off. He asks why she would bother to spare such a little jackass? Shego tells her foe that she had to otherwise she would've been expelled and even arrested,besides that she's no killer.
The next clip is a 12 year old Shego graduating the Utarian City (the name of go city in the past)Kung Fu Academy. Everyone in the audience and the teacher (si-fu xiao) is impressed at Shego graduating the academy at such a young age. Eisneroth is impressed and hoped that she'd use those skills too kill. Shego criticizes Eisneroth's thing for killing. Eisneroth tells her to shut it.
The next clip,Shego picking a fight with Mel (mego) over the TV and ends up hospitalizing him...nearly killing him in fact. Shego feels very guilty about it.
Eisneroth is annoyed about this and moves on to the next clip..and the clip that makes him ill the most: A 14 year old Shego baby sitting a 2 year old Lee. During the job,Shego grows fond of her baby cousin and the feeling becomes mutual. And as years passed their bond grows. Clips of Shego and Lee playing together and having fun.
The next clip shown is a montage of clips of Kid Shego's temper getting the best of her and getting into fights with her peers. Shego's age is 9,10,11,12,and 13 in these clips. Eisneroth is very proud.
Eisneroth fast forwards to the time when the Rainbow Comet strikes Shego and her brothers while they were hanging out in their tree house. The family was hospitalized,Eisneroth was afraid that Shego died,but she recovered fine and (along with her brothers) gained Super powers.
Eisneroth tells Shego that he was even more hopeful for her that day. The next clip was the formation of Team Go,a super hero group...Eisneroth Hates Super Heroes. Feeling the chance of Shego becoming a Savior. Luckily for him,Team Go's anti-violence,non-profit attitude wasn't going well with Shego,so he went on to intensify Shego's negative feelings by talking to her via telepathy.
Shego remembers hearing voices in her mind,she dismissed them at first,but after realizing that the voice was right about her brothers' way of life,she split from Team Go to become a criminal...a suggestion Eisneroth made to Shego after she left Team Go.
Eisneroth was proud and hoped that she would go on to killing...but unfortunately she signed up with Dr.Drakken,the worst decision she made in his opinion. The next clip shows Shego being interviewed by Dr. Drakken. Shego gets the job after some violent persuasion. The next clip is a montage of Shego committing various crimes,eventually becoming a most wanted criminal.
Eisneroth likes what he sees but is upset that Shego wasted her time with petty crimes instead of homicide. Shego tells Eisneroth that she became a criminal for the excitement factor..as well as for the money involved. She also tells her foe that murder has never been her thing. She maimed and hurt people,but never killed.
Eisneroth mentions that the next clip is cringe worthy.
The next clip shows Shego and Lee (who's 12) on the roof of the apartment Lee lives in for their very first private meeting. After the chat,Shego promises to visit Lee whenever she can. Their bond was strengthened even more. And so every so often,Shego and Lee would have private talks and even help each other out with their problems (a clip montage is shown).
Eisneroth is furious. he then claims that Shego's killer instinct was weakened significantly thanks to Lee (who he calls a little bastard). Shego warns Eisneroth if he Ever insults her cousin again,she'll make him suffer 100 hells. Eisneroth mocks her and tells her that he has proof of her lameness.
The next clip is a montage of her fights with Kim Possible. Eisneroth is pissed at the fact Shego pulled her punches against Kim Possible and that deep down Shego thought of Kim like the sister she never had. He plays another clip..this time of Shego helping Kim save the World from the Lorwardians,who he sent to Earth after he lost faith in Shego. He hoped that the Lorwardians would've killed all of Mankind and finally rid the Universe of the Unevolved menace.
Shego asks about why he wants to extinctify the Humans so much?Eisneroth reveals that he hates the human race because they are unevolved and unworthy to live on Earth...His Planet. He hoped that Shego would eventually go on a genocidal rampage due to her violent temper but he was mistaken. He underestimated Shego's moral compass..the Power she possessed wasted. But he plans to rectify that now.
Shego asks about that? Eisneroth laugh evilly and reveals plans to take over Shego's Soul (and by extension her mind and heart) so that he can have her body as a host and to use Her powers to exterminate the human race...something She failed to do.
Shego admits that she has a temper and prone to violence..she loves fighting and money too. But She's changed much since her criminal days and is using her passion for fighting and money making in the other direction. She has a better purpose to use her passion now...Her Friends and family. She fights for them as well,and as for money..well unlike Bad Girl Shego,the modern Shego is willing to share.
Eisneroth has heard enough and tells Shego that none of that matters now,since he'll be taking over her body. Shego and Eisneroth battle. Both are on equal ground. Shego is frustrated at the fact that this fight could go on forever and swears not to let Eisneroth take control of her. And with that,Shego accesses a new power...her Ultimate Power. A powered up form that has Shego take the form of a human made up of green energy. (known as super shego). Eisneroth is shocked.
Super Shego destroys Eisneroth. Shego wakes up from her nightmare and after reflecting on it. She now knows what she's gonna do with the rest of her life. She's Gonna enter the Street Fight Tournament Circuit and win them all.
16 (102) - Drakken's Proposal: Shego and Dr. Drakken are out on a date. They are at an unnamed fancy restaurant. Both have news to tell one another. Shego goes first,she plans on joining the World Street Fighting Circuit and make lots of money fighting. This news surprises Drakken. He asks when? Shego tells him that she'll be traveling with Grandpa Go this summer and will be away from home for a long time. She then tells him not to worry and that she'll drop by for a visit every now and again. She'll even send money to her Family.
She asks what Drakken's news is? Drakken decides to wait. At his old lair,which he recently converted into a lab and home,Dr Drakken is upset that Shego will be traveling the world and starts to believe she's forgetting about their relationship. He takes out a small box from his pocket and opens it revealing a ring...an engagement ring. Drakken shakes off those negative thoughts and makes plans to tell the Go family before he makes his move again.
Shego and Lee are at the apartment,talking about Shego's recent career choice. Lee tells his cousin that he agrees with it and tells her that she needs to do something that she enjoys. Shego thanks him. Lee tells Shego that she'd better e-mail to tell him about her life on the road. Sheo tells him that he's got it.
Meanwhile,at Go Tower,Dr Drakken has called a meeting of the entire Go Family,sans Shego and Lee. Drakken announces his intent to Marry Shego. Some members are happy (dee,keiji,sherrie,the wegos,jim,and gina),some indifferent (mego and chisao),while Hego and his dad,Yuusuke object.
They don't trust Dr Drakken and still consider him wrong for Shego. Dr Drakken tells them that he loves Shego and will propose to her tonight...whether they like it or not. He tells the family that if Shego accepts his proposal,they'll have a 1st class inventor in their family.
Later that night,Shego and Drakken are relaxing in his home after a night of dancing and dinner. Drakken takes out the ring and proposes to Shego. Shego is speechless. Drakken tells shego that he really loves her and wants to spend the rest of his Shego tells Drakken that it's a sweet offer but she must pass on it,she's not ready to marry and settling down and raising a family has never been her thing. She appologizes and tells Drakken that they can still have a relationship.
Drakken is disappointed. Later at home,Shego is starting to regret turning Drakken down,but tries to convince herself that marriage isn't her thing and she needs to focus on her upcoming World Fighting Circuit career. Lee tries to convince Shego to accept Drakkens proposal and that she can take him with her on the road.Shego decides to sleep on it.
Meanwhile inside the HQ of W.E.E. (worldwide evil empire), Prof. Dementor (who just recently just started working for the org as it's chief scientist) is making a nearly dead man into a cyborg. Gemini (the leader of WEE) enters and asks how the conversion process is going? Dementor tells Gemini that it was a miracle he found him in one piece. He doesn't know what happened,but he could tell that the patient was in one hell of a battle. Gemini asks again how the work is going?
Dementor tells Gemini that the patient is almost finished. Gemini can't wait to have such an imposing figure work for him. He praises the living hell out of Dementor for his work. The patient Dementor is working on is.....General Khan?!!!
After a few more modifications,Dementor is finished. Gemini is excited as Dementor activates (or resurrects) General Khan. Things don't go as planned for Dementor and Gemini. General Khan turns on Gemini and Dementor. The Cyborg Khan ranting on how he will serve no one and insulting Gemini and Dementor by calling them Villains for Kiddie Show. He kills them both and,after flying outside,destroys WEE HQ,killing everyone inside.
Cyborg Khan has revenge on his mind and he knows just what to do. The next Day,Dr Drakken is tinkering with things in his lab,still unhappy about Shego's rejection. Cyborg Khan busts in and captures Dr.Drakken who's shocked to see him alive. Khan leaves with his captive,while dropping a note.
Later,Shego and Lee arrive and wonder where Dr.Drakken is? Lee finds a note written by Khan telling them to meet him in Death Valley if they want to see Dr Drakken alive again. The Go Cousins jump into action.
The Cousins arrive at Death Valley and engage Cyborg Khan,who's holding Drakken hostage. Both are shocked to see Khan alive. Shego asks Drakken (who she calls drew that time) if he's alright? Khan throws Drakken to the Cousins and tells the Go Cousins that Drakken means nothing to him and it is they who he will destroy.
The Go Cousins are ready foe battle. Lee mentions Khans awesome power and asks Shego if they should fuse again? Shego refuses and tells him
that fusion can be a crutch if used often and sugests they double team
him instead. Lee agrees with that.
They fight the Cyborg and have some problems at first,but once they get his attack pattern down,they are on equal ground. Eventually the cousins get the upper hand. Cyborg Khan isn't done yet, he targets Drakken and fatally wounds him. This shocks the Duo,Shego the most. She runs to check on Drakken,he's unconscious and nearly dead. Shego grows sad and enraged (mostly enraged). Shego powers up and is engulfed in a blaze of Green Energy. Shego transforms into a Human-like being made up of Green Energy.
Both Lee and Khan are shocked. .
17 (103) - Super Shego: Shego tells lee to take Drakken to Global Justice HQ for special treatment. Lee does that,teleporting away (via teleport belt as usual) with Drakken.
Rayjin is watching things unfold up on his Lookout and is amazed that Shego has unlocked the Palette Aura Powers Ultimate Mode...also known as the God Mode.
Shego battles Cyborg Khan and unleashes Hell on him. The now outclassed Khan tries to kill Shego by blowing up the Earth,but Shego completely destroys him before he can do so (she cuts him up with an energy sword and then blasts him to pieces). Shego powers down and tells herself that she hope Khan stays dead.
Inside the high tech infermery within Global Justice HQ,Dr.Drakken is in incentive care with their greatest doctors working on him. Lee is in the waiting room. Shego arrives and asks about Drakken's well being? Lee tells her that he's still in bad shape,but thankfully,not dead.
Shego asks the receptionist if it's ok to see Dr Drakken? The Receptionist tells Shego that the surgery has just started and that she must wait. Shego is impatient,but complies. Hours later,one of the Doctors tells Shego and Lee that they can go see Dr Drakken now.
The 2 head into the room where Dr Drakken is. He is bedridden and barely conscious. Lee is glad Drakken is alright and praises modern science. Shego asks Lee to leave,so she can speak with Drakken alone. Lee nods and leaves.
Shego tells Drakken (who she's calling Dr.D at the moment) that he had her scared for a while. She thought he was gonna leave her. This scare has opened up her eyes to how much she really loves him. She then tells Drakken (who she's calling drew this time) that she will marry him and will take him on her Global Street Fighting Journey.
Shego kisses Drakken and he gains more consciousness. He tells Shego that he heard every word she said and that she has made him the happiest man alive.
Up on the Look out, Rayjin is wondering where to go from here?
18 (104) - Go Change: Weeks after his terrible ordeal,Dr Drakken is at home talking to his mother about his engagement to Shego. Mrs.Lipsky is overjoyed at the fact that her son is finally settling down. She asks when the Wedding will take place. Drakken nervously tells her that it's up to Shego. Mama Lipsky tells her son that she better not make her wait too long..she wants Grandchildren before she dies.
Meanwhile, Shego is talking to her family about her engagement. getting mixed reaction. Lee tells the 2 opposing voices (hego and yuusuke) that Shego is an adult and can make her own choices. He also stands up for Drakken. Shego thanks Lee and tells the rest of her family that the Wedding won't be taking place anytime soon. She's still skeptical about the whole Marriage thing. She wants to wait until she comes to terms with the concept it.
Shego mentions that Drakken will be coming with her on her trek and has retired from Global Justice so that he can be with her.
Months later,Lee is preparing for his Graduation. Shego is so proud. Lee tells Shego that he's still forgoing Collage to seek work as a Global Justice Agent. Lee's mom still hates the idea,but Lee's dad still loves it. An argument ensues between the patents. But Shego sticks up for Lee and tells them that Lee must choose a career that's fun for him and that if he was forced to do something that was boring to him,he'd go into a life of crime..kinda like what she did.
Lee thanks Shego. The Go family head to Middleton High for the Graduation. The Graduation Ceremony is taking placed in the Stadium with Vice Principal Barkin hosting. The Graduates are in the bleachers,while the Guests (which includes the entire Go family). After,Barkin makes a commencement speech of sorts,he calls out the students in alphabetical order (by surname) and gives them their diplomas. With that done,Barkin congratulates the graduates.
After the ceremony,Lee and his Family (and drakken,who is a future in-law)are talking. Lee's mother tries to convince Lee to go to collage,but it fails. Global Justice head,Betty Director (who was on hand),arrives to congratulate Lee and tells him that Global Justice will be waiting for him this fall. With the possible resurgence of evil aliens and super humans, Dr.Director tells them about a new division she's developing,a division she wants Lee in. Lee likes the idea and agrees to it.
Without warning,Rayjin arrives,but not to join the celebration. He angrily attacks Lee and warns the Go family to let Lee handle his own fight. Lee demands answers. Rayjin just angrily attacks and tells Lee to fight back. Lee has no idea what the hell is up,but has no choice but to fight.
The Cops arrive,but Rayjin insults them and scares them off. Lee and Rayjin battle it out with the Go family spectating. Barkin leads the students and their families out of the area for their own safety. After a long fight,Lee eventually fights The Earth's Guardian to a standstill.
Rayjin,no longer angry,tells Lee that he has proven himself. Lee is confused and frustrated and demands answers. Rayjin explains to Lee that he wanted to test his skills to the fullest extent,because the world Needs a capable champion. He wanted Lee to be that champion,but had to make sure he made the correct choice,so he challenged him to Mortal Combat. He's proud to say that he was right all along and that Lee is the one.
Lee calls Rayjin stupid forr not mentioning it sooner. But he admits that it was a good fight. Rayjin apologizes for that, Rayjin tells Lee that the nightmare isn't over..not by a long shot and that many evil and powerful forces from here and beyond space will eventually reveal themselves and even strike without warning. The Earth needs a savior to ruin them.
Lee tells Rayjin that he's ready to take them all down..whoever they are. Rayjin also warns Lee that the Chaosverse is far from finished and to watch out for them too. With that,Rayjin leaves,leaving Lee with his family.
Lee asks Dr.Director when he can start his training for Global Justice? He wants to be prepared for any future threats ASAP. Dr.Director tells him that he may begin training next week. Lee nods.
A Month later,Shego and Lee are outside the Airport,waiting for Grandpa Go's personal jet to pick her up and take her to get registered for her Street Fighters License first,without one you can't be a professional street fighter. She mentions that Grandpa is picking up Dr.Drakken first.
Lee and Shego talk talking about old times and how they have made the ultimate team. Lee says he's gonna miss her. Shego tells Lee the same,but mentions that she'll visit and even e-mail him from time to time. She then tells Lee that the apartment is his and tells him to take good care of it. Lee tells her he will. Shego tells Lee that she couldn't have asked for a better Cousin and best friend then him.
The private jet arrives,the Go Cousins hug and say their good byes. Lee watches as Shego leaves in Grandpa Go's jet,ready to start the next chapter in her life. Lee tells himself that it a whole new beginning and leaves.
19 (105) - From The Journal Of Agent Lee Go: 10 Years have past and Lee is now an Agent of Global Justice. Lee is at home relaxing. He decides to start his Journal...a Journal documenting his life. He turns on his Laptop and starts writing. He begins by typing about the day he came to Middleton.
This leads to a bunch of Clips starting from the start of the series to the end...all narrated by Lee. When Lee is finished for now,he is greeted by Jimmy and Gina,who are now teenagers. They ask their big brother if he's done yet? because they don't wanna be late for the big street fighting tournament and that Cousin Shego will be competing. Lee tells them that he is for the now and that he wouldn't miss the tournament for anything.
The 3 leave for the Tournament.
20 (106) - Kim Possible Retrospect: Kim and Ron,now married,are settling into their new home in Middleton. They reminisce about their time as Team Possible.
This leads To a bunch of Clips of the Show Kim Possible from first episode to the final ep. The clips are narrated by Kim and Ron.
After talking about the past,Ron and Kim are ready for the future. They kiss and decide to go upstairs to start the next generation.
Punch a Nazi in the Face, Kick a Commie in the Balls, Resist Modern Attitudes, and Stay Gold!!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Is the Internet Making Television Extinct? An ACF Exclusive!
Since the day they were created, television has been the one medium we watch for a lot of years. Television has given us everything we like to watch like sitcoms, sports, game shows, wrestling, talk shows, and above all, animation. However, since the advent of the internet, television, just like animation, which I am fighting for their right to exist, is slowly becoming like the dinosaurs...extinct.
The internet these days has become the new medium to watch our favorite shows and movies, while television, though still watchable to a point, is slowly going on the wayside. It's understandable that since we got cable, satellite and the internet, we don't have to worry about regular TV no more. But, here is a problem with that. As I stated before, what about those who can't afford the luxuries we got. All they got is nothing but trash talk show like Jerry Springer and Maury, court shows, boring reality TV and little or no cartoons. And even if they show them, they would either have the E/I, Educational and Informational logo slapped on the screen or edit an action cartoon because of so much violence and other adult themes. I mean, who wants to watch baby-mama-drama on Maury anyway? Here is one example what I am talking about.
Not long ago, the last 5 episodes of Book 3 on The Legend of Korra was shown on the web instead of Nickelodeon itself. Even though some people are thrilled about this change because of NICK's constant milking of Fairly OddParents, others were upset of the change due to Viacom's politics and corruption under the helm of both Phillipe Dauman and Cyma Zarghami (women are not immune to the trappings of power, by the way), which favored more FOP than Korra. While some are happy of seeing Korra online, others are left out with more of Cosmo's annoying voice and repetitive and recycled storylines that are done to death. I fear that Butch Hartman has pulled a Seth McFarlane and made a pact with the devil when he somewhat agree to come back and work on FOP.
Anyway, watching online only animated shows like the recently released Sailor Moon Crystal (which is awesome, see if you haven't) is one thing, but this is totally different. No poor or middle class person doesn't deserve this. We need balance. Balance in both TV and the Internet. You can't have one other the other.
Bottom line, watching your favorite shows on the internet is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, you could watch your favorite shows without any politics and edits, mostly. On the other hand, by favoring the internet more, you are killing television and all of its rich history. Being an animation crusader has become more complicated by the day. Enjoy the internet now. Because very people who want to kill off animation forever won't stop with television, cable and satellite. With Net Neutrality on life support, it is just a matter of time till the internet gets censored and edited for their own base ends.
Before I sign off, I want to take a moment to say good bye to Robin Williams. From Mork, to Popeye, to Genie, to Peter Pan and any other character I could think of, he will forever be missed. This world will never be the same without the laughter that he gave us. Here's to you, Rob. Godspeed.
Does television have a future, even with the internet growing strong? I say yes, but what do you guys think? Please leave a comment and give your thoughts on the whole situation with the internet and is it making television extinct.
Until then, this is Rekka Dragon Jay signing off from the headquarters of the American Cartoon Federation. Nanu-Nanu.
(Mork & Mindy Season 2 ending theme plays)
*Fade out
The internet these days has become the new medium to watch our favorite shows and movies, while television, though still watchable to a point, is slowly going on the wayside. It's understandable that since we got cable, satellite and the internet, we don't have to worry about regular TV no more. But, here is a problem with that. As I stated before, what about those who can't afford the luxuries we got. All they got is nothing but trash talk show like Jerry Springer and Maury, court shows, boring reality TV and little or no cartoons. And even if they show them, they would either have the E/I, Educational and Informational logo slapped on the screen or edit an action cartoon because of so much violence and other adult themes. I mean, who wants to watch baby-mama-drama on Maury anyway? Here is one example what I am talking about.
Not long ago, the last 5 episodes of Book 3 on The Legend of Korra was shown on the web instead of Nickelodeon itself. Even though some people are thrilled about this change because of NICK's constant milking of Fairly OddParents, others were upset of the change due to Viacom's politics and corruption under the helm of both Phillipe Dauman and Cyma Zarghami (women are not immune to the trappings of power, by the way), which favored more FOP than Korra. While some are happy of seeing Korra online, others are left out with more of Cosmo's annoying voice and repetitive and recycled storylines that are done to death. I fear that Butch Hartman has pulled a Seth McFarlane and made a pact with the devil when he somewhat agree to come back and work on FOP.
Anyway, watching online only animated shows like the recently released Sailor Moon Crystal (which is awesome, see if you haven't) is one thing, but this is totally different. No poor or middle class person doesn't deserve this. We need balance. Balance in both TV and the Internet. You can't have one other the other.
Bottom line, watching your favorite shows on the internet is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, you could watch your favorite shows without any politics and edits, mostly. On the other hand, by favoring the internet more, you are killing television and all of its rich history. Being an animation crusader has become more complicated by the day. Enjoy the internet now. Because very people who want to kill off animation forever won't stop with television, cable and satellite. With Net Neutrality on life support, it is just a matter of time till the internet gets censored and edited for their own base ends.
Before I sign off, I want to take a moment to say good bye to Robin Williams. From Mork, to Popeye, to Genie, to Peter Pan and any other character I could think of, he will forever be missed. This world will never be the same without the laughter that he gave us. Here's to you, Rob. Godspeed.
Does television have a future, even with the internet growing strong? I say yes, but what do you guys think? Please leave a comment and give your thoughts on the whole situation with the internet and is it making television extinct.
Until then, this is Rekka Dragon Jay signing off from the headquarters of the American Cartoon Federation. Nanu-Nanu.
(Mork & Mindy Season 2 ending theme plays)
*Fade out
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Shego Season 5 Part 1
Note: this will likely be the Final Season of Shego.
1 (87) - Armagedar's Vengeance: The Possibles,Stoppables,Drakken,and the Go Cousins prepare for Kim and Ron's Wedding. Meanwhile,out in space,a Lorwardian space craft is headed for Earth. At the Middleton Civic Center,The Wedding is about to take place. As the ceremony is about to begin, the Lorwardian ship crash lands outside the church. The Kim,Ron,Shego and Lee go investigate. Outside they meet the Ships owner. He is a Lorwardian named Armagedar,Son of Warhok and Warmonga. He comes to seek vengeance against the ones who Killed his parents,Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. Kim explains the nature of his parents and tells him that Ron had no choice. At first the Lorwardian is in disbelief that Kim and Ron would be capable of beating a Lorwardian,but he senses great power in Ron and a strong fighting spirit in Kim. He comes to terms with the fact that they killed his parents and prepares to attack. Kim and Ron tell Shego and Lee to stay out of this and this is their fight. Shego agrees. Meanwhile, Draken,Vice-Principle Barken,and the Possibles are keeping every inside the civic center calm and assure them that the Alien will be dealt with. Outside,Kim and Ron (using his mystic monkey powers)battle the Alien and with team work beat him. Armagedar is beaten and asks Kim and Ron to finish him off,since this battle has proven to himself that he is unworthy to life. Kim and Ron spare the Lorwardian's life and Kim tells him that fighting doesn't need to lead to death and that Killing isn't their thing. After the Lorwardian thinks about Kim's words and leaves the earth,vowing to return. Soon after the Lorwardian departs,the wedding ceremony of Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable continues..uninterrupted. Drakken wonders if he and Shego will marry in the future. Shego blushes and says no comment.
2 (88) - Driving Mr. Go: Lee enters his senior year of High School at Middleton High (much to the amazement of Vice-Principal Barkin) and is eligible by Law (both state and school) to take a Drivers test and get a lerners permit. Meanwhile, on the barren Planet known as Desparu, Eisneroth and Anerith are thinking of a way off of this Planet. Eisneroth starts rambling about Shego and says that if she'd just stick to the path he set for her,his bad luck wouldn't even exist and he'd be closer to ruling the Universe. Anerith,annoyed at her brothers ranting,asks him what the hell he's babbling about.
Eisneroth tells his sister that when Shego first got her powers,he encouraged her to become evil,which was easy since she had a small nasty streak to begin with. however things didn't turn out as planned. he hoped she'd be a genocidal maniac,instead she became a criminal with somewhat of a moral compass. He wanted a Genocidal nut and got a common criminal instead...who hasn't even killed. The fallen guardian wonders what the hell went wrong? and that Shego had the potential to be Both homicidal and Genocidal. He then mentions that he talked the Lorwardians into invading Earth and killing off it's people,but they were stupid and they failed.
Anerith tells her Bro that it doesn't matter and that nothing matters at this point except for escaping this planet. She sees a small rodent and drains it of its life force,killing it and increasing her strength slightly in the process. Eisneroth notices her power and asks about it. Anerith tells him that she has had that power since birth,but never got a chance to use it. She inherited it from their father.
Then it hits Eisneroth,he realizes that they both still have their powers and that they can make a portal back to earth. Anerith tells Eisneroth that it's worth a shot,but that first she wants to eat and leaves to find food. Back on Earth,Lee is taking his drivers test (with barkin as the substitute teacher,as the regular was in a car accident and will be out for the next 2 weeks). Lee barely passes the written exam,but fails the driving test,due to his semi-reckless nature. Barkin decides to give Lee one more chance next week and tells him to study hard and lean self control,because if he doesn't he'll never dive in this county ever.
Back on the Planet Desparu, Anerith is unsuccessful in finding food. She changes the subject and asks her brother how he managed to interfere with the Mortals without backlash from the elders? Eisneroth arrogantly tells his sister that the answer is simple: In the past,the other Elder Guardians were always afraid of him. He has more power than all 4 of them combine. Anerith tells her brother that if he wasn't so focused on vengeance against his enemies,he would be making a Universe Domination plan.
Eisneroth tells her that getting rid of ones foe is essential before starting an evil plot. Back on Earth,at Shego and Lee's apartment,Lee is studying for his drivers test. Shego scolds him for being too reckless. Lee is determined to pass this time..a guy needs his wheels after all. Shego gets an idea. Outside in a vacant lot,Shego and Lee are in Shego's car...with Lee in the drivers seat.
Shego tells her Cousin that he'd be more ready for the test if he practices driving, but warns Lee if not to get reckless or careless. Lee begins the private lesson. It takes a few tries (and a few days),but Lee finally gets the hang of driving. Shego is proud. Lee volunteers to drive them home. Shego tells him to get real.
The next week at Middleton High,Lee retakes the test. he does better on the written exam and,thanks to Shego's private lessons,passes the driving portion. Barkin decides to pass him. Back on Desparu,the Siblings combine their energies and try to open a portal to Earth...they fail. Anerith tells Eisneroth that the obvious happened..since they are now mortal,it takes more energy for them to open pork easie wotals. The 2 then decide to find food to get some energy.
On The Watchers Pandora, The 4 Universe Guardians are kicking themselves for not disabling Eisneroth and Anerith's powers when they had a chance. Rii-Sutan leaves for Earth to warn Rayjin about his cousin's eventual return.
3 (89) - Eisneroth And Anerith Strike Back Part 1: Shego and Lee are at Global Justice HQ talking with Betty Director. Shego tells the head of GJ that she'll be retiring from Global Justice immediately. Her reason: She's gotten bored with the missions given to her as there aren't many super powerful criminals out there. She explains that any mission given to her now could easily be handled by the other Agents. She then mentions that she's served out her 'community service' time anyway.
After thinking it over,Dr.Director decides to let Shego go. She then wishes her luck in life. The 2 ladies shake hands. Lee decides to stay and become the top agent. He even jokes about taking Dr. Directors Job. On Desparu, Anerith and Eisneroth combine their energies to create a portal to Earth. The duo arrive on Earth. they are in a wasteland area. Anerith decides the best way to conquer Earth is via hostile takeover. But before they do any thing,they must first get rid of their enemies. She then tells her brother that this won't be for revenge,but to make their work easier without the annoying goody goods getting in their way. She suggests going after Cousin Rayjin last and that Shego is first on the list.
The 2 leave for Middleton to kill Shego. Back in Middleton,Shego and Lee are driving home from the mall,when they talk about Shego leaving GJ. In another part of town,Anerith and Eisneroth arrive and cause havoc to lure out Shego. They destroy buildings and kill innocent civilians. Rayjin arrives and confronts his cousins. They warn him that he can't do a thing,because he,as a Guardian,can't harm mortals.
Rayjin tells his Cousins that he doesn't care and that the Earth must be protected. He then reminds Eisneroth that he himself broke the rules. But Rayjin tells Eisneroth that,unlike him,he's doing it to protect Earth. He then mentions that Shego will need all of the help she can get against them.
Eisneroth and Anerith call Rayjin a fool and attack him. The evil duo and their cousin battle. Lee and Shego see the battle while driving home from a takeout place and go to help. Rayjin tells the Go Cousins to stay back and that he'll handle this.
Meanwhile,At Global Justice HQ,Dr Drakken is working on a new gadget for the agents (a barrier generator belt that can repel lasers and bullets). After testing it out on one of the low level agents,he praises himself.
Back to the battle, Eisneroth and Anerith are having a tough time with Rayjin. After awhile the evil duo has had enough and leave via portal. Rayjin knows that this isn't over..not by a longshot. Rayjin warns Shego that it's likely his cousins will target her when they return. Shego tells him that she'll be ready. After parting ways with Rayjin,the Go Cousins head home to eat their (now cold) meal.
On Earth's Moon,Eisneroth and Anerith plan their next attack. Eisneroth wants vengeance and goes train himself for his battle with the Go cousins. Anerith decides that her brother is unfit to command and plots against him. She then rants on how Earth was supposed to be hers to begin with and that she's finally ready to take her prize
4 (90) - Eisneroth And Anerith Strike Back Part 2: At Shego's apartment,Lee and Shego are watching TV,when they get a call from Dee Go,Lee's Mom. They talk about Lee's future and about Lee coming back home after he graduates in a few months. Lee tells his mom that he's decided to stay in Middleton and help Shego..he then mentions that he's decided to become a Global Justice Agent. Dee scolds her son for this. Lee's father,Keiji,comes on and tells his son to do what he needs to get ahead in life and make him proud. He mentions that being an operative for an underground crime fighting organization beats what he does for a living. He's the vice-president of a paper company (a company that makes paper).
After chatting with his parents,Lee decides to go back to GJHQ,to train. Shego is proud of her Cousin. Meanwhile,Eisneroth and Anerith are ready to go back to Earth. Eisneroth knows the perfect way to lure Shego out...attack Go Tower. So Anerith and Eisneroth open a portal to Go City,Earth.
The Duo arrive at Go Tower and attack it. Meanwhile Team Go and Grandpa Chisao arrive and see the base under attack. After seeing who's attacking Go Tower,They call Global Justice for Lee and Shego. Global Justice gets the call and relays it to Lee as he's taking a break from Training. Lee contacts Shego(who's out with drakken) and tells her the news. Shego tells Lee that she'll meet him their.
Back in Go City,Team Go and Eisneroth are battling,with Anerith watching. Hego questions Aneriths decision to stay out of the fight. Anerith tells him that she has more significant plans to waste energy on. Eisneroth is easily beating the Go's,despite the 6-on-1 advantage they have. Lee arrives via teleporter belt and joins the fight. Shego and Drakken soon arrive in Drakken's hover car.
Lee and Shego battle Eisneroth 1-on-1 and use near perfect teamwork. Chisao tells the others to let Lee and Shego handle this,when Mego wants to jump in. Anerith takes notice. Lee and Shego's teamwork work for a while. But when Eisneroth powers up to full strength,the Go Cousins are outclassed. However,Shego and Le decide to show Eisneroth and his sister how they killed Rucifel.
To everyone's shock, Shego and Lee fuse into the Green and White Aura-ed Go Fighter (known as Go Mega). Let round 2 begin.
5 (91) - Eisneroth and Anerith Strike Back:Go Mega is fights Eisneroth and is on equal standing. Team Go and Chisao talk about the Go Fusion. Anerith realizes that the Go Cousins must've used that technique to fight and kill Rucifel. She then deducts that Go Fusion could be a problem in the future.
Go Mega slowly gets the upper hand,using Shego's techniques. After a long battle,Eisneroth is beaten. Eisneroth demands his Sisters help. Anerith tells him how she really feels and drains her brother of his life force,shocking everyone. Eisneroth is now dead. As He slowly turns into ashes,Anerith slowly transforms.
The power Anerith just required causes her to transform into a stronger form. The heroes are stunned by this. Anerith finishes her transformation and after dialogue,she continues where Eisneroth left off. Go Mega and newly transformed Anerith battle. Anerith splits the fused warrior back into Lee and Shego,shocking the heroes.
Anerith opens a portal. She picks up Shego telekinetically and tells Shego and Lee that they are far to formidable as a team,and that she refuses to let that annoyance slide. So she's splitting them up and sending Shego to a place where she will Never return. Anerith laughs evilly as she throws the struggling Shego into the portal and quickly shuts it.
Lee demands to know where Anerith sent Shego? Anerith smirks and simply says The Chaosverse. Rayjin,watching from his lookout,is shocked and mentions that due to the atmosphere,any power that originated from the Cosmoverse won't work...so Shego will be powerless against the deadliest evils in the universe. Rayjin reveals that one of the jobs of the planetary guardians is to banish the the most evil beings from their respective planets into the Chaosverse...beings that were too powerful for anyone else to handle.
Anerith laughs evilly. Shego arrives in the Chaosverse (a dark and hellish place) and wonders where the hell she is.
6 (92) - Return Of An Old Foe - Anerith battles Lee and The rest of the Go's and barely manages to beat them. Rayjin arrives to make the save when Anerith is about to finish the family off. Anerith attacks Rayjin and is hit hard when he reflects her blasts back at her. Anerith angrily retreats.
Rayjin introduces himself to Team Go and explains the situation and plans to detect where in the chaosverse Shego is and open a portal to her location,he asks for Lees help,as this task will be extremely tough. Meanwhile,in the Chaosverse,Shego wonders where she is and how she's gonna leave. She runs into a bunch of thugs from different planets,none of which look human. During the fight Shego realizes that she can't use her powers. She curses. Shego manages to beat the criminals though. Shego continues on.
On The Moon,Anerith realizes that even with her new power,she's still gonna have a very tough and headache inducing time with The Go's and Rayjin,so she decides to get more power..and she knows just where to get it. She takes a nap to recharge.
The Team Go (with chisao) return to go tower and find Their Parents. Keiji and Dee Go (lee,jimmy,and gina's parents) and Yuusuke and Sherrie Go (hego,mego,wego,and shego's parents) They greet each other. Dee asks where Lee and Sheila(shego's real name) are?
The Go Team tells them everything. Meanwhile, at Rayjin's lookout, Rayjin is having a tough time detecting Shego,mainly because she's off universe. He keeps trying. Lee prays that Shego is alright. he woudn't know what he'd do if she died.
Back in the Chaosverse,as Shego is trying to find some answers. A familiar voice welcomes her to the Chaosverse. Shego is conrfonted by the voices owner...Kai-Nokk. Shego is surprised to see him. Kai-Nokk wonders how Shego arrived in the Chaosverse? He decides that it doesn't matter because he can finally get revenge and since Shego is powerless here,it will be easy. When askd Kai-Nokk tells Shego that due to the atmosphere here,Any and all powers originating from the Cosmoverse won't work. Shego forgot about that. Kai-Nokk mocks Shego and the 2 fight.
Watching from her lookout (the hell master's pandora) high above the center of the Chaosverse,The New Ruler of the Chaosverse wants Shego when Kai-Nokk is finished with her. Back at the battle,Shego and Kai-Nokk are equal strength. the 2 battle towards a cliff. Shego manages to knock him off the cliff. Kai-Nokk falls to his death.
Shego is suddenly transported to the Hell Master's Pandora,where the New Master of the Chaosverse greets her. Shego asks who the hell is she and where the hell is she now?
The New Ruler tells her that she's on The Hell Master's Pandora,in the center of the Universe. And she is Damnatia,Daughter of Rucifel and New Master of the Chaosverse.
7 (93) - Twilight of The Gods: Shego comes face to face to with the Lord of the Chaosverse. Shego asks what she wants with her? Damnatia tells Shego that she wants revenge...for what she and her cousin did: Kill her father. Damnatia laughs at Shego's current situation and tells her that vengeance is gonna be so sweet. She then tells Shego that one day she'll get her cousin too. When asks how she knew about Rucifel's death? Damnatia tells her that she has trained herself to sense life force from the Main Universe. She sensed the whole fight.
Shego,a bit tired from her fight with Kai-Nokk,readies for a fight. Damnatia laughs at Shego for even attempting to fight in her current state. Shego is determined to win...or at least battle until Rayjin shows up. On Rayjin's Lookout,The Earth's Guardian is having a hard time pinpointing Shego's life force. Meanwhile,Anerith has awoken and is ready to go after the 4 Elder Guardians. She goes to the Watchers Pandora via portal and confronts the Guardians.
They threaten her,but she shrugs it off. When asked,Anerith tells them that she's here to absorbs their life force. The Guardian Rii-Sutan tells her that her visit was wasted,because she can only take the life force of Mortal creatures. Anerith laughs and tells her that she can turn immortals mortal now..thanks to the powers she got from her "undearly departed" Brother.
Sutan warns her if she refuses leave,she'll be forced off the pandora. Anerith just laughs and calls the bluff,as the Guardians can't harm Mortals. She then tells them that too bad for them the opposite isn't true. Anerith begins her attack. The Elders have no choice but to fight back.
Back in the Chaosverse,Shego and Damnatia ae battling,wish Shego at a slight disadvantage. Back on the Watchers Pandora,With her new enhanced power,Anerith is able to beat the Elders easily. She turns Elder Miriza into a mortal and drains her of her life force. She then does the same to Rookus and then Haanson. And finally Rii-Sutan,the leader.
Anerith transforms again,just as the Dead Elders turn to dust. Her new form is slightly more monstrous. She's also way more powerful.
Back at Rayjin's lookout,Rayjin finally pinpoints Shego's life force and opens the portal to the Chaosverse. Lee leaves to retrieves his Cousin. Lee enters the battle against Damnatia. Damnatia is happy to see Lee,now she can get her revenge in full. Shego explains who Damnatia is. After double teaming Damnatia,the Go Cousins leave though Rayjins portal. Damnatia is pissed.
Back on Rayjin's look out, The Go's have returned. Rayjin gives them bad news,Anerith has absorbed the life force from the Elder Guardians and is now far more powerful than anything the Universe has ever faced. Shego collapses due to exhaustion. Rayjin tells the concerned Lee that she'll be okay and back to full strength after a long nap.
Back on the now empty Watchers Pandora,The newly transformed Anerith is ready to start her Conquest of Earth.
8 (94) - Anerith's Ascension: Anerith teleports to Earth (without a portal) and crashes The UN while they're having their annual televised world peace and environmental event. Anerith executes some of the world leaders and begins her broadcast. She introduces herself as Goddess Anerith and that she will be Earth's new master. She then tells the world what she will do. First she'll disband Earth's military,because she finds unevolved beings with military might disturbing.
Then she will establish houses of worship around the world where everybody will worship her as their Goddess. And that worship services are mandatory. Next she will require everyone to serve her in some form or another and that she'll be listing the jobs very soon. She then says that she will be terminating those she feels that are not fit to serve her at all and that All must serve her. She finally mentions that individual freedom will be snuffed out,as she doesn't like opposition.
Back at Go Tower,while flipping though the Channels,Mego sees Anerith's broadcast and calls in the rest of the Go's (and Drakken) to watch. Team Go decides to go to NYC and battle Anerith. Back at the UN,Anerith's tyrannical declaration is interrupted by the UN military.
Anerith disposes them all easily and returns to delivering her message. She concludes with a warning: Any one who opposes her,will be executed and that she'll be back with another broadcast tomorrow. After her broadcast,she flies outside to the roof of the building and sees the Go Jet flying toward her. The jet lands on the UN building and Team Go confront Anerith.
On Rayjin's lookout, Rayjin has been watching Anerith and is uneasy about her new powers. Lee is inside Rayjin sanctuary staying with Shego as she sleeps. Back at the UN, Team Go battles Anerith and isn't faring too well. The team fights well,but they have no luck beating her.
Anerith decides to spare them for now.and go after a more significant Foe.. Lee Go and Rayjin. she sences both on Rayjin's lookout and leaves for there (she flies this time).
On Rayjin's look out,Shego awakens and asks what's going on? Lee is happy to see his cousin alright and gives her a hug. He tells her that Anerith has just absorbed the life of the Elder Guardians and is now stronger than ever. Shego is ready to get even with her for throwing her in the Chaosverse.
Anerith arrives and makes her threats. Rayjin prepares to fight despite the odds being against him. Shego and Lee arrive. Anerith is shocked too see Shego as she thought it would've taken Rayjin alot longer to find her in the Chaosverse. She then says it doesn't matter as all 3 will be killed today.
Shego wants to face Anerith 1-on-1 and she wants to do it without any spectators. Lee argues and tells her that i'd be best if they work together. Shego doesn't want to see Lee getting hurt and tells him that even with his copy ability,he's still no match for Anerith. She tells him that she's the only one strong enough to kill this monster. Rajin agrees and tells Lee that they will retreat to Go Tower and await for Shego's return.
Reluctantly,Lee agrees. After Rayjin teleports both Lee and himself to Go Tower, Shego readies herself for battle.
1 (87) - Armagedar's Vengeance: The Possibles,Stoppables,Drakken,and the Go Cousins prepare for Kim and Ron's Wedding. Meanwhile,out in space,a Lorwardian space craft is headed for Earth. At the Middleton Civic Center,The Wedding is about to take place. As the ceremony is about to begin, the Lorwardian ship crash lands outside the church. The Kim,Ron,Shego and Lee go investigate. Outside they meet the Ships owner. He is a Lorwardian named Armagedar,Son of Warhok and Warmonga. He comes to seek vengeance against the ones who Killed his parents,Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. Kim explains the nature of his parents and tells him that Ron had no choice. At first the Lorwardian is in disbelief that Kim and Ron would be capable of beating a Lorwardian,but he senses great power in Ron and a strong fighting spirit in Kim. He comes to terms with the fact that they killed his parents and prepares to attack. Kim and Ron tell Shego and Lee to stay out of this and this is their fight. Shego agrees. Meanwhile, Draken,Vice-Principle Barken,and the Possibles are keeping every inside the civic center calm and assure them that the Alien will be dealt with. Outside,Kim and Ron (using his mystic monkey powers)battle the Alien and with team work beat him. Armagedar is beaten and asks Kim and Ron to finish him off,since this battle has proven to himself that he is unworthy to life. Kim and Ron spare the Lorwardian's life and Kim tells him that fighting doesn't need to lead to death and that Killing isn't their thing. After the Lorwardian thinks about Kim's words and leaves the earth,vowing to return. Soon after the Lorwardian departs,the wedding ceremony of Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable continues..uninterrupted. Drakken wonders if he and Shego will marry in the future. Shego blushes and says no comment.
2 (88) - Driving Mr. Go: Lee enters his senior year of High School at Middleton High (much to the amazement of Vice-Principal Barkin) and is eligible by Law (both state and school) to take a Drivers test and get a lerners permit. Meanwhile, on the barren Planet known as Desparu, Eisneroth and Anerith are thinking of a way off of this Planet. Eisneroth starts rambling about Shego and says that if she'd just stick to the path he set for her,his bad luck wouldn't even exist and he'd be closer to ruling the Universe. Anerith,annoyed at her brothers ranting,asks him what the hell he's babbling about.
Eisneroth tells his sister that when Shego first got her powers,he encouraged her to become evil,which was easy since she had a small nasty streak to begin with. however things didn't turn out as planned. he hoped she'd be a genocidal maniac,instead she became a criminal with somewhat of a moral compass. He wanted a Genocidal nut and got a common criminal instead...who hasn't even killed. The fallen guardian wonders what the hell went wrong? and that Shego had the potential to be Both homicidal and Genocidal. He then mentions that he talked the Lorwardians into invading Earth and killing off it's people,but they were stupid and they failed.
Anerith tells her Bro that it doesn't matter and that nothing matters at this point except for escaping this planet. She sees a small rodent and drains it of its life force,killing it and increasing her strength slightly in the process. Eisneroth notices her power and asks about it. Anerith tells him that she has had that power since birth,but never got a chance to use it. She inherited it from their father.
Then it hits Eisneroth,he realizes that they both still have their powers and that they can make a portal back to earth. Anerith tells Eisneroth that it's worth a shot,but that first she wants to eat and leaves to find food. Back on Earth,Lee is taking his drivers test (with barkin as the substitute teacher,as the regular was in a car accident and will be out for the next 2 weeks). Lee barely passes the written exam,but fails the driving test,due to his semi-reckless nature. Barkin decides to give Lee one more chance next week and tells him to study hard and lean self control,because if he doesn't he'll never dive in this county ever.
Back on the Planet Desparu, Anerith is unsuccessful in finding food. She changes the subject and asks her brother how he managed to interfere with the Mortals without backlash from the elders? Eisneroth arrogantly tells his sister that the answer is simple: In the past,the other Elder Guardians were always afraid of him. He has more power than all 4 of them combine. Anerith tells her brother that if he wasn't so focused on vengeance against his enemies,he would be making a Universe Domination plan.
Eisneroth tells her that getting rid of ones foe is essential before starting an evil plot. Back on Earth,at Shego and Lee's apartment,Lee is studying for his drivers test. Shego scolds him for being too reckless. Lee is determined to pass this time..a guy needs his wheels after all. Shego gets an idea. Outside in a vacant lot,Shego and Lee are in Shego's car...with Lee in the drivers seat.
Shego tells her Cousin that he'd be more ready for the test if he practices driving, but warns Lee if not to get reckless or careless. Lee begins the private lesson. It takes a few tries (and a few days),but Lee finally gets the hang of driving. Shego is proud. Lee volunteers to drive them home. Shego tells him to get real.
The next week at Middleton High,Lee retakes the test. he does better on the written exam and,thanks to Shego's private lessons,passes the driving portion. Barkin decides to pass him. Back on Desparu,the Siblings combine their energies and try to open a portal to Earth...they fail. Anerith tells Eisneroth that the obvious happened..since they are now mortal,it takes more energy for them to open pork easie wotals. The 2 then decide to find food to get some energy.
On The Watchers Pandora, The 4 Universe Guardians are kicking themselves for not disabling Eisneroth and Anerith's powers when they had a chance. Rii-Sutan leaves for Earth to warn Rayjin about his cousin's eventual return.
3 (89) - Eisneroth And Anerith Strike Back Part 1: Shego and Lee are at Global Justice HQ talking with Betty Director. Shego tells the head of GJ that she'll be retiring from Global Justice immediately. Her reason: She's gotten bored with the missions given to her as there aren't many super powerful criminals out there. She explains that any mission given to her now could easily be handled by the other Agents. She then mentions that she's served out her 'community service' time anyway.
After thinking it over,Dr.Director decides to let Shego go. She then wishes her luck in life. The 2 ladies shake hands. Lee decides to stay and become the top agent. He even jokes about taking Dr. Directors Job. On Desparu, Anerith and Eisneroth combine their energies to create a portal to Earth. The duo arrive on Earth. they are in a wasteland area. Anerith decides the best way to conquer Earth is via hostile takeover. But before they do any thing,they must first get rid of their enemies. She then tells her brother that this won't be for revenge,but to make their work easier without the annoying goody goods getting in their way. She suggests going after Cousin Rayjin last and that Shego is first on the list.
The 2 leave for Middleton to kill Shego. Back in Middleton,Shego and Lee are driving home from the mall,when they talk about Shego leaving GJ. In another part of town,Anerith and Eisneroth arrive and cause havoc to lure out Shego. They destroy buildings and kill innocent civilians. Rayjin arrives and confronts his cousins. They warn him that he can't do a thing,because he,as a Guardian,can't harm mortals.
Rayjin tells his Cousins that he doesn't care and that the Earth must be protected. He then reminds Eisneroth that he himself broke the rules. But Rayjin tells Eisneroth that,unlike him,he's doing it to protect Earth. He then mentions that Shego will need all of the help she can get against them.
Eisneroth and Anerith call Rayjin a fool and attack him. The evil duo and their cousin battle. Lee and Shego see the battle while driving home from a takeout place and go to help. Rayjin tells the Go Cousins to stay back and that he'll handle this.
Meanwhile,At Global Justice HQ,Dr Drakken is working on a new gadget for the agents (a barrier generator belt that can repel lasers and bullets). After testing it out on one of the low level agents,he praises himself.
Back to the battle, Eisneroth and Anerith are having a tough time with Rayjin. After awhile the evil duo has had enough and leave via portal. Rayjin knows that this isn't over..not by a longshot. Rayjin warns Shego that it's likely his cousins will target her when they return. Shego tells him that she'll be ready. After parting ways with Rayjin,the Go Cousins head home to eat their (now cold) meal.
On Earth's Moon,Eisneroth and Anerith plan their next attack. Eisneroth wants vengeance and goes train himself for his battle with the Go cousins. Anerith decides that her brother is unfit to command and plots against him. She then rants on how Earth was supposed to be hers to begin with and that she's finally ready to take her prize
4 (90) - Eisneroth And Anerith Strike Back Part 2: At Shego's apartment,Lee and Shego are watching TV,when they get a call from Dee Go,Lee's Mom. They talk about Lee's future and about Lee coming back home after he graduates in a few months. Lee tells his mom that he's decided to stay in Middleton and help Shego..he then mentions that he's decided to become a Global Justice Agent. Dee scolds her son for this. Lee's father,Keiji,comes on and tells his son to do what he needs to get ahead in life and make him proud. He mentions that being an operative for an underground crime fighting organization beats what he does for a living. He's the vice-president of a paper company (a company that makes paper).
After chatting with his parents,Lee decides to go back to GJHQ,to train. Shego is proud of her Cousin. Meanwhile,Eisneroth and Anerith are ready to go back to Earth. Eisneroth knows the perfect way to lure Shego out...attack Go Tower. So Anerith and Eisneroth open a portal to Go City,Earth.
The Duo arrive at Go Tower and attack it. Meanwhile Team Go and Grandpa Chisao arrive and see the base under attack. After seeing who's attacking Go Tower,They call Global Justice for Lee and Shego. Global Justice gets the call and relays it to Lee as he's taking a break from Training. Lee contacts Shego(who's out with drakken) and tells her the news. Shego tells Lee that she'll meet him their.
Back in Go City,Team Go and Eisneroth are battling,with Anerith watching. Hego questions Aneriths decision to stay out of the fight. Anerith tells him that she has more significant plans to waste energy on. Eisneroth is easily beating the Go's,despite the 6-on-1 advantage they have. Lee arrives via teleporter belt and joins the fight. Shego and Drakken soon arrive in Drakken's hover car.
Lee and Shego battle Eisneroth 1-on-1 and use near perfect teamwork. Chisao tells the others to let Lee and Shego handle this,when Mego wants to jump in. Anerith takes notice. Lee and Shego's teamwork work for a while. But when Eisneroth powers up to full strength,the Go Cousins are outclassed. However,Shego and Le decide to show Eisneroth and his sister how they killed Rucifel.
To everyone's shock, Shego and Lee fuse into the Green and White Aura-ed Go Fighter (known as Go Mega). Let round 2 begin.
5 (91) - Eisneroth and Anerith Strike Back:Go Mega is fights Eisneroth and is on equal standing. Team Go and Chisao talk about the Go Fusion. Anerith realizes that the Go Cousins must've used that technique to fight and kill Rucifel. She then deducts that Go Fusion could be a problem in the future.
Go Mega slowly gets the upper hand,using Shego's techniques. After a long battle,Eisneroth is beaten. Eisneroth demands his Sisters help. Anerith tells him how she really feels and drains her brother of his life force,shocking everyone. Eisneroth is now dead. As He slowly turns into ashes,Anerith slowly transforms.
The power Anerith just required causes her to transform into a stronger form. The heroes are stunned by this. Anerith finishes her transformation and after dialogue,she continues where Eisneroth left off. Go Mega and newly transformed Anerith battle. Anerith splits the fused warrior back into Lee and Shego,shocking the heroes.
Anerith opens a portal. She picks up Shego telekinetically and tells Shego and Lee that they are far to formidable as a team,and that she refuses to let that annoyance slide. So she's splitting them up and sending Shego to a place where she will Never return. Anerith laughs evilly as she throws the struggling Shego into the portal and quickly shuts it.
Lee demands to know where Anerith sent Shego? Anerith smirks and simply says The Chaosverse. Rayjin,watching from his lookout,is shocked and mentions that due to the atmosphere,any power that originated from the Cosmoverse won't work...so Shego will be powerless against the deadliest evils in the universe. Rayjin reveals that one of the jobs of the planetary guardians is to banish the the most evil beings from their respective planets into the Chaosverse...beings that were too powerful for anyone else to handle.
Anerith laughs evilly. Shego arrives in the Chaosverse (a dark and hellish place) and wonders where the hell she is.
6 (92) - Return Of An Old Foe - Anerith battles Lee and The rest of the Go's and barely manages to beat them. Rayjin arrives to make the save when Anerith is about to finish the family off. Anerith attacks Rayjin and is hit hard when he reflects her blasts back at her. Anerith angrily retreats.
Rayjin introduces himself to Team Go and explains the situation and plans to detect where in the chaosverse Shego is and open a portal to her location,he asks for Lees help,as this task will be extremely tough. Meanwhile,in the Chaosverse,Shego wonders where she is and how she's gonna leave. She runs into a bunch of thugs from different planets,none of which look human. During the fight Shego realizes that she can't use her powers. She curses. Shego manages to beat the criminals though. Shego continues on.
On The Moon,Anerith realizes that even with her new power,she's still gonna have a very tough and headache inducing time with The Go's and Rayjin,so she decides to get more power..and she knows just where to get it. She takes a nap to recharge.
The Team Go (with chisao) return to go tower and find Their Parents. Keiji and Dee Go (lee,jimmy,and gina's parents) and Yuusuke and Sherrie Go (hego,mego,wego,and shego's parents) They greet each other. Dee asks where Lee and Sheila(shego's real name) are?
The Go Team tells them everything. Meanwhile, at Rayjin's lookout, Rayjin is having a tough time detecting Shego,mainly because she's off universe. He keeps trying. Lee prays that Shego is alright. he woudn't know what he'd do if she died.
Back in the Chaosverse,as Shego is trying to find some answers. A familiar voice welcomes her to the Chaosverse. Shego is conrfonted by the voices owner...Kai-Nokk. Shego is surprised to see him. Kai-Nokk wonders how Shego arrived in the Chaosverse? He decides that it doesn't matter because he can finally get revenge and since Shego is powerless here,it will be easy. When askd Kai-Nokk tells Shego that due to the atmosphere here,Any and all powers originating from the Cosmoverse won't work. Shego forgot about that. Kai-Nokk mocks Shego and the 2 fight.
Watching from her lookout (the hell master's pandora) high above the center of the Chaosverse,The New Ruler of the Chaosverse wants Shego when Kai-Nokk is finished with her. Back at the battle,Shego and Kai-Nokk are equal strength. the 2 battle towards a cliff. Shego manages to knock him off the cliff. Kai-Nokk falls to his death.
Shego is suddenly transported to the Hell Master's Pandora,where the New Master of the Chaosverse greets her. Shego asks who the hell is she and where the hell is she now?
The New Ruler tells her that she's on The Hell Master's Pandora,in the center of the Universe. And she is Damnatia,Daughter of Rucifel and New Master of the Chaosverse.
7 (93) - Twilight of The Gods: Shego comes face to face to with the Lord of the Chaosverse. Shego asks what she wants with her? Damnatia tells Shego that she wants revenge...for what she and her cousin did: Kill her father. Damnatia laughs at Shego's current situation and tells her that vengeance is gonna be so sweet. She then tells Shego that one day she'll get her cousin too. When asks how she knew about Rucifel's death? Damnatia tells her that she has trained herself to sense life force from the Main Universe. She sensed the whole fight.
Shego,a bit tired from her fight with Kai-Nokk,readies for a fight. Damnatia laughs at Shego for even attempting to fight in her current state. Shego is determined to win...or at least battle until Rayjin shows up. On Rayjin's Lookout,The Earth's Guardian is having a hard time pinpointing Shego's life force. Meanwhile,Anerith has awoken and is ready to go after the 4 Elder Guardians. She goes to the Watchers Pandora via portal and confronts the Guardians.
They threaten her,but she shrugs it off. When asked,Anerith tells them that she's here to absorbs their life force. The Guardian Rii-Sutan tells her that her visit was wasted,because she can only take the life force of Mortal creatures. Anerith laughs and tells her that she can turn immortals mortal now..thanks to the powers she got from her "undearly departed" Brother.
Sutan warns her if she refuses leave,she'll be forced off the pandora. Anerith just laughs and calls the bluff,as the Guardians can't harm Mortals. She then tells them that too bad for them the opposite isn't true. Anerith begins her attack. The Elders have no choice but to fight back.
Back in the Chaosverse,Shego and Damnatia ae battling,wish Shego at a slight disadvantage. Back on the Watchers Pandora,With her new enhanced power,Anerith is able to beat the Elders easily. She turns Elder Miriza into a mortal and drains her of her life force. She then does the same to Rookus and then Haanson. And finally Rii-Sutan,the leader.
Anerith transforms again,just as the Dead Elders turn to dust. Her new form is slightly more monstrous. She's also way more powerful.
Back at Rayjin's lookout,Rayjin finally pinpoints Shego's life force and opens the portal to the Chaosverse. Lee leaves to retrieves his Cousin. Lee enters the battle against Damnatia. Damnatia is happy to see Lee,now she can get her revenge in full. Shego explains who Damnatia is. After double teaming Damnatia,the Go Cousins leave though Rayjins portal. Damnatia is pissed.
Back on Rayjin's look out, The Go's have returned. Rayjin gives them bad news,Anerith has absorbed the life force from the Elder Guardians and is now far more powerful than anything the Universe has ever faced. Shego collapses due to exhaustion. Rayjin tells the concerned Lee that she'll be okay and back to full strength after a long nap.
Back on the now empty Watchers Pandora,The newly transformed Anerith is ready to start her Conquest of Earth.
8 (94) - Anerith's Ascension: Anerith teleports to Earth (without a portal) and crashes The UN while they're having their annual televised world peace and environmental event. Anerith executes some of the world leaders and begins her broadcast. She introduces herself as Goddess Anerith and that she will be Earth's new master. She then tells the world what she will do. First she'll disband Earth's military,because she finds unevolved beings with military might disturbing.
Then she will establish houses of worship around the world where everybody will worship her as their Goddess. And that worship services are mandatory. Next she will require everyone to serve her in some form or another and that she'll be listing the jobs very soon. She then says that she will be terminating those she feels that are not fit to serve her at all and that All must serve her. She finally mentions that individual freedom will be snuffed out,as she doesn't like opposition.
Back at Go Tower,while flipping though the Channels,Mego sees Anerith's broadcast and calls in the rest of the Go's (and Drakken) to watch. Team Go decides to go to NYC and battle Anerith. Back at the UN,Anerith's tyrannical declaration is interrupted by the UN military.
Anerith disposes them all easily and returns to delivering her message. She concludes with a warning: Any one who opposes her,will be executed and that she'll be back with another broadcast tomorrow. After her broadcast,she flies outside to the roof of the building and sees the Go Jet flying toward her. The jet lands on the UN building and Team Go confront Anerith.
On Rayjin's lookout, Rayjin has been watching Anerith and is uneasy about her new powers. Lee is inside Rayjin sanctuary staying with Shego as she sleeps. Back at the UN, Team Go battles Anerith and isn't faring too well. The team fights well,but they have no luck beating her.
Anerith decides to spare them for now.and go after a more significant Foe.. Lee Go and Rayjin. she sences both on Rayjin's lookout and leaves for there (she flies this time).
On Rayjin's look out,Shego awakens and asks what's going on? Lee is happy to see his cousin alright and gives her a hug. He tells her that Anerith has just absorbed the life of the Elder Guardians and is now stronger than ever. Shego is ready to get even with her for throwing her in the Chaosverse.
Anerith arrives and makes her threats. Rayjin prepares to fight despite the odds being against him. Shego and Lee arrive. Anerith is shocked too see Shego as she thought it would've taken Rayjin alot longer to find her in the Chaosverse. She then says it doesn't matter as all 3 will be killed today.
Shego wants to face Anerith 1-on-1 and she wants to do it without any spectators. Lee argues and tells her that i'd be best if they work together. Shego doesn't want to see Lee getting hurt and tells him that even with his copy ability,he's still no match for Anerith. She tells him that she's the only one strong enough to kill this monster. Rajin agrees and tells Lee that they will retreat to Go Tower and await for Shego's return.
Reluctantly,Lee agrees. After Rayjin teleports both Lee and himself to Go Tower, Shego readies herself for battle.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Disney Destiny League Character Bio - Melody
Hiya, Toonsters!
Love to talk about my life story and everything in between. But, I already took care of my reasons on my last blog. So, enough of the camaraderie, let's get back to business and that is fighting to save Disney. Speaking of which, my next Disney-related blog is the best of two worlds, so to speak. As you know, I not only long for Disney's resurgence to a new Golden Age, but also have to defend The Little Mermaid from those who speak badly about it, including the part about Ariel. Where I am going with this, you ask? This is subject of my next Destiny League character blog and that character is Ariel's daughter, Melody.
Background: The daughter of Ariel and Prince Eric and granddaughter to King Triton, Melody is the bridge between the human world and the merworld. In otherwords, she brought everlasting peace between the humans and the merfolk after Ariel and Eric got married. But that peace almost shattered when Ursula's sister, Morgana nearly ruined the celebration of Melody's christening. To ensure Melody's safety, Ariel didn't want her know about Atlantica, the merfolk, and everything in between. Years later, now 12 years old, and despite Ariel forbidding her from going into the sea, Melody went on and travel into the sea anyway. During her exploring she discovered a seashell necklace of sorts, which was revealed to be her necklace, which doubles as a music box, which revealed her true heritage. Ariel reprimanded her about that and Melody ran away from to find the answers she seeks, which ultimately fell into the hands of Morgana. Not only she turned Melody into a mermaid (temporary, by the way), but also lied to her that "her" trident was stolen. It was all a cover for her true motives, to seek revenge against everyone responsible for Ursula's death. Realizing the truth, Melody redeems herself by facing Morgana alone and gave the trident back to her grandfather, King Triton. With the trident back in his hands, Triton incased Morgana in a block of ice. With Morgana defeated, Melody reunites with her family and reconcile, including her mother, Ariel. No longer later than that, Triton offers her granddaughter a choice, be with her family on the land or live with him in the sea. Melody decided to bring the best of both worlds back to her life, by removing the barrier that's between Prince Eric's castle and the sea. Whether she's a human or mermaid, Melody is indeed the bridge between two worlds and she prefer it that way.
Appearance, Gear & Personality: When she was frozen in ice, she wore here familiar undergarments, including the baggie pants similar to Aladdin. And her hairstyle remains intact, having Prince Eric's haircolor and similar to Ariel's hair, but wrapped in a ponytail and has aqua blue eyes. But, when she starts living in this dark new world, she traded in her undergarments with more casual clothing: light blue demin shorts, short white socks, white sneakers with the straps with the seashells on sides, almost in the style of the sneakers wore by Sonic the Hedgehog, and of course, the jersey of the classic Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, given to her by Wildwing, as a token of friendship. And, of course, she wears that seashell necklace, which has her name on it, which doubles as a music box, which represents her heritage. When she's a mermaid, she has a pink tail and a matching pink seashell brassiere. Although she can change from human to mermaid and back again just like her mother, thanks to Rayjin, she doesn't any special powers, just her cleverness and cunning, plus she like to play sports, including hockey, when guided by her big brother figure, Wildwing. Just like Ariel, Melody is the most kind, and caring person in all the cosmos, and a bit headstrong and naïve, just like her mother. Despite her flaws, Melody is willing to help those in need, big or small, even being one with nature, whether it's on the land or in the sea.
Sidestory: During an excavation in finding anything relating to what's left of the undersea kingdom of Atlantica, scientists discovered something more than treasure, much more. They found a young girl, frozen in ice. And that girl is Melody. Later, Rayjin and rest of the Destiny League were watching the news to know about the excavation. But when they show the image of Melody's frozen tomb, Ariel was shocked that she is alive, frozen, but alive. Initially believing that she has no family left after Igor's reign of terror and now that she knows that she is still alive, Ariel wanted to see her again. Meanwhile, just as the scientists were going to take her back to the lab and thaw her out, Igor, along with the Saurian Overlord, Dragonus, attacked the scientists and take Melody, ice tomb and all, back with them. Igor figures that if Melody is alive, her mother Ariel will stop at nothing to get her back. The Destiny League learned of Igor's latest attack and decided to go after them and save Melody. Ariel wanted to go, but Tron insisted that she stays because Igor will use Melody to play mind games with her and will destroy her, killing of the last known descendant of King Triton. Ariel agrees to stay, but without the others' knowledge, she decided to go anyway, by sneaking out through a stream in her mermaid form. Later, just as Dragonus and his fellow Saurians were going to dissect her, the Destiny League jumped in and fight them. Tron put up an effort against Dragonus, but the Saurian Overlord himself was much stronger and cunning, especially with his cloaking device. That is until Ariel came out last minute and saved Tron and the other Destiny Leaguers before making their escape with Melody, which angered Dragonus, knowing that Igor with be furious with him. Ariel apologized to Tron for disobeying him, but her instincts as a mother wouldn't let her stand idly by and see Melody get hurt. Tron accepts her apology because from his knowledge, he knows what it's like to be a father figure to everybody, including training Beck back in the Grid. Meanwhile, Rayjin thawed out Melody, but she was still unconscious, even though she is still alive. Being frozen for a long time causes long term effects in a young age. Rayjin gave her the best treatment he can, but it was no use. Ariel decided to stay with Melody in the infirmary for awhile until she wakes up. From reading stories, to singing to her, Ariel did what she could do to wake her up. Then, she prayed for Melody's recovery to not just Poseidon, but to God, as well. While praying, Ariel broke into tears, pleaing to the gods to bring her back. Later, Ariel was fast asleep while sitting next to Melody. Tron, Rayjin and the other Leaguers came in and tell her she can leave. Ariel respectively refuse to leave her side. While everyone was still talking, and without their knowledge, Melody, by some miracle, slowly wakes up. She wanted to know what is happening. Ariel told her not now cause she was talking but paused for a second and realized that Melody was awake and she embraced her. A miracle, indeed. Later, after being told of what happened by Rayjin and Ariel, Melody is starting to grasp on the reality that Igor has turned the entire Disney world into his world of darkness and she has no family left. But, even though her grandfather, her father and everyone else are gone, as long as she has her mother and the rest of the Destiny League, she will never feel alone.
And that is Melody in a nutshell, not really anyway. Tune in next time for another Destiny League character bio, for I will talk about the leader of the Mighty Ducks himself, Wildwing. Stay frosty and Godspeed, my friends.
Stefan's Note: Melody is NOT a Canon Member of Destiny League.
Love to talk about my life story and everything in between. But, I already took care of my reasons on my last blog. So, enough of the camaraderie, let's get back to business and that is fighting to save Disney. Speaking of which, my next Disney-related blog is the best of two worlds, so to speak. As you know, I not only long for Disney's resurgence to a new Golden Age, but also have to defend The Little Mermaid from those who speak badly about it, including the part about Ariel. Where I am going with this, you ask? This is subject of my next Destiny League character blog and that character is Ariel's daughter, Melody.
Background: The daughter of Ariel and Prince Eric and granddaughter to King Triton, Melody is the bridge between the human world and the merworld. In otherwords, she brought everlasting peace between the humans and the merfolk after Ariel and Eric got married. But that peace almost shattered when Ursula's sister, Morgana nearly ruined the celebration of Melody's christening. To ensure Melody's safety, Ariel didn't want her know about Atlantica, the merfolk, and everything in between. Years later, now 12 years old, and despite Ariel forbidding her from going into the sea, Melody went on and travel into the sea anyway. During her exploring she discovered a seashell necklace of sorts, which was revealed to be her necklace, which doubles as a music box, which revealed her true heritage. Ariel reprimanded her about that and Melody ran away from to find the answers she seeks, which ultimately fell into the hands of Morgana. Not only she turned Melody into a mermaid (temporary, by the way), but also lied to her that "her" trident was stolen. It was all a cover for her true motives, to seek revenge against everyone responsible for Ursula's death. Realizing the truth, Melody redeems herself by facing Morgana alone and gave the trident back to her grandfather, King Triton. With the trident back in his hands, Triton incased Morgana in a block of ice. With Morgana defeated, Melody reunites with her family and reconcile, including her mother, Ariel. No longer later than that, Triton offers her granddaughter a choice, be with her family on the land or live with him in the sea. Melody decided to bring the best of both worlds back to her life, by removing the barrier that's between Prince Eric's castle and the sea. Whether she's a human or mermaid, Melody is indeed the bridge between two worlds and she prefer it that way.
Appearance, Gear & Personality: When she was frozen in ice, she wore here familiar undergarments, including the baggie pants similar to Aladdin. And her hairstyle remains intact, having Prince Eric's haircolor and similar to Ariel's hair, but wrapped in a ponytail and has aqua blue eyes. But, when she starts living in this dark new world, she traded in her undergarments with more casual clothing: light blue demin shorts, short white socks, white sneakers with the straps with the seashells on sides, almost in the style of the sneakers wore by Sonic the Hedgehog, and of course, the jersey of the classic Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, given to her by Wildwing, as a token of friendship. And, of course, she wears that seashell necklace, which has her name on it, which doubles as a music box, which represents her heritage. When she's a mermaid, she has a pink tail and a matching pink seashell brassiere. Although she can change from human to mermaid and back again just like her mother, thanks to Rayjin, she doesn't any special powers, just her cleverness and cunning, plus she like to play sports, including hockey, when guided by her big brother figure, Wildwing. Just like Ariel, Melody is the most kind, and caring person in all the cosmos, and a bit headstrong and naïve, just like her mother. Despite her flaws, Melody is willing to help those in need, big or small, even being one with nature, whether it's on the land or in the sea.
Sidestory: During an excavation in finding anything relating to what's left of the undersea kingdom of Atlantica, scientists discovered something more than treasure, much more. They found a young girl, frozen in ice. And that girl is Melody. Later, Rayjin and rest of the Destiny League were watching the news to know about the excavation. But when they show the image of Melody's frozen tomb, Ariel was shocked that she is alive, frozen, but alive. Initially believing that she has no family left after Igor's reign of terror and now that she knows that she is still alive, Ariel wanted to see her again. Meanwhile, just as the scientists were going to take her back to the lab and thaw her out, Igor, along with the Saurian Overlord, Dragonus, attacked the scientists and take Melody, ice tomb and all, back with them. Igor figures that if Melody is alive, her mother Ariel will stop at nothing to get her back. The Destiny League learned of Igor's latest attack and decided to go after them and save Melody. Ariel wanted to go, but Tron insisted that she stays because Igor will use Melody to play mind games with her and will destroy her, killing of the last known descendant of King Triton. Ariel agrees to stay, but without the others' knowledge, she decided to go anyway, by sneaking out through a stream in her mermaid form. Later, just as Dragonus and his fellow Saurians were going to dissect her, the Destiny League jumped in and fight them. Tron put up an effort against Dragonus, but the Saurian Overlord himself was much stronger and cunning, especially with his cloaking device. That is until Ariel came out last minute and saved Tron and the other Destiny Leaguers before making their escape with Melody, which angered Dragonus, knowing that Igor with be furious with him. Ariel apologized to Tron for disobeying him, but her instincts as a mother wouldn't let her stand idly by and see Melody get hurt. Tron accepts her apology because from his knowledge, he knows what it's like to be a father figure to everybody, including training Beck back in the Grid. Meanwhile, Rayjin thawed out Melody, but she was still unconscious, even though she is still alive. Being frozen for a long time causes long term effects in a young age. Rayjin gave her the best treatment he can, but it was no use. Ariel decided to stay with Melody in the infirmary for awhile until she wakes up. From reading stories, to singing to her, Ariel did what she could do to wake her up. Then, she prayed for Melody's recovery to not just Poseidon, but to God, as well. While praying, Ariel broke into tears, pleaing to the gods to bring her back. Later, Ariel was fast asleep while sitting next to Melody. Tron, Rayjin and the other Leaguers came in and tell her she can leave. Ariel respectively refuse to leave her side. While everyone was still talking, and without their knowledge, Melody, by some miracle, slowly wakes up. She wanted to know what is happening. Ariel told her not now cause she was talking but paused for a second and realized that Melody was awake and she embraced her. A miracle, indeed. Later, after being told of what happened by Rayjin and Ariel, Melody is starting to grasp on the reality that Igor has turned the entire Disney world into his world of darkness and she has no family left. But, even though her grandfather, her father and everyone else are gone, as long as she has her mother and the rest of the Destiny League, she will never feel alone.
And that is Melody in a nutshell, not really anyway. Tune in next time for another Destiny League character bio, for I will talk about the leader of the Mighty Ducks himself, Wildwing. Stay frosty and Godspeed, my friends.
Stefan's Note: Melody is NOT a Canon Member of Destiny League.
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